Final Fantasy XIV All Cinematic Trailers Reaction

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@Tezasaurus Жыл бұрын
"I'm about to look up this OST" Have fun, it is the current Guinness World Record holder for most original pieces in a video game (350+ tracks).
@DameonStarflame Жыл бұрын
It hasn't been since the category was released. Runescape holds the title now.
@FullBitGamer Жыл бұрын
@@DameonStarflame True, but Runescape music is mostly crap. SO XIV wins in our hearts on the technicality that it actually has *good* music
@OmegaEnvych Жыл бұрын
Few moments: 1. Old guy, Luisoix, was a very powerful wizard. When Garleans dropped the lesser moon Dalamud on the plains of Cartenau, releasing Elder Primal Bahamut (in FFXIV summons are called either Primals or Eikons depending on country + extra round - in one specific place they are called Eidolons (like in FFIX)), he gathered power left from summoning The Twelve Gods and changed himself into Primal Phoenix. In this world Primals have two goals - perform wish of their summoners and gather as many followers as possible, even if it means - bending people's minds to their will. Even if it turns people into mindless slaves. Permanently. Luisoix, becoming Phoenix, got only one goal - to bring rebirth to the Eorzea, ending cataclysm that became known as Seventh Umbral Calamity (yes, there were 6 calimities of similar power - endless ice and snow, massive flood, huge earthquake etc.), bringing Sixth Astral Era to its closure. From that goes: 2. You got Bahamut right. 3. The Knight on the Horse is Odin. He has two forms - Standard boss-fight (or "Trial" as game calls them) and World-boss. World-boss variant has little quirk - when it appears next time, it uses appearance of the player character who dealt killing hit to him during previous fight (it is heavily implied that Primal is not warrior itself, but their sword - Zantentsuken and warrior is - whoever picks up the sword). 4. Since the game is MMO, they needed someone to represent players. Initially it was entire party, but later they ended up with single plain looking midlander. You have 8 races to choose from, each race has 2 clans, which can be quite different from one another (especially Hyurs, Roegadyns and Miqo'te) 5. 2nd expansion was heavily inspired by Dragoon storyline from Realm Reborn and story was going onward with it and was dedicated to war between Holy See of Ishgard against dragons. Funny enough, while Protagonist shows off Dragoon relic armor (The Dragonlancer set), Dragoons were in the game almost from 1.0. Instead expansion added three different jobs - Dark Knight (like Cecil from early FFIV - tank with massive sword1), Machinist (something like Edgar from FFIV - Damage dealer with a gun and many other types of devices that include a flamethrower, a shotgun, circular saw and a battle robot) and Astrologian (healer that uses astronomical globe and cards to give buffs to party members) 6. You got him right. White-haired dude is the Cid of this FF entry. 7. Stormblood expansion was mostly centered on war against Garlean Empire in Eorzea and Far East. It added some unique looking places aside of Japanese-Chinese-styled fantasy, like Deep-Sea Gungan-esque bubbled settlements or literally Fantasy Mongolia. You've ever seen Fantasy Mongols? Now I can say that I have. 8. Would you be surprised if I say that Shadowbringers is fan-beloved? It hits VERY different tone than previous expansions. 9. When music in the trailer changes to violins while camera makes flyby around Crystal Tower and city, it plays "Eternal Wind" - overworld theme of Final Fantasy 3. Also level 50 Raids "The Labyrinth of the Ancients", "Syrcus Tower" and "The World of Darkness" are heavily based on the ending of Final Fantasy 3 and Shadowbringers main story partially based on some concepts that FF3 brought 10. In addition Shadowbringers trailer showcases main additions to the game with that expansions. Aside of massive storyline it revamped some core characters, shifted focus on them and changed their Jobs. Thancred became a Gunbreaker (tank that uses Gunblade), Urianger (the Elf guy) became Astrologian, Y'shtola (the woman in dark dress) became a "Sorceress" (kinda like Black Mage but not really) and they added Dancer job along with Viera race (funny moment - at the time Viera were female-only race, but since Endwalker male Vieras were added, now we are only waiting for Female Hrothgars (possibly in next expansion) so True Catboys won't have to feel so lonely anymore) 11. Oh, no-no-no-no, DO NOT call Zenos discount Sephiroth. Not in front of Zenos' fans. It's ok to call Ardyn from XV discount Emet-Selch, but Zenos... No. Just no. You're not ready for the fan rage, that I can assure you. (to be more realistic, Zenos does look a bit like Sephiroth visually, but in a same way as Ascians at the start look a lot like Organisation XIII from Kingdom Hearts - some visual similarities, but if you go deeper, it's nothing alike) 12. In general XIV has some of better cinematic trailers not just for FF or MMO games but like... Probably some of the best cinematic trailers at this time. Considering that XVI has dropped cinematic trailers completely, XIV might be last Final Fantasy game to get new fully pre-rendered CGI trailers from Square Enix in visible future. Other points: game has very generous free trial without limitations on playtime and only limits available content by what is available in core game and first expansion. When new expansion is released, previous one gets delisted but you have to only buy latest expansion in order to get everything so price for full game is $60+subscription fee. While game is, like WoW is sub-based and has cash shop, that cash shop only sells level boosts/story skips, cosmetics, mounts and emotes. Nothing that can be gained in game is purchasable in the store and even opening store in game (and even then it only opens hyperlink to the store page in your web-browser) requires almost arcane knowledge because it's not shown explicitly anywhere. Game is not designed for any addons and all content can be finished without 3rd party tools You can get game for Windows, Mac (although client has not been properly updated for Apple Silicon Macs and still uses Intel-based code), PS4 and PS5. It has full crossplay and Playstation players are playing on the same servers as PC players. If you're playing on PC, you can use gamepad, if you playing on Console, you can use Keyboard and mouse Game has 20 combat jobs, 3 gathering jobs and 8 crafting jobs. Every job is considered as full-blown job with special abilities and gameplay (yes, including crafters). You can select your job at any time as long as you're not in combat or not in dungeon/raid/solo instance Aside of like 7-8 different Chocobo types, game has over 150 different mounts, which include but don't stop at: Dragons, Magitek Armor, Airships, Horses, Wolves, Birds, Elephant, Giant Tortoise, Seat carried by Moogle and even more bizzare things. It has Triple Triad minigame from FF8. People love it, new cards are added with each new patch. Each patch adds large chunk of content, including new story content and quests and new gear, dungeons, raids etc. Hence amount of content in this game is somewhat staggering. There is entire video series about references to other Final Fantasy games in XIV and even with its massive size, some of the references are omitted due to how many there are. And not only Final Fantasy - game had crossovers with Garo TV series, Monster Hunter and Nier and has massive references to other TV shows, anime and games.
