First Female Challenger In EUW Is 32! | Broken by Concept Episode 134 | League of Legends Podcast

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Broken By Concept

Broken By Concept

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@lolMidroid Жыл бұрын
This episode hits me hard. Because like her, i also hit silver in s2, plat in s3, but unlike her, i stopped improving and i was auto piloting for long 6-7 years... 6 or 7 years wasted in plat. And i regret it so much and i wish i had different mentality back then... Now i have to break all these toxic and wrong narratives gathered through out the years. Just got to D1 last season, thanks to you guys. Your podcast has changed my relationship with the game and i'm thankful for that. Thanks for the great work and effort you're putting into it.
@BrokenByConcept Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Midroid! Glad to hear our podcast has helped you on your journey. - Nathan
@lolMidroid Жыл бұрын
@@BrokenByConcept I'm honored to my comment pinned, thank you, i don't deserve that honor 😊! Love you guys!
@baal8938 5 ай бұрын
I think similar happens to me right now. I would love to know how you managed to break out of that if you're willing to write it down for me
@milkpuddle Жыл бұрын
Welcome back, BBCers, to another episode of the BROKEN, BY, CONCEPT, podcast, the number one solo queue MOTIVATIONAL podcast
@ZeeZeeGaming Жыл бұрын
@Suavu Жыл бұрын
numero unooooo
@voicesofwrath Жыл бұрын
aw hell nah, im no BBCer
@miroslavstoyanov4462 Жыл бұрын
@@voicesofwrath why not lol
@HanSDevX Жыл бұрын
You guys like my BB-Concept?
@DeMafiaGirl Жыл бұрын
As a female league player it makes me happy to see women represented in this game. I too want to climb as high as I can get and I hope I'll be able to reach challenger one day. Right now the goal is to get out of low elo and build some champ mastery 😂
@cupidok2768 Жыл бұрын
what champs did she used to get there so fast? how is she improving
@thedarkknight7496 2 ай бұрын
There are a lot of womans playing today in quick match and they are the best team mate instead of fking male teammates 😂 they are always flaming me for everything and womans play better on team work
@jaclow Жыл бұрын
Awesome to see you guys cover a story like Nicole’s. I know it seems irrelevant to a lot of people or maybe even funny but it’s so important to spread awareness that anybody can follow a process and improve - gender, age, outside responsibilities, etc, all fall away if you just stick with it and stay positive.
@mrmangbro6842 Жыл бұрын
1:42 I can't recall his name but he is a Pyke support OTP on NA and he is usually challenger and he is 40 years old! edit: His name is Hanjaro!
@zeldafan9656 Жыл бұрын
The section about "tricking yourself into liking a champion" resonates with me so much-- I've recently found myself in an equal and opposite situation. I had always played mages because that's what my friends recommended to me when I first started playing the game, but recently I've discovered that what I truly enjoy are assassins and fighters! How I phrased it instead of "tricking myself into liking a champion" was "I don't know if I like this champion or if I just like winning" because I won most often on what I'd spent the most time playing. It's been a bit scary to do a 180 like this, but it's been so freeing at the same time. I've finally fallen in love with the process. I went from having total ranked anxiety (less than 100 games per season) to queuing up a 2-3 block (depending on the day- I have ADHD and some days I can only do a 2 block) every day. And when I perform poorly, I may be frustrated in the moment, but my genuine love for my champions lights the fire under my ass to get into the review and figure out exactly what's going wrong and what I need to do better, which is totally night-and-day from how my lack of curiosity for mages made me feel.
@zeldafan9656 10 ай бұрын
@@new_chapter-pt7fk in reviews I look at pre-15 min deaths first and see if there was anything better I could do, usually it's to see if there was any information I should've gathered first (jg location, item advantages, roaming supps, etc). I also will just watch my recording back at regular speed until 15 min or so to see if I messed up any mechanics or could've done anything better in general. I was sick for a while so I fell off the ranked train a bit, but I'm back on it now, spamming Talon, really enjoying using soloq as a dojo!
@Arat1t1 Жыл бұрын
Rigas is the only person consistently reporting on the European female scene, and he does it all for zero pay. An absolute legend.
