First Time Learning Roundabouts in a Manual Car

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Conquer Driving

Conquer Driving

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@AdamColl 10 ай бұрын
Emily you did very well for your first roundabout lesson! Done more 3 lane roundabouts than I have in the last few years living where I live...
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@Earhling1990 9 ай бұрын
I applied for my trainee instructor badge yesterday. These videos have been really helpful to get an idea of what to expect from a pupil and also what is needed from me
@thorbjrnhellehaven5766 10 ай бұрын
Keep it up Emily! You're doing great! Don't be sorry when you do mistakes, they are part of the learning process. There's only so much an instructor can explain, the rest you have to learn through trial and error. The way you explain your worries about how other will react to your mistakes is perfectly normal, and tels me you have a healthy atitude. Through your training, you're improving your skills and (hopefully) your confidence. Eventually, you will just do, and not think too much about things. I believe you attitude can help you to become a safer driver, it might impact your progress today when you worry abou others optinnions; but in the the long run it can prevent you from becoming over confident, and majing more dangerous decisions.
@geoffh2560 10 ай бұрын
Emily is a great addition to the channel - so interesting to see how she is progressing through her lessons.
@mooferoo 10 ай бұрын
Keep at it Emily. With enough practice under your belt your brain develops a subconscious "road sense" and muscle memory, and you'll suddenly realise everything isn't as overwhelming as it used to be.
@targettmark88 10 ай бұрын
Well done Emily you did amazing 👏 you did better than me on roundabouts on the first lesson 😀 👍 👏
@porcelainheartxo 6 ай бұрын
Will you be uploading anymore videos of Emily? Didnt realise it’s been like four months currently learning to drive myself 🥰
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@JakeCrawford 5 ай бұрын
@@Lincoln-rx3mt shut up man
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
@@JakeCrawford did not answer my question
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@simplerealistic. 10 ай бұрын
I've had my license for years but wouldn't at all mind taking a lesson or two from Richard if only to refresh my memory
@matthewwheatley 10 ай бұрын
Love how she punched you after the jibe about the Police station
@sylouise 2 ай бұрын
@ConquerDriving Ай бұрын
Thank you for your generosity and thank you for watching!
@muhammadaunshah-ju9zz 10 ай бұрын
Any links for your walk and joggers technique?
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
This may help:
@StonedNoob 10 ай бұрын
Can your lessons be applied to driving in Ireland? 😅
@nadiraharipersaud8066 3 ай бұрын
K Nite Teacher let,z con,t Lessons bk
@malamoo9779 10 ай бұрын
I’m such an anxious driver but I managed pass first time a couple of days ago, I really do mean it when I say I genuinely couldn’t have done it without these videos! Thank you so much Richard, I’m going to continue watching these to help with my confidence.
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
That's really great to hear! Thank you for watching and congratulations on passing!
@connoragnewmusic 8 ай бұрын
I passed 2 years ago, massively helped by these videos, and I still watch them. Congrats on passing!
@Badapdos21 8 ай бұрын
Literally me. I passed yesterday and I'm so anxious. I went for my first drive by myself earlier and it took me over 10 minutes just to pull away from my driveway. Went through an amber light and it threw me off so much. I went straight back home. But these videos will continue to help me.
@wondersupremo 10 ай бұрын
oh yes emily again, thank you for bringing us in this journey and special thanks also for emily for not being shy and letting record her lessons helping us!
@edkittens75 10 ай бұрын
It's funny to me just how emotionally invested I've become in seeing Emily pass her driving test! 😂
@kalilavalezina 3 ай бұрын
Learning to drive is so intense! So much information to take in whilst trying to coordinate your body, listen to your instructor, stay safe, watch for hazards, etc. I hope you're doing well, Emily! Well done here, you got better and better you more you practised.
@Hassan_20uk 10 ай бұрын
Imagine the day she becomes a really great safe driver and realizing that she done that. And feeling proud.
