FINALLY Watching "The Thing" (1982) | FIRST TIME MOVIE REACTION!!!

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Everyday Negroes

Everyday Negroes

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@GrendellXl Ай бұрын
This movie was so far ahead of it's time with the special effects. It's one of few that really set the bar and standard for special effects in Hollywood.
@cedricdallaire3324 Ай бұрын
Also the original among us
@Laxhoop Ай бұрын
39:18 A fan theory is that the thing replicates things PERFECTLY, but it also can’t take any non-biological materials from its victim, it can’t take clothes… Or pacemakers. The dude had heart problems, he’d said as much, and when the thing copied him, it GOT those same heart problems, but it wasn’t able to take the pacemaker with it, so the thing actually legitimately had a heart attack, and was forced into a corner where it had to try to attack everyone in that room when it was getting shocked.
@christophersnedeker Ай бұрын
The can't take non biological materials was worked into the prequel. Their test to see who was it was to check for tooth fillings.
@nugget6820 Ай бұрын
That isn't a theory, its fact
@deathgrinderb3284 Ай бұрын
@@christophersnedeker its still couldnt take clothes so they prolly got that from the original.
@ajalvarez3111 5 күн бұрын
The theory makes some sense but I can't buy it for a couple of reasons. While I agree the Thing can't reproduce actual fillings, I am dead certain that it could produce appropriately colored teeth...enough to at least pass casual inspection. If you are using the Norwegian Camp, The Thing may not have thought of this flaw at the time, but by the time of its journey to the American Camp, it would have made the necessary adjustments. Childs has his earring at the end. But that does't prove caca. Again, by the American Camp, the Thing would be on to that issue. Before The Thing devours Childs' head, it simply rips out the earring. The Childs replication would even come with a pierced hole for convenient insertion. None of this testing would be any help for the Americans.
@gregghelmberger Ай бұрын
Fun fact: The Norwegian camp, which we see in smoking ruins, was actually the main set the day after they blew it up at the climax of the film.
@Anguisette Ай бұрын
Regarding drinking alcohol to deal with the cold; it makes you feel warm by dilating the blood vessels in the skin and reduces your ability to feel cold. It does not make you warm though. More than a few people have suffered hypothermia, frostbite or even died because they drank heavily in really cold conditions, felt hot, took off layers of clothing, and didn't notice they were freezing until it was too late.
@MrPlayersix Ай бұрын
I paused to check the comments right as they asked the question to see if anyone fielded it before I could lol
@bradleymcavoy3432 Ай бұрын
@Anguisette Over 50,000 Soviet soldiers died of this during the Battle of Stalingrad! (Or the waking nightmare of Delirium Tremens!), It got so bad some of The Vodka was mixed with Turpentine or Formaldehyde! So cadaver poison!?! 🙄😳
@Stephie_L Ай бұрын
Yes alcohol does make you feel warmer, but to answer Brandon's question...I've been to Russia a few times during snowy season (-10 minimum) and no one was drinking for the purpose of keeping warm. They didn't seem bothered by the weather/snow at all. I was dressed with more layers than anyone and I was the only one feeling the cold. I'd assume they're just use to it 😅
@arifeannor9573 Ай бұрын
Also right before you freeze to death, you also can feel hot, without alcohol as well. They found lots of people who were taking off their clothes near their bodies as they froze because right before they died/passed out they felt extremely hot which is the bodies last ditch effort to rewarm their body but its like a fever and its really uncomfortable.
@MrPlayersix Ай бұрын
@@arifeannor9573 Looking at YOU, Dyatlov Pass Incident!
@Azriel1932 Ай бұрын
To answer your question, yes that is in fact Keith David
@QueensLadyDay Ай бұрын
Yes! Keith David..before starring in 'Platoon' (1986)
@mr.f4211 Ай бұрын
That dog can act!
@Seereene1 Ай бұрын
I always thought that dog should have gotten some kind of special Academy Award. He was amazing.
@stingerjohnny9951 Ай бұрын
No Husky should ever be that calm or silent. It’s genuinely eerie
@9571sssr Ай бұрын
​@@stingerjohnny9951he was half-wolf. The calm stare comes from his wolf genes.
@stingerjohnny9951 Ай бұрын
@ Makes sense, most half wolves I met were smart as hell too, just like this one clearly was in his acting.
