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@arektrip9727 Жыл бұрын
Such beautiful pictures and music, only the sun couldn't get through those horrible clouds🥲
@-W-M- Жыл бұрын
6:54 I'm glad that Toruńskie Pierniki "Katarzynka" have been officially approved by "The Writing Traveler" haha 😉😄 Nynke, it was a delight to watch your video! Toruń is an amazing city, and I wish you had more time to capture it all on camera. 😊🤗🍀
@danutasularz442 Жыл бұрын
Uwielbiam wycieczki z tobą Ninka😊, pięknie pokazujesz urok różnych miejsc, cieszę się że zwiedzasz Toruń bo piękne miasto pełne zabytków 👍🏻, pozdrawiam serdecznie🤗❤
@thewritingtraveler Жыл бұрын
Bardzo dziękuję 🥰🍀❤
@jacekmae Жыл бұрын
'Dziejów miasta Torunia nie wygrzebuj z ksiąg starych, bo wystarczy się przejść ulicami, a odczytasz z łatwością, żywą miasta opowieść, tutaj przeszłość wrzeźbiła się w kamień.' -> 'Do not dig up the history of the city of Toruń from old books, because it is enough to walk through the streets and you will easily read the living story of the city, here the past has been carved into stone.' /Tadeusz Śliwiak (1928 - 1994), Polish actor, poet, author of books for children, journalist and translator (lived most of his life in Kraków)/ Nynke dear, thank you so much for this video from the enchanted Toruń, where history can be read from each stone like from an old book, and where the real world is so closely intertwined with stories and legends that they become virtually indistinguishable. Was Mikołaj Kopernik (I'll use the Polish transcription of our great Astronomer's name, I am writing to a Polish girl after all, nietwaar? 😉😃) really your childhood hero? Wow, so nice to know, because he was my hero as well. For this reason in this comment I wanted at first to tell you something interesting about Kopernik and his stay in Toruń. However, I decided to leave this for another occasion. Why? Because I found something beautiful, painted rather than carved on one of the Toruń stones (well, not stones really, but indeed a whole wall). I want to tell you about it first because I am quite sure that this painted work of art will strike a cord in your soul of a graphic artist, will warm up the Dutch part of your young heart, and will firmly put Toruń on your list of places to come back to many times in the future. All this may sound a bit mysterious, so without further ado let's get down to the story. Going across the Old Town of Toruń is a narrow street called 'ulica Podmurna' -> 'At The City Walls Street', named so due to the fact that it stretches along what used to be medieval city defense walls made of red brick, of which only short fragments and a few former defense towers have been preserved to date. At one point Podmurna Street crosses with streets Most Pauliński and Szewska. At the Podmurna-MostPauliński corner of the crossing there is what appears to be a three-storey historic tenement house (No. 50) with an entrance to 'AS Zarządzanie Nieruchomościami' -> 'AS Real Estate Management' from Podmurna Street (there is a building with the English School opposite). Right next to this entrance in Podmurna Street there is a smaller one-storey building (No. 52) with 'Krowarzywa Vegan Burger' restaurant in it. Looking at the entrance to the restaurant, the right-hand wall of this smaller building is adjacent to the three-storey tenement house, whereas the left-hand wall is detached - that is, there is no structure adjacent to it and it is overlooking a small lawn located at the foot of one of the mentioned preserved fragments of the city's former defense brick walls. When you stand at the small iron fence that separates the lawn from the Podmurna Street pavement and look at this detached wall, you'll notice that it is whole covered with one big mural painting. The upper part of this mural painting is graphical; it shows what appears to be a Dutch windmill on a small hill, with a Dutch cottage to the right. Both structures are located at a river bank, and there are two sailing boats shown standing next to the shore. Underneath this graphical part of the mural painting there is the textual part with two text columns. The left column reads as follows: Hendrik Marsman (1899 - 1940) Herinnering aan Holland Denkend aan Holland zie ik breede rivieren