@Shampoodark Жыл бұрын
idk but i think you got the part wrong with louis got into Phoenix because of the Twelve. I remember that he is telling you he get transform into Phoenix because of Bahamuts Aether and this is also the reason why you have to fight against him since he doesnt have any other option. I can be wrong since i did clear the fight 10 years ago xD
@OmegaEnvych Жыл бұрын
@@Shampoodark It was long ago for me as well, and I could be wrong, but this was how I understood it. Plus wiki says that: "As Louisoix awaited his fate at Bahamut's hands, he received a vision from the Twelve along with their blessing and was infused with aether-this, plus the fervent prayers of the people of Eorzea for salvation, transformed him into a primal." But considering the latest alliance raid it's a bit more complicated :)
@TarossBlackburn Жыл бұрын
He wasn't powerful per-se. He had Tupsimati; the staff. It was capable of storing and funneling insane amounts of aether. Basically he was the right guy with the right tools.
@TarossBlackburn Жыл бұрын
@@OmegaEnvych It was pretty much the prayer of the people and the desire for savior that turned him into Phoenix. Bahamut was just so much more powerful, will wise, that he went and Tempered another Primal.
@OmegaEnvych Жыл бұрын
@@TarossBlackburn I won’t disagree with you on that, I was simplifying things for ease of understanding. Powerful mage is also mage who knows his tools, after all. Regarding strength, IIRC, Phoenix was heavily weakened after killing Bahamut’s body and restoring Eorzea and was tempered in that weakened state. Although we are talking heavy Coils spoilers and would like to not dwell on that.
@Dvpainter Жыл бұрын
Bro this game is literally like an amusement park for Final Fantasy fans, and you should 100% play it with the stuff you catch in these trailers
@DNAcl0ne 2 ай бұрын
And for SE to shut down the original game and completely remake it but still keep the "calamity" in the storyline was brilliant. Not only that but you can literally do everything on one character which i absolutely enjoy.
@MorguerotheGaming Жыл бұрын
The guy riding the dragon in the Endwalker trailer is by far my favorite character in the game. His name is Estinien and his story arc is so good.
@dragonknight6972 Ай бұрын
His only flaw doesn't know how to spend money
@arcdraconis9579 Ай бұрын
Eorzean batman
@feeblemind Жыл бұрын
"whys buddy so angry?" heh the game has a entire multi stage raid to explain why bahamut is big angy.
@fillosopher7 4 ай бұрын
Go MINE Bahamut, then you can share in the anger!
@RratRemi 4 ай бұрын
And gets explained a bit deeper in endwalker
@lorzon Жыл бұрын
"This man can't catch a break!" This could be the tag line of FFXIV's campaign.
@Kirianda Жыл бұрын
he luckily caught a bit of a break in the newest trailer that released
@waskowcreationsart9639 7 ай бұрын
@soren2951 3 ай бұрын
At least he looks like he’s having fun in the Dawntrail trailer.
@DeletedSanityCPG Жыл бұрын
The composer for all of XVI's music is the same composer for XIV, Masayoshi Soken. He is a genius, truly.
@Null_Experis Жыл бұрын
aside from a few ARR songs and stuff like Dragonsong/Answers which would have been done by Nobuo Uematsu.
@ReaverBharash Жыл бұрын
The Stormblood trailer OST was done by Nobuo also. Soken didn’t get to start doing trailer OSTs til Shadowbringers
@tontj Жыл бұрын
Soken, the new face for FF music. When Uematsu retire, he is probably the person I can trust to deliver banger music. Writing music while fighting cancer, this man is a fighter.
@ReaverBharash Жыл бұрын
@@tontj I had my reservations at first about Soken, then he took me to town and I only regret that I had reservations to begin with lol
@arty1813 Жыл бұрын
Soken also pulled a metric fuckton of inspiration from Uematsu, pretty much all FF music is born fron Uematsu. But another important thing to note is a *lot* of Soken's music was written from his hospital bed while fighting cancer, and you can tell that in some of his works.
@kenkurogue101 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the old guy helped the heros escape by porting them 5 years into the future. So its the same world just 6 years later. The world has had some time to recover.
@MorguerotheGaming Жыл бұрын
Mostly recover lol, some places are still messed up.