@stingerjohnny9951 Ай бұрын
@@9571sssr Makes sense, most half wolves I met were smart as hell too, just like this one clearly was in his acting.
@kathihein5524 Ай бұрын
Windows had gone to get the keys and dropped them when he went back to the room where Bennings was was starting to transform. He was twirling them around his fingers when he first walked into the room and saw Bennings and dropped the keys in shock then ran out to get Mac. Anyone could have picked up the keys after that. Everyone forgot about the keys in the mass panic at the time. You can hear the keys drop during that scene.
@omok2 Ай бұрын
I've watched this movie so many times and never picked up on that
@contentiouscritic Ай бұрын
Windows didn't forget, it's why he panics and goes to grab a gun. He's worried that if they remember he had the keys they will turn on him.
@davidcastillo7547 19 күн бұрын
​@@contentiouscriticDamn that's such good, subtle storytelling. Learning new shit about this movie after years of it being my favorite.
@PunishersZeroX 19 күн бұрын
@@contentiouscriticman I absolutely love this movie and I never picked up on that for some reason. Good sh*t
@arifeannor9573 Ай бұрын
He wasn't trying to cover the "bomb"(grenade) up with snow, he was trying to find it to get it away from the helicopter.
@Whazzupie Ай бұрын
Yeah the helicopter was filled to the brim with gas, so the immediate concern other than being killed in a huge explosion was the fuel they took to burn the Thing VERY thoroughly being destroyed
@elianayisrael82 Ай бұрын
This movie has stood the test of time. Top tier!!!
@barstro Ай бұрын
Yes! I love it when people do react to this movie. In the beginning, the Norwegian guy said: "Get the hell out of here, that's not a dog, it's some thing! It's imitating a dog, it isn't real! Get away, you idiots!" I went to see this movie when it came out and everyone else and all of my friends went to see E.T. The theater was only half-full and the people there were watching this masterpiece. Carpenter has done it again with the perfect mix of horror, suspense, and top-tier paranoia. I don't know how MacReady didn't get infected when that blood jumped out of the petri dish. I thought that everyone in the room got infected when Norris' stomach opened up and his intestines and veins were splashing green blood everywhere. The characters do not trust anything or anyone else because they cannot tell who is human or an alien. They didn't even know if they were infected or not. I love how Carpenter tried to misdirect us by making us think that Clark was infected because he spent time with the dog. Blaire immediately understood the magnitude of the situation when he did his analysis of the organism. He did not want anyone that's infected to get back to civilization. The computer analysis estimated that infecting the whole world population would take a little over three years. That's scary as hell. I was so happy that I went to see this movie. I told all my friends about it and we all went to see it the next weekend and they loved it. The practical effects are amazing. This movie holds up to any horror movie today. Carpenter is a genius at suspense and horror. In his first Halloween movie (1978), the children who were watching TV, were watching the original "The Thing from Another World" movie.
@GoofballAndi Ай бұрын
Another fun tid-bit is that the norwegian audio is still included in the Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Finnish releases, so pretty much everyone in the region figures it out REAL early.
@baneh1329 23 күн бұрын
@@GoofballAndi I saw one person who knew Norwegian react to this and they got spoiled lol
@bradleymcavoy3432 Ай бұрын
Greatest Wolf-Dog actor of all Time! 😎 Right before it turns into a horrifying alien monster! 🤣 Also “Unfinished Igloo” 😂
@maingate7672 Ай бұрын
The problem with modern, CGI effects is that they look too clean, which is unrealistic, practical effects looks sloppy, which is more realistic, because life isn't clean.
@jenny2tone Ай бұрын
Couldn't have explained it better 👍
@JuanCarlos-ou9yt Ай бұрын
I mean you need a combination of both, like the effects that were done on mad max: fury road. (also would be awesome for them to react to mad max)
@JuanCarlos-ou9yt Ай бұрын
or you know the effects work that were done on the third pirates of the Caribbean movie, is just peak effects work.
@DJKuroh Ай бұрын
​@JuanCarlos-ou9yt Exactly this. The problem with modern cgi is teams working under constant crunch and not having enough time to polish. People tend not to think about the amazing examples of modern cgi, like the examples you listed.
