I'm a Trini living in California, USA. I was born and raised on the East side of the island of Trinidad. I remember as a child, laying in bed at night and hearing the practice of the Angel Harps steelband, floating on the air, beautifully into the early morning hours. Being a girl from the East, I have love for the Angel Harps, I lived only about four miles away from that pan yard. Truth be told, my favorite steelband has always been, Trinidad and Tobago All Stars. Yah! Yah! Yah! I have always and will always love, love, love, love this steelband! Smooth in my eyes is the G.O.A.T of all steelpan arrangers! Respect to the others but for me Leon Smooth is it! Much love T&T. From Whit 💕🌺🌴