@austinmartin612 Жыл бұрын
Interesting thing of note about Shadowbringers Trailer: The character(The Derplander as many call him, the main character) starts off the scene as a Bard/Archer(as seen in very first trailer), then changes to a Warrior(as seen in 2nd trailer and start of Heavensward trailer), then changes to a Dragoon as seen in the Heavensward trailer, then changes to a Monk as seen in the fight against Lyse(the girl in red dress on top of the giant statue hand), then he changes to Samurai which is seen when he split the bullets, then finally to Dark Knight as the theme of Shadowbringers was of course bringing Darkness to an overwhelming amount of light to create balance. Interesting note about Endwalker trailer. Each of the previous expansion's main themes/trailer themes are featured in the song "Footfalls" that plays during the Endwalker trailer.
@acgearsandarms1343 Жыл бұрын
Archer. Bard didn’t exist in 1.0.
@austinmartin612 Жыл бұрын
@@acgearsandarms1343 okay yes and no, jobs were added in 1.21 but... Yeah archer was a thing.
@acgearsandarms1343 Жыл бұрын
@@austinmartin612 Fair.
@xenomemphate Жыл бұрын
18:20 - essentually time travel but what really happened was old guy wizard sent the characters (representative of the player) into a pocket dimension for 5 years but for them it felt immediate. Also, the mark on the characters in the final trailer is a tattoed version of a PHD - it shows they are "Archons" and have graduated the Sharlayan university.
@dumaskhan Жыл бұрын
The guy you keep seeing is actually the stand-in for the player character. Each expansion, he takes a different class role. In the first trailer he was a warrior. the snowy themed expansion he takes the role of dragoon, and so on. Basically where you see that guy, He is you. You are the hero of the story and everything in the cutscene is what you do, or happening to you.
@A_Wzone Жыл бұрын
First he was an archer in 1.0 then was changed to warrior in ARR Dragoon in Heavensward , Monk/Samurai in Stormblood, Dark Knight in Shadowbringers and finally Paladin in Endwalker and with Fan Fest coming in the next couple days im really interested to see what the next one will be
@dahak2358 Жыл бұрын
Notice also, that the class the Meteor (official name for the Protagonist shown in videos) has does not need to be a class newly added in that expansion. In fact, so far only Stormblood trailer presented new classes that way.
@KharaChmiel Жыл бұрын
@DfRaid Жыл бұрын
Calling Zenos off brand Sephiroth had me laughing.
@EsporHB Жыл бұрын
Seems really fitting
@Domura Жыл бұрын
I've been playing since 2.1 but I had the exact same thought with Zenos since moment one. I even had the 'off brand Sephiroth' thought to myself a second before Josh said it.
@EricTheKei Жыл бұрын
A note on the first trailer: Those little "cards" the character picked up represent "Leves." In essence, "Adventurer Wanted" advertisements offering rewards for doing repeatable sidequests. These are also present in the modern version of the game. You go to the location listed in the Level description, activate the card, and the monsters spawn. There are also crafting (make stuff) and gathering (find stuff) leves. The system gives players a different way to level when they are stuck on the normal quests or just bored; they can also be an easy way to scrounge up gil (money), crafting crystals, and other resources.
@Null_Experis Жыл бұрын
The second trailer you watched "Flames of Truth" is actually the full version of the original FF14 Version 1.0 end-game cinematic. The shorter version ends with the old man (Louisoix) appearing to die, then picks up 5 years later to show the heroes he teleported away appearing and seeing that everything was not fully destroyed. The backstory to this is that the original 1.0 version of FF14 was pretty bad, and was such a buggy mess that they decided to just patch it up enough to be playable and not completely bad. By patch 1.20 or so, it was actually pretty decent when the servers weren't crashing. Then with 1.21 they started making the Red Moon larger in the sky until by 1.23b it was fully visable in the sky and clearly was not a moon. A final boss fight was implemented (Riven Road) and then on the last day they devs started spawning monsters in cities and causing chaos, and when the servers were shut down the shorter version of the cinematic was played revealing FF14 was getting a new game with 2.0 called "A Realm Reborn". There's a neat documentary on it by NoClip.
@Blackwing02 Жыл бұрын
Each trailer (other than Shadowbringers) has the player stand-in (the warrior of light) showcase different Jobs (advanced classes). ARR they are a Warrior, Heavensward they change to Dragoon, in Stormblood they start out Monk and then later are changed to Samurai which was added in that expansion. For Shadowbringers they change it up a bit and show him changing to previous shown Jobs before finally changing to Dark Knight, which was added way back in Heavensward. And finally, with Endwalker they change to Paladin. The change from Dark Knight to Paladin and being on the Moon is one giant Final Fantasy VI reference. Shadowbringers also has a big Final Fantasy III reference with it's use of the Crystal Tower (which was a raid series for A Realm Reborn) and the music changing to a fantastic arrangement of Eternal Wind.
@darthfinality Жыл бұрын
Paladin to dark knight + going to the moon is a Final Fantasy IV reference, not VI. 🙂 But yeah, the whole game is a giant love letter to the whole FF series.
@Blackwing02 Жыл бұрын
@@darthfinality that's what I get for not proof reading 😅
@darthfinality Жыл бұрын
@@Blackwing02 lol I had a feeling you meant to type IV instead of VI 😂😂
@marcvongeldern847 Жыл бұрын
38:13 - “I wonder what that mark means on them.” That purple mark is called an Archon’s Mark. It is a sign that they not only graduated from one of the most prestigious colleges in the world, but have completed what is essentially a Doctorate in their field of study, such as Aetherology (the study of magic and its applications, The elf guy, as well as the Cat Girl), Espionage (The guy with the coat and gunblade), or Ancient Civilizations (Red-haired cat man). It’s not always purple but it is for all of these characters. The old wizard from trailer 2 had a white one on his dome.
