Film Theory: Dumbledore Was Secretly Weaponising Harry Potter

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That Film Theory

That Film Theory

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It's the only thing that makes sense!

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@DragonPrincessAoife 6 жыл бұрын
Obscurial, no. Weapon? Ob....viously...
@richarddawson671 6 жыл бұрын
Max Barr I GOT IT!.
@angelsmilkyway4352 6 жыл бұрын
Your Neville argument is in err. He was using his dad's wand. Once he got his own he became a badass
@safirak7988 6 жыл бұрын
I doubt it was just a technical thing with Neville. He wasn't good because of his upbringing.
@msnmpn7 6 жыл бұрын
SafiraK I mean yes and no. Neville did struggle with his self confidence and that surely didn't help him in his abilities but "the wand chooses the wizard." We've seen several instances of someone using a wand that doesn't belong to them and how that person's abilities are weakened.
@Charlee4459 6 жыл бұрын
His upbringing was only "bad" because his parents died. His Grandma was really hard on him, as she was with his father (who was successful for it). Wands hold allegiance with the wizard, meaning the wand can choose not to work for the user. All this being said, the wand may not have chose to work for Neville (all speculation of course) but it all comes down to the wand. Grandma was extra hard on Neville because he was not measuring up to his father... because the wand wouldn't work for him. Buuuuut, on the other hand it is completely possible that Neville never showed his ability because of his introverted personality, maybe his ability to perform magic only surfaced after he had something to fight for/against. Maybe he was revenge hungry for his parents... maybe it was because he was suddently in the position to stand up for the people beneath him that brought out his latent abiltiy with magic... (There is prolly an answer for this on some Wiki, im just too lazy)
@tornokthegreat 6 жыл бұрын
Plus the fact that Neville could have been the chosen one, if Voldemort picked him instead of Harry. Who is to say that Neville would have been the "flag bearer"?
@Beowulf0510 6 жыл бұрын
tornokthegreat honestly I think if Neville was the chosen one Dumbledore's plan (assuming this theory is true) wouldve actually worked because Neville was very secluded and often felt ashamed of his lack of ability. Also for those who didnt know Neville's wamd had unicorn hair core and possibly a wood similar to ash (like rons first wand) which both have extreme loyalty to their true owner.
@ferenczliszt 6 жыл бұрын
A lot of this is just straight canon. Dumbledore basically had a god complex where he felt that since he had found Tom Riddle and created Voldemort by proxy, that the only way to undo his mistake and bring about “the greater good” was to exploit Voldemort’s mistake: accidentally putting a piece of himself in Harry. Dumbledore was essentially an old and powerful wizard who felt that only he and his meticulous plotting could bring order to the world. In a way, he never actually got over his radical streak from his youth with Grindelwald. He still had a leftover hubris - so totally convinced of his own righteousness that he was willing to systematically abuse and groom Harry to be an anti-Voldemort. Though I can only imagine what must have been going through Dumbledore’s mind whenever Harry started to talk or behave uncannily similar to Tom Riddle - I should think Dumbledore would’ve been constantly terrified that he was creating another Voldemort. I also have a theory that Dumbledore weaponized Hagrid as his “secret weapon” - but I won’t go into that here. It is absolutely canon though that Dumbledore wasn’t a “good guy”. He was basically neutral - but also very self-righteous, to the extent that he didn’t think twice to endanger and ruin the lives of countless people, even children, in the pursuit of a goal that for all he knew could absolutely backfire and not only fail to defeat Voldemort but potentially turn Harry evil as well.
@brianchify 6 жыл бұрын
Love your thoughts!
@RLucas3000 6 жыл бұрын
I’m curious what your thoughts on Hagrid are that you mentioned. I do think Dumbledore was chaotic good, but definitely filled with hubris. I think he knew it though. I think he kept Snape as a sounding board because he is the only one who cannot betray Dumbledore, because he already betrayed Voldemort.
@ferenczliszt 6 жыл бұрын
RLucas3000 I wrote this thread years ago (I might revise some parts of it now), but it sums up my Hagrid theory fairly well:
@Metalhammer1993 5 жыл бұрын
@@RLucas3000 i would see dumbledore on the entire opposite corner of the dnd alignments lawful evil. here me out on that one lawful evil has two iterations: Dumbledore and fudge or umbridge. There is the evil that cowers behind rules and manipulates them to their own gain with no regards for others, like fudge or umbridge or there is the one that is highly similar to the chaotic good character (and a reason why chaotic good and lawful evil of this type can work together very well) they are almost an extreme of the chaotic good character, who sees himself above the rules, if the rules hurt others or if the rules stop him from helping others. Harry, Ron, Fred and George, i´d even say to a part Hermione are all chaotic good characters. (Hermione could be argued to be neutral good.) And there you can see a massive difference to how dumbledore acts. Dumbledore has this same notion about rules yes: but he lacks what any good character has. He stopped caring about individuals and even if he did, this were personal feelings. I do believe dumbledore saying he loved Harry. But did that stop him from using him? no. It was one boy that needed to be sacrificed to the many. And that is the deed of a lawful evil character with ideals. It is his old hubris in full bloom. He has not changed at all. For the greater good is almost the catchphrase of the lawful evil alignment and Dumbledore, who created these words, who gave these words to Grindelwald, still lives by it. He may not realise it, but when he stopped Grindelwald he again only sacrificed one person he loved, to end rthe suffering of many. I do think Grindelwald needed to be stopped and it was good in all ways he did it but his motivation was the same as in his youth.And the same was with Voldemort. You cannot make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. or "for the greater good" in both cases Harry needed to be sacrificed. and this goes against any nature of the chaotic good character. A chaotic good character would easily make the jump if he was the one who needed to kick the bucket for everyone else, but he would fight the Idea of a freind or somebody else having to sacrifice himself at all costs. A chaotic good character would start to puke with a plan like dumbledores
@omarflores9011 2 жыл бұрын
A chaotic neutral by definition
@DenniWintyr 6 жыл бұрын
More likely that Dumbledore had several plans in place, so that he could adapt depending on how Harry turned out
@Pannekoek. 6 жыл бұрын
Weaponising yes. Obscurial no. If Dumbledore wanted to make him in to an obscurial. He would not have let Harry go to Hogwarts were he could learn the positive things of magic.
