Finally he knows!!! We watch Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 6. (Reaction & Commentary)

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Jessa and Alex Watch

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@celinhabr1 3 ай бұрын
That church scene has my whole heart. They are so adorable together. He knows....
@ceriseanne1 3 ай бұрын
As always, excellent reactions! I love your content - please never stop making videos! :)
@rowanmayfair9249 3 ай бұрын
God bless you guys. I also heard Eartha Kitts' voice on Maaarrrrcus.
@LordVolkov 3 ай бұрын
Ah, Eloise's descent into Jealouise 😅
@RedMenace71 2 ай бұрын
Love the Little Women references😊
@DavidMacDowellBlue 3 ай бұрын
Eloise deserves your judgment but she is only nineteen years old. She will grow up, in time. But I agree Eloise NEEDS it. John and Francesca are the most lovely and wonderful and weird couple in the whole wide world. 14:22 Oh, Portia. Congratulations! That dream was a very noble one--and you ACHIEVED IT! All three of your daughters ended up with trustworthy, stable, kind men who absolutely adore their wives. I so wish you had been so fortunate!
@chelyseabrams9902 2 ай бұрын
I get what you're saying about Penelope and Eloise coming back together because of Cressida, but we need to remember that Cressida has been targeting Penelope since she debuted into society for no legitimate reason. Pen has no idea what Cressida's home life is like so she can not sympathize with her bully. Only Eloise and the viewers know. Penelope didn't even want it to get this far, but Eloise convinced her to let Cressida take the credit for LW. Being nasty is not right, but can you really fault her for being nasty when that's what she's been constantly given. Hurt people sometimes hurt people, unfortunately., and this saying can be applied to Cressida as well because of her home environment. I expect more from Eloise since she know's more of Cressida's background, but she kind of thinks of herself. She could have even provided an explanation to Penelope. They could have had a sit down and found a resolution that worked for all three ladies, lol.
@annapurna4054 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. Cressida has never been anything but nasty to Penelope, so why would Penelope feel kindly disposed toward her? She has no idea about Cressida's home life. She and Eloise are assuming that, because Cressida has been so nasty in the past, that she'll do it again in her Lady Whistledown column. Eloise is the only one who's really seen the other side of Cressida, but she also knows that Cressida is now angry and could be out for revenge after Eloise rejected her and ended their friendship.
@vickster5001 2 ай бұрын
Re: Cressida, Pen has no idea what her life if like, but Cressida has been horrid to her for years, likely before, but at least since they all debuted. She’s delighted in bullying and trying to humiliate Pen. Sure we know her home life is awful and she has no example of female affection, but Pen doesn’t and has no reason to feel nothing but negativity to her bully. Eloise knows more, but also now is scared for herself and her family. I do think Eloise needed a reality check though about how she’s not a great friend. She doesn’t mean to be, but it’s very unbalanced and I liked Cressida says to her almost the exact words Pen said in the s2 finale. I really feel for Francesca in this ep and she plays it wonderfully. I liked Colin being the first to get up and truly congratulate them.
@nicolem9708 2 ай бұрын
Penelope betrayed Eloise! She was suppose to let it go just because 🙄🙄🙄
@vickster5001 2 ай бұрын
No, but she should’ve said, you have until tomorrow night to tell him. Giving her deadline of her engagement party was unreasonable and would’ve actually hurt Colin and the whole family.
@nicolem9708 2 ай бұрын
⁠Penelope shouldn’t have let it get to an engagement party without telling him. And she never told him…he found out on his own. She was always worried about self.
@vickster5001 2 ай бұрын
@@nicolem9708they had no courtship. She went from almost being engaged to Debling, to be engaged to Colin hours later and the engagement party was not long afterwards. She clearly was going to tell him in ep 5 but the servants arrived so she couldn’t. I agree she should have told him asap but there wasn’t really time, especially when once engaged Portia clearly started being a chaperone, so they were never alone.
@nicolem9708 2 ай бұрын
Every excuse of why she couldn’t tell him…okay. Poor Penelope was trying so hard but she just couldn’t find the appropriate time (ever) to let him know that she was the person that gossiped about his family (damn near ruined) every season…okay.
@vickster5001 2 ай бұрын
@@nicolem9708Not really excuse when they were likely never alone after the mirror scene in ep 5. Then she’s interrupted. She should’ve told him in the carriage ride afterwards but the queen’s reward scared her. She’s meant to be a 20 year old. She’s not perfect, but equally it’s not as if she had lots of quiet alone time to tell him, which the show should’ve made more clear. Should he have heard it from her? Absolutely. Do I see why it didn’t happen. Yes.
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