@Kickinthescience Ай бұрын
Bring back good practical effects Hollywood
@cupofcait Ай бұрын
The dog is such a good actor!!
@PhoenixFit2024 Ай бұрын
There should be an Oscar for animal trainer. That dog just ate up the screen. And there’s a reason he was “always taking a drink.” 😉
@ricearoni744 Ай бұрын
I've always said that's the most suspicious dog I have ever seen
@ajb7615 Ай бұрын
Brothers, brothers, brothers: This is my second time watching your reactions, and I'm really having big fun!! You say some really hilarious things that have me rolling!!😂 I'm wiping tears from laughing so much!! Your sense of humor hits because you remind me of myself and some of the things I think and say when I'm watching flicks. I just subscribed, and I'm all in. Please keep it coming! Peace and love to you and yours!❤😂
@edn Ай бұрын
Welcome to the family!! We're honored that we could provide you some joy and entertainment. We'll definitely keep pushing! -Brandon
@xXHavocGamerXx Ай бұрын
I can relate I started with their alien video just a few days ago and loved it. I’m expecting this one to be great! Love the channel and glad I subscribed
@edn Ай бұрын
Preciate you for the love!! -Adison
@ajb7615 Ай бұрын
@@edn Thanks, that's great to hear! I'll be tuned in!😊
@Laxhoop Ай бұрын
This is actually a remake, believe it or not. The original is good too, but simply not as good as this one.
@fftunes Ай бұрын
Yeah, the original is from 1951, and actually fun to watch 😄
@Lucaintheninjatank Ай бұрын
More accurately it's based off the novella "Who Goes There?" Which came out in 1938.
@jameskirschling7887 9 сағат бұрын
The Thing From Another World (1951) is the movie my parents went to see on their first date.
@rednova2212 Ай бұрын
"Did he try to cover the bomb up with snow?" No. He was trying to dig out the grenade to throw it away from the chopper, because it was their only source of transportation and had all of their OTHER grenades on it/the other weapons they intended to use to kill this thing.
@Azriel1932 Ай бұрын
The ending was left ambiguous on purpose. To this day, John Carpenter refuses to confirm which character at the end is The Thing. All he will say is that one of them is in fact infected.
@NigelShepherd-z7k Ай бұрын
Keith David's character doesn't show his breath... Even in the cold. Kurt Russell's does 🤔🇬🇧
@dyllfr1828 Ай бұрын
@sertu1462 Ай бұрын
@@NigelShepherd-z7k When the thing infected Bennings (The one who wasn't transformed all the way, with the misshaped hand), it still showed breath. Makes sense, the lungs still work like regular human lungs.
@frostyguy1989 Ай бұрын
The not knowing and resulting paranoia is the whole point of the scene. One of them could be The Thing, neither could be infected, or they're both Things. Three out of four possibilities have The Thing survive, a 75% chance.
@daimonclarke Ай бұрын
​@NigelShepherd-z7k this has been disproven. The lighting makes it harder to see Childs' breath but it's there.
@unicron8soundwave724 Ай бұрын
Past present & future THE # 1 Sci-Fi Horror film of them all.
@ashtonturner2862 Ай бұрын
Best sci-fi horror film of all time. Yes, better than Alien. I said it.
@edn Ай бұрын
Hot take!!! -Adison
@ajalvarez3111 5 күн бұрын
I admire your decision making ability. I have Alien and The Thing tied for first as the best horror movies of all time. I have The Exorcist and Halloween as a very close 2nd and 3rd.
