Finn & Quinn tribute - ["Closer" by Joshua Radin] - (R.I.P. Cory Monteith)

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luvtheheaven FOX4

luvtheheaven FOX4

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Click: 0:30 to skip to the beginning of the video. Also, all of the voiceovers are transcribed (typed out) at the bottom of the description.
So I run GleekyCollabs2 and am subscribed to tons of Glee vidders and follow tons of Glee fans on twitter. Ever since 11 days ago when I woke up to the news that Cory Monteith had passed away the day before, this actor has been on my mind. Also in my thoughts have been all of the people he left behind, and as someone who has always been a huge fan of Quinn on this show and of Dianna Agron in general, my mind has gone to the sweet Fuinn moments this show had. The fact that Dianna Agron has acted one on one with him more than she has with Puck or Sam or probably anyone actually, and touched him/leaned on him/hugged him/kissed him a lot - two actors with no romantic feelings for each other who do all that over the course of over 3 years really are bound to have an intimate friendship.
Dianna Agron has released an official statement after Cory's death:
"I have never lost a friend. In this difficult time, I am leaning on all of the wonderful memories we shared with Cory, how many ways he was able to make us smile... Glee was a gift to all of us. It gave us a family in this industry.
"We really cut our teeth and grew up on this show. In playing underdogs, we learned that we had dug into the hearts of our viewers and that we could stay there... Cory is so deserving of that place in everyone's hearts. He was one of the most generous and kind people that I have ever met. He had a smart, curious mind, he was an enormous talent. He was loving to not only me, but my family.
"My heart goes out to his family, to Lea, to everyone that is struggling with the loss of our friend... We will miss you Cory. We will always carry a piece of you with us."
For almost two years now I've been writing a Quinn in season 1 of Glee fanfic;
It is based heavily on what really did happen in the show, so I have re-watched with extreme attention to detail every Quinn-related moment in episodes 1-14 of the show. So many of these moments, in the first 14 episodes of the show, are Fuinn-related.
When I watched the show for the first time, I had no idea anyone did or would ship Fuinn legitimately - it seemed obvious that with Quinn lying to him about the baby being his and Finn more into Rachel that there was no way this ship was a good one to support.
But when I found out that people shipped them, I let myself realize that maybe there was a little more to them than immediately meets the eye for people like me. While I still ship Quick passionately... Fuinn is lovely in it's own way, so many times.
I have vidded the ship for my GleekyCollabs2 collab group a number of times, included many Fuinn moments in my 2 Quinn character study videos here on this channel, and have explored the idea of Fuinn in depth in the process of writing my fanfic, linked to above. Writing original scenes for them and exploring Quinn's thoughts on Finn as a person, as well as just re-watching all of those Fuinn scenes so carefully, really makes me realize I do ship these two. I truly, fully, multi-ship when it comes to certain characters on this show, especially Quinn. I see so much depth to Fuinn and I really enjoyed making this tribute.
I know my editing is sloppy at times, but I was just in the mood over the course of only the last 24 hours or so to make this and kind of did it all in one sitting, pausing only to you know, sleep... and so I didn't test render it or try too hard to get all of the details exactly right. I just... wanted to get this out. It was emotionally cathartic for me.
I have seen some beautiful, bittersweet Finchel videos made since Cory's death, but I searched and found no Fuinn ones. So hopefully this video successfully fills that void.
Sorry if I excluded your favorite Fuinn scene. Please enjoy the video. ;)
Song: Closer
Artist: Joshua Radin
Finn: I love you, Quinn.
Quinn: I love you too.
Finn: I guess if I'm being honest, I'm not over her.
Finn: You know why it hurt so bad when you cheated on me? Because it meant you didn't love me.
Quinn: That's not true.
Quinn: He's a gentleman!
Finn: You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life.
Finn: It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay.
Quinn: He's such a good guy.
Quinn: Look, I made a mistake with Puck. You should've been my first. This is where I belong. With you. Okay?
Finn: Okay.
Quinn: Finn is a good guy! He loves me!
Finn: Quinn's parents threw her out.
Finn: Look, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you. I probably always will.
Quinn: You were amazing this week. It reminded me of why I loved you.
Finn: Quinn, I'm sorry. I still love you...
Quinn: Finn...
Finn: I know you and you don't think you are, but you're strong enough to do this.