@reachthezora1912 Жыл бұрын
Shadowbringers is such a step up over the other trailers... still my favorite is endwalker because of the amount of foreshadowing and because the song is actually the best one for me, it has so many facets and tries to mix differents soundtracks along the trailers and in-game, the lyrics itself are telling you the story of the "Warrior of Light", more like, the mc is talking directly to the world. And we are not even talking about the "Wings of hope" part.
@InnoMori Жыл бұрын
man.. this game is a MUST play mmorpg if you like that style, but even without liking mmos the story, music, world and atmosphere are all beyond amazing. after experiencing the 500+ hour journey and experiencing the end of it all.. i can confidently say it has changed my life forever. its a fresh storyline individual to 14. but its extremely long. i know for a fact it would be a game to sit very special in your heart if youve played those final fantasy games. not necessarily asking for a playthrough as it is very different and long, but even if you play it in your own time its one hell of an experience. free trial allows you to experience all of a realm reborn and heavensward! heavensward is one of the best expansions in the story by far. but every single one of them is amazing and will probably make you cry by the end of the last one regardless of who you are.
@Matisaro Жыл бұрын
In final fantasy 14 you have one character who has all the different jobs, so you can change classes on the fly which is what he was doing in the fight with the angel.
@letari2252 Жыл бұрын
I like how you pointed out the man that reminded you of Cid... because that is indeed XIV's Cid! Some of your other observations were impressively close or spot on as well. A mention about the first trailer where you had all those dragons and airships fighting: That was an event that took place 20 years before the start of 1.0 called "The Battle of Silvertear". The Empire tried to invade the land for its resources and the dragons showed up to defend it. The shot of Midgarsormr (the biggest dragon) wrapped around the flagship as it went down is actually a landmark in the game- the broken remains of the ship and the slowly degrading remains of the dragon in that final position. The explosion from the ship triggered a chain reaction of the mana in the surroundings which changed the landscape of the area forever.
@zeehero7280 5 ай бұрын
That dragon in the ARR trailer, Bahamut, sometimes known as Calamity Bahamut, is so large, his wingspan measures 12 KILOMETERS
@fefnireindraer144 Жыл бұрын
Those OP characters are the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, probably the 10 most powerful people on the planet. You are the Warrior of Light, the most powerful person on the planet, and spoilers, the last of your race. The story of ff14 is arguably the most amazing story in gaming history, and I have played RPGs for 40 years. Those tattoos basically mean they are world experts in a field of study, given to them by that Greek looking city state.
@arinmochi Жыл бұрын
21:20 "this man can't catch a break!" sums up the entire main story of ffxiv lmao
@tenjenk Жыл бұрын
I loved the bit in the 1.0 trailer where the ship just stops firing for a moment and focuses its entire arsenal at something into the sky. You get this sense that their instruments just picked up something MASSIVE up there and the command center is losing its shit.
@shrike- Жыл бұрын
That was fun watching your reactions to these trailers. You actually had a couple really good guesses that were dead-on: the old guy in the second trailer did in fact teleport Meteor Survivor (the 'main character' in these trailers) and his companions into the future: 5 years, to be precise. The guy with the white beard and goggles is in fact Cid in this game, like you had guessed. The bunny-eared dancer in the Shadowbringers trailer was in fact a viera, who are from FFXII like you thought. It was also fun seeing you recognize Thancred's gunblade. Each trailer "featured" a single class for Meteor Survivor, but those aren't necessarily new classes introduced in that expansion. The original 1.0 trailer had him as an Archer, the A Realm Reborn trailer had him as a Warrior (with the axe), the Heavensward trailer had him as a Dragoon (with the spiky armor and spear, fighting dragons), the Stormblood trailer had him as both a Monk (for the fist-fight with the lady in the red dress, who is also a Monk) and as a Samurai (for the second half, in the Japanese city alleyway), the Shadowbringers trailer had him go through all the previous classes listed here, in the same order as the previous trailers, before finishing off as Dark Knight, and the Endwalker trailer had him as a Paladin. Of these, most were available at the launch of A Realm Reborn, except for Samurai (released in Stormblood) and Dark Knight (released in Heavensward). In the game, you CAN switch between classes as the same character, so the class switching in the Shadowbringers trailer is mostly canon for how the game works (in the actual game, you can't do it during a fight like he did, which I guess is Main Character Privilege ^_^ ). The companions from the original trailer and the A Realm Reborn and New Beginning trailers were originally just for the trailers, though the game later incorporated them as characters in some interesting and unique ways. The characters you see in the rest of the trailers from Heavensward on are companions and allies (mostly) of the main character. Cid is a long-time ally throughout the series. You can also see him in the A Realm Reborn trailer with the dragon/old guy fight, but without the beard. The characters presented in the Shadowbringers and Endwalker trailers, who speak, are companions and allies of the main character in the game (several of them having been allies since the original game, and most of them since A Realm Reborn), except for the guy with the scythe and the dark-robed guy who was with him in Endwalker, who are antagonists for multiple expansions. Fun fact: The guy with the long blond hair and the scythe in Endwalker is physically the same person who fought Meteor Survivor in the katana duel at the start of the Shadowbringers trailer (and any more clarification than that would be a story spoiler).