@chrismoore58 6 жыл бұрын
Or develop the connections to people that would keep him sane, like, friends. Remember, Dumbledore was all about the power of love. So, yeah, weapon. Obscurial, no.
@tonylundvall8023 6 жыл бұрын
The power to deny people a place at hogwarts doesn't lie with Dumbledore.
@ajenjo1307 6 жыл бұрын
legally no, but there are several examples where Dumbledore uses his superior powers and strategy to work around the law. If he had wanted to keep Harry from Hogwarts it would have been within his ability...
@tmclean3842 6 жыл бұрын
That protection spell you are talking about is his mother's blood. If his mother's blood took him in, he would be safe. That means his aunt had to take him in. It wasn't Dumbledore that protected him it was his mother's blood...his aunt.
@Luciphell 6 жыл бұрын
This isn't a theory. Dumbledore himself admits to using Harry as a weapon against Voldemort. Good video though.
@JeradisFIL 6 жыл бұрын
His point isn’t that he’s using him to fight Voldemort’s but that he was trying to turn Harry into an obscura monster thing from Fantastic Beasts. Definitely didn’t admit to that in the film or movie hence it IS a theory Luciphell
@Handsome_Black 6 жыл бұрын
PsyQo FIL this.
@ABurntMuffin 6 жыл бұрын
Film Theory: Snape was a good guy all along
@majinally3527 6 жыл бұрын
i meeeaaaaaaannn, i thought we all knew this. snape literally says, "youve been prepping him up like a pig for slaughter" in deathly hallows
@primefamous 6 жыл бұрын
I like how laid back Jules is in these videos, and the theories that he and Ash talk about are interesting AF! Keep up the good work guys!
@KingMuttley 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, Harry was being weaponised but only by allowing him to be the best prepared and have the greatest mindset possible for facing Voldemort. Whilst living at the Durselys, he would be sapped of all self-confidence and wouldn't develop an ego. He states to Harry in the Ministry of Magic that "It is not how you are alike, but how you are not". Voldemort was an egomaniac, believe he was the greatest, darkest, and most powerful being to exist. That seems to be the key difference between Draco and Harry too, since Draco has been brought up in an evironment where he has anything he want and he belongs to a family of notable power and prowess. He looks down on others because he thinks he is the best, and that could have been Harry too should he have been raised with a wizarding foster family in the wizarding world surrounded by people constantly singing his praises. Yes, he would be rather powerful, but when it comes to the time when Voldemort returns, he would either lose due to the fact he has no-one arround him to help or he would join Voldemort to become even more powerful and seek out glory in the darkest of ways. Yes, Harry was a "Pig for slaughter". He had to die at Voldemorts hands so that the horcrux would be destroyed and Voldemort could finally die. What Dumbledore did was allow Harry to have the correct mindset and attitude in life to do the right thing rather than the easy thing, as should Draco have been left to die his mother would likely have revealed him to Voldemort and allow him to kill Harry again. About the point you made on the Durselys, Harry never knew magic existed so could therefore not be supressing his powers for him to become an obscurial. As far has Harry was concerned, the glass was a freak accident he was only witness to and the snake was in his own head (again, he didn't know he was a parselmouth and thought he was speaking english to the snake). He alters from Creadence due to the fact that Creadence knew he had magical abilities, and was hurt far more than Harry was at privet drive since he shouts at them when next to Hagrid about his parents death and later in year 2 where he stands up against Vernon. This is something Creadnece never would have even dreamt of doing since his abuse was far more severe than Harrys. Finally, it was a great video Jules and as always presented brilliantly. It does bring forward a new idea and point of view on the series as a whole and we get to think of Dumbledore as a darker presence as one believed (especially with the Fantastic Beasts franchise delving into his past with Grindlewald and his pursuit of power).
@MrCumberlander1 6 жыл бұрын
Ok. A whole bunch of stuff in this video was either misleading or plainly false. I'll give two examples. First, even showing the scene of Dumbledore confronting Harry after his name is drawn from the Goblet of fire is misleading. That scene in the movie plays out nothing like it does in the books. Second. Dumbledore didnt 'allow' Harry to participate in the Triwizard tournament. It's a magical contract. Harry had no choice
@aveighros 6 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Not to mention it doesn't discuss that 1) Dumbledore would only know of Petunia from her writing to him as a child, and had no reason to know how badly he would be treated, evidenced by his treatment of them in book 6, 2) that the movie version of Dumbledore from Goblet on is an abusive, unstable, bumbling old man who seems completely lost, whereas the book version already has an end game in place when it's revealed Voldemort used Harry's blood and he recognizes what that means. He might have gone further than most would like in letting Harry stray close to fire, but he never once allowed Harry to fall into mortal danger if he could prevent it. It also doesn't talk about the actual significance of prophecy in the books, which are far cries from fatalism.
