Final Fantasy XVI: Masterpiece or Misstep?

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Digital Hauntology

Digital Hauntology

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Final Fantasy XVI is easily one of the more polarizing entries in the series.
But is this game a masterpiece or a misstep in this acclaimed series?
#finalfantasy16 #finalfantasyxvi #ff16 #ffxvi #digitalhauhtology

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@PatentBoar Жыл бұрын
Awesome video!!! Got to be your 675th sub. It's a nice round number to land on :P Keep up the great work!!
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, my friend. It’s a good looking number. Let’s keep doing our thing, see where all this goes. 💪🏻
@PatentBoar Жыл бұрын
@@digitalhauntology Hell yeah! 💪
@klittle5627 Жыл бұрын
I've done consolidated scores on the FF games based on multiple critics, users, and you tubers (we're talking lots of scores). FFVI is number 1 followed by FFIX (my personal favorite) followed by FFVII. From what I can tell, nobody has found nostalgia or nuance with FFXIII-1. FFXIII-2, and FFXIII-3. This series of games, along with FFII, are at the bottom of almost everyone's list. I loved your historical overview and the rest of the video as well. BTW Tidus' fake laugh never bugged me; for me, it seemed to fit the moment.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
That’s some cool insight. Thank you for the kind words. Doing my best out here. I always liked the laugh scene. It’s weird, but it makes sense in context. Thank you for watching, my friend. It’s always awesome seeing you in the comments. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@KalinhoPL Жыл бұрын
Yeah I never understood why people didn't understand the laugh scene.
@thatguy-dh1qh Жыл бұрын
It's because a lot of people take Tidus's laugh out of context due to its meme-abiliry. The people that don't mind his laugh understand the pain of "smiling even when you're depressed" and trying to enjoy the small special moments
@klittle5627 Жыл бұрын
@@thatguy-dh1qh All excellent points. ty
@klittle5627 Жыл бұрын
@@digitalhauntology yw! keep up the great work.
@MrStimpson38 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the content. Enjoyed the watch, so thanks. I gave up on 16 somewhere in the last quarter of the game. You outlined pretty much all of the reasons in the vid. Your quest bit literally frustrated me because you explained it so well. The game flat out wastes yout time with the pointless meandering here and there, all to recieve rewards that are the most boring incrimental upgrades since some of the earliest entries of the series. But at least in those early entries, and were talking about games made in the 80s and 90s, they would do interesting things like have an status/elemental affinity/spell attributed to them. And thats the entirety of the game for me. A time waster that gives the player the illision of agency while wasting their time with tedious footwork to and fro. I believe that this game would have been 100% more enjoyable if they just ripped all the "rpg" elementa out of it and made it a full blooded action game. Take out the open world and give us a tight narritive of sometjing like DMC. Cut the fluff because it adds absolutely nothing of value. That would allow them to focus on what this game did great. The voice acting, the cutscenes and the main story beats. To be blunt (my specialty) 16 would have made a better movie than this thing we ended up with. A massive, unfocused mess that spends more time wasting the players time than it does delivering interesting and memorable content. I'm rambling. All said, I appreciate hearing your thoughts. I hate the game, but Im an old man now, and I can accept that FF probably just isnt for me anymore. For those it is for, Im glad they enjoyed it. I just hope Square can give this new generation experiences in the future that respects their time and agency.
@digitalhauntology 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, this game really wanted to be an action game, but I think they were nervous about making it a linear set piece game. I love the older games. I love RPGs, but the illusion of role playing mechanics (especially at this shallow of level) is worse than the absence of those trappings. I'm where you are at, I'm old now, this game didn't have the Final Fantasy magic that I wanted, but I can see how a different audience would dig this game. I think they just need to focus on their strengths and avoid bloat, like you said. And when it comes to "rambling," discussions are always welcome on this channel. If you can watch me ramble for over 30 minutes in a video, I can read a few paragraphs- no problem. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They are always appreciated.
@saiwaqa2573 Жыл бұрын
Excellent Review. FF13 still seems to hold the record for the worst in the series. Thats after 15 and now 16. So i don't think its always true that the newest title becomes the most hated. FF15 releasing incomplete didn't help its case. And many people don't care to play again even though its complete now. However, what i find incredibly ironic is that the things FF13 was hated for are praised in this game. I would state the opposite actually. New games to the series are incredibly overhyped and over praised for the fact that we don't get a new game very often, but a normal cycle is 5-7 years per title. So then looking back at the games with clarity, then we are able to rank them accordingly.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏼 Still figuring things out with each video. Glad you liked it. Thanks for watching!
