Thank You Tony...!!! I I have 50 or more vs code extensions that I don't know which ones are working or needed... Hope this helps...
@rosesolution24353 сағат бұрын
I am getting "Failed to download binary for Laravel extension: php-parser-v0.1.17-x64-win32"
@SahilKumar-bt2pfКүн бұрын
Hello sir, which VS code color theme you are using??
@tonyxhepaofficialКүн бұрын
Ayu dark
@mohammadhoseinkamari2 күн бұрын
thank you so much dear tony, I learned so much from you ♥♥♥♥♥♥
@mahavishnu93122 күн бұрын
What vscode theme are you using?
@mhmdbgskr2 күн бұрын
Thanks for the vids! Do you recommend that VS Code extension even though it's in beta?
@BrunoBernard-kn6vt2 күн бұрын
It works, but it crash sometimes, but i think its better you install it, so that you open issues on github, so it is fixed easily, since it is js and php, you can easily contribute to improve the extension.
@mhmdbgskr2 күн бұрын
@@BrunoBernard-kn6vt I tried installing it, but encountered a parse error. I noticed that the GitHub issues section has around 20 same reports of this problem, and it seems like a fix has not been implemented yet. I guess I'll be using my current Laravel extensions for now.
@BrunoBernard-kn6vt2 күн бұрын
@@mhmdbgskr there is a fix, but not merged yet. You can download the binary and it will be fixed
@scott_itall86382 күн бұрын
Fingers crossed for Livewire and Volt soon.
@abdelbarimessaoud2422 күн бұрын
I am afraid to add this since I am pretty new and it's still in beta, using a bunch of different extensions at the moment