@ridewild1956 Жыл бұрын
heavensward is _ALL_ about dragons,there's a war against them and the resolution is peak final fantasy
@Quantum_Magus Жыл бұрын
Those cards in the first trailer are quest contracts. Levequests. You take them like bounty jobs.
@Dar_Rito Жыл бұрын
The first trailer and the second trailer always make me cry. I was there for 1.0 to watch Yoshi-P save it from the brink and bring it to the forefront with A Realm Reborn. I honestly thought it was going to be the end of Final Fantasy if they couldn't save it. Sweet memories~ As bad as 1.0 was, I remember the good times.
@everyonethinksyoureadeathm5773 Жыл бұрын
So as others have pointed out the first and 2nd trailers are connected in part due to the game failing at launch and being re-launched by Yoshida (who also directed FF16). Also yes you are correct about A Realm Reborn trailer.. it is time travel as if you pause during the spell being cast at first...theres an hour glass below the 1.0 group. Its explained during the first raid of A Realm Reborn called Binding Coils of Bahamut that closes the loose ends of what happen after the closing of 1.0. However the Hyur (human) is named Meteor and is the mascot for FF14. Each of the expansions highlight a class except A Real Reborn who highlights a Bad Guy. So Heavensward highlights Dragoon. Storm Blood highlights Monk and Samurai, Shadowbringers highlights the job class system + Dark Knight and Endwalker's poster class is Paladin.
@3Cs_ENT 11 ай бұрын
Respectfully Endwalker was the best trailer. It was a blend of all of the expansions into one a lot of people don’t know that
@1jidion Жыл бұрын
shadowbringers trailer is highly regarded as the best ffxiv trailer to have been made
@Puff_Chady Жыл бұрын
0:54 Good observation! The developers of FF12, and FF16 also made FF14.
@minilabyrinth Жыл бұрын
The heavensward was showing the new job Dragoon, which has been a job in almost all FF games, you said you played FF9 so you'll recognize Freyja was a Dragoon. They use spears and jump out of combat then return and plunge on enemies moments/seconds later
@MorguerotheGaming Жыл бұрын
Dragoon was in 2.0, it wasn't new in 3.0/Heavensward. Heavensward introduced Machinist, Dark Knight, and Astrologian. They used Dragoon in the trailer because of their ties to the dragons in the expansion.
@TarossBlackburn Жыл бұрын
As others said, the first trailer is for the 1.0 version the game had. What we see here are some things that they eventually reused but had to sink off in concept, and others only very faintly refer back to. We see our 'Derplander' (affectionate nickname for our pc stand-in) experiencing an 'Echo Vision'. A power we have where we can see and even 'live' through powerful events or memories. In 1.0 I believe they made it predictive. So what he sees when he picks up that card, a leve plate which are ingame repeatable sidequests, he gets a vision of events that may be. His start as an Archer, an epic battle. An all out war between an evil technological empire and the dragons and an explosion that frees powerful elemental demigods from their prison... In 1.0 it was kindof meant for Primals/Eikons/Summons to have a somewhat memory between summons, and because they were bad for the land they were trapped under the lake and the explosion set them free. That memory is only faintly touched on in the future parts... And then we snap back to now, and we see him make the decision to take the grand adventure. That second one you watched was pretty much what everyone got to see when the servers for 1.0 shut down. And it faded to black after Bahamut blasted everything. Well... Faded to white... What you see when Louisioux got supercharged and killed Bahamut was actually part of a secret video only people who managed to get through the first raid of the game to learn the Truth of what happened that day and finally close off 1.0 proper... All everyone else really got was the fade... and then the bit where it starts off again five years later with the running chocobo. And no knowledge of what ever happened inbetween.
@tickledpickle5671 4 ай бұрын
"How do you come back from THAT? The world's finished." FF:14 "That's why it's called A Realm Reborn. we came back from that, but wounds are still healing."
@shadowwordpain3138 Жыл бұрын
For context, I highly recommend watching NoClip's documentary on Final Fantasy XIV. The rebirth of FF14 coincided with the rebirth of SquareEnix's FF14 development unit.
@vagabond142 Жыл бұрын
39:13 that's Y'Shtola (aka "Kitty Mommy" to many), pronounced "eesh-tolah." She's the black mage of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, a group of extremely powerful good guys that work to save the world. That is what the marks on their necks or faces denote, that they are members (38:12). The Scions, in order of appearance in the Endwalker trailer, are: -You (player character, in this trailer portraying a Paladin tank class); -Alisae (one of two Elezen twins, portraying a Red Mage DPS class here, sister to...); -Alphinaud (the other Elezen twin, portraying a Sage healer class); -Estinien (Elezen, The Azure Dragoon, basically one of the coolest characters in the game because he is MASSIVELY OP); -Thancred (hume, started out as a rogue, now portrays a Gunbreaker tanking class); -Urianger (Elezen guru of pretty much everything, portraying an Astrologian healer class) pronounced Ooh-re-ahn-jay; -G'Raha Tia (Miquo'te, all-rounder in terms of class in that he can pretty much do any and every job, but is most commonly either a Bard (archer) or Paladin (tank)); -Y'Shtola (kitty mommy (Miquo'te) and one of the most powerful Black Mages... ever), and during that part of the trailer, she is arguing with Fourchenault Leveilleur, Alisae and Alphinaud's father. A lot of other Scions are not shown, either because they are not major NPCs or because while they may be important, they aren't the main story characters.