@sporedoutofmymind Жыл бұрын
The drop in reaction time with age, especially at 30, is so overstated it's not even funny. Just being taller by a few inches than average drops your reaction time much more than what's lost between 20 and 30, and yet the top of the ladder is not dominated by 4 foot 9 dudes. The couple of milliseconds lost is just inconsequential
@bohdanvinter6929 Жыл бұрын
what about pattern recognition tho? i'm wondering if there a correlation between this thing and age
@fiethsing9988 Жыл бұрын
@@bohdanvinter6929 Pattern recognition is based on training a lot more than age. You can train your brain to do a lot but it takes dedication (as shown by Nylana here) and time. It's not a start today and show results tomorrow type of thing.
@mihiranrajawasala3331 Жыл бұрын
I personally dislike sentences like "everyone can get X-elo". Challengers will say everyone can get masters, masters will say everyone can get D4, D4 - P4 etc etc It literally goes against your POV that usually says that everyone has his own journey. Following this statement, everyone has his own limit and hearing "everyone can get 0.13%" destroys people's self esteem. It's like saying "everyone can make 10M $ per year ". Yeah, in an ideal world with unicorns and ponies. Everyone can get somewhere at some point, but with a complex mix of variables and every single individual has his own unique complex mix. General statements TENDS to be toxic imho. PS: I'm not flaming you guys and english is not my primary language
@maxx_xero Жыл бұрын
super inspirational! I also think that we will see more 30 year older challengers now that the game is getting older.
@Teawisher Жыл бұрын
"I'd love to see her on BBC" You can't keep getting away with it! xD Cool climb thou. I'm 34 returning to league and I'm gonna play boomer mechanics champs like Udyr instead of the Fiora I used to main when I was high diamond ages ago. It's almost comical to see how bad I'm now. And sometimes frustrating as I still know basic shit like "don't just walk into enemy jungle alone to look for kills when there is a free drake available" but by this point I have like silver mechanics...
@Freakattaker Жыл бұрын
Honestly you could probably still play Fiora if you want to. 34 is not that old and most of the game is a knowledge and pattern recognition check. If you know what's going to happen and can anticipate it, you can likely have the correct response in time. There are pro players who still play top level esports in Fighting Games who are 40+ because anticipation and managing your mental stack is such a high % of the game that raw reaction speed is very much a last 1%er to reach the very top.
@Teawisher Жыл бұрын
@@Freakattaker Yea it's not like physiology is even close to limiting me like that. Hockey goalies tend to play for longer than other players and it seems like an activity where you want good reflexes. I just have enough on my plate to again get used to movement and other simpler mechanical things like that. And I always sucked with mental stack stuff even when in D2. I would remember to ward but not notice enemies on the minimap when they walk on those :D
@pissbabychudcel Жыл бұрын
mutts law
@miroslavstoyanov4462 Жыл бұрын
We've got some motivation to start us off today, Curtis, a bit of a different sort of tone, more of a positive light from our recent video that we've released the three hour case study on Neace.
@Kodiah- Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one that thinks something else when I hear bbc
@seanderobillard5765 Жыл бұрын
Nothing tops a BBC episode quite like Nathan in a "Get into the Details" and Curtis in his "Written and Directed by Quentin Tarantino" T-Shirt/s!
@Zonalar Жыл бұрын
took a league break with end of season 12 in S2, peaking G4 last summer. with a 2-ish month break, i've returned few days ago and was shocked the game placed me in Bronze 2. So many games i was raging, perplexed at my teammates, frustrated at my own gameplay, chainfeeding. Playing adc, i also tried to learn a new champ at the same time as getting back into the game. Took some time to reflect, looking for sources of learning, found this podcast. Decided to go back to my Kaisa, which is a fun champ, to commit again to my basics. No longer upset im Bronze, because I can easily improve on my basics without pressure here! :) Grabbed my physical notebook again to review my matches. Thank you guys for sharing your review processes! BBC is helping me greatly readjusting my perspective on my league games and enjoying the process alot more.
@orangecity4642 Жыл бұрын
Nylana would be able to consistently carry in Korean Platinum.
