Field testing the Peopoly Magneto X linear motor 3D printer

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Teaching Tech

Teaching Tech

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@kyleisah 7 ай бұрын
Dang, Teaching Tech giving a shoutout to KAMP totally made my day. Thank you for the kind words Michael! I’m so glad you enjoy it. ❤
@TeachingTech 7 ай бұрын
I'm disappointed it took me so long to try it and I'll be adding it to my other klipper printers. Thanks for your excellent work.
@Zeloverevolution 7 ай бұрын
I install klipper on printers that don't specifically need it just to gain access to KAMP. Thanks for the hard work!
@Johadart 7 ай бұрын
@@TeachingTechHi Michael, just a quick question, will klipper run on the Neptune 3 pro? Thanks in advance..
@ashers_workshop 7 ай бұрын
@@Johadart bro, you can literally make every fdm printer run klipper. You'll need a raspberry pi or a pi clone
@bathrobeheroo 7 ай бұрын
@kyleisah You're a god amongst men! KAMP is so awesome and yet another reason for me to stick to klipper-based printers.
@Amn2k9 7 ай бұрын
Very awesome of Peopoly to do it this way. I own an X1C myself, and am quite happy with it, but that does not mean that I do not excitedly await what other innovations the 3D world will be introducing. This Magneto X printer is definitely impressive, and I look forward to seeing and hearing more about how well it prints, and how it generally compares to other great new printers out there.
@ashers_workshop 7 ай бұрын
This is what I love to see!! Embracing open source, giving back to the community, open for mods etc... I think they are definitely better than bambu who literally made everything proprietary and closed source. Super excited for them!
@hawtdayum 7 ай бұрын
Serious question. What do you honestly see with this printer? Once you get beyond the open source origins and assortment of off the shelf parts what makes it better than a polished (closed)product? It's $2k, the print quality is middling and still in beta testing. damaged build surface @ 10:26, inconsistent probing @ 11: 16, print issue @ 12:10 Every time I see someone champion open source I ask what about it makes them unique. I see an never ending project of variables, parts of various quality and reliance on the "community" to fix issues as most folks do not write code and are following someone else's instructions. Open or closed it matters little. You mentioned Bambu but as far as I know they didnt need the community to finish their printers for them, parts are available and there are wiki, videos on how to disassemble, maintenance and support the machine.
@spikekent 7 ай бұрын
Wow, that looks like an awesome machine, a bit expensive sure, but worth it if it lives up to testing. Looking forward to that video Michael.
@rax2200 7 ай бұрын
this approach to DVT is awesome! this may be my next printer.
@landroveraddict2457 7 ай бұрын
I Love it! Seems like the best of all worlds to me. I think the enclosure should be included as standard, given that a significant part of the cost would be shipping. I don't see anyone buying this printer without the intention of printing ABS or ASA at least some of the time. I did not see a nozzle wipe facility, can it move outside of the bed to a wipe area? I would like to see some speed and accuracy tests please.
@MrPanaramuh 7 ай бұрын
Would love to see actual max flowrate data on this. Most companies now greatly exaggerate max flow rate(Ahem, lookin' at you bamboo.) and then the user is stuck limited because the company tested it with a limited edition 1-of-1 super high speed PLA.
@HarrowedDreams Ай бұрын
Can you test with REALLY HIGH grade plastics, PEEK for instance. How hot does nozzle get? Can you push bed past 130?? Etc
@inlifeiamdeadindeath 7 ай бұрын
Does the belt and pully'less system result in smoother prints, and or faster prints. What is the build volume. How does the ambient nose compare to other models like an x1carbon
@UncleJessy 7 ай бұрын
I love that peopoly reached out to the community for testing & input and actual feedback before fulling releasing this out
@Anonable 7 ай бұрын
It’s cool someone from peopoly ended up in our diy electric skateboard forum to document a gear drive build. It wasn’t a shill corporate gimmick.
@alfredanil 7 ай бұрын
It's a disastrous design for heaven's sake.
@Anonable 7 ай бұрын
@@alfredanil at least it’s not another bed slinger. Do you more bed slingers, bc this is how you get bed slingers.
@GeekDetour 7 ай бұрын
Well, that’s actually smart! Anyone developing any product for long usually get blind spots - it is important to let outsiders to give their different perspectives.
@alfredanil 7 ай бұрын
@@Anonable bed singers, core xy, Cartesian, delta these are few mechanism that are widely used but there in the world of mechanical engineering there are thousands of other mechanisms. Rack and pinion is one promising mechanism which sadly was used by just one company till date.
@peopoly 7 ай бұрын
Teaching Tech's valuable feedback was crucial to the refinement of Magneto X, thank you for your contribution! The Peopoly team welcomes everyone to try and enjoy the new experiences these upgrades bring😀
@focalratio456 6 ай бұрын
Hats off for taking a big step into the future with this machine for the prosumer market!
@willrag8247 7 ай бұрын
Honestly, when this printer was first announced, I thought it was going to be a scam. However, the printer even in its current state is insane! Looking forward to this hitting the market!
@aaronleiter9009 7 ай бұрын
I wanted to pre-order one but I had that same feeling that it could be a "scam", or woefully underdeveloped, so I decided not to pre-order. Of course, pre-ordering a K1 Max and suffering issue after issue also made me hesitant on getting burned...again.