@bdeithrick 10 ай бұрын
It’ll never happen
@lucipan01 10 ай бұрын
yes it will
@Milkster1 10 ай бұрын
​@bdeithrick What makes you say that 🤓
@mawangshallhang 10 ай бұрын
@@Milkster1She seems a bit away with the fairies, if she manages to drive safe and get a licence it’ll be after many many more lessons ahead. I mean she’s had a good amount of hours already, and just starting off in this she’s not able to control the car or her attention. Another example is she almost drives off the road or into oncoming traffic multiple times in this too. This shouldn’t be an issue after the lessons she’s had. Seems like she can only just manage to focus on one thing at a time. 8:40 he’s explaining something and she goes “vroom” as a response. It’s like trying to teach a child. And after that she says “I know the rules of the roundabouts” again, like a child. She isn’t taking anything in, she thinks she knows everything, drives poorly. He explains. rinse and repeat.
@thorbjrnhellehaven5766 10 ай бұрын
​@@mawangshallhangI believe quite the opposite. I view her reactions more as coping with her inconfidence. She is a learner. She's building skills and confidence. With practice her skills are building, but she worries a lot about making mistakes, and that affects her confidence, and in turn the pace of acquiring skills. I'm sure she can become a very good driver; partly because of her attitude, and the way she wants to not annoy other drivers. While I believe the attitude can be healthy in the long run, I appreciate that it's probably what affects her learning in the most negative way at the moment, because she isn't confident enough yet; then it's holding back her progress. Once her skills and confidence gets up to par, she will be driving very safely. She will probably settle at a level of confidence matching her skills. While some learners gain skills a lot faster, some of them can end up as dangerous drivers; not because of skills, but because they are over confident, making risky decisions.
@decafienatedcoffe8306 10 ай бұрын
You're doing great Emily! I had my first lesson on roundabouts last week, and I struggled with them a lot at the start. Seeing someone who's at a similar place to me in lessons is really helpful and is a great refresher!
@Volaths 10 ай бұрын
As someone who is a little further on in the learning process (I'm about 70% test ready) roundabouts I also really really struggled with when first starting them, there's so much to do and focus on it all gets a bit overwhelming when you're new but you're doing great Emily and in time it'll become natural, what you have to remember, and what we tend to forget, when learning is that we are doing just that, we're learning. Nothing is ever going to be perfect when learning, you aren't going to nail everything first time and that's okay, that's what this process is all about.
@aol107108 10 ай бұрын
Multitasking is sooooo hard 😢 I had 17 hours of lessons I still find it hard to slow down, change gears, steering to good position and observe my right, 3 and 12 o'clock cars
@somethingpeculiarthistime 10 ай бұрын
Trying to do complex stuff like this feels almost impossible for the first few times. There's so much to do in such a short time! But after a while the basic stuff like positioning, speed control etc starts to become second nature while driving and you have sooo much more time to monitor your surroundings.
@AlphaAaron98 10 ай бұрын
I really struggle with multitasking, hence why I'm gonna get tested in an automatic, I can't clutch steer and change gear to save my life 😅
@gogee8510 10 ай бұрын
Emily is so funny and fun to watch. She is doing good. Keep it up Emily, you will make a great driver.
@Aezaazz 10 ай бұрын
I have passed my driving test in Southampton, all thanks to your videos they’ve been really helpful. I’m a big fan of you Richard and now I’m recommending your channel to new learners now.
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
That's fantastic to hear! Thank you for watching and congratulations on passing!
@keithlillis7962 3 ай бұрын
The instructor is a nice fella. On remembering my driving lessons in the late 1970s, having a good rapport with the instructor is very important. Just in passing, when I passed my driving test, the highway code book was about 20 pages. It is now War and Peace 🙂
@liliagrace7850 10 ай бұрын
i started driving lessons around a similar time to emily - watching someone doing the same as me is super helpful!