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you on that. I played FF15 three separate times. One at release, one as the dlc was being added, and then again once the royal edition came out. It’s one of my favorites now, even though there are a lot of weaknesses. But I’m usually able to walk away feeling pretty happy with even the weaker entries. This one for some reason, I’m feeling like I’ve gone crazy or something. I feel like this one is 80% filler and just kinda there, with some highs that never really justify the slog. But people seem really into it. Worried I’m becoming jaded or something, because it just seems so uneven.
@saiwaqa2573 Жыл бұрын
@@digitalhauntology I Preordered the game from months ago, i was hyped and avoided all spoilers and media content as an OG fan, only to be thoroughly disappointed. I walked away from this title, took a few days to clear my mind, and couldn't in good faith put it (on release) above ff13. Ive tried to find a way to say that ff16 should be better. But i can't see it. The only reason its above ff15 is because it was not a full game on release and i hated the product they gave us too much to care aobut any royal edition. But people are claiming its the best since X, which is obviously a low bar, but i can't see that being the case. So i agree with you, and your review. maybe its cause im an OG fan and the new stuff doesn't interest me? Idk what it is, but it was a shallow game, with barely any character development. What was Jill doing there besides giving you shiva? Side quests in a Single Player title used to develop characters is lazy storytelling. Im a gamer that saves side quests for the last thing i do in a game. That's why they are "side quests" or optional! But this game even puts side quests in the main quest line. After looking at it being weeks now removed from playing it, i can't in good faith state that its anywhere near X, or XII. XIII is more its comparison to me, and even then it seems to fall short to me. Sorry for the rant :)
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
Nah, don’t apologize for the rant. I make these videos for two reasons. To create a snapshot of how I felt after playing a game and as an invite for conversations like this. I know I said it in the review, but this game just really seemed front loaded and ended kind of strong- but the middle was just empty calories. XV is interesting after Royal, but it doesn’t really fix the game. It’s still disjointed, but if you fill in the blanks, there is a lot of cool stuff going on. Just a shame it’s development was such a mess. In a lot of ways, it’s really similar to MGSV. I think XVI is only “better” by virtue of it being “complete,” but I never found myself as bored with that game, and there were dungeons and little side stories that really landed for me. And I loved the fishing, haha. I’m totally fine with XVI being what it is- it just didn’t land too hard for me. But not every game is going to.
@saiwaqa2573 Жыл бұрын
@@digitalhauntology Honestly i can't say there is anything youve said here that i disagree with. That is my point exactly regarding 16 being complete. But i don't think its a better game than 15 either. And so "for virtue of being complete" ff16 isn't last in ranking (to me). But for the game itself, i don't have trouble saying its the worst entry. Appreciate the time you spent communicating with me bro. You gained a Sub
@WASTEOIDx Жыл бұрын
Man really hit me with a happy Gilmore reference and kept going like nothing happened lol.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
Hahaha, I tried to kinda just sneak that one in there.
@Mr360LP Жыл бұрын
I like FFXVI tad more than FF7R 1. Mostly because FFXVI has a closure, FF7R is pending still. 2. FFXVI groomed their main characters well for me. FFXVI is a single character game, Jill has to be sidelined for player's better consumption of the game. Tifa is a playable character, so she's not nerfed. I didn't feel cringe in the "Priceless" sidequest, all those emotional words used proven that Yoshi P has done a good/great job culminating to that point. I played the game in Japanese on the second run, the interactions between Clive and Jill are more "caring", "constructive" and "intimate" i would say. For instance, Jill has the complexity in herself of being a monster and that weighs heavily on her (which is just potrayed or touched lightly in the English version) (They even have an artwork of Jill on that issue which is named "My Body a Beast, My Heart of Ice onsale in Aita Kuji website). For that, Clive cleared it once and for all for her in the mainquest "Letting Off Steam" Part 3 when player chooses Jill instead of Tarja. The "Priceless" scene in Japanese version, the lines are completely different on some parts for some reason. This is a letdown really because the game's ending is heavily relying on a player's interpretation and by losing out its originality Yoshi P tries to deliver, it divides the FFXVI English fandom on the matter who actually died? who lived? likelihood of a bad ending than of a good ending instead. I would have given FFXVI a 10/10 if the developers created a 20+ Hours game instead by removing most of the redundant sidequests. My take on the game after playing FinalFantasy mode in Japenese version is that Clive lives. The most important sidequests in the game which will yield to the true ending are "Priceless" and "A Tail to Tell" But endings are arbitary nowadays, a player's choice instead. cheers.