@alfredanil 7 ай бұрын
It's still a scam. Major design flaw.
@MrStoffzor 7 ай бұрын
@@alfredanil wdym? sounds like they're still in beta testing
@tomsko863 7 ай бұрын
@@alfredanil You sure like spamming that in other people's threads with no depth to your explanation. Make your own post, with some well-thought out points and maybe you'll get some traction.
@alfredanil 7 ай бұрын
@@tomsko863 I have repeatedly explained the design flaw in other comments, tired of repeating again. Refer other comments for my answer
@jakeharms1386 7 ай бұрын
Love this transparency from Peopoly! As an engineer I also love seeing these testing and validation videos.
@dasjulian3 7 ай бұрын
Peopoly has done some great stuff recently. The peopoly Forge ~ 2 Years ago and now this Printer.
@TestTypeG 7 ай бұрын
I have three things I'm very curious about with this printer, in regards to the linear motors and magnetic rails: 1. Print quality - is it better than everything else out there? Especially in regards to VFA. 2. Noise of printhead moves - is it noticably more quiet than a printer with belts and stepper motors? 3. Can it print faster while maintaining excellent surface quality than other printers on the market? Thanks for the video and all the work you do on the channel!
@BH4x0r 7 ай бұрын
my guess is it mainly is not affected by movement and temperature, the belts wont wear down nor stretch under heat cause they aren't there this also sounds far more scalable to me, a normal CoreXY printer's max "good" size is about 350mm x 350mm, above that the belts get extremely long and stretch becomes more apparent it also won't build up heat as bad like a stepper motor, because the magnets are spread far over a large area
@dasjulian3 7 ай бұрын
@@BH4x0r The weight of the linear motor on the X Gantry might still be an issue
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
@@dasjulian3 Nah, these are used in CNC machines, the weight of this print head is nothing by comparison.
@thehappyextruder7178 7 ай бұрын
​@dasjulian3 the beta team has been testing this as well.
@benclimo461 7 ай бұрын
​​@@Geoff_Wcnc is much slower than 3d printers though so print head could be more of an issue. Also depending on torque and how well the linear motors are tuned they could easily overshoot
@MandicReally 7 ай бұрын
I’ve been testing the machine as well. I’ve been referring to it as “rough around the edges, but a shiny inside”. It has a lot of potential and I’m expecting it to continue being refined until it really shines. Great video Michael.
@sumanbimali 7 ай бұрын
The core of this machine is build very well and if they could definitely fine tune the user experience and pretty sure once the community gets their hands on the machine they will add more features and help make is even better then it is.
@ashers_workshop 7 ай бұрын
From what I have seen I am way more excited for the potential of these machines than bambu labs. I realize the price is much higher, but the way they embrace open source is so nice. I can't wait for your video. I am really excited for PeoPoly
@Hashiest 7 ай бұрын
Wheres the video? I dont believe till i see it
@chargerman426 7 ай бұрын
@@ashers_workshop Dont forget that unlike Bambu Labs things this product doesnt have to phone hope to China to work. You buy it and its yours. Its why right when it was announced I pre-ordered one of these over buying a bambu set up.
@Fabian3331234333 7 ай бұрын
I would like to see an extensive testing of the motion system
@heavyhemi2828 7 ай бұрын
As of the most recent version or 2 of Klipper, Adaptive Meshing is now native. It can be done with nothing more than BED_MESH_CALIBRATE ADAPTIVE=1 Kamp is still extremely useful for the purging. Just adjust your start gcode to also have ADAPTIVE=1 for your mesh, then comment out the single line in the Kamp_settings.cfg for the mesh
@Raven-Creations 7 ай бұрын
It's about time that 3D printing used a closed-loop system. The number of reviews I've seen over the years complaining about layer shifts has been crying out for this. The lack of belts is a bonus, because it removes not only a source of resonance, but a cause of failure on many prints especially for newbies due to the wrong tension. I'd like to see ringing tests to see how tightly controlled the closed loop system is. I'd also like some more information about the nature of the closed loop magnetic or optical, and what is its resolution? To properly control ringing, it needs to be much higher resolution than you'd expect, since ringing can be visible even if the ripples are so small they cannot be felt.
@aronseptianto8142 7 ай бұрын
I'm glad that this company actually paid attention to the minor details such as fan noises rather than dealing it after the fact. They're gonna send youtuber a review unit anyway, may as well ask for feedback before it's too late
@danielroos5993 7 ай бұрын
A high speed endurance test would be great :) Like a complicated detailed print that takes a couple of days to print at it's highest speed to see how it holds up. The printer looks amazing, so well designed, neatly wired and seems built like a tank. Guess I'll have to start saving up for one 😁
@RocktCityTim 7 ай бұрын
Things to test - exactness of corners and print measurements. I use my FDM printers for mechanical prototyping and one-shot parts printing, and these are the toughest things to get sorted when starting with a new printer and filament.
@pennakira 7 ай бұрын
Thank you TT, they asked the right person for the job. You are always thorough, that is why I like your videos!
@offearth3d 7 ай бұрын
I’m apart of the beta program as well. I’ve been using it to print very big things such as cosplay helmet. So far this printer is on track to be a great contender!