@DocFranke Ай бұрын
All the thing has to do is touch you with even the smallest part of itself and it begins absorbing you to replicate you perfectly, personality, memory, everything. It's a terrifying concept. The copy could be so perfect that it may not even know it was one until its instinct to absorb someone alone kicks in, or a part of it is threatened. Two things, one as a medic myself, you have to open the airway before starting chest compressions, otherwise they are still gonna die. The other is the more you watch this movie, the more you start picking up on little things that keep changing your mind about who is actually what. For example, Fuches told McReady that even an individual cell from the thing can start absorbing you so everyone needs to prepare their own food and drinks. Another thing alot of people miss is when Windows finds Baines being absorbed, if you listen close and turn up the volume, you will hear him drop the keys! He had the keys last to open the storage room to store the bodies. But the movie is so well done and the paranoia is so thick that it acts as an extra character itself, leaving you thinking omg who is it, what would i do, that makes you overlook little things, just as the characters did. Nelson looked like he died of a heart attack, but what i think is he ate or drank contaminated food. tiny cells would take a much longer time to take you over one cell at a time until it effects an organ that will kill you like your heart. Norris had no idea he was becoming one ... I also believe that the only reason it attacked the doctor infront of everyone because it was under attack by electricity from the defibrillator trying to shock his heart back to life. I also think Doc killed himself with the rope hoping the noose would warn the others that he is dead. I think he did this when he realized there is a good chance he maybe infected himself, probably started having chest pains like Norris. Why do i think this? The first dog showed even liquid will get you when it sprayed the dogs. Rewatch the movie and watch the first dog close. Start counting people who maybe slowly infected from the inside, which means blood from a thumb may not be infected yet. I also think a thing will kill another infected to preserve itself.
@SStupendous 6 күн бұрын
There's a lot to ther movie, yeah! Great takes, there's more and more you notice each time you watch it. Most seem to not get it, though. The imitations 100% know the are the thing before revealing themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be able to scheme and plot around the way they do; they definitely know what they are, and you can see how Norris and Palmer behave, deceiving others while appearing nothing changed. Very evident they are aware. Norris likely had heart issues, and possibly a pacemaker, which the thing would be unable to imitate. Without it, it would've suffered the heart attack as it imitated his flaws too. Much as the Edvard-thing accidentally reveals itself when knocked out, reverting fully to its base instincts so it reacts to what it thinks are opportunities or threats automatically. The Doc couldn't have killed himself because he'd be dead and the thing cannot infect dead matter... which is why the English guy from the Norwegian camp, the Norwegian shot at the start of the film and Copper were all safe and human after death. As a medic, waterborne diseases would be known to you for how far and wide they can spread, so it would hardly be a surprise that liquid as a medium can be a mode of transmission - Ebola is very infectious for a reason. You see the same dog with its skin dissolving later, the dog-thing wasn't infecting but trying to break down the dog with acid. Same thing was meant for the on-screen death of Nauls at the end of the movie with what would've been some of the most horrifying practical visuals if they had the budget to make it in the end imo.
@DocFranke 6 күн бұрын
@SStupendous Can't argue with most from medical stand point cause you are right. But i got to add the movie myth of a single particle in food or drink is enough. Doc not killing himself; i literally spun my head around that one for days until I realized, if he hung himself from that low height, his neck didn't snap ... he would be unconscious for a minute or two before actually being clinically dead, and that leaves room for the Thing. Norris didn't have a pacemaker; I thought about that one too as you did. The doc had medical histories on everyone in order to have spare blood for everyone, or just to treat them in general. If Norris had a pacemaker, they would not have shocked him. Alot of pacemakers do the shocking themselves, but using an AED on a pacemaker or defibrillator is a no no. Yes I concur that all duplicates know they are the Thing. I think slow turners like Norris wouldn't know until completed ... if i'm right ... only Mr. Carpenter knows for sure. Great input, SStupendous
@DocFranke 6 күн бұрын
@SStupendous At a minimum we can agree that Windows slicing everyone with the same scalpel and using his dirty hippy jeans to wipe the blade in between cuts definitely infected everyone else. Guess AIDS isn't much of a worry in Antartica, BUT THE THING IS A WORRY lol
@redblackpaws9287 Ай бұрын
I think in the end, Kurt Russell was the thing, and Keith David was human. When Kurt Russell hands him the drink, he infects him. Earlier in the movie the guy says don't share food or drink from the same bottle. If he thought Keith David was the thing he wouldn't be drinking from the same bottle.
@9571sssr Ай бұрын
Maybe it works the other way? Kurt hands the bottle to see what David will do. If David is the Thing he will drink it to infect it and pass back.
@redblackpaws9287 Ай бұрын
@Rik-Falkorn true but doesn't Kurt drink it before and after.
@yukikourei6027 Ай бұрын
Carpenter confirmed one of them is the thing. There is a theory saying that there is no alcohol but gas in the bottle. The thing can't taste it and drink it that's why Kurt look at Keith like that.(We don't see Kurt drink from that bottle before Keith if I remeber correctly)). In that theory: Keith is the thing.