Пікірлер: 60
@skyesweetcherry 11 жыл бұрын
This is such a beautiful video! You captured the sweetness of Fuinn in this video & I've got to say that this is such a great tribute (for Cory, and for the Fuinn ship). :)
@mwmheps 11 жыл бұрын
This is awesome! I love seeing less common ships and you really showed their whole relationship so so well. Aww Cory
@kimmimiley900 10 жыл бұрын
I love it That someone also thought about Quinn, when it comes to his death and a tribute:)
@luvtheheavenFOX4 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you!! Yeah haha, I'm well aware.
@MagicChan 11 жыл бұрын
This was something beautiful to watch. Gentle music and coloring and nice to see something different then Finchel. Although I like them, too. Finn is one of my favorites and Quinn grew to me in season three. Nice job!
@seblegrand93 10 жыл бұрын
Ok, YOU just made my fav FUINN vid ever!!!
@luvtheheavenFOX4 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you SO much! ;)
@Supsi85 11 жыл бұрын
Wow that's a unique idea to do a Fuinn video, the thought never even crossed my mind with all these Finchel videos around. I actually haven't been able to watch any of them and watching this was a little painful too, and I'm not even the biggest Glee fangirl. I just feel awful for all the people that are hurting because of this. Anyway, that was so fitting and beautiful and just the perfect tribute for the couple. Love that you decided to do this:D
@ciaimpala 11 жыл бұрын
That was absolutely beautiful
@Bookwormkehprodz 11 жыл бұрын
this is so beautiful and the song fits so well. I was sad to hear of cory's passing, but you did an amazing job with this tribute. :)
@cdanilana 4 жыл бұрын
love it!
@fanson83 10 жыл бұрын
Man, Ems, you always make me cry. Thank you SO much for doing this. You don't know what a HUGE Quinn fan I am, or how disheartening I found it that she wasn't in the tribute episode. I know they had their personal reasons, but I think it still stands as yet another example of Quinn getting short changed as a character. This made that a little bit more bearable for me.
@luvtheheavenFOX4 10 жыл бұрын
"Ems"? Really? :P Yes, my name is Emily, but... I don't even remember what your first name is and... anyway... Thank you so much for the lovely comment. I don't really understand what happened, if Diana was busy with a movie or if she wasn't asked back or what... but yeah I'm a HUGE Quinn fan too and I'm so glad you loved this video of mine. It means a lot to me.
@fanson83 10 жыл бұрын
My name is Paige. I've told you that before, but it's totally understandable that you don't remember. No worries. I'm so sorry if calling you Ems made you uncomfortable. I was channeling my Brittany side yesterday, which can be quite affectionate & overly familiar. Again, sorry if I freaked you out, I certainly didn't mean to. You are very welcome for the lovely comments. Thank you for consistently making awesome videos. :-) Diana wasn't asked to be part of the tribute. There are a few different rumors that have circulated as to why, but it had something to do with bad blood, either between she & Ryan Murphy or she & the cast. Both sides said, at the time it wasn't the important issue, which of course it wasn't, and refused to comment. I'm ecstatic that she is returning to the show for the 100th episode. I can't wait to see the next chapter to the Quinn Fabray cannon. Maybe they'll even touch on Finn's passing a bit...