@omegagilgamesh Жыл бұрын
And in about a week here, we're expecting a new cinematic trailer to announce the next expansion. Probably a shorter version. Whenever they announce a new expansion, the initial cinematic trailer is short, then a little while later (usually a few month) they release the full trailer. What you saw here were all full trailers.
@MorguerotheGaming Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see his take on the Dawntrail teaser now that it's out.
@thetrin 4 ай бұрын
"So this was definitely an endgame event". Kinda. It was the event that ended the failed 1.0, and started A Realm Reborn, the FFXIV we know today.
@M0du5Pwn3n5 Жыл бұрын
It's crazy how good the Shadowbringers trailer is even if you don't know what's going on. It's even more wild if you do - they're dropping massive story bombs every minute in it.
@sophiewilliams7487 Ай бұрын
I've been playing this game for 6 years, but never watched 1.0 opening cinematic...I had no idea it was so long 😂
@minilabyrinth Жыл бұрын
The main character is "the warrior of light" and represents us, the player, Also in Final Fantasy 14, you can have every job/class on a single character and just swap weapons to change jobs on the fly, so that's why you see this warrior of light in every cinematic having different armor/weapons
@erickelley1680 Жыл бұрын
Also dont forget that ff14 is critically acclaimed where you can play to lvl 60 in the free trial with unlimited game time during thise levels.
@Scarlett90 Жыл бұрын
Funny enough, in two weeks we will have a teaser for the next trailer!
@CryoJnik Жыл бұрын
22:45 Yep. That is indeed Cid. Its final fantasy tradition to have a character named Cid.
@Matisaro Жыл бұрын
You also correctly clocked the first big dragon as Bahamut too.
@Daktangle Жыл бұрын
Meteor getting older with each Cinematic.
@tyty8484 Жыл бұрын
@34:50 Imagine how it hits when you know what's actually happening, who these people are and the significance of the scenes they chose to show you and then being able to speculate about what's going to happen. :)
@TarossBlackburn Жыл бұрын
Second comment, different topic... These trailers are amazing, and during fanfests (at the time of this comment, in about a week or so for the first) we get teased with small teasers that get longer and more complete as time continues. They are very good at creating hype but... The downside that I'll have to note is that they create a lot of hype for people who already play the game. Most of the recurring characters in the later trailers are buddies of our character whom we've been spending ten years with. They grew and became stronger as we did, got better personalities and everyone has their favourites they like to play up. So seeing them in speaking roles or important scenes is great... for us. For someone who has no idea who they are it's kindof hard to figure out why they have to feel excited for them. The way the gameplay is set up normally is that we get our main storyline in the basic expansion and pretty much 'save the day' when we complete it. In the following content patches we work to tie off loose ends and really end the story of that expansion. Then we get some more content blocks that start teasing the next chapter at us. We get into speculation that is only fanned even more when the actual trailer hits. We see things we've been teased with in the game, we get some answers, but more questions still. Again amazing for someone who already plays it. People who are new, again, have no idea why Discount Sephiroth is so important... Or why a Dragoon coming in on an actual Dragon is such a big deal... Or even the bit in the Shadowbringers trailer where the "Meteor Survivor" (or Derplander as we lovingly call our cinematic stunt double) switches jobs; it's an in-game mechanic where you can basically do all the job on a single character. But that it is a thing that is ACTUALLY acknowledged in the game universe at that point that you actually CAN do it, and not just a programming thing nobody mentions. Again, amazing trailers, wonderful music, great hype and cinematics... but not quite as much for people who haven't gotten into the game yet. And I say this as someone playing since 2.1 :)
@EdgeGilid Жыл бұрын
"Who are you? Off brand Sephiroth?" Well you're not entirely wrong hahahaha
@johneary1317 2 ай бұрын
Dayum! I completely forgot about the 1.0 intro!! LOL Gods, I haven't seen that is SO LONG!!
@leen-chan5818 Жыл бұрын
A bit of trivia for the 2nd trailer, they had to shut down FFXIV 1.0 because it was so bad but Yoshi P and his team does not know how to end the game and introduce ARR (2.0) that they’ve been working on. But then everyone was talking about the end of the world since it was 2012, so Yoshi was inspired by that and decided they will end 1.0 by completing destroying the world. Hence 2.0 was named A Realm Reborn because they completely reborn the game forge by fire.
@ArcanaMythra 9 ай бұрын
the composer for ff14 is the same as ff16, Masayoshi Soken :) not sure if anyone had mentioned that yet haha. he's incredible. and he wrote a lot of the songs from shadowbringers while he was fighting cancer. there's a specific song, called To The Edge, that he wrote during that time and the lyrics are super meaningful to him and its an insane song, def check it out!
@MsBaseball19 Жыл бұрын
Lol dude standing on the moon “I think they’re going to the moon”
@loner419 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but your player character is known as the "Warrior of Light" (WoL) within the game universe after a realm reborn began. Effectively, within the world, you're literally known as a force of nature that has done things that defy all logic to win. It's not even an exaggeration that you and your companions (the folks talking in the trailers) are literally the multiple time over saviors of the planet. It's honestly an incredible journey and if you think the Shadowbringers TRAILER was good as hell, then my guy you NEED TO PLAY SHADOWBRINGERS. I make no exaggeration that it's not just THE best MMO questline I've ever played, but within my top 5 stories OF ALL TIME and I have been gaming for over 30 years.