@WheatMillington 7 ай бұрын
It's one thing to love a USD$2k printer you received for free, it's another thing all together to lay out your own cash for this thing.
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
@@WheatMillington It's really not. 2k for a cutting edge printer that is in the spirit of RepRap and adding to the community and uplifting it instead of being a bad actor really does have a lot of value to a lot of people.
@BH4x0r 7 ай бұрын
@@Geoff_W being in the spirit of reprap is not a reason to be more expensive, only a reason to be cheaper cause you'd expect the "closed" companies to be the expensive ones for being proprietary on the contrary i understand that the mechanics involved aren't the most straightforward nor cheap, neodymium is pretty expensive and then there's also development time etc.
@BH4x0r 7 ай бұрын
@@Geoff_W to add on that, it is a reason i cannot recommend anything Prusa, cashing on a 10 year old design, being "open source" doesn't make it worth more than something like a Bambu A1 for example, if it can't deliver the same results
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
@@BH4x0r Oh sure, yes, I didn't mean to imply it being in the spirit of rep-rap was making it more expensive 🤣👍 I just meant that the fact this IS such a white box component printer (other than the few cutting edge hardware parts), that that is something I and many others see as a good reason to buy this over other printers. It's easier to repair, it's easier to source replacement parts, and it's easier to improve upon. That's all I meant 😁
@ericbijkerk7834 7 ай бұрын
Perhaps it would be nice to verify the dimensional accuracy of the prints after all is tuned to the max.
@sharpfang 7 ай бұрын
The linear motors make dimensional accuracy non-issue. Either it's accurate, or you push it so much it fails completely, no in-between.
@ericbijkerk7834 7 ай бұрын
printing nerd during his interview at The First Look mentioned that it is not like the 20.000 USD printers in It would be interesting how accurate it is or what the potential is.@@sharpfang
@crashingsux 7 ай бұрын
@@sharpfang This isn't accurate at all. Your understanding of how closed-loop motors work and the precision of steps (on open and closed loop motors) is incorrect.
@MrDehicka 7 ай бұрын
​@@sharpfangNo, this is not how it works. It is as accurate as servo control loop can make it. It depends on the encoder resolution, it's noise and rate.
@FirstLast-ih6ec 7 ай бұрын
Hi Michael, I would like to see an episode that focuses on the X/Y linear motors. For example, comparing it's dynamic to a conventional Core XY printer. Or, explaining how the close loop works (why can't it skip steps? Is it because the full step are larger? Does it have some encoder?). That is, focusing on the new motion technology vs reviewing an entire printer.
@TeachingTech 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for your feedback. To answer one of your questions, it has an encoder so should be able to adjust for any step errors.
@arthurmoore9488 7 ай бұрын
@@TeachingTech It would be a good few minutes of content to explain how linear encoders work for things like Digital Read Outs (DROs) on industrial machines. Another question, is it a separate optical encoder, or is it a magnetic encoder using the same magnets as the linear motor? Linear optical encoders are more precise, but it's almost certainly not worth the additional cost and complexity when they already have the magnets right there. I also realized some people might not even realize linear encoders exist. So when they hear "encoder" think there's actually a little wheel inside the motor that makes contact with the rails.
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
@@arthurmoore9488 It's a magnetic encoder. There are instructions for re-calibrating it when necessary are on the Magneto X wiki.
@crashingsux 7 ай бұрын
@@TeachingTech If klipper supports that functionality, which I doubt. You should test it but I would say there is a reasonable chance that all the encoder will do is send an error to klipper and stop the print right away. If so, I wonder if you could continue the print or if you would need a full restart?
@parallelsandtangents938 7 ай бұрын
I'm one of the lucky pre-orders. It's been fun and frustrating to watch the development of this printer. I can't wait to get my order. Once I do, I'm installing a Beacon surface scanner and an active enclosure heater. I'm glad there have been such competent beta testers to help iron out the wrinkles.
@Runoratsu 7 ай бұрын
I‘m in the same boat (in the same benchy?) and yeah, 100%, they might‘ve done their preorder a tad early in their development cycle, like, a little early for their preorder customers‘ comfort. The product page seemed a lot more polished than what they then had at the time. I‘m glad it seems to be working out, tho. I preordered because I trusted peopoly because of their history, and they do slowly seem to work up to a nice product that satisfies that trust.
@parallelsandtangents938 7 ай бұрын
@@Runoratsu they have admitted that instead of doing a Kickstarter fundraiser they just did a pre-order offering at a slightly discounted price to gather capital to pay for the initial development and fabrication costs. Then they sent out an early test batch to some specific content creators to do beta testing. They also have a discord server that they monitor closely so as to answer questions and listen to concerns of the pre-order and would-be ordering community. It's been interesting to watch the process. Luckily I have other printers on hand to keep my prototyping hunger at bay, otherwise I would have probably canceled my pre-order and bought an available printer and dodged the extensive wait time.
@Runoratsu 7 ай бұрын
@@parallelsandtangents938 Yeah, same, I have 4 other printers, including my X1C, here, so I‘d rather wait as long as it takes to get this polished than receive something subpar earlier.
@glowpon3 7 ай бұрын
I've been saving up for my new printer. I was going to build a ballscrew yx and quad z printer, but a linear motor is in the same ballpark of what I needed. Glad to see others getting rid of the belts. I grew up with vertical mills and lathes, and belts have no business being on cnc machines.