@0GregorSchultz0 6 жыл бұрын
"....or is he?" *Vsauce music starts*
@morgan5894 6 жыл бұрын
No, Dumbledore is a powerful guy. Not nice. Like when Slytherin won the house cup at the end of TPS. He gave Gryffindor just enough points to win. Aberforth was the kind one. Even when Harry was rude and told him he'd given up in TDH. I wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to turn him into an Obscurial. As a weapon against Voldemort. But it didn't work out to Dumbledores advantage but to Harry's. Because he didn't need to become one to defeat a heartless wizard. He just needed to tell him pretty much that he went unloved. It threw Voldy off and he became vulnerable.
@pythiasibyls6269 6 жыл бұрын
He wasn't "allowed" to participate in the Tri Wizard Tournament, his entry was a binding magical contract. He couldn't get out of it.
@zwordsman 6 жыл бұрын
Something to add to this. During this whole thing.. they were in fact, training Nevil fairly properly in hte background. snape opening his storehouse for him quite often, him being involved in random things. solid training. Despite his grades and various other things there are moments where Nevil himself is confused how he passed something. So HP = bomb. Nevil = trying the other way.
@darkmyro 6 жыл бұрын
Zwordsman well there is a fan theory that Nevil is another chosen one, someone who meets all the same requirements that Harry does. I mean he even grabs the Gryffindor sword in the end and defeats a piece of voldemort.
@Cheesusful 6 жыл бұрын
Neville was actually pretty good at magic... once he got a wand that was right for him... and in the book it is clearly stated that Neville could have been the "chosen one" but voldermort CHOSE HARRY
@harryjamespotter5237 6 жыл бұрын
@sgtraytango 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the theory goes that the chosen one was either Harry or Neville, but Harry's accidental defeat of Voldemort as a baby is what made people assume it was him.
@Cheesusful 6 жыл бұрын
sgtraytango it was more than that, the prophecy states that "the dark lord will mark him as his equal" so essentially; if voldy had gone to kill neville instead of harry, something similar would have occurred which would have made neville the chosen one; so *the chosen one* basically meant *the one chosen by voldemort*
@MrJackfaire 6 жыл бұрын
"Kindly, friendly, headmaster" no I don't
@aauquin865 4 жыл бұрын
Ok I want to point this out, Neville WAS NOT HORRIBLE AT MAGIC So at one point in the order of the Phoenix we Learn that Neville did not go to olivanders wand shop, but inherited his dads wand. And we all know that “the wand chosen the wizard” so it was not Nevilles fault that none of his spells worked properly. Then in the half blood prince Nevilles magical ability improve a lot, and this was after his wand broke and he would have had to gone to olivanders to get a wand that actually chooses him.
@Eggs_hatching 6 жыл бұрын
Giving Rita Skeeter a run for her money in the defamation department. You got to imagine this theory made the rounds 10 yrs or so after Dumbledore's death.
@angelsmilkyway4352 6 жыл бұрын
I always say Dumbledore was truly a SLYTHERIN
@Captaincory1 6 жыл бұрын
If true, the first thing that went wrong was that the Dursleys were abusive dicks to him, yes, but they tried to hide the existence of magic from him. And his powers didn't really manifest until just before he got the letter.
@Tim_Duran 6 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the calmer nature of this video! It's not so over the top like your other videos. I really like it! 😄
@JB-1138 6 жыл бұрын
One love bro.
@Handsome_Black 6 жыл бұрын
Timo Daum lol thats what I just commented !
@nicholasfarrell5981 5 жыл бұрын
Good, but weird. I approve.
@eva-fl6mr 6 жыл бұрын
Harry Potter had to live with the only living relative of his mother in order to keep the protection of her sacrifice. If Dumbledore had left Harry Potter with someone else, he would have likely died in several encounters with Voldemort.
@p.a.r.c1694 5 жыл бұрын
That moment when your plan fails but the results surpass your original plan.
@ABurntMuffin 6 жыл бұрын
Snape's memory of saying "I don't want to do this anymore" are part of the same conversation in which he mentions that when the time would come, the boy must die. that happened in Harry's 6th year.
@saulbadman5705 6 жыл бұрын
The popcorn in the logo looks more like brains than actual popcorn
@markusaurelious1150 6 жыл бұрын
I've always seen it as Dumbledore is preparing him for life. Life is hard. It's unforgiving. People are rude but there are ways around it. You don't need to be super smart or anything. You just need to take these experiences as it comes. I was 10 when the first book came out. I'm now 31, Harry Potter earrings, tattoo, socks and Dobby on my keyring. It's about life. By learning these values that Rowling has installed in her books, we learnt them from a different perspective. Justice isn't true justice. Governments can be corrupt. Education isn't everything. It doesn't matter what background you're from, you'll always be accepted at Hogwarts.