@SoraMatt Жыл бұрын
Thing about the trailers is that they only really provide context to what is going on for those who are already playing. The transition from the 1.0 trailer to ARR requires you knowing for example about the end of the server wars at the very end of 1.0's life and into 2.0. Heavensward requires you being at a certain point of the main story to know what happened with the Sultana being poisoned and the dude (Raubahn) in chains. Stormblood requires you learning who the girl in red is and who the Samurai and Ninja are. Shadowbringers requires you really to have bonded with the cast and know who the villains are. Ditto for Endwalker.
@crossdaboss8914 Жыл бұрын
If your interested in trying it you get the base game and first expansion for free in the trial with no restrictions on play time the game feels like a single player final fantasy that just so happens to also be a mmo you can do a majority of the story without ever interacting with another player
@myrkrormr Жыл бұрын
if no one pointed out, for the record, minor detail: in the shadowbringers trailer, that angel like being was a female (somehow you didnt notice the boobs) and was definitely NOT the warrior of light lol... also not sure if anyone mentioned it but, the purple tattoos on some of the chars necks were a mark given to those who were part of the Circle of Knowing. it symbolized someone who was an expert in a particular field of study.
@アンニュイ-r3w Жыл бұрын
The music of FFXIV goes along with the story of the game, and there is a free trial that allows you to play the game for free up to the 4.0 storyline. Please play it without skipping the story. It's designed to be played by one person now. We promise you that it will add one more wonderful story to your life.
@KertaDrake 4 ай бұрын
Probably the fastest person to make the moon connection.
@raernst Жыл бұрын
With Stormblood they officially dropped PS3 support, and made everything bigger and better.
@Omnicrom Жыл бұрын
38:12 : The game doesn't bring it up directly, but the neck mark both of those characters have means essentially they're PhDs. And I'm not even joking.
@benpeterson4673 Жыл бұрын
The HW trailer made dragoons look cooler than any class has ever looked in that game. So freaking awesome.
@MorguerotheGaming Жыл бұрын
They're great, but also one of the jobs with the most complicated action rotations. Once you get their flow they are absolutely devastating.
@Asmodean1111 Жыл бұрын
ff14 OST has magic from just about every style of music and they make them all work. Trials and Raid (8 man content) often have a song built with the fights in mind and if the group is keeping up then the song flows perfectly with the fight. Honestly the only style of music I think we don't really have is rap more or less, and honestly I think it's just more about getting the right fight more then anything. Masayoshi Soken is a god damn man but he just goes ham with the music. Check up Scream, The Fiend, The Black Wolf Stalks Again, A Long Fall (most memed ff14 song to date that dev's got in on the memes as well), Crimson Rise (Brand new with 6.45 patch with came out this week). I swear the music never is not enjoyable to listen to.
@Ybw420 5 ай бұрын
great video my brother
@aronth Жыл бұрын
Shadowbringers is best one given without any context. Endwalker trailer hits the best only when you have played all the expansion pior to this one.
@highlycaffeinated998 Жыл бұрын
A bit of history, the game from the first trailer aka 1.0 was so bad at launch, they brought another director in to fix it. He pretty much decided the best way to fix it was to start from scratch, but wanted to keep everything lore related, and so ARR was created ad the world would be destroyed. If you want more information on the game, a free trial version that will take you all the way through Heavensward and level 60 is available, and can be an easy starting point to learning everything going on. I would recommend doing that then coming back to watch the trailers afterwards and see what more you notice.
@bclap06able Жыл бұрын
"Voidcast dias" is my latest favorite
@oberoneledthar3782 Жыл бұрын
Btw the "main Guy" you see in every Trailer is us ^^ that is the stand In for our Character
@aerieleah533 5 ай бұрын
Shadowbringers and Endwalker, depending on who you ask, are the best expansions. A few say Heavensward, but they're in minority. The trailers do show that. Shadowbringers is definitely the most artistic expansion. By a lot. A lot of the events are symbolic. Except Thancred and Minfillia, and Y'shtola and Urianger. Aka the lion scene and the fire scene. Both of those things happened before your character, the WoL get onto the scene. But the amazing sequence WoL fighting the angel is symbolic. It tells you what the expansion is going to be about: restoring darkness, and balance, to the world. It even shows how you do it, by killing the powerful wardens. That angel isnt one of them but is a significant force to the early story. And just gonna say it, the little gremlin thing is the best part of the trailer. When you finish the game expansion and rewatch the trailer, you realize who is speaking. One of the best fucking characters in final fantasy. Seriously, despite being burried in 4 expansions in, that person made like 7th on a top 10 ff characters poll in Japan. Anyone and everyone who meets this character from go usually falls hard for them. They literally remade a weak part of the story one of its most compelling elements by presenting us with a delightfully complex, conflicted character that you look at and say, "I literally cant be on your side without sacrificing everything, but I get it. In their place, we might have done the same." Shadowbringers has a fascinating world and so many hooks it hurts.
@EsporHB Жыл бұрын
Recognising cid just like that. And pretty good takes in general.
@TenmaStupidity Жыл бұрын
In EVERY Final Fantasy Game there is a Cid.......and he's always similar
@realmanpwns Жыл бұрын
The fighting scene on the hand of statue. They were Monks (job)
@octapusxft Жыл бұрын
The main takeaway is that this game just gets better over time and it is proud to show it off
@Matisaro Жыл бұрын
The old dude teleported them into the future then rebirthed the world by becoming the Eidolon pheonix.