@Aethid 7 ай бұрын
3:28 Did the shipping company air drop that without a parachute?
@krollmond7544 7 ай бұрын
More like a UPS drop off, they bent my Y motor threads on my printer...
@mariusj8542 7 ай бұрын
I love diamonds in the rough like this. Kudos to the team behind this for sending it out before everything is fully fixed. 👌
@nathanmatthews8172 7 ай бұрын
Do the linear motors have encoders? What are the capabilities of recovering lost steps?
@MetalheadAndNerd 7 ай бұрын
I guess the controllers are so smart that they can use the drive coils as sensors for the position of the magnets, too.
@MrDehicka 7 ай бұрын
@@MetalheadAndNerdNo, it has magnetic linear encoders. You can see the mag strip and the encoder head on the side of the rail at 5:42
@segment932 7 ай бұрын
I would love to see it print some engineering materials like Nylon 6/12, TPU with a high shore hardness and if it is possible to print PEEK.
@falxonPSN 7 ай бұрын
Given that one of the main selling points for linear motors is absolute closed loop control, I would really love to see on your test prints if any vertical fine artifacts or other related ringing is completely gone along with layer shifts. Given that the z axis motors are not linear motors, I'm wondering what effect that would have on VFA.
@collect3d 7 ай бұрын
Would love to see how square the frame is, and what skew_correction tests would show. A pro level printer such as this surely will see engineering filaments and applications. Being perfectly square and having perfectly square prints is vital. A large majority of manufacturers neglect this.
@A1N0 7 ай бұрын
Looks great, but I guess the company needs to demonstrate what makes the linear motors better, other than they are just different. Your getting lots of extra weight and cost, but what does it provide in return? I, myself, have never beern a fan of Klipper's displays, so hopefully they can put an overlay on that to make it more user friendly. If I'm going to pay $2500 (printer and enclosure guess) I want a polished product instead of a science experiment. The reason people like the Bambu Lab printers so well is because they are a polished product, not a science experiment. For a $2000+ printer, this is even MORE important.
@SPGWhistler 7 ай бұрын
I just want to know what the linear motors buy you that stepper motors don't.... I don't think additional speed is the answer to that question, at least not the only answer. This printer is very expensive, so assuming the linear motors are the majority of that cost, why would I choose that over a printer with stepper motors? Are the prints higher quality? Could you some how compare a print from stepper motors to a print from this printer showing the differences?
@BenWolkWeiss 7 ай бұрын
I second this. @TeachingTech Michael, please test the linear motors in such a way that it really highlights the benefits and flaws of such a system. Like if they get dirty, dusty, or have stuff left on them how does that affect operation and durability? Since they are linear magnets is there issues with easily getting screws or tools stuck to them? I'm imagining accidentally dropping a screw on the linear motor and not noticing it and what would happen?
@PaulG.x 7 ай бұрын
As someone that has unpacked dozens of lab instruments ,I suggest the easiest way to do it is to lie the box on its side and slide the item out of the box. If the item is packed in LDPE foam , sliding it out is really easy. That way you don't destroy the box in the process.
@crashingsux 7 ай бұрын
Hopefully you are able to do a few videos about this printer to explore some of the technology in depth. Here are some things I would like to see. 1. Other reviewers will cover out of the box experience I am sure, I would like to see an advanced owner point of view, as I think the technology and open-source nature of this printer will attract that sort of buyer. So, first off, calibrate it well (califlower before and after results?) and tune the orca slicer profiles as you see fit. 2. Explore what benefits and drawbacks the motors have. 2a Is there a difference in how noise ramps up with speed? 2b are VFAs still an issue? 2c Do linear motors and lack of belts change the kind of square corner velocity we can run? Cornering sharply without slowing down might be a real benefit if it doesn't lower quality. 2d How do the closed loop motors integrate with Klipper given that klipper can't respond quickly enough to make real time changes if a motor can't get to it's target destination on time. Force it to miss a step, will it correct without telling klipper and leave a small artifact? Will it show a warning in klipper? Will it just throw an error and terminate the print job? 3 will the open source load cell be useful beyond just being a klicky alternative? Can we see the load cell data and do anything with it? 2e Is the increased resolution useful or noticable in every day printing. Does it open up any new possibilities, for example with a tiny nozzle do miniatures come out better than on a normal FDM printer? We are seeing that the limits of speed printing (and speed benchies) are coming down to cooling, but do the motors allow us to print fast at a higher quality than we might with traditional motors? 3a Can the homing and bed leveling macros be sped up, in travel if not in actual z testing? Can you correlate the values from it with PA testing? 4. The cooling setup seems quite robust, more than might be needed for every day print speeds. Can you test out a "silent mode" or something similar to see how noise is at more relaxed printing speeds with slower fan settings?
@KptnAutismus 7 ай бұрын
i love that they're using FOSS, unlike some other brands. the physical load and unload buttons are a great idea. if i had the money, i would definetely buy one of these.
@aL3891_ 7 ай бұрын
Linear motors are really cool! Would love more testing of their performance! Are they using standard stepper motor drivers or did they do something special? The focus on open source is also great. Hope everything works out for them :)
@eslmatt811 7 ай бұрын
I agree would love to see just how repeatable the movement is with the linear motors.