@SolidSnake240 28 күн бұрын
The Xbox game directly contradicts this and it was approved by Carpenter (who also does some voiceover work in the game) as an official sequel to the film. Kurt's character wasn't a Thing.
@omegastar19 27 күн бұрын
@@yukikourei6027why would the Thing not be able to tell the difference between gas and liquor? Its a *perfect* imitation, it even absorbs the victim’s knowledge and skills (or else it wouldnt be able to act like the person it takes over).
@michaelcallaghan9320 Ай бұрын
Every reaction i see about this movie everyone agrees that the dog was one of the best actors in the movie😂 love this damn masterpiece.
@rocntroll Ай бұрын
The Special Effects were so good that even the trained dogs on the set were afraid of The Thing
@00tree Ай бұрын
The Thing... A classic. I love this film. It's considered by many to be the best horror movie ever made. I can't argue against that at all. It's fantastic. I agree with you all about the cold. I love it a bit chili. You can always tell when someone is actually watching this movie for the first time or if they are just claiming to have never seen it for their video. You guys have such a genuine reaction to the movie. It's awesome to watch.
@waynepersall1115 Ай бұрын
PS shooting from a chopper with a shoulder weapon isn't easy, everything is moving, aircraft, wind, vision, aim, dog.
@edn Ай бұрын
See when you say it like that it makes perfect sense. I’d probably miss about 50 shots in a row 😅 -Adison
@allisterfiend_2112 Ай бұрын
@@ednsomething else to consider is that those men in the copter were scientist, they were never trained in shooting weapons.
@riffgroove Ай бұрын
This was WAY before anyone even thought of CG effects. This entire movie was done practically.
@leonpowell1044 Ай бұрын
Windows had the key you see him swinging them just before he enters the room where Bennings is being attacked then you hear him drop it when he ran out the door
@filipohman7277 Ай бұрын
Awesome Movie and Work Broos!!!Greetings from Helsinki, Finland🇫🇮🇺🇸🇫🇮🇺🇸
@kathihein5524 Ай бұрын
My husband and I saw this in the theater when it first came out. Shocking it was! It's one of our favorite movies of all time. I loved the 50's version when I saw it as a kid and still love to watch it. It was the first movie that had the actors were talking over each other. It still holds up for its time as a classic SciFi. It was taken from a short story call, Who Goes There? The Thing from Another Planet.
@troib9003 Ай бұрын
An that original has the best line ever in a horror film “it's a giant walking carrot”
@bobmessier5215 21 күн бұрын
This was a remake from the 1950's original movie, "The Thing from Another World". The 2009 version is a prequel at the Norwegian camp. This one didn't do well at the box office in 1982, but it's become a cult classic sci-fi film with amazing practical effects.
@lex_C_88 17 күн бұрын
Windows dropped the keys when bennings was getting assimilated then dude on the couch had to been already infected then picked them up
@latoyaruiz1572 Ай бұрын
I’ve been waitin for a movie like this. Love your channel.This is worth the watch
@snakehandler87 Ай бұрын
8:02 he wasn't trying to cover it up he was trying to dig it out of the snow
@billsmith30 25 күн бұрын
It's always really funny when people watch this for the first time and realize they're looking at a 26 year old Keith David. He's like a Willem Dafoe sort of person, he's known for completely different parts of his career depending on how old you are. For me I know him from a ton of video games just on voice alone. SGT Foley in Modern Warfare 2, Captain Anderson in Mass Effect, Spawn, Julius in Saints Row, he was everywhere. Dudes voice is butter
@swampmusicinfo Ай бұрын
A great uhhh ,thing, about the film is that its well thought out precisely so you can watch it several times and pick up hints and clues whats going on to a point . While certain details are intentionally ambiguous and open to interpretation. John Carpenter intentionally didn't lockdown the ending, Kurt Russell has his own theories. In the end the real monster is paranoia and your own suspicions , you can have your own pet theories but it will never be a 100% ....thing....
@alexandervelez9507 Ай бұрын
definitely check out the 2016 movie. it’s a good prequel. my only complaint is the cgi which was the studio’s fault but at least you’ll be able to see why practical is so much better.