@Gigan72YT Жыл бұрын
I was actually in a very similar situation to the redditor trying to hit diamond. I had peaked divine 4 in dota 2, my first pc game, after playing for about 5 years with no real process but relatively good habits such as occasionally reviewing games, keeping a small hero pool, and only playing a few games at a time. I played on an amateur team and treated the game as a serious hobby. I picked up league in college after finding out how few people played dota 2 at my school with the goal of forming a school team. I had only played the game casually with friends for no more than 50 hours. Once I started taking league seriously in S8, I hardcore focused on learning what every champion's abilities and identity were, meticulously studying throughout the day using a champion roster app on my phone. After starting out in silver, I quickly reached gold playing only adc and without duoing. However, I struggled to get out of gold for a while since I often didn't know how to approach a lane or a fight due to my lack of game knowledge. It took me until the very end of S9 to finally reach diamond 4, so about a year and a half in total. Even though I was viewed as a massive tryhard, watching every adc improvement video I could get my hands on, I think it's possible I could have reached diamond faster. I completely stopped playing the game during a brief mage bot meta, I didn't consistently play in blocks or review games, I wasted games unsuccessfully duoing with friends, and I invested a lot of time into forming and playing on the school's league team, which also pushed me to have a champion pool of about 5-6 instead of the ideal 2-3. Reflecting upon my journey, I think getting diamond in 5 months is definitely possible, especially if in those first 200 hours of playing he's learned the abilities and identities of most champions, since I think this is probably the biggest roadblock for a dota 2 player coming to league. However, it will be extremely difficult and he would have to make it his top priority for 5 months with minimal breaks and a strong process.
@bj_cat103 Жыл бұрын
I think it's easier to do as a dota 2 div support since lol supports are pretty similar to dota ones, especially ults (Neeko-Tidehunter, Xerath-AA. Lulu - ogr magi (kinda) etc)
@baIec Жыл бұрын
1 cat is dependant of humans for social interactions, whereas 5 cats can play with each other, that's why sometimes it takes less effort to take care of multiple cats
@highheatrichie 2 ай бұрын
Inspiring to have a older then 30 challenger who works haha makes me feel more hopeful !
@jett3447 Жыл бұрын
Favorite podcast!
@BrokenByConcept Жыл бұрын
A true BBC'er
@Zevrael Жыл бұрын
It's very interesting that Jonah is more focused in games where he starts out at a disadvantage. I think it might be worth investigating whether he has enough respect for his main role or whether autopilot is an issue for him.
@LettucePlate Жыл бұрын
52:20 this topic of choosing a champion or role trying to chase a specific fantasy of how the game will play out is something I learned doesn't exist by playing TFT. In TFT if you're trying to rank up and play for wins, you can't predetermine what comp you're going to go before the game starts. You can have a favorite team comp or one you think is really fun, but if you go "hey I'm gonna play this reroll comp this game" and hard force it, you're going to lose 5 times before you finally hit the units you're looking for just by chance alone. This can definitely be applied to LoL as well. It's not worth going for a champ like Vayne or Kaisa to try and 1v5 a late game fight if the surrounding champions in the game don't support playing a style like that.
@XXLepic Жыл бұрын
This idea that your reactions & ability falls off a cliff at 30 is ludicrous. I honestly have felt no difference between 25 and 35. And nobody ever deep dives why or how you are worse at 30+. It’s just this echo chamber of BS. Does anyone feel like 15 to 25 you fell off a cliff in ability? Of course not. Same thing.
@Thundergodxix Жыл бұрын
Same. I wish i recorded my reaction time at 18, but I'm pretty sure I've felt no difference between 18 and 30. I blame the early seasons of League, like Seasons 4 and older, cause that stuff used to get echoed all the time without any real proof.
@timroberts6989 Жыл бұрын
I did know a guy who came from a starcraft background and hit diamond in one season, but that was over 5 years back. It's probably a bit harder today, but I think is still doable for that sort of person.
@sukiyu.g Жыл бұрын
Challenger support :) props to her! update: she is currently back to masters
@stevearnold8265 Жыл бұрын
Yeah because it’s actually her playing on the account now. 😂
@hebasedd 10 ай бұрын
Well, who could have known. Support.
@slaintwice Жыл бұрын
Meru, great movie, great callout, great show lads.
@AndresLopez-xd4hu Жыл бұрын
i thought my pc crashed at 28:45
@BrokenByConcept Жыл бұрын
That's just our scuffed set up at the BBC studio
@Suavu Жыл бұрын
16:30 I totally had a narratives being built due to using League to dissociate, he might be doing the same. Since just accepting all teammates mistakes because they're inevitable in a competitive game, I've been doing so much better and having consistency in champ mastery. Hoping to get back into Saltu soon, had to take a break . I put in a request. 👍
@Kittensinabox Жыл бұрын
Nathan triceps looking pumped today No Curtis thighs today but his forearms LARGE
@MMORPGFreaky Жыл бұрын
The champion stuff is so true.. I used to main Jhin only Jhin and I picked up Sivir recently and I carry most of my games. With Jhin I felt helpless so many times.