@akiinmoonlight79 Жыл бұрын
Imo a masterpiece ... it's a special title in a already special series ❤
@TheJCghost Жыл бұрын
I love this game❤
@nabradia Жыл бұрын
"Cities feel static" hmmm did you complete all side quests? I can think of at least 3 cities that changed entirely after completing side quests. I understand some of the things you are saying and I feel that the problem was distributing the side quests throughout the main quests but srsly, the side quests enhanced the experience so much??? Like I was actually crying so much at Otto's background story?
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I completed every side quest. And while there are some small things that change, I meant it more in the way that Alexandria in 9 and Kilika in 10 were completely different places after certain plot moments. Some side quests did matter, and that Otto one is dope. But killing bombs by some hot springs or other more superfluous missions- not my thing. Otto’s back story did rule. Thank you for watching.
@nabradia Жыл бұрын
@@digitalhauntology hahaha yeah some side quests (yeah Mid I am talking to you) were a bit of a drag, and a complete stupid thing that they didn't keep the element damage? WTF I was casting fire magic like crazy bc it didn't matter at all that bombs were fire elements..... Also, I was talking to other people how I feel that the overall problem was that in this game, watching cutscenes rewarded you way more than battling. I didn't mind, but it did look WRONG that side quests gave way more EXP than Hunts or just killing monters on the map during MQs... Thank you for the video anyway! :)
@obsidiansinclaire3826 Жыл бұрын
​@@digitalhauntologyI mean, lostwing completely fell to the aetherflood, as well as multiple hamlets on the maps.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
You’re right, but that town was hardly vibrant before the flood. I’ll be completely honest. I kinda forgot about that town until you mentioned it. My bad.
@jcregmalos Жыл бұрын
I understand that we only visit the Twins once but that place didnt only got destroyed but also went in the air
@Maxbeedo2 Жыл бұрын
You've hit on a lot of my complaints. It's incredibly derivative, both in story and in gameplay. I haven't watched GoT and still found the story annoyingly predictable. The combat has almost zero strategy, and I found it extremely easy all the way through FF mode. Like yourself I've played most FFs, as well as maybe 100 other games that would be qualified as "Action" or "Action RPG", and this was one of the most boring... at least over a long playthrough. The game felt like it either should've been 25 hrs shorter (ala DMC) or 25+ hours longer with more gameplay options in and out of combat and fixing half-assed systems. It had potential and some high peaks, but unlike most FFs I never want to touch it again.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it’s a bummer. I’m currently pushing my way through Final Fantasy mode a little at a time (I’m a completionist after all) and it’s not giving me the challenge I’d like. And the faults in the quest design are more apparent while skipping the cutscenes this time around. I still dig the game to a certain extent, but I agree with everything you just said. Thank you for watching!
@jcregmalos Жыл бұрын
In terms of story, characters, visuals and soundtrack its a masterpiece Gameplay can be improved, the side quest, crafting and character customization is a step down from the typical jrpgs square made Still, 8.5/10
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I feel kind of similar. There are some really high points, and then some things that just really annoy the hell out of me. Still a pretty damn good game. Thanks for watching!
@penpenpenguin Жыл бұрын
I really liked 16. 1. It was a pure fantasy setting. No steam punk. No cars. No flashy ships. This was Fantasy done right. The story was captivating without flashy gadgets and cool "stuff". 2. You are the Icons. Allows for some great battles. 3. It doesn't waste your time. The opening of the game was great. I was sold on the demo. Got right down to business. 4. Great cast and voice actors. This is the first Final Fantasy since 10 that I've enjoyed. At this point, I feel like the series is about 50/50 on hits vs misses. I do like the MMO's but I don't count those for the purpose of this conversation. There are shortcomings in the game but they're not the setting, story or cast. I'd like to see more of this with some polish. I think the quests became too much later on in the game and took you away from the urgency of what was happening in the story. The gameplay also could have been expanded upon a bit. It was a bit too basic and there wasn't quite enough of it (both complexity and encounters). I own 12, 13 and 15 but haven't made it past the 10 hour mark in any of them. This was refreshing.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I liked parts of 16, and I really liked some other specific things about the game. The setting has its strengths for sure, but I felt liken it was a little static outside of the big cutscenes. Eikons are rad, nuf said haha. The pacing in the early game is amazing, but when main missions like building Mid’s ship popped up… I wanted it to speed along. And the characters, most of them rule, I just wasn’t crazy about how front loaded some of the development felt. All in all, I dug the game quite a bit, there were just some things that pulled me out it at times. It was refreshing at times. I’m glad you liked it. Thank you for watching!