@THEREALBLU13 Жыл бұрын
Shadowbringers the expansion was a 10/10 and Endwalker was a 9/10, banger expansions
@sparemobius7430 Жыл бұрын
Okay so to explain all the expansions in brief, sometimes comically bad, explanations. Some spoilers obviously but I will keep it vague. 1.0 - So bad they burned it to the ground, literally, in story. 2.0 - World was wrekt in this area, recovering slowly, hero comes to after being whisked away to safety memories lost, becomes adventurer for hire. Evil empire evil empires... evilly slightly guided by a shadowy organization, until you slap their wrist and say no, no, bad empire, conqueror no conquering. Then you get framed for war crimes and flee to exile. 3.0 - Exiled to the north you get wrapped in a longstanding war between the Holy See and the dragons of the north... its the aftermath of Romeo and Juliet but with dragons and elves. Holy Seeht there is a dark secret with the holy people... its FF imagine that... you settle this, and end the war cus you are awesome. You also clear your name of the crimes you were framed for, but some chumps calling themselves the warriors of darkness come to antagonize you... jerks. (big setup for 5.0) Someone gets the bright idea to instigate a border skirmish with the empire for... reasons. Kaiju battle ensues. Much devastation, such loss, wow... lets take advantage of it and take back our land form the empire. 4.0 - Refugees form the neighboring area that had their lands taken by the empire band together to take back their land in the chaos following the last bit. They gain some ground and form a small camp. Emperors son is in charge of this place, he is strong, very strong, he farts in your general direction destroying your base and demoralizing everyone, but he farted a little too hard or something and has to go change his pants so he gets bored and leaves. Ideas are formed, split their attention by causing an uproar on the other side of the world. Prince OP cant be in two places at once, though he tries, war is eventually won, land retaken, long fights were had. You take a very sudden and needed nap. 5.0 - You are now in an entirely different world, a reverse world. Light is bad, dark is good, you become warrior of darkness. Mr. Tsundere McShady of organization 13 shows up, he is pretty cool, but he cant let you know that. You learn the secrets to life, and everything, have a big fight with your new bff and save the day (for this planet at least) then you go home and break for tea. You are interrupted by a crazy man who literally wants to die and take everyone with him. 6.0 - You get many frequent flyer miles as you visit various countries and even the moon. Moon is a prison that secretly keeps the world safe from an ancient evil... oopsie you broke it. It is also a ship! You get more frequent flyer miles by traveling into the distant past, ha I got you, remember when I said you learned the secrets to life and everything, yea you learn more, much more, including who/what you are actually fighting. You go back home, help make a space ship, defeat a god to power it, and blast off into space to fight this evil... I will leave it there I think that is enough spoilers. After game... many more challenges and extra fights exist.
@Arlacent Жыл бұрын
Omg I died when you said off brand Sephiroth
@Matisaro Жыл бұрын
all those places are in game, and if you wanna try it out they have a free trial ALL THE WAY to level 60 and the end of heavansward with very little limits and unlimited playtime.
@Arksimon2k Жыл бұрын
Damn right Shadowbringers is the best one 😁Good reactions.
@TonberrySage Жыл бұрын
Composer is Masayoshi Soken. Same as for FF16 😊
@anonymoususer69420 Жыл бұрын
The old person did send them to the future actually
@ApexGale Жыл бұрын
that last trailer was actually referencing ff4, paladin on the moon
@sitnspin1819 Жыл бұрын
The fellow with the long blonde hair and angelic blue eyes? Is Zenos yae Galvus, Crown Prince of Garlemald. Zenos would mock Sephiroth, then steal his sword and walk away without a backward glance!
@Timotheuster Жыл бұрын
"He has a scythe, yep. GGs."
@jopabr24 Жыл бұрын
Man, this was a nostalgia trip.
@ratmi8633 8 ай бұрын
Zenos off brand sephiroth. Give this dude a medal.
@Knives7777 Жыл бұрын
Remember Kids Bahamut Did Nothing Wrong.- He was fully justified in being that angry. He was minding his own business until humans came with their fuckery and locked him inside an artificial moon torturing his kids for free energy.-
@eksporter Жыл бұрын
I still couldn't believe up to this day that endwalker was literally endwalking. 😂😂
@xaviernewby2846 Жыл бұрын
he sent them 5 years into the future i think but that was 1.0 so it was retconned
@realmanpwns Жыл бұрын
Best game ever made. Hands down. You should try it. You can play the first 3 episodes/expansions for free. That's months of free gaming
@ojosama Жыл бұрын
*sees second trailer* Why is Bahamut so angry? Brother if you only knew.
@hoodini2260 Жыл бұрын
Highly recommend all the assassin's creed trailers as well
@1jidion Жыл бұрын
stand in for the main character, we call him derplander, hes us in the trailer
@1jidion Жыл бұрын
....thats cid
@NecrochildK Жыл бұрын
:D Now you need to react to the new Dawntrail trailer for FFXIV.
@nitemare1004 Жыл бұрын
my favorite trailer is shadowbringers lol off-brand sephiroth, got me XD
@Iriscal Жыл бұрын
Yes, that's Cid.
@Moonfairy251 Жыл бұрын
If you like these trailers, just look at the new trailer for the newest expansion coming out next year.~
@jencendiary Жыл бұрын
The first teaser for the new expansion dropped this weekend. Will you react?
@jencendiary Жыл бұрын
This was a fun watch, BTW. The FFXIV team does a great job of seeding in Easter eggs for people who have played the other games.
@screwielewie Жыл бұрын
"This basically an endgame event" He don't know how right he is, 😅
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