@TheArkTheArkTheArk Ай бұрын
To clarify they made the entire movie with practical effects just like this one but some dipshit producer went “the kids these days love CGI!” And made them replace all the practical effects with CGI at the last minute. I don’t care for the film myself but it’s not terrible.
@emsleywyatt3400 Ай бұрын
"They just leave the helicopter running?" Well, it isn't like anybody's gonna steal it.
@D123-f9k Ай бұрын
The newer one is a prequel about the team that dug it up. They originally shot it with practical effects and puppets like this film (footage available on KZbin), but someone in the studio decided to have them redo all the shots with CG.
@brianthomas3451 Ай бұрын
In colder areas of the world, vehicles are left running to keep them from freezing over
@mamalannightshyaman Ай бұрын
I got in trouble at work for laughing at “that’s Victor Wembayama” Thanks guys
@maingate7672 Ай бұрын
It's always the same, everyone wants to protect the dog, ten minutes later...
@robertfelton161 Ай бұрын
The black guy in the end is the thing in the movie they had a rule not to share drinks because it can transfer like that but in the end he just takes a swing like he doesn't know
@dudlEEk Ай бұрын
that's a cool theory, but you could argue, that at that point, they were like: "fuck it, let's see what happens" like Mac said.
@sailorstar3148 26 күн бұрын
That guy is Keith David by the way
@dondunco2538 20 күн бұрын
John Carpenter has always maintained that if you pay attention to the whole movie that you can figure out whether Childs or McReady is the thing. Based on this I came to the conclusion that the Thing is Childs. His hint made me remember that when the thing's identity becomes known that whenever the dog or person that IS the thing has one piece of music played, the driving bass notes signifying its heart beat. In the final scene it doesn't happen with McReady, but does trigger whenever they show Childs after he first sits down.
@NWguy83 Ай бұрын
Jed the wolf dog played White Fang and was also in the movie The Journey Of Natty Gann, with John Cusack.
@Mike-uj1ib Ай бұрын
Just turned this on in the background for work and I'm so excited. This movie is a favorite of mine and you guys are my favorite react channel. Couldn't be more perfect
@SoTOreo Ай бұрын
snow is great.. as long as you dont gotta go brush off and move your car for a plow or something
@Seereene1 Ай бұрын
I remember people getting sick in the theater watching this. It was crazy...I loved it. You are correct that is a young Keith David. I suggest you watch They Live to watch him in the BEST, most realistic fight scene in movie history.
@momackone Ай бұрын
I was 14 in 1982 (yes I am getting old) bunked off school and snuck in the back of the Odeon Cinema in Streatham High Road In South London to watch this. Believe it or not I thought this was quite scary back then. Still love this film.
@MrWestNileVirus Ай бұрын
A couple awesome entertaining dudes reacting to my favorite horror movie of all time. I am in for a TREAT!
@RadaghastBrown 11 күн бұрын
@15:04 "We need to burn it some more" I'll camp with you, dude. Smart thinkin.
@Justin977 Ай бұрын
They made a prequel in 2011 that showed what happened to the Norwegians. It's pretty good.
@jameshinton2401 Ай бұрын
I mean this with the most love, but people need to drop the mindset that newer=better.
@patbau96 Ай бұрын
It's Barney Stinson thinking
@fivewords.1004 Ай бұрын
Goat movie, just fucking masterpiece
@dciach12 Ай бұрын
Childs was never around when shit went down until afterward if you watch it back, and has no breath at the very end. My opinion, "The Thing" adapted!
@mojowebs Ай бұрын
Alcohol thins your blood giving you a warm feeling. But in the extreme cold drinking is deadly.
@luciemurphree1597 Ай бұрын
I've been lucky enough to meet Keith David. He's absolutely the coolest guy! You must watch They Live. Another Carpenter film with Keith David and bonus.....Roddy Piper!
@sourdough_ak998 Ай бұрын
As an old 36 year old boomer, I think it's hilarious how every time left man starts clowning on "old school" effects or hair and makeup, dude on right gives him the "bruh, have some respect" look. Great channel, great content, based black mans.
@HammerT813 Ай бұрын
Y'all gotta check out The Faculty. Another Sci-Fi Horror in a high school setting with some familiar faces you will recognize. It's a classic 90's film!
@kerrissedai6857 Ай бұрын
To this day I get freaked out by someone having their heart defibrillated. I get worried about the chest opening up. I saw this in the movie theater when I was 5.