@xahrie8185 Жыл бұрын
Is this really worth bringing up? For me it’s just clickbait. There are NO differences between woman and men when playing League. In the past I also thought that I could not be any good because I’m a girl, not a boy. But it really is an excuse. Once I realized that I gained so much confidence and it was my breakthrough from Gold to low Grandmaster (obviously over 2 years). The great thing for me is that you always have to mute chat. And since there is no voice chat (thanks Riot
If there wasn't a difference there would be pro players girls competing at the highest level
@DustyyBoi 6 ай бұрын
​@@CANWEGETMUCHHIGHERRRRbut there isn't, and there isn't..
@ailst 6 ай бұрын
Saying that everyone can become challenger or even just master or diamond hints at a misunderstanding how the ranking-system works. I was diamond in StarCraft 2 when it released. Not because I was so good. But because the average skill-level was so low and I had an advantage coming from StarCraft 1. since I played it only casually my rank got worse and worse each season despite my skill-level staying roughly the same. So if everyone was at least as good as current master-players, the rank-distribution wouldn’t really change. This is also what’s going on in practice. When I played LoL 10 years ago I was objectively way worse than I am now. But my rank was still quite a bit higher due to the average level of play being much worse. That’s also why making generalized statements about what rank is how good won’t age well. I came back after a long hiatus and now there’s all these guides out there teaching concepts that guys like you have broken the game down to. It helps tremendously but since that knowledge is accessible to anyone it also means the competition is much more fierce. There’s a ton of things you have to learn and internalize just to get back to a rank you could get effortlessly in the past.
@Gthisen4400 Жыл бұрын
biggest take gotten here "when ur ahead and got lead risk less" literally opposite of how i play i gotta try that, i always feel like yo i have big lead lets roll them over and surely this works sometimes but when it fails it really fails and may lose the game 🤔😅
@niosil6593 Жыл бұрын
23:25 "You need to let go". Any advice on letting go? I think it's much easier said than done.
@yGKeKe Жыл бұрын
I responded to that reddit thread when it first popped up. I told him it's possible but highly unlikely, and that DotA doesn't translate to League. The games are fundamentally different despite both being MOBAs. They're just not played the same way. They're not even mechanically similar because DotA was hardcoded to maintain a lot of the same limitations that the WarCraft 3 engine has.
@misfit1783 Жыл бұрын
Curtis can you make a updated jungle tracking video for the midlane fundamentals cause jungle has changed so much
@LuxiBelle Жыл бұрын
28:45 amazing pantomime performance here
@belchacz3319 Жыл бұрын
well a bit of motivation is always nice, lost 200 lp in 2 days, bye bye master tier, but i will come stronger
@BrokenByConcept Жыл бұрын
Consistency and process. Focus on your decision making and the rank follows. NOT LP mindset. Quality of in-game decision making + time = rank
@heavyflamerheresy2581 Жыл бұрын
All my mains are reworked so all my muscel memory is gone
@acedjgaming6779 Жыл бұрын
What do you think of tyler1 hitting challenger in every role
@VanKrumm Жыл бұрын
liking the content and whoever is picking these themes. bit disappointed that you went all ham on neace the OG but its understandable considering everything. super excited to listen to the new episodes.
@Presort Жыл бұрын
"sunk cost fallacy" --👍
@ericlol1337 Жыл бұрын
still no curtis calves like wth guys
@jalleee Жыл бұрын
@matthewskullblood9778 Жыл бұрын
playing enchanters is really hard
@heavyflamerheresy2581 Жыл бұрын
Wait she was play in seasone 3. That was before diamond was put tho. It was the best rank she have ben a top player all this time
@MeczennikFitnessu Жыл бұрын
There was diamond rank all the way back to the season 1
@paulo25740 Жыл бұрын
Assuming a German league player doesn't speak English is so brave hahahah , nice video
@jmb47kkamikaze80 Жыл бұрын
33:00 I agree I played udyr he is my best champ but I fcking hate playing for a extended period of time . I get so bored of his play style especially after his rewol where everyone can run as fast as udyr. Old udyr was still fun after a 5 game win streak but new udyr is just a mental tax for me after 3 games even if I take a break I can't look at the champ but he's the only one I can constantly climb on but I don't feel good about it.
@bohdanvinter6929 Жыл бұрын
1:07:35 WINTRADES??? xddd
@kietey14 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry, but I have to say it 5:21 “I would love to have Nicole on the BBC one day.” Sorry but my peon brain had to say it.