@aureentuluva9231 6 жыл бұрын
I don't buy that he was trying to turn him into an obscurial. However, I do agree that he let Harry get into a fair amount of danger to prepare him for the rough journey ahead of him.
@TheShaktiSystem436 6 жыл бұрын
When Jules said that this channel would be more laid back, he wasn't kidding I love this channel and the representation of the theory's. It chills me down and is a far more relaxing experience than any other appearance that Jules has, thank you you magnificent South West Savage you and those you work with are beyond awesome and I couldn't be more thankful. I just wanted you to know that.
@melamber9823 6 жыл бұрын
Albus Dumbledor is the ultimate politician. He's so good, people think he's NOT a politician.
@Cheesusful 6 жыл бұрын
the hardest thing to do in politics is nothing at all :)
@bghiggy 6 жыл бұрын
Dumbledore had to let Harry compete in the triwizard tournament. It was a binding magical contract. If he didn't compete he would die
@eldersprig 6 жыл бұрын
unless he lied. or do you really think contracts work like that?
@wshaffer79 6 жыл бұрын
It seems rather foolish/dangerous for them to design a goblet that would accept student names for the tournament without some sort of mechanism to determine whether or not said student actually entered voluntarily and intentionally, especially if entry is a binding contract with an escape clause payable by death... Otherwise, someone could just dump a bucket of papers into the cup with everyone's name on it.
@bghiggy 6 жыл бұрын
Wayne Shaffer they built a school next to a forest with creatures that are extremely dangerous, they put a 3 headed dog in a corridor behind a door with no magical locking spell, AND one of the founders literally put a monster inside the depths of the castle to kill certain students. Hogwarts is far from safe lol
@shinjisan2015 6 жыл бұрын
But it was Dumbledore who put Harry's name in the Goblet. Dumbledore put the age restricting spell on it, so surely he was the only one capable of bypassing it.
@eldersprig 6 жыл бұрын
wut? Croach Jr put the name in. Anyone older then 17 could put a piece of paper into the goblet. The tricky thing was to make it think that there was a 4th school and Harry was part of that 4th school.
@yashyashyashyash1200 6 жыл бұрын
Why tf would Dumbledore let Harry come to Hogwarts and teach him magic if he wanted to be an Obscurial. In his childhood, he didn’t know he was doing magic so he’d never become an Obscurial so by taking him to school he was forced to follow the same “no magic outside school” rules as everyone else
@luckybones8749 6 жыл бұрын
Jules you are ignoring that he was with the dursleys because of blood magic. it protected him.
@donsmith1198 6 жыл бұрын
Albus’s brothers words were more telling when he was talking about Harry destroying horcruxes.
@itsneverlupus5544 6 жыл бұрын
Oi Didn't Rowling thought up o f obscurals after the books? I'm not sure.
@KateFisher85 6 жыл бұрын
Okay Jules, I appreciate the effort, but I’m going to have to quash your theory here. 1) Dumbledore knew Voldemort had created horcruxes to escape death. 2) There’s no guarantee that the force of an obscurial attack could kill a wizard with such safeguards in place. 3) An obscurial only comes into being if they are not trained in magic/repress it entirely. How could his power have been growing as a budding obscurial if he was indeed trained in and used magic? I’m guessing we’re going to see more of this with Credence in the Crimes of Grindelwald, and I’ll theorize on what will be presented there: Credence is learning magic, but is also learning to control his power as an obscurial. Once again, his experience growing up is very different from Harry’s in that he was never trained in magic until (assuming he hooks up with other witches and wizards) his late teens. Since Dumbledore always intended for Harry to attend Hogwarts, your theory doesn’t hold up. But I will agree that Dumbledore always intended Harry to be a weapon. However he stressed that Harry be surrounded by love in order to make the “right” choice when the time came to destroy Voldemort.
@barabule100 6 жыл бұрын
Fair points, I understand where you are coming from. But that point regarding Dumbledore letting Harry stay at the Dursleys seems a bit odd, because (and I'm not a very informed Potter fan) he was protected by his mother's love by sacrificing herself, and because Harry was near his aunt, that protective charm could still apply even if Harry wasn't in the watch of Dumbledore. But again I'm not very sure, If anybody can confirm it would be nice :)
@WonderWhy66 6 жыл бұрын
*Dumbledore Army*
@gwenward2141 6 жыл бұрын
I've heard a lot of people theorize that Dumbledore wasn't as nice as he seemed, but I've never seen this tint. Makes sense though. Another reason Harry didn't become an obscurus may also be linked to Ron and Hermione. He had friends, and they stood by his side through all his issues, providing the emotional support he needed. Also, because his best friends and second family (the Weaslys) were in the magical world, he had even less reason to hate his magic.
@i3azzle 6 жыл бұрын
Well, he was weaponising Harry and this part is true, but like many before me pointed out - it was no real secret. The theory that he was trying to turn Harry into an Obscurial is also quite strange. If he wanted that, he surely wouldn't admit him into school. Teaching wizards is generally the best way to make sure that they don't turn into an obscurial for all I know and just remember how ferocious Dumbledore was, even if through his "agents", to make sure that Harry acutally arrives at Hogwarts. This would prove that whilst he was weaponising Harry, it was actually out of love. Notice how he actually allowed Snape to kill him. He is a much greater wizard. He could've killed defeated both Draco, Snape and those Deatheaters at the same time. Hell, he's so powerful that he might probably do it without even making any of them die. But no, he chose to die, so that Harry would live. That's how I understood the part after Harry died. I understood it that Dumbledore, by sacrifising himself, put the same charm on Harry as his mother did, even if it was less powerful. After all, Dumbledore is presented as a kind of all-knowing goodly mentor. I think this part is actually proven by the fact, that Dumbledore often admits to not knowing something - because we need this confirmation, we are meant to assume that if it's not said otherwise, Dumbledore knows everything. Still, this is just my theory.