@penpenpenguin Жыл бұрын
@@digitalhauntology I agree with your take and think you made good points and found myself feeling the same way for most of the game. There was for sure a vibe and pacing shift after Cid died. Not flawless for sure. But for whatever reason, I just felt compelled to continue playing 16 vs most of the priors since 10. So when I say refreshing, for me, it's just that I enjoyed a FF title for the first time in 20 years.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
Some of my favorites games are far from flawless. Drakengard 3 is my all time, and it’s a rough game by all counts. But I don’t think issues like pacing or depth matter on a personal level. If this game hit you, then it worked! And sure things could always be better, but if you walked away and the flaws weren’t enough to impact your experience- that’s the mark of something special. 16 worked for me at times, and I personally loved the ending. I think the game overall just didn’t hit as hard as some others have in the series. Still glad it exists, and it was definitely worth the price of admission and the time I spent with it.
@kite36 Жыл бұрын
That’s the point though. You’re not supposed to like every final fantasy. They hope you do but the whole point is to create different fantasy experiences that have different mechanics and don’t require multiple games to follow up on the story(however if they do just know it’s because of the dollar bills 😂).
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I think you nailed it.
@TheIcarusEffect Жыл бұрын
One of my biggest complaints is that they chose to have that ugly purple filter over the entire world for the last section of the game, which is always when all of the most worthwhile side quests and hunts open up. So you’re traipsing around this world that was formerly so beautiful but is now all just under this flat purple lighting. Oh and the music gets replaced with some dull ambient piano in ever zone. Completely mind boggling design choice.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
It definitely was a… choice
@morriganrenfield8240 Жыл бұрын
Definitely not the most controversial or divisive. All of the titles have pretty much been like that since 7, and it only got more like that starting with ff12. At this point it’s part of the ip lol
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree that it’s part of the IP now. Just some of the stuff I’ve been reading online seems far more 50/50 than I recall reading in the past. Thank you for watching!
@kite36 Жыл бұрын
That’s only because both journalist and people are giving more into sensationalism. Having studied journalism the whole thing is about telling educated opinions and search for the truth but greed forces people to create propaganda and act like things weren’t always this way. “True” final fantasy fans will tell you that the games have always been turn based when in reality final fantasy has always been about change and adding new features and battle options and lastly experimenting. FFX-2 was the start by speeding up turn based battles significantly , 12 basically made it even less turn based. The series has been trying to get to this point and now that it’s here they can’t start developing more in-depth experiences with what they’ve constructed in this game. The point of final fantasy is that it can be your “final fantasy “. You can love 7 but hate 8 and that’s fine and sometimes that’s the point. They’re making rpgs for different people who like different things in RPGs. The only thing that stays the same is character design decisions and that good ole square Enix dialogue (which has been getting better lately outside of forspoken ).
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I think the sensationalism is here to stay sadly. With so many ways to stay entertained and busy, the easiest way to drum up interest is through drama. I just don’t get why the fandom plays into it. But it’s probably just so people will click on their stuff. Even though FFXVI wasn’t 100% for me, I did leave the experience pretty satisfied. Now I’m just hoping there is a new Yoko Taro game on the horizon.
@KalinhoPL Жыл бұрын
Ok game but not a great Final Fantasy. Ending made it a little bit better for me but overall it was very meh. I feel like I wait for a great FF since X and SE just can't match my expectations. Or maybe I'm an old man right now, and I can't find positives in my hobby anymore? :)
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I feel you. I’m definitely the grumpy old man in this video hahah. Thanks for watching!