@luvtheheavenFOX4 10 жыл бұрын
I don't like people calling me "Em", probably because I think Emily is fine and the only person to call me Em very regularly when I was growing up was my abusive mother. :P and "Ems" sounds even uglier to me for some reason, and silly, and not at all like my name lol. :P Sorry. I also feel like "hun", a term people use affectionately on the internet, can be condescending sounding, and even when people shorten my "luvtheheaven" name to "luv", it's kind of weird to me. I feel like they are acting like they know me better than they do, like they think really highly of themselves and that I'm a sweet little nobody. I'm not sure why I get that impression just from silly little nickname things. :P
@luvtheheavenFOX4 10 жыл бұрын
Anyway, I'm sorry for not really remembering you, Paige, and I yeah I'm thrilled Quinn will be back for the 100th episode. I still don't know if I really believe the bad blood story - as you said many rumors were circulating, and I might prefer to believe that Diana couldn't come back, despite being asked, since I haven't heard anything other than a rumor to say otherwise. Heather also couldn't come back - because of her pregnancy. :P I don't know. It just doesn't make sense to me that Diana would come back now, for the 100th episode, if the reason she didn't come back for 5x03 was "Bad blood" - wouldn't those problems still exist, if that had been the case? :P
@luvtheheavenFOX4 10 жыл бұрын
But yeah. I hope they bring up Finn in a Quinn scene in the 100th episode, but regardless of if they do or not... I am really looking forward to her being brought back onto the show. I'm a huge Quinn fan, and I'll take whatever I can get. :D Thanks for the comment, again. ;) You can also watch the other Finn tribute vids I've made, if you want - I vidded one of the Finn/Quinn parts in this collab: GleekyCollabs2: Finn's relationships tribute - "A Thousand Years" (R.I.P. Cory Monteith) as well as vidded Finn/Quinn in here: Finn's relationships tribute - "Seasons of Love" (collab with thetrexandthejew!!) (and in both also vidded some other Finn relationships, too) and all on my own I've vidded a full Finn/Kurt video Kurt & Finn tribute - ["How Far We've Come" - Boyce Avenue version] (R.I.P. Cory Monteith) as well as a full Quinn/Sam video and a video that was 1/3rd Quinn/Puck and that I'm very proud of: Finchel - Brittana - Quick - ["Every Other Time" by LFO] (xattachedbyatether's wish!!) I'd love a comment from you on any one of the videos. Whatever you feel like watching. ;)
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
You're actually the first person to specifically comment on that voiceover choice and way I decided to end my video! I'm glad you didn't think it was too weird/awkward to basically manipulate that to be sort of AU maybe and about his death (if you understood what I was even going for, lol, and I don't know that)... but yeah, I'm really glad that you liked it. Thank you so much for the comment. :D
@MagicChan 11 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean by everyone is your favorite in a way :) There isn't a character I dislike, as well. Just some you like more then others, exactly. I started to read Quinn fanfiction just a couple of weeks ago and yours is on my list to read btw ;)
@xattachedbyatether 11 жыл бұрын
wow this is amazing yet so bitter sweet and makes me want to start shipping these two all over again. I loved the lyric match that mentioned photographs and you used the scene with Quinn looking at the photos in her locker. :)
@VioletEmerald 11 жыл бұрын
@giftanadir 11 жыл бұрын
"I know you. You don't think you are. But you're strong enough to do it." KILL ME
@shaunascott643 6 жыл бұрын
I never liked Finn with Rachel I liked Quinn with Finn I think Quinn's parents were verbly abusive to Quinn and that's how she got pregnant
@luvtheheavenFOX4 6 жыл бұрын
What? I agree that Quinn's parents were verbally abusive. But how is that how she got pregnant?
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
Me too, actually. By sometime in season 3 I fully shipped Finchel, and in season 1 and throughout the show I've always been a Quick fan. I sort of mention some of that in my description. ;) Thank you so much for the lovely comment. ;) I'm so glad you appreciated this video.
@VioletEmerald 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you SO much. ;)
@VioletEmerald 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you SO much. ;) Yeah for me, now... idk everyone is my favorite in a way haha... I've been so immersed in everything Glee over the past couple of years and have learned to like ships and characters I didn't before... :P But yeah I think Quinn and Finn are both some of the characters I *really* like more than some others.
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
It's great to find a fellow Quinn fan and multi-Quinn shipper like me haha. Thank you SO much for the great comment. ;)
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! ;) Yeah. I really like exploring Finn's non-Finchel moments as a way to really see what kind of guy he is. Everyone vids Finchel and so those scenes sometimes are all even people like me remember of him haha. But he had a lot of facets to him.
@VioletEmerald 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. Yeah I feel the same way. ;) I'm not the biggest Finn fan, not by any means, Finchel (or Fuinn) wasn't one of my true OTPs of the show or anything, but still... I'm so glad you enjoyed this.
@alinestephaniegonzalez4772 11 жыл бұрын
This is just perf.
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you SO much. ;) I really appreciate the comment. I don't know about just as much... it really depends on the person probably, how hard the grief hits them... but also what plans/expectations they had for their future with the person too, and I assume Lea had a lot more shattered hopes and dreams because of his death... but yeah. I'm sure Dianna is truly heartbroken. And since she's close friends with Lea and so many other people who loved him, that ends up breaking your heart even more.