@donbrunodelamancha1927 6 жыл бұрын
@That Film Theory Jules, I am 100% with on Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumledore building up Harry Potter to the ultimate weapon against Voldemort. Old Albus was very systematic with Harry once he was at Hogwarts. His scheme played out exactly as proposed. First by building up Harry’s confidence and being a father figure to Harry. Once that defendant relationship is in place, Dumbledore increasingly away from Harry, forcing him to be more self reliant, until he cut himself off completely, culminating in having Snape kill him. How more alone could The warriors 3 get? They had to learn to be exceedingly clever. Having said that, as to your theory of Dumbledore attempting to make a Harry an Obscurial make no sense whatsoever. There was no way of knowing whether or not the Dursleys would force Harry to suppress his magic. It seems as though Harry wasn’t even fully aware of them until the trip to the zoo. Even if the Dursleys did force Harry in suppressing his magic to the point of Harry growing an Obscurial, there was no way of knowing just how long a Harry would have survived being an Obscurial. Maybe Credence lasting so long as an Obscurial was an incredibly rare, if not unheard of ability to control his Obscurial. I’m with you on weaponizing Harry, just not at all as an Obscurial. Incidentally, I really enjoy the show. You guys some impressive work. Not for nothing, maybe you pass on a message to Ash, I’m on the West Coat of California, so I pose no clear and present danger, that she is impossibly beautiful, is brilliant, intelligent and Graced by God with a very natural, almost impossible beauty and mind. Don’t worry Jules, I still love you too, just in a very different way. Keep up the exceptional work!!🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🥃🥃🥃🎬🎬🎬🎥🎥🎥
@kevinshepardson1628 6 жыл бұрын
I have felt for years that Dumbledore decided all the way back in 1981 that Harry had to die. His actions and inactions towards Harry are terrible for producing a healthy child or a warrior, but fairly solid for producing a martyr.
@Leviticus_Prime 6 жыл бұрын
Never wasn't weak or had lower magical ability. He was actually fairly strong, almost as much as Harry. The issue was that he was being forced to live up to his parents and use his fathers wand which makes his feel inadequate. It caused him to block his own power mentally, and when this block was broken, in the 6th and 7th books, he became far more powerful and confidendent in his true ability. The reason Harry was the Chosen One was because Voldemort CHOSE him. If he had decided to kill Neville instead, Nevile would have been the Chosen One.
@Shaden0040 6 жыл бұрын
Harry's charm was placed upon him by his Mother's love, not Dumbledore. In FBAWTFT stated that Obscurists form young and have endured physical abuse as well as emotional and mental torture. Harry didn't manifest as an obscurist by age 11 and thus never would. Also it states that most Obscurists never live past 14 which Arianna didn't but credence did being the first to do so. An obscurist is not the same as an obscurial. One is a person and the other is the inward turned magic that goes dark. Harry was kept from magic, but he was never beaten for showing his magic as a child. Harry wsaa not damaged enough to become an Obscurist nor to manifest an obscurial once he got to Hogwarts.
@cfryantofficial 6 жыл бұрын
If he wanted an obscurial he could have just left his ass at the Dursleys, and threatened or charmed them into never kicking him out. The only issue with that idea is that the magical community would have tracked him down eventually If so he could have planted one of his order in his place with a bit of his hair and a constantly brewing polyjuice potion. Then when the time comes he just uses the imperius curse, and walk him right up to Voldemort. That's about as cold blooded as it gets, but he didn't do anything like that. Despite having the power and opportunity to suppress his abilities at every turn he does nothing like that.
@twrampage 6 жыл бұрын
Its either training him as a weapon or he's senile there isn't a third option.
@NaSMaX 6 жыл бұрын
damn... I knew Dumbledore was a manipulative prick, but not a homicidal prick.
@sociallyineptspider-man2366 6 жыл бұрын
If you read the books dumbledore doesn't shout at Harry in book four
@carvermckay 5 жыл бұрын
Jules I can agree with most of your theory, EXCEPT the last part. I believe that if this theory is correct, if Dumbledore really did engineer this decades long plan, there's no way he would've overlooked the Dursleys incredible fear towards Harry's magical abilities and therefore their drive to subdue them, add to that that Dumbledore understood Lily's love protection spell better than anyone, which means he probably knew Harry would've drawn more people towards him like the beacon of hope he eventually came to be seen as. I believe Dumbledore knew ALL of this and realized how important having Harry as the ultimate rallying point for the resistance would be in the final battle(s) against Voldemort and his followers
@complex5372 6 жыл бұрын
I misread the title as "Dumbledore Was Secretly Poisoning Harry Potter". That would have been something.
