We demonstrate simply and attainable practices that can reduce contaminants in the engine cabin and living quarters.
Пікірлер: 5
@williamsandberg7 жыл бұрын
I love de video and Keep up the good work and the spirit Women Firefighters and Health . I Love that you have this topic because the cancer affect every firefighter in the whole country and the whole world. And the approach you have now taken against cancer in fireservice is for me inspiering becuse that will save firefighters livs and make a diffrent how we can protects our self in the fireservice. Treating contaminated PPE after a fire like HazMat ville save firemens lives. Even in the firestation should contaminated PPE be treated as HazMat. And there should be cleaning stations and rooms for taking care of alla the contaminated PPE in the firestation.I know some firedepartmens around the world has taken this seriously and adapted their facilities so they can clean alla the contaminated PPE in special rooms with separate ventilation system. / William Sandberg
@VideosByEli4 жыл бұрын
I was wondering what brand and model the blue decon or encapsulation bags are. Thanks!
@darkwaters10106 жыл бұрын
Walking down rhe street exposes people to the same contaminants as the exhaust of the truck leaving the station.
@billoger60137 жыл бұрын
What is the model that is base on that you talk at the begining of the video ? Thanks !
@tonyaherbert42986 жыл бұрын
They refer to the Skelleftea Model also called the "Healthy Firefighters" model - you can learn more about it here -> www.healthyfirefighters.com . It's a great model and where the U.S. needs to be. Healthy Firefighters has also developed encapsulation bags that you can see here -> www.dotsystem.se/. My company is now distributing the bags in the U.S. We are behind the times!