@pretzel_tfg 7 ай бұрын
Stepper drivers are separate units in the electronics chamber that plug into a standard driver interface on the Octopus.
@PaulDominguez 7 ай бұрын
Great vid and glad to see Peopoly being so open. Would like to see with the enclosure see how it prints ABS and PC. Some more TPU prints as well. Looking forward to the next video.
@kaizoor 7 ай бұрын
The decision they made about the chosen hardware mix is amazing. They took well known stuff in the mix and poured their own new innovations in. Especially that they used well known nozzles and no proprietary stuff
@Runoratsu 7 ай бұрын
I preordered one within minutes of first seeing a mention of it online. Was a bit nervous during the last couple weeks since the machine seemed so unfinished and rough around the edges for a very long time, very unlike the X1C during bambulab‘s kickstarter, so I‘m quite happy it seems to be working well now.
@henninghoefer 7 ай бұрын
I would love to see a test of the "closed loop" features. Can it deal with being bumped? What about power outages? EDIT: Also - what about longevity? Are the magnets collecting metal dust? 7 ай бұрын
I'm quite happy to see a company give back with open source, unlike a certain one.
@JohnDoe50047 7 ай бұрын
I'm excited about the possibility of a printer with the performance of Bambu but without the closed source proprietary ecosystem
@briannewman6216 7 ай бұрын
The printer coming with Klipper firmware installed is a significant development.
@watchingwatches7863 7 ай бұрын
It would be very interesting to see non planar printing, by tilting the print bed. I've seen companies advertise that this is possible with their printer, but they don't have working examples.
@FAB1150 7 ай бұрын
I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it
@awklerjawkldjfklas 7 ай бұрын
It would be great if you can test ringing on this printer. I think that would be one of the most outstanding difference that we can expect form Magneto X
@joshjerauld1727 7 ай бұрын
Been waiting for this! You summed up all the positives with the build quality, linear motors and open source development. I'm almost certainly going to buy this printer. Looking forward to your review and thanks for showing some behind the scenes information!
@garytfish 7 ай бұрын
I do not think you should be doing a full review on this physical printer, as you mentioned this is a beta unit and it will not represent the actual end product the public will buy.
@wrathblox500 7 ай бұрын
Really great video, I like the transparency that Peopoly has had with you while troubleshooting some issues, and giving their own solutions to those problems. I think the Magneto X has a lot of potential before release. If there was a higher-temperature hotend for this printer, I think printing in PEEK or other high-performance filaments could be really interesting with the enclosure and 130c bed.
@colaigor 7 ай бұрын
I think the motors would overheat if you were to heat the chamber to to that temperature. Would be interesting to see that tested.
@wrathblox500 7 ай бұрын
@@colaigor Good point actually, I did remember Vision Miner mentioning something about that in one of their videos. If the chamber was at 50c that might not be an issue for the motors, but would be for printing. Would be interesting to see how the motors behaved in high temperatures.
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
@@wrathblox500 Peopoly have previously stated the motors are good up to 90°c chamber temps, and the magnets over 120°c or something like that
@xxportalxx. 7 ай бұрын
Oh man, linear motors are something that have been on my mind for a while for 3dp, but most linear motors are more expensive than a whole premium printer!
@RohanAirsoft 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like this is what the new Bambu labs SHOULD have been. Open source and all the same features plus a bigger build area.
@sUASNews 7 ай бұрын
Seems like a company for makers, will follow it's journey with interest. I'm in South Africa so expect the shipping for a 30kg. machine would be prohibitive. It should have a maglev train shape for the head
@stevebissonnette760 7 ай бұрын
I would like to see your evaluation with printing accuracy, using PETG, PCTG, and 85 TPU.
@Fishpig79 7 ай бұрын
Its refreshing to see a company listening to reviewers and making positive changes quickly, even just this video makes me want to get one of these over a bamboo.
@sagichnicht6748 7 ай бұрын
This sounds like quite an exciting machien with a good dose of real innovation at a price that is still affordable for those ready to invest a bit more in the hobby (on par with quality parts Voron 2.4)
@nomojo1110 7 ай бұрын
As pre-orders are closed it's difficult to get too excited over this $3000AUD machine. Fortunately for me I only recently received the newest member to the Bambu lab family... oh that's right. So this machine has a lot of potential. I'm impressed with your efforts in tracing the main source of hum, suggesting to Peopoly how you might address it only to have them respond with a more complete solution. If there were any available and I had ~$3kAUD I'd genuinely consider one.
@Donorcyclist 7 ай бұрын
Looks to be a great machine. Spendy, but looks to be worth the money! Thank you for taking us along.
@CyberDunk2077 7 ай бұрын
Pick and place machines have been using this motion system for years, it is amazing that they have put this technology onto a 3d printer and managed to make it so small. The accuracy of this motion solution is unrivalled IMO, and a perfect fit for 3d printing. Don’t go near it if you have a pace maker fitted though😊. Awesome video, I have often thought that this is the next gen tech for future printers and it is great to see it happen so soon. I would like to see a speed benchy printed on it but with quality of print being prioritised over overall speed. The pick and place machines I use can reach an almost scary speed when you consider the weight they are moving and the micron precision they place components at so I would imagine this printer can do quality print very fast.