@Bryan-uw1ny Ай бұрын
"he got a sneaky head" 😂
@lavinder11 Ай бұрын
I've been watching this movie with my dad since I was a child, but have only just now become scared while watching it on Patreon with you guys. Yall were laughing, but it was still scary as all get out. I couldn't sleep until 4AM 😂
@darkninja1732 Ай бұрын
In the past couple years, John Carpenter has expressed interest in making a Dead Space movie.
@pirwzy 12 күн бұрын
I LOVE the ending. So open to interpretation about whether either of them is a thing.
@sogrizzly9311 Ай бұрын
The most terrifying film of ALL time bro… yall wilin…
@jedlayton3169 Ай бұрын
I used to put this on to fall asleep to. As many times as I've seen it, I never could remember what happened to the cook. He just kinda disappears right before the thing runs at Kurt Russell from under the ground. Love the reaction guys
@DaphneShadowsASMR Ай бұрын
You guys are hella funny. 😂 So glad I found your channel. 💚 I needed some laughs today. I don't think scientists in horror movies have very good self preservation instincts. (The doc probably got infected while doing the autopsy, realized it while he was locked up, hence the noose to stop himself from being taken over, but he was too late to off himself, turned, and began his underground extracurricular activities. That's my theory anywho.)
@elcardil Ай бұрын
This is one of my all time favourite movies. Along with Alien and Burnbright.
@unicyclist97 Ай бұрын
Keith David's greatest role was Reverse Giraffe.
@laughingoutloud5742 Ай бұрын
27:07 Alien gave SciFi movies a big boost
@TPBXDRicky420 Ай бұрын
Love this movie! Great reaction!
@chrisbrocknc Ай бұрын
Amoung Us, the movie. Glad you guys liked it.
@TheRoidemortetfleur Ай бұрын
Fire Axes were common. Doors were made of wood. So firefighter used ax to get in and save people and put out fire.
@dljprogun 7 күн бұрын
5:18 That was 1982. The internet wasn't invented for another 8 years. 6:34 Det er ikke en hund! 17:27 Yeah but not in the way you think. 20:35 Yeah! Nothing burns to death that fast. 22:07 That shadow wasn't him it was Norris. 53:09 Both are human 53:31 Yes the 2011 one is something you should see.
@ajalvarez3111 5 күн бұрын
Great reaction, guys. I've been very sick lately and you guys made me laugh (and cough) way too much. Everybody has a take on who's who at the end. Are they or aren't they? Throw everything out...forget all the fan fiction. Forget breathing, eye twinkles, molotov cocktail drinking, when they got replicated or anything else. Forget it all. There are only four possible outcomes. 1. Both are human. 2. Childs is human; Mac is The Thing. 3. Mac is human; Childs is The Thing. 4. Both are The Thing. Now lets do a little deducing: 1. Both are human. Childs had a flame thrower. If Childs is human, he has no way to know if Mac is human or not. Childs torches Mac right away. Remember, Childs was ready to sacrifice Mac before. Windows said to Childs, "But Childs, what if we're wrong?" Childs: "Well then we're wrong!" In my opinion, Childs is honor bound to fry Mac. 2. Childs is human. Mac is the Thing. Childs had a flame thrower. If Childs is human, he has no way to know if Mac is human or not. Childs torches Mac Thing right away. 3. Mac is human. Childs is the Thing. Mac is unarmed. Childs Thing had a flame thrower. Childs Thing knows Mac is not a Thing. At that moment, Mac is the most hated soul in the Universe to The Thing for the last 100,000 years at least. Childs Thing torches or eats Mac right away. I suspect the torch because the Thing may not want to risk eating that particular human. 4. Both are The Thing. They would know each other was a Thing. They may or may not like or trust each other too much, but with all the humans dead or converted to biomass, they probably feel comfortable enough to just go to sleep and freeze in the snow. They know a rescue team will be there in 6 months or less and they will likely be taken to the mainland. Sorry to say, but outcome #4 is the only scenario that matches the ending of the movie. So roughly 31,500 hours and counting.
@boki1693 Ай бұрын
This is actually not the original version. The original version is from the 50's.