@skdeathxlife Жыл бұрын
I think overall it was good but could have been better combat feels great but the gearing system brings it down so much and the story was okay it had some really high highs but also really low lows (I only ever played FF14 and its one of my favourite games of all time I prefer this direction instead of turn based tbh)
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
A little bit more variety in gearing would have gone a long way. The game definitely has the high highs and low lows, but I’m glad I played it. I’m down with the action focus that these titles are taking- I think I just liked FF7R’s hybrid system a little more. But rad game all the same. Thank you for watching!
@danchan5620 Жыл бұрын
FF12 still best mature FF. FF16 is but a pale imitation and really a high budget Last Remnant. Yoshi P please take note!
@omensoffate Жыл бұрын
This game was a slog. Slog fantasy 16. Boring stagnant world. Cookie cutter side quests. Pointless gear and crafting system. The story is weak. The game is 15 stages 5 qte boss battles and 3 type of sidequests. The battle system is boring. The best part of the game was the final side quest involving torgal.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
That side quest was cute AF. Thanks for watching.
@CynicalGamingBlogTerry309 Жыл бұрын
I lost interest in Final Fantasy after XIII. I feel that the franchise has no real identity anymore, besides Final Fantasy V, I have no interest in revisiting any of them. This game is looking to reshape the series in a new image, though I don't feel compelled to play another Final Fantasy game, then again it's pretty much a beat em up with RPG elements... just like Valkyrie Elysium... yeah after that hot mess I have no desire to play another modern beat em up with RPG elements any time soon. I honestly think Final Fantasy needs to go, whether this game is good or not, it really should be its own thing at this point if you ask me. Final Fantasy as a brand is pretty misleading at this point, it's just a name slapped onto Square-Enix's highest budget projects now. I think that's the problem with the final fantasy community, they're being misled by Square-Enix into following the meaningless brand. In fact I'd actually go as far as to say that for me personally, the name "Final Fantasy" has become off putting and I'd be more interested in trying these games without that brand association. In a way it sorta reminds me of Valkyrie Elysium a little, similar problem.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
I definitely agree that there has been a distinct lack of identity post FFX. Some of the games have hit for me, and others have been kinda disappointing. I personally wouldn’t care if they dropped the title or did what SMT has done and essentially created sub series that cater to defined play styles… but I doubt Square would view it that way. All I can hope for is that the series finds it’s way back to a style that speaks to me a little more. But who knows, people seem happy with this game.
@milagroman75 Жыл бұрын
I thought the enemies were too weak and easy and then I just started using a weaker sword and the game balanced itself out. You can create your own difficulty precisely this way. All the swords are buyable besides the very first. Problem solved.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
This is certainly an option, and more power to you if it helped your enjoyment. But I’ve never felt compelled to do this in any of the other Final Fantasy games- including the more action focused titles. And I don’t think I’ve ever detuned myself in character action games. To me this feels like the game has some balancing issues. Thank you for watching!
@milagroman75 Жыл бұрын
@@digitalhauntology It actually stressed me out a bit, because I didn’t know how weak to make myself. I didn’t understand what one attack point equaled as far as dmg output, etc, and I don’t know if even with base gear I could ever reach level 1 stats at level 30+. They should have just given us a hard mode from the get go to avoid this. I love this game besides this issue and it takes a lot away. I avoided side quests halfway through because it was ruining my main scenario experience as I was too strong. I’m not super into Skyrim but I do like that small enemies level up with you and that it keeps combat engaging. Considering how many of us have this issue, I don’t see them doing it again, but SE does whatever it wants.
@digitalhauntology Жыл бұрын
It’s so strange, because they really did figure out clever ways to make the game more accessible with the rings. I wish they had accessories that could make the game more challenging. Or implementing a DMC-like style system that rewarded players or challenges to upgrade skills. Just something extra to make the battles a little more engaging. But hopefully they’ll tune it right for next time.
@milagroman75 Жыл бұрын
@@digitalhauntology FF mode rocks. It should just be available from the get 🤷‍♀️
@thehitman781 Жыл бұрын
This shouldn't even be for Debate...Is a masterpiece and the best FF Game 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@saiwaqa2573 Жыл бұрын
Not even close.
@kirururik Жыл бұрын
calling a game just cutscene after cutscene masterpiece is absurd
@Ashamedofmypast Жыл бұрын
You must have not played most the "masterpeices" sony have produced
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