@ulforcemegamon3094 7 ай бұрын
Cnc machines also use that motion system , is not only extremely precise , but is also fast , CNC machines are only "slow" when cutting , otherwise they are lighting fast even if they are moving many kilograms
@JakobDam 7 ай бұрын
This is such a cool project, and the name alone, "Magneto", is enough to make me intrigued. Ah yes, and also the vision of a printer that will require less maintenance, without sacrificing quality or speed. From an engineering standpoint, I have a hard time seeing any drawbacks to this architecture, other than the cost. But for print farms and professional applications, paying extra for something that requires less man-hours to keep running, will be a bargain. Keep up the good work!
@ulforcemegamon3094 7 ай бұрын
I thought the same , no belts=less moving parts , and less moving parts=less downtime and less maintenance
@Pappagar 7 ай бұрын
Needs a lot of polish but has HUGE potential. I will get one for sure in a later gen once the bugs are worked out
@aaronleiter9009 7 ай бұрын
I would be curious to know the coil temperatures of the linear motors when they are working hard. Also, thanks for all you do for the community.
@unharmonix 7 ай бұрын
Cool. I'd just like to see the limits of speed and acceleration for printing parts of all kinds with acceptable to perfect quality. What can this thing realistically and reliably do, repeatably.
@802Garage 7 ай бұрын
Glad to see they are so receptive to feedback! I will say it's quite pricey. I guess I would hope the linear motors deliver extreme dimensional accuracy or some other advantage over other motion systems. I would like to see that tested.
@djispro4272 7 ай бұрын
Super cool! I totally agree that this between a Bambu and a Reprap style 3D printer.
@Jeff-zc3wl 7 ай бұрын
I'd love to see XYZ dimensional accurately reported in the full review video. For this and all printer reviews.
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
Fortunately this is running stock klipper, so you can correct for skew without any problems.
@FirstLast-ih6ec 7 ай бұрын
Can it be enclosed for ABS?
@FranklyWry 7 ай бұрын
Torn between FDM and resin printers, I would like to see some detailed figurines and even rings, whether there is a wax based filament similar to the jeweler’s wax resins available for resin, and a speed versus quality comparison between the Magneto X (see any reference to a certain comic book franchise?) and one of the faster resin printers. A big ask, I know, but….
@bluerider0988 7 ай бұрын
Definitely an interesting printer. I'm mainly interested to see what if any advantages the linear motors will offer vs. belt. I know in theory it's a better solution, but I want to see some real life advantages, aka better print quality, better accuracy, speed etc.
@nikthefix8918 7 ай бұрын
Simplicity is a big draw for me. Off loading as much of the 'mechanism' as possible to firmware is something I like the idea off - especially when it's closed loop.
@avejst 7 ай бұрын
Great video as always. Impressive build and design. I would love if it had two heads, IDEX design is the best I think 👍😃
@neospog 7 ай бұрын
This is truly a revolutionary machine in its simplicity. Removing all the turns of belts and pulleys means less maintenance and fewer problems. It would be interesting to see it moves while it prints some pieces. Hope they make smaller linear motor machines in the future :-)
@VEC7ORlt 7 ай бұрын
Does a printer even need linear motors? We can do movement faster than any 3D printer will ever need. Feedback and encoders on the other hand is a whole different beast.
@MetalheadAndNerd 7 ай бұрын
Less moving parts, more direct control over the movement.
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
Yes. Eliminating belts and pulleys eliminates one of the biggest sources of resonance, ESPECIALLY if we want our printers to get bigger. Anything larger then 300mm is going to be speed-constrained if it uses belts and you want a halfway decent print. This printer IS the solution. This is the future.
@alfredanil 7 ай бұрын
@@MetalheadAndNerd more interia load, heavy motor, heavy Gantry.
@MrChoklad 7 ай бұрын
​@@Geoff_WI agree with you, but these rails made of magnets seem very expensive to scale up
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
@@MrChoklad The initial cost of the motors and the added cost of longer linear rails will far outstrip the magnets. It's certainly not the most cost effective method...yet...but economies of scale and higher demand will drive the cost down to the point it's entirely possible to get close/cheaper then belt driven systems.
@TheButchersbLock 7 ай бұрын
The latest klipper has adaptive mesh probing allready to go. Doesn’t have the thick purge though. A decibel test in this would have been great. This looks to be an awesome printer when it eventually gets into production. 👍🇦🇺😊
@austin11germer 7 ай бұрын
I'd love to better understand what is so innovative about the linear motor system. What are its strengths and weaknesses? I'd also like to know about any measures they are taking that bring it more inline with a more appliance/consumer friendly level of 3d printer. Looking forward to seeing more about the innovations they are including. Thanks for the behind the scenes video and your honesty.
@tyotee4361 7 ай бұрын
I would love to hear your opinion in the full review whether or not this machine would be good in a print farm setting. Thank you for the review and for putting in loads of effort to make this printer great, and a huge thanks to Peopoly for listening and putting in the work to implement the feedback, I hope I can pick one of these up for myself.
@digital0785 7 ай бұрын
i love everything about this add a second print head / toolchanger and it beats literally everything on the market.. it's cheaper then the XL and better built then anything else
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
The linear motors means adding a second print head would be fairly trivial too
@digital0785 7 ай бұрын
@@Geoff_W i feel like I saw something about them doing that at some point but tbh I don't remember lol
@a2dskins 7 ай бұрын
​@@Geoff_W You would have to add a 2nd Y rail to the gantry as you would lose all your print capacity adding just a print head.