@richardwalker2881 6 жыл бұрын
All this sounds like is that what dumbledore did is basically something that a certain yuuki terumi would of done, all to create a despair filled tykebomb, not only that, but this also sounds like the more despair filled witches from madoka magica
@p.bamygdala2139 6 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyable! You’ve eloquently expressed some thoughts that were gnawing at me over the years. This should be cannon!
@MrScottie301 6 жыл бұрын
That was a nice theory well thought out
@Handsome_Black 6 жыл бұрын
Joulz (Sp. Check please) is so much more serious in this channel. Kinda cool seeing him talk about something he's passionate about. So many good points in this video.
@nosfonader8792 6 жыл бұрын
I think Dumbledore did this because he loved his status as a hero after Gwendlewald’s defeat. He got drunk on the game it brought and hated the idea of being forgotten. I bet he even molded/allowed Tom Riddle to become Voldemort. Why would a school have a book on splitting your soul apart? Riddle found it remember. I bet he wanted another round of fame by defeated another dark lord and used Harry as his wand. Though the last book basically confirmed this, I think.
@tt_dynomite 6 жыл бұрын
This makes no sense especially the Draco part not even Snape knew of Dracos plan he only knew that draco was ordered to kill Dumbledore but Draco refused to tell snape about how he planned on doing it. Also there is the fact that only 1 confirmed obscurial has ever lived past 13 so I don't think Dumbledore would risk everything on a plan that may literally cause Harry to blow up in his face
@jchoneandonly 6 жыл бұрын
Perhaps he was trying for either option and wanted the possibility to trigger either affect for as long as possible
@KawakamiTomie 6 жыл бұрын
Regarding Neville - There's a theory I rather like regarding his magical skill (or lack thereof). For a long time in the books he's using his father's old wand. Since that wand didn't "choose" him, it doesn't work well for him. I can't remember all the events concerning the character, but I think he does end up improving after he gets his own wand. Of course I realize this is a BOOK theory on a channel about FILM theories... At least, I can't remember if the whole thing with Neville's wand is mentioned in the movies. Been a while since I've seen them. I thought it interesting and worth bringing up nonetheless.
@chrisdelisle3954 6 жыл бұрын
He DOES allow him to be put into a whole lot of danger every year. He makes a whole lot of questionable moves - or non-moves, as it were. Your theory is not far-fetched.
@kylens1 6 жыл бұрын
"Don't tell me you've come to care for the boy."
@soulkarver956 4 жыл бұрын
@nickmattio3397 6 жыл бұрын
“Such A Nice Man!”-Laura, Logan
@jeffreyphillip3346 6 жыл бұрын
The main thing that makes an Obscurial is not using magic and holding it back from coming out. Also he wouldn't of sent Hagrid to go get him when he was of age also would never of sent the letter or owl...
@KingKoffin 6 жыл бұрын
Harry didn't know he was magic, so he never resented it.
@AliAhmed-yo1dp 5 жыл бұрын
Dumbeldore was weaponising Crab and Goyle
@danielgengler4342 6 жыл бұрын
I must disagree. Dumbledore himself admitted that he had planned to use Harry's connection to Voldemort against him (Voldemort). He had no idea Harry would survive the encounter until he learned that Voldemort used Harry's blood to revive himself at the end of the Goblet of Fire. He even tells Harry to his face, in the Order of Phoenix, that he had a plan and it did not involve him caring about Harry, but he does. He only begins to truly groom Harry (Half-Blood Prince) after he knows, or is pretty sure, he will survive.
@follettebitch7480 6 жыл бұрын
So not trying to turn him into an obscurial for malicious reasons, more like he knew it would take massive power to stop Voldemort and an obscurial is the most massive use of a single witch or wizard's power.
@megachokobonshonhon9385 6 жыл бұрын
You're wrong about Dumbledore consciously allowing Death Eaters into the castle: Snape and Dumbledore only knew that Voldemort ordered Draco to kill Dumbledore, but Draco refuses Snape's help more than once and doesn't let him in on his plans because he feared Snape would take all the credit which would give Voldemort a reason to hurt him and his parents. Dumbledore only knew his life was at risk and he planned his own death in advance with Snape, but he never wanted the students to get hurt.
@aidandunne199 6 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on how in fight club there are more personalities then just tyler durden there are atleast 2 but ill let you work out who they are
@zeedeejay242 6 жыл бұрын
Harry potter was a weapon at birth.... Bumblebee was just making sure Harry was pointed at the enemy....
@zaczane 6 жыл бұрын
DAMN!!!!!!!! So Harry Potter is like a Prolonged In-depth version of Endersgame, just replace the sci-fi with Magic & wizards
@seangere9698 6 жыл бұрын
Your first point doesn't float as it is stated that the only way to keep what Lilly gave to Harry, and the protective spell that Dumbledore placed on Harry as well, when she died to save him was that Harry had to stay with a blood relative and as for some reason his grandparents on his mothers side are dead although they where relatively young maybe mid to late 40's up to early to mid 50's. One of many things in JKR's writings that have not been addressed and leave a gaping hole in the books. Another one is the whole protection thing it's self. If it is supposed to protect Harry from Voldamort then how was he able to show up in any of the books until he left the Dursleys for good? All he had to do was go to the Dursleys for one day and he would be protected for a whole year. If I was Dumbledore or the Weasleys I would take him from there the day after school was over sense they all knew how evil the Dursleys were to Harry. Also the way it is written the protection only applies to when Harry is at the Dursleys so it's a pointless thing anyway as Harry tries to spend as little time there as possible.