@edn Ай бұрын
Oh snap!! -Adison
@robertoferrigato67-re1kh Ай бұрын
the original plot from which both films were based is the short story who goes there by john w. campbell
@67psychout Ай бұрын
Best jive commentary ever!
@m1ndymayhem Ай бұрын
This is my favorite horror film (the original black and white version is good, too, but obviously nowhere near as gory)... Followed by Evil Dead 2. A lot of people speculate that Childs is the Thing at the end, and that McReady offering him his flask is a test, because they had been told not to share food and drink.
@irrationalreality8276 Ай бұрын
33:04 jokes aside, it’s because he froze up when they had it in the dog cage, Macready didn’t
@Desaundrea Ай бұрын
“Where was he trying to go?” Brandon: To the Motherland. 🤷🏽‍♀️ 😂😂😂😂😂
@champagnebulge1 Ай бұрын
Doctor at 21:10 breaking off pieces like it's lobster. Put on gloves and a mask! And goggles.
@cadleo Ай бұрын
The most unbelievable thing about this incredible film is that two Black guys went to Antarctica.
@edn Ай бұрын
Exactly!! 🤣😂🤣 -Brandon
@deathgrinderb3284 Ай бұрын
its just the feeling of warmth.
@WickedMo13 Ай бұрын
What do humans breathe out when they are in the cold? Watch the ending again
@bigmixx75 Ай бұрын
Now you see why this movie still to this day sparks debates and conspiracy discussions
@montylc2001 Ай бұрын
You guys rock. Got a new subscriber.
@dciach12 Ай бұрын
A great watch! I subscribed.
@brandonflorida1092 Ай бұрын
The later movie (2011) is a prequel which shows what happened at the Norwegian camp. Personally, I liked it.
@itsdantaylor Ай бұрын
I love The Thing and only discovered it relatively recently in the last 4 years. It easily is in my top 10 movies of all time and probably my # 1 horror movie. At first I didn't like the 2011 prequel, but I've since come around to liking MOST of it, I'm still kind of iffy around the last part of the movie but the rest, as a prequel that inevitably leads to this movie is pretty ok.
@seansersmylie Ай бұрын
This film was famous for not killing the black dude. Carpenter was always pretty cool.
@benjihughes Ай бұрын
I have never been as excited for a reaction as I am for this one.
@ClaireRedfieldKennedy-ld2lx Ай бұрын
This is one of the very few films to actually use a true flamethrower. For obvious safety reasons most movie props use torch which simply shoots flames. True military flamethrowers are actually like pressurized water guns spraying the target with napalm or another fuel. This an American M2A1-7 which is a modified version of the WWII model which was so good militaries around the world basically stopped development of any other design.
@FilthTribeFTP Ай бұрын
Pretty sure none of the military flamethrowers that were carried by soldiers, used napalm. Only the tank and vehicle mounted ones would, and you could tell the difference, because the tank versions would spit out chunks of flaming napalm and had incredible reach. But, I get what you were saying 😊
@omok2 Ай бұрын
Also the dynamite was real, when Mac throws it at Palmer you can visually see him react to the Shockwave.
@notofthisgod32 Ай бұрын
Nah that's The Arbiter from Halo. Keith David
@harlempixie338 Ай бұрын
I’m cackling at 2:00 minutes in. This movie sacred the mess out of me when I was a kid.😂
@angelcharms7297 Ай бұрын
New sub. I like the convo about paper maps. Yeah, I remember them days. Gen X. This is one of my fav "older" movies. May I suggest... JAWS. THE SHINING. THE EXORCIST. POLTERGEIST. THE EVIL DEAD. these are the originals 1970s, 1980s. Binge watching now....
@SeFreaCweth Ай бұрын
Ive been warching this my whole life, I still dont know who is the thing. There are some crazy yt videos of folks breaking down each person's scene and little things you miss.
@stevenwheat3621 25 күн бұрын
24:24. "Get up off that pinball machine". I woke up.. New face here. Hella reaction, so i must investigate.. And don't talk Galaga cause I'll smoke ya..
@executioner3858 Ай бұрын
There are comics that take place after the movie, you guys can check them out on your own time if you guys are interested.
@thumpyloudfoot864 Ай бұрын
Fun Fact: Jimi Hendrix hands were over 1" longer and wider than Wilt Chamberlains hands....
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