@Geoff_W 7 ай бұрын
@@a2dskins There's room on the board for expansion, no reason you couldn't add another Y gantry too, the only thing with that is you are sacrificing build volume at that point (although you probably also lose some adding another print head to the same gantry also). Also there's no reason you couldn't just throw another head on the X gantry. You could run an ERCF to both heads and do a color change on one print head while you print with the other.
@ulforcemegamon3094 7 ай бұрын
​@@Geoff_W i remember that at that event where they show 3D printers (i forgot how it was called) there was a Magneto X that had something like 5 heads , so yeah , you are right
@jamieclarke321 7 ай бұрын
I want to know a lot more about the linear motors. What is there maximum velocity and acceleration? How do the input shaper graphs look? What is the max recommended acceleration and what type of shaper algorithm is recommended. What’s the hotend max flow rate? What’s the cooling performance? These are my main thoughts about the new tech.
@skaltura 7 ай бұрын
Some high chamber temp prints and materials, quality vs time etc. would be interesting. PC-ABS, PC, POM etc. engineering materials.
@skaltura 7 ай бұрын
Review/Print Quality; SPEED MATTERS. So when reviewing, print times etc. should be mentioned. Print slow and almost anything does a good job.
@WhereNerdyisCool 7 ай бұрын
Now this looks very promising! When I saw the videos and news on this, well, it looked 'too good to be true'. And I would love to be proven wrong! My only concern is that SSR and wondering what it is mounted onto to dissipate heat safely
@thorntontarr2894 7 ай бұрын
I recently upgraded to a Bambu Lab X1C because of its printing speed compared with my Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro. However, I quickly realized is that my overall productivity increased amazingly. Why? Well, print speed was easy to quantify but I had not appreciated the complete integration that Bambu Labs has provided. Now, once a CAD design prototype is completed, I can send prepare the CAD design, slice it, send it, print it quite effortlessly all on my local network. I could not believe how productive I had just become by the Bambu Labs solution. SO, why this comment? Michael, 3d printers have now entered a new world of productively producing prototype designs. If Magneto hopes to sell linear motors and an amazing 60 mm^3/sec flow rate without the overall integration offered by Bambu Labs, then the $2000 price will be a show stopper.
@JS-vk7ek 7 ай бұрын
That is a mighty large printer. The only way that I could fit it in (and I fully intend to buy it) would be by accessing it and placing it "sideways" on my bench. It would be great if the screen could be moved, either with an additional print mount or designed to adapt. Also, I have recently received a Bambu X1C, and it runs next to my old Snapmaker A350. These machines are impressive but they all lack a certain thought process for access for disabled users. I don't know what that would look like, but I am finding accessing and tinkering from a wheelchair more and more difficult, rather than moving the positive way. Generally, when this IS considered, it actually creates a better product for all.
@JS-vk7ek 7 ай бұрын
I've thought about this, and after wrestling with the filament feed on my Bambu today - something the rest of you could have done in 5 minutes took me over an hour. However if things were more modular, clip on, clip of, socketed, or latched - rather than screwed and fixed, it would make so much difference for all. I'm thinking about the fast module change on the Snapmaker as a good example, and the magnetised front cover on the Bambu print head. There was no need to screw the filament feed to the back of the X1C, it could have been clip in place like the screen (for example). And putting the power button at the back!! Why?
@RYTHMICRIOT 7 ай бұрын
I started 3D printing just under a year ago with an Ender 3v2. By October I had moved onto my current printer, a Bambu Labs P1S. I think FDM is a dead-end for mechanical parts. Perhaps there's some potential in the 500c printers that can print PEEK or Ultem like the offerings from Intamsys. Although at that price point you're getting into SLS territory. My AMS add on for my Bambu arrives tomorrow and I can't really see going any further than that with FDM. There's really no point. I would like to see consumer level SLS become a thing.
@sfvphotography6968 7 ай бұрын
How much faster than the Bambu
@hd-be7di 7 ай бұрын
10:08 Look at the bed mounts that connect the bed to the leadscrew... thin and flimsy... no stabilizer at the top... extruder sucks... leadscrew steppers lack components... etc... I could go on. Half-finished cost cut printer for 2000$ USD... all it has is the linear motors and that's nothing new in CNC machining either. That's a fail for me sorry I'll pass.
@SuperSchmudi 7 ай бұрын
Thx very much for this insight view. I can't wait until I can order. I am ready for Mr. Magneto 😂 I really like to see how the prints with standard PLA or high speed PLA and very detailled objects at high speed are looking. Stuff like buildings, statues and so on. And don't compare only to Bambu (I love my P1S btw). Also Prusa XL looks very good and reliable now. I love the behaviour of Peopoly regarding open source and Mark is really a nice guy 👍 PS: who will be the first to print a Marvel's Magneto helmet on the Magneto X?😅
@MrDehicka 7 ай бұрын
1. Are Servo driver's hardware/firmware opensource? (yellow boards @7:00) 2. Please, check print quality/geometry accuracy at the front of the bed with high acceleration. As they are using T shaped two linear motors plus passive rail guide, and not H config with three motors, the front side prints will experience maximum deflection under acceleration. 3. What encoders do they use for the motors control loop? (I can see the magnetic encoder strip on the rail side so probably it is AS5311) 4. It is not levitating, you can see generic linear rails on the bottom @5:42. Maglev is just a marketung gimmic.