@gibbnasta 6 жыл бұрын
I'm loving this channel!!
@exo32582 6 жыл бұрын
I told my friends that but no one wanted to believe me
@wanettarenay8215 6 жыл бұрын
they did the same thing to me except i attended several colleges and went on to become a writer
@adebrysi 6 жыл бұрын
yo did you guys ever notice how 'snape' sounds like 'snake'?
@allansopi7494 6 жыл бұрын
I've always thought this, always assumed it was a generally accepted theory
@zxephin 6 жыл бұрын
as you said... Harry was left with his family because there was charm that protected him as long as we lived with a blood relative; his Aunt. Its spelled out in the book. Nice video... but there is no conspiracy.
@TonyHammitt 6 жыл бұрын
And just who told "everyone" about what happened in book 1 when Quirrel died? How would anyone know? At most, Dumbledore might know, maybe if he convinced the mirror that he really wanted to know. But no one else could even get there. Why tell the whole school? Just to alienate Harry, I guess
@Neonsilver13 6 жыл бұрын
If you go the route, that Dumbledore is an asshole who was using Harry. Then there is another theory that would require less assumptions and would have been less risky than an obscurial. A better theory is that Dumbledore intended Harry to be a martyr. The Dursleys made the muggleworld into a bad place for Harry, where he couldn't be happy. The wizarding world on the other hand is a place where he finds friends, has fun, a sort of surrogate family in the Weasleys and so on. In other words he makes sure that to Harry there is no alternative to live in the wizarding world. Also when talking about his mother he emphasizes Lily's sacrifice for Harry. It's more likely that Dumbledore intended to fulfill the prophecy by getting Harry killed in a confrontation with Voldemort and then killing Voldemort himself. Then some adventures in most of the books look like a test for how willing Harry is to risk his own life and maybe even fulfill the prophecy before Voldemort can be fully resurected. It explains somewhat why Dumbledore only started to teach Harry anything in 5th year, when Dumbledore was dying and he realized that he wouldn't be able to kill Voldemort. It's probably not a perfect theory, but I think in the books is a lot more to support this theory.
@J_man-de5sw 6 жыл бұрын
he didn't know he was doing magic ages 1-10
@darylchurch2115 6 жыл бұрын
I don't understand why so many people like Dumbledore, the guy would go to any lengths to defeat Voldemort no matter how terrible.
@chrisgreen2764 6 жыл бұрын
I paused this video at 1:05 to write this Jules, and was already in 100% agreement with you. Thought from when I first delve into Old Dumbers past in the book that was exactly what he doing. Just like how you could argue that Obi-Wan and To do did, except with a friggin CHILD!
@TheMimiSard 6 жыл бұрын
This is another theory I have seen people play out in fanfic. I think the thing with the HP fandom is that a lot of theories anyone can come up with, someone has written a fic for it. Whether those fics are good is another issue though. But keep posting videos, because I'm sure there are people who are not fanfic readers, or don't want to dare the depths of FFN to find the good fics based on such theories.
@TheDeathmail 6 жыл бұрын
While this seems interesting, I'd say that I doubt it. Plus, an obscurus was created after the 7 books JK Rowling planned to end everything with. But here is why I doubt it: 1st, he left Harry with the Dursley's cause Voldemort's threat was still out there and the ONLY guaranteed safe place was with the Dursley's. 2nd, he theorized that Harry was a horcrux, and so, Harry had to DIE by Voldemort's hands so that Voldy could be defeated, which kinda contradicts the idea of actually turning him into a weapon. 3rd, he was preparing Harry, but that was because trouble was always going Harry's way anyways. Harry was going to be challenged by Voldy and hunted no matter what Dumbledore did. 4th, while being taken to the forest, Hagrid was with them and they weren't really going that deep, so it should have been fine except for Voldemort who wasn't even supposed to be in the forest. Plus, Wizards seem to have a smaller danger of fear than our modern pc world. It's the kinda world where kids being cursed or turned into rats wouldn't be that big a deal. 5th, Dumbledore's plan was for Harry to come back to life and be immune to dying as long as Voldemort was alive. In fact, during the 7 books, until the very end, Harry was an immortal... 17 years of his life, he was an immortal, all because he suffered for 10 years of his life. 6th, Dumbledore didn't expect the Dursley's to be as bad as they were (no matter what, it was still her dead sister's kid and Harry was just a baby at the time). 7th, originally, only 7 books were planned and she was going to move on, but studios, book publishers and cash had different ideas and during the long years of writing the book, she also got more attached than was started.
@safirak7988 6 жыл бұрын
Weaponize? Sure. Make Harry an obscurial? Hell no. Dumbledore might be a master manipulator but he is not heartless.
@winstonvkoot 6 жыл бұрын
correct me if im wrong but isnt the whole obscural thingymagic that you could only become one by know you have magic but cant use it and suppress it (because fear of being found or stuff like that) harry never knew till hagrid came for him so it coulndt be for that reason
@EnordAreven 6 жыл бұрын
@ABurntMuffin 6 жыл бұрын
Film Theory: Snape was a good guy all along
@MrTiggityTotz23 6 жыл бұрын
i dont believe it
@ginge641 6 жыл бұрын
If this was true, he wouldn't have let Harry come to Hogwarts. He barely repressed his abilities after he discovered them.