@zeidlove0947 6 жыл бұрын
I ship Fuinn/Mongron than Finchel/Monchele. #Fuinnforever ❤❤
@Marl82293 11 жыл бұрын
I think you are doing a great job with all that videos!! I am so sorry for Cory's family , for Lea and for all the cast of glee :// I think nothing will be the same even if I LOVE quinn's character , finchel and finn in general was a huge part of the show ://
@paulrobertson2313 5 жыл бұрын
Fuinn All The Way
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. ;) I really appreciate it.
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
I've been thinking a lot about writing a Quinn mourning Finn type fanfiction story. The idea of his baby blanket... so perfect. I might actually do something with that. ;) I hate that Dianna wasn't in the episode but Mike & Mercedes & Tina who all barely ever interacted with him all were. I mean really.
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
I never really shipped them either, as I explained in my description haha... ;) But yeah. Thank you SO much!
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you!! ;)
@VioletEmerald 11 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you can relate haha! It's always nice to be understood. And oo I'd love your opinion on my fic. ;) Thanks for putting it on your list to read.
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah. I know exactly what you mean and feel the same way. ;)
@Marl82293 11 жыл бұрын
I don't ship them but this is wonderful!!great job :-D
@daraputrig 11 жыл бұрын
Imagine in the latest episode : Her. With his baby blanket. Alone.
@1time386 10 жыл бұрын
I meant glee
@kathrynthurston2321 8 жыл бұрын
How do you download the episode?
@izabella3609 10 жыл бұрын
where do you download episode scenes....? :]
@luvtheheavenFOX4 10 жыл бұрын
I'll send you a KZbin message. ;) I hope you liked my fanvideo?
@izabella3609 10 жыл бұрын
luvtheheavenFOX4 i loved it!
@gabriellebaquiran3099 8 жыл бұрын
It can't be saved offline
@luvtheheavenFOX4 8 жыл бұрын
What do you mean? If you want me to send you a download link to this video, I can share it with you via a file sharing website like or My email address is Let me know yours by emailing me and remind me you want the video "Closer" and as long as you promise not to re-post it online anywhere, I'd be happy to provide that for you.
@ehceci 9 жыл бұрын
What episode is the first scene picture thing
@luvtheheavenFOX4 9 жыл бұрын
At 0:31 or so? That's from 2x18 "Born this Way", during the Warblers' and Blaine's song for Kurt, when Kurt's first returning to McKinley High School. I hope you liked my video!!
@laimonster 8 жыл бұрын
+Ceci0523 season 2 prom queen
@1time386 10 жыл бұрын
@airsoftbruddas1810 10 жыл бұрын
Why do people like kissing it so gay anyone who kisses a girl is so gay finn is gay finn is gay finn is gay finn is gay
@luvtheheavenFOX4 10 жыл бұрын
I personally don't like kissing, but I personally am asexual. *Not enjoying kissing doesn't make someone "Straight" (the opposite of gay)* lol, just as *enjoying it doesn't make someone gay*. Some people don't like kissing. For instance, watch at 3:57 in this video: ASK LACI SEX+ THINGS You don't have to be asexual to not like kissing, and actually some asexuals do enjoy the process of kissing as well. Everyone is different. Asexuality is a complicated thing, and is a spectrum and everyone on the asexual spectrum is different so you should look it up if you have never heard of it. But back to your point... um... using "Gay" as a derogatory term that means "stupid" is a bad idea. Do you even watch Glee? Haven't you learned anything about how homophobia is bad on that show of all shows? If you don't watch Glee, why are you even watching my video? This is a Glee fanvideo. Anyone can kiss any other person of any gender and that does not determine their sexual orientation. You can be a straight person who kisses someone of the same gender just to experiment/see what it'd be like, etc. Sexual orientation is based on intrinsic feelings, not behavior. But in general, it'd make much more sense to describe only any "girl" who kisses a girl as "so gay". In your comment, you say the character of Finn is gay... because he's kissing someone of the opposite gender? I don't think that term means what you think it means. And it's really quite humorous to read. This comment of yours was probably meant to be a trolling silly comment, you weren't serious, you were trying to get a reaction out of someone, etc. You probably want to laugh at me now for my reply. But whatever. I felt like a reply was necessary, just in case you really are that confused. And besides, not enough people know that some people don't like kissing, so I wanted to share that information, as I personally really do not enjoy it at all, and I wish I had been provided information on the fact that not everyone enjoys kissing when I was younger.
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you SO much. ;)
@luvtheheavenFOX4 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you SO much. ;)
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