@rosettaaraara6633 Жыл бұрын
Seems like neace wants another 3 hour essay from you guys. His titles from his recent videos got worse and worse while spreading even more mis-information.
@letlifemoveyou Жыл бұрын
neace is gaslighting himself haha
@rosettaaraara6633 Жыл бұрын
@@letlifemoveyou only way he gets views nowadays cause his reputation is destroyed, he now relies on clickbait and "hater" views
@letlifemoveyou Жыл бұрын
@@rosettaaraara6633 hahaha hes come full circle, just like what happened with his fortnite arc
@eyo8766 Жыл бұрын
*Looks at the title* Shit... I'm fcking bad
@christopherwray4788 Жыл бұрын
“might not speak english” lol almost every german speaks english
@gikle8354 Жыл бұрын
2 am bbc gang
@woahxzoo9450 Жыл бұрын
google the acronym ur using you knob
@gikle8354 Жыл бұрын
@@woahxzoo9450 yes I know buddy
@ohdrluwhao Жыл бұрын
catching it early
@mackajezis Жыл бұрын
not to be cynical but she's an enchanter main and is currently in masters.. are we freaking out about some random dude who hit challenger for a week at season start??
@BPFACTS88 Жыл бұрын
yeah lol
@laizaosorio7146 Жыл бұрын
Pretty cool to have a 32 yr old woman to make it..
@2fliege Жыл бұрын
level 950 xd
@BlueBits_YT 10 ай бұрын
Please explain more why age has anything to do with skill? I understand a 70 year old would have a difficult time, but I'm 37 and you are basically telling me I will never hit Challenger. Wtf? I have more wisdom and emotional stability, why do you think my age would hold me back?
@slof69 10 ай бұрын
you genuinely need the motor skill speed to compete at the highest level knowledge alone can only get you so far
@Velldog Жыл бұрын
League mommy
@tempasdiz1j Жыл бұрын
I think its very hard to go to D4 in 5 months, near impossible. However i think if 1 person dedicates their entire life in those 5 months to becoming the best. It's only possible if they have someone like Curtis or Nathan in the background guiding them in these 5 months. But even then i think with a moba background its stillvery hard. Too many champions and match ups and what not that goes into the game. Its way too complex to just speed run to D4. I would be much more confident in saying its possible to play the game for 1 season bulk amount of games and then ur first ranked season to grind to D4 in 5 months. And in that time where u play those bulk amount of games in that 1 season u obviously stick to a process and even have a Nathan / Curtis available to ask questions to or guide you into a good direction. But since a Nathan / Curtis is very rare in the league community this person would need to be blessed with having such a connection to begin with.
@K0NQER Жыл бұрын
BBCers lol
@BugsyBgaming Жыл бұрын
plz god make a reaction to neaces video that just this dude seek help
@DJ-se5pl Жыл бұрын
cringe clickbait
@bigzhopel1608 Жыл бұрын
Ardent abuser xd
@onsetaugust Жыл бұрын
This is a lie. TF Blade just came out as trans, and he has been rank 1 multiple times. Was he not a woman when he was rank 1?
@ELGUAPOIV Жыл бұрын
Role: dish washer
@whodis799 Жыл бұрын
obviously she is a really good player. But she got challenger at the start of the season and having an ok MMR to do it because of ealier seasons. But just like pretty much everyone in challenger right now, she will probably be knocked out of the rank later in the season because the ladder will normalize and people will settle into their real ranks.
@weixia5577 Жыл бұрын
Yeah because we all know everyone peaks rank in preseason and then drops 7 divisions after five patches and gets hardstuck for the next 10 months when everything normalizes right got it
@PeoplePleaser578 Жыл бұрын
@@weixia5577 Yeah bro everyone in Challenger right now will be stuck in Silver by the end of the year xD.
@PeoplePleaser578 Жыл бұрын
You realise she had Good MMR because she played well right? I hate this argument - This is the same as people who say they can't make challenger because of their MMR, If you played well, then you would have a better MMR. Lets be real Nylana has been Master/GM for a while - She is exactly where she should be and has earned the right to be there. Like anyone else.
@glockdookie5231 Жыл бұрын
Shut up Neace
@whodis799 Жыл бұрын
@@PeoplePleaser578 Did you miss the "obviously she's a really good player" part, or are you just selectively choosing what I said?
@xxxtimeghostxxx 2 ай бұрын
5:20 "'I would love to have Nicole on BBC"
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