@scottslusser 7 ай бұрын
The price seemed high to me until I saw this video. Thank you for the context.
@vim55k 7 ай бұрын
Print wide object using Gizmo-Dorks PC, which is a pure PC filament. I printed it at 340c in qidi xplus3 with a chamber at 65c. I get a little warping though after cooling
@constantinosschinas4503 7 ай бұрын
Since Poly in Greek means city, Peopoly would mean... Phallus City. Also, it could mean Phallus Shop.
@justinchamberlin4195 7 ай бұрын
I'd love to see how this printer handles PETG - while PLA certainly has its uses, people who can't afford or simply don't want to print with ABS/ASA/PC/etc. in the optional enclosure still rely on PETG when PLA isn't a good fit. Given that PETG doesn't like being printed fast even on high-speed printers, I'm wondering how silently it will print on this machine...reason being, we have a broken Stacker3D S2 Dual at work that needs to be replaced someday, and it lives in an office with two people who need to be able to hear the phone, any music they might be playing, or their own thoughts.
@Cergorach 7 ай бұрын
Things I would like to see in a review: - Print quality - Print quality vs speed and how does that compare to other core xy printers like from Bambu Labs and Voron (and others). - Sound - Sound vs speed and how does that compare to other core xy printers like from Bambu Labs and Voron (and others). - Maintenance of linear motors vs. regular core xy setup, how often, how, ease, cost, etc. - Estimated life of the linear motor setup vs traditional belt systems. - Cost of replacement and the ability to repair the linear motor setup. - Energy usage (vs other core xy printers). - Can you use the entire build platform at optimal speeds and quality. - What advantages/disadvantages over a traditional core xy printer. - How well does it print with other (non-Peoppoly) filaments. Looking here specifically at videos of loose filament from spool to rapidly moving printhead.
@DaveTimperley 7 ай бұрын
This is brilliant, thanks for the behind the scenes look, I was pretty interested in this when it was announced, I'm finally subscribing :-)
@curbynet 7 ай бұрын
Hi Michael, thanks for covering this! Please test the performance of the linear motors compared to high-end stepper-based designs. By that, I mean in terms of (1) speed, (2) repeatability/accuracy, (3) resolution/precision, etc. For #2, if you stop a print part-way and move the print head to change filament colors, then move the print head back to the model, is there a layer alignment offset due to the filament-change movement? Make a vertical cylinder that changes colors many times (say every 5 vertical mm or so) and see if there are shifts. For #3, if you print curved vertical surfaces of different diameters, do you see artifacts or is the output smooth? Use a demanding (probably shiny?) filament that highlights flaws. And to be clear, the point is to compare this to successful stepper-based designs, not just evaluate it in a vacuum. Just some ideas. Thanks again!
@markbooth3066 7 ай бұрын
2.2g acceleration on such a small linear rail is pretty impressive. I've worked with industrial linear motors which were much larger and needed air bearing for what looks like a similar power to weight ratio, and they only got around 5-10g acceleration. Could you go through all of the test prints at 11:47 are, at some point? I recognise the cauliflower and Benchy (obviously), and the temperature tower from your Calibration page, but I'd really like to know what you're using for pressure advance, and what your other test prints are. I'm having real problems with stringing using PETG, and multiple iterations of temperature and retraction tuning haven't completely eliminated it. I also struggle with dialling in the perfect z-offset, which you've previously mentioned is a particular problem with PETG, and I would really like a more scientific way to get the first layer right. Ideally I would like a print that I can set going, and come back to an hour later, knowing that my z-offset needs to be 0.05mm higher, or 0.1mm lower etc. Incidentally, I've really come to appreciate your Printer Calibration page, it's a really valuable resource for the community and the time and effort you've spent on it is greatly appreciated.
@Vatharian 7 ай бұрын
This looks extremely well. It scratches every itch! Klipper UI looks very good, and modularity promises it will be repairable. Peoppoly must be careful with their advertising. Many potential buyers will look at the price and think it's a "turnkey eneterprise solution" instead of a printer. On question I have, is how resistant are the motors to dust and grime? If I left the printer alone for a week in my place it would be covered in ~1mm of dust (I live between forest and busy highway). Would it damage or otherwise impede motors? I wish they sent you enclosure...
@cassie_mmk 7 ай бұрын
When reviewing, I'd love to see you test its performance with ColorFabb's LW-PLA-HT or another lightweight filament that requires active foaming. It's something Peopoly has touted in their materials as lightweight filaments are amazing for cosplayers and other prop makers. Ther's also lightweight TPU which has some really interesting properties depending on how much you foam it.
@marcusbuschbeck1121 7 ай бұрын
Wow! That should be the way building printers! Accesible Hard- and Software! For me as a cutting mechanic the peopoly is a celebration of engineering and Parts! I'm interested in resonances in comparison to an equal sized Voron with MGN12 rails. Are they VFA when print in slow speeds and so on. Short: is it worth to choose Linear Motors?
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