@daxtertalon4 6 жыл бұрын
Before I watch this, WELL DUH, if Dumbledore wanted Voldemort gone and Harry was the only means of ensuring victory then...
@minervasalazar3515 4 жыл бұрын
Also DUMBLEDORE TELLS US THE REASON WHY HE LEFT HARRY WITH THE DURSLEYS. When his mother died for him, she put a protective charm on Harry but he had to live with his mother's sister for the charm to work
@minervasalazar3515 4 жыл бұрын
Harry had to enter the Triwizard Tournament! Magical contract people, MAGICAL CONTRACT
@azazel-lh3fx 6 жыл бұрын
Dumbldor told the dursleys to raise him as their own son
@mikewarnke404 6 жыл бұрын
Also he may have know volde was going to try to weaponize harry later filling him full of hate.
@niaz8 6 жыл бұрын
I don't totally agree with you. Dumbledore did nothing to solve Harry's problems, because Harry needed to grow by him self. Also he had the powers to protect Harry. But if he protected Harry wouldn't he be abusing his powers and his position. And about Draco, he knew Draco's family has ties with voldemort. His intervention would've meant nothing. His intervention would've meant problems for Malfoys.
@musicINme013 5 жыл бұрын
You should have explained what an Obscurial (however you spell it) is at the beginning of the video.
@kezkezooie8595 6 жыл бұрын
Obscurials aren't even in the HP book canon. As to Dumbledore being ruthless and being willing to sacrifice lives to defeat Voldemort, well, yeah. That's not a theory though, that's all in the plot.
@jaldinsicon 6 жыл бұрын
fun idea but, it doesn't fit Dumbledore believed love was the strongest magic out there (his conversation with Voldemort years before) this was interesting but it doesn't fit
@ginge641 6 жыл бұрын
Dumbledore's knew about the Malfoy's plot. This is not a theory; it's just a story point.
@teodormijatovic7915 6 жыл бұрын
dumbeldore had to put him in the tournament his name got pulled out if the goblet so he had to participate
@paragonjones13 6 жыл бұрын
Did Jules seem a little upset in this video? He seemed way more withdrawn but also his eyes looked like he'd recently been crying. Are you ok, man? Do you need a hug?
@AnyMe223 6 жыл бұрын
The only problem with the theory are the relics. Dumbledor gifted Harry with the three relics. He was a dick, we agree, but he did give Harry the cloak, the stone, and did as much as possible to ensure he also got the wand
@nada55666 6 жыл бұрын
I very much disagree with this theory and just the thought that Dumbledore would have even tried something so evil is 100% out of character. His sister, as you mentioned, died because she had an obscurus living inside her. It's only in Fantastic Beasts that we see that it's possible for a child to live with an Obscurus for more than a few years. Let's say for arguments's sake, this theory was true, how does Dumbledore control it? How does he make sure Harry doesn't die as a result of it? And how can he be sure that it will only hurt bad wizards and not innocent muggles? But more than that, Dumbledore left Harry with the Dursley for 2 reasons: #1- for protection as the charm made sure Harry was safe with his blood relatives, keeping his mother's protection alive as long as Harry lived with the Dursleys. #2- To not expose him to the entire tragedy of his parent's death and his subsequent hero status in the wizarding world. If Dumbledore truly intended to weaponize Harry, why didn't he adopt him? In Book #6, when Dumbledore visits the Dursleys, he even tells them that he asked them to raise Harry as their own and that they failed to do so. So if he actually wanted to weaponize Harry as an Obscurus, why take the trouble to leave him somewhere safe, put a charm to ensure no harm comes to him AND invite him to join Hogwartz when he turns 11? As to why didn't Dumbledore intervene when Harry was having problems with Draco. Why should he? He's the headmaster, he's not there to show favoritism. Imagine Lucius Malfoy always coming to the school to complain if everytime Draco teased Harry he took action? Dumbledore didn't do anything because it's a normal part of growing up. Harry was never in life-threatening danger during his feud with Malfoy. It's also never started who decided punishment, for all we know it was McGonagall who decided to send the kids into the forrest with Hagrid. Now onto the vanishing cabinets. Snape did not know the plan. All Snape knew was that Malfoy was contracted to kill Dumbledore. You see many instances of Snape asking Draco what's going on, offering help, but Draco refuses to tell him anything saying it's "his responsibility". When Draco disarms Dumbledore and tells him about the vanishing cabinet, Dumbledore is surprised, he didn't know. And finally, Snape talking to Dumbledore in flashbacks about Harry needing to die. Snape sees it as leading a lamb to slaughter, but Dumbledore, now armed with the full story of the Horcruxes, knows for sure what he suspected years ago. Harry is a horcrux but the only way to destroy it is if Harry lets Voldemort kill him. Harry sacrifices himself like his mother did for him but Dumbledore knows he won't die. Voldemort cannot kill Harry since the protection is now in Voldemort as well, once he took Harry's blood to resurrect. Dumbledore knew exactly what would happen. Dumbledore heard the prophecy first-hand and he understood what needed to be done. Neither can live while the other one survives.
@ExtractEngineer 6 жыл бұрын
Isn't this theory confirmed, you know, in the seventh book? Dumbledore makes it pretty clear that Harry Potter has to die, when he reveals his plans to Snape.
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