traag door oneindig laagland gaan, rijen ondenkbar ijle populieren als hooge pluimen aan den einder staan; en in de geweldige ruimte verzonken de boerderijen verspreid door het land, [...] de lucht hangt er laag en de zon wordt er langzaam in grijze veelkleurige dampen gesmoord, en in alle gewesten wordt de stem van het water met zijn eeuwige rampen gevreesd en gehoord. The right column is the Polish translation of this Dutch poem (I'll not quote it to save space). But how on Earth did a Dutch poem written by the 20th century Dutch poet find its place in the heart of the medieval Old Town in this beautiful and enchanted Polish city of Toruń? If you look closer to the right of the text column with the Polish translation of the Dutch poem, you'll notice an inscription painted in a smaller font and arranged vertically (you'll actually have to tilt your head to the left to be able to read it). This inscription provides the answer to the question asked above. It reads as follows: 'Z okazji 30 rocznicy podpisania umowy między miastami bliźniaczymi Toruniem i Lejdą' -> 'On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of signing the agreement between the twin cities of Toruń and Leiden' So this is how the people of Toruń decided to commemorate what they considered an important event in the history of their city. Leiden is known as the city of painters and poetry. In fact, in Leiden apparently one can read poems on the facades of over 100 buildings (among them three poems by the Polish poets: Adam Mickiewicz, Wisława Szymborska and Tadeusz Różewicz). The Torunian artist Iwona Liegmann created the mural in September 2018 on the 30th anniversary of signing the twin cities' agreement between Toruń and Leiden, thus bringing part of the poetic spirit of Leiden to Toruń. Another beautiful Dutch trace in Poland, and found in such an unexpected place. Come back to Toruń in late spring or summer dear and make another video (or even more than one). Make it in a similar style to the video you made in Lublin; shot at a leisurely pace, showing a lot of details (there is so much architectural and artistic detail in the Old Town of Toruń that it is mind boggling - and each such detail has a story or a legend associated with it). Take a lot of shots in the evenings, when all these details are nicely illuminated. I am sure you'll have a lot of fun making these videos and you'll consider them among the best ones you've ever made. But for now I wish you a lot of fun during the remainder of your current sightseeing trip and a happy return to Kraków. Uściski Ninko. 🍀🥰🤗
@woodyjagla328 Жыл бұрын
,,,,,, happy for you - Torun (the old town) is very nice. Stay well - God Bless
@stanislawkowal4657 Жыл бұрын
What a charming city.🙂
@sevenheaven44 Жыл бұрын
I studied there for 5 years, the city is full of charm :)
@mareka3740 Жыл бұрын
Toruń is sometimes called "Kraków of the north" as both cities are located on the Vistula river, are UNESCO sites, have a long and rich history and luckily escaped destruction during WWII (although the Germans looted many precious artworks from both of them).
@przemysawh7865 Жыл бұрын
Te zdjęcie na końcu filmiku 🤯Przepiękne.
@thewritingtraveler Жыл бұрын
Ahhh dzięki 😊😊😀
@123voy321 Жыл бұрын
Przeważnie na końcu Nynke dodaje super ujęcia.. Na świetne oko do tego.. 😍😍
@jagodam.561 Жыл бұрын
Naprawde super wycieczka do pieknego miasta. 😊
@dajsespokoj388411 ай бұрын
My beloved city.
@rafalkaminski6389 Жыл бұрын
A very intensive trip, many things to watch at once, a first reconaissance, i think IT would be fine to visit torun next time with a bit slower pace on your own :) the view from the other side of Vistula on the town - amazing :)
@piotrsupski5182 Жыл бұрын
So, Nynke, you discover more and more Polish hidden treasures. You've already seen a lot, but there's still a lot left.Enjoy!
@jarekjaroslaw3307 Жыл бұрын
Toruń tak jak Kraków- Stare miasto i okolice wpisane na listę UNESCO. Zobacz jeszcze Ninko Bydgoszcz, bo jest niedaleko😃
@Draxu88 Жыл бұрын
Planujesz odwiedzić jeszcze nowy sącz?, jak coś zapraszam na kawe i objazd po okolicy :)
@noGRAV1TY Жыл бұрын
@thewritingtraveler Жыл бұрын
@Slawcioniebiescy Жыл бұрын
Mikołaj Kopernik studiował na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie . Wiedziałaś ?