@liliagrace7850 10 ай бұрын
just finished watching and i can say i’m the exact same, i had a lesson once when i stalled at a roundabout and it threw me off my entire lesson
@chessjames 4 ай бұрын
Any more videos on emily's journey? It's been 6 months without an update! I noticed at the end of the video, she looked a bit fed up. I'm not sure if it's because she was overwhelmed or if it was a personality clash but the chemistry felt a bit off compared to the earlier videos. Is she still learning to drive? did she switch instructors? It would be nice to get an update from you richard please :)
@ethankeoghsmith4466 3 ай бұрын
Hi, I was pounding over this also. I had watched this video when it initially released expecting to see updates on her driving journey, after seeing her expression it felt like she deemed driving as a negative which is a shame. Would love an update!
@reio6403 3 ай бұрын
@@ethankeoghsmith4466 i think she found another instructor as their timelines didnt match up mentioned in the mini roundabout video
@qaammelish 10 ай бұрын
I feel like she made the classic old mistake of telling your driving instructor what you don't like. Oh you don't like traffic lights? Traffic lights for the next 10 lessons straight haha.
@DomenikkBomba 12 күн бұрын
@Cactoida 9 ай бұрын
I started on my 17th birthday and I probably over a years worth of lessons one hour a week and I still coast like Emily does and my foot can’t leave the clutch sometimes but I am dealing with it I have my test in 1 months time I haven’t had a mock test yet I’m definitely still learning I have a problem with roundabouts I tend to give way to the left And stop when it’s clear. Great job Emily you will definitely be a great driver one day. Update I passed my test.
@dmac2573 10 ай бұрын
I understand why you teach the 12 o'clock 'rule', and I'm glad you clarified that it's not in the Highway Code because there are so many people online who insist that it's a rule!
@CreeperGreenMC 10 ай бұрын
Not thinking about a stupid mistake you have made and just carrying on, is one of the hardest thing to learn, I think. I once barely scraped a kerb with the wheelcap, just barely. And when I saw the "damage", my first reaction was like "nope not driving a car again". Turns out that my dad actually scraped a kerb before me and the missing paint of the plastic probably was not my fault even, but I never looked at the wheelcap so I never noticed it. And I am always suprised how many multi-lane roundabouts you have in britain. I am from Austria and I know two 2-Lane roundabouts from the top of my head and both are connecting from and to a motorway. But at least they have marked lanes, and a sign before it for which lane goes to which exit.
@anthonydoyle72 5 ай бұрын
Any way we can plock the person whos been asking every day where she is, it creepy and could lead to danger
@Maya-xoxoxo 10 ай бұрын
Keep at it Emily! I'm 26, learning to drive in the US right now, and Emily reminds me of myself lol. I feel solidarity with her. My attitude has been my top priority since I've started learning to drive. I put off driving for many years because I was scared, and honestly I feel overwhelmed at some point during nearly every lesson/driving session (I have maybe 20 hrs behind the wheel). It's a conscious effort to try to keep a positive mindset even when my brain is telling me "I don't want to get in the car and feel anxious, I don't want to make mistakes again, or feel stupid again". The convo about Emily's attitude about traffic lights spoke to me because I could see both sides. When something sucks, you want to just say "That sucks" and be done with it, but with driving I've found that I can't give into that urge. For me, right turns suck right now, but I can't let myself hate right turns because I can't NOT learn them. It's always annoying to hear from other people, but they're right when they say you have to force positive thoughts into your mind even if you don't 100% believe them. When your brain goes, "I hate lights" you literally have to say to yourself "Actually they're fine, they're just tricky". It sounds like it won't do anything and you'll still feel the same way, but brains are silly and will start believing whatever you tell them lol.
@ellisfletcher3491 10 ай бұрын
My instructor threw me into the deep end lol taking me out on roundabouts in like 2nd or 3rd lesson
@WombleFX 5 ай бұрын
First for me 😂
@Pobsta-de7hb 5 ай бұрын
Yea but everyone is at different levels, even if none have never driven before. It is more anxiety levels, confidence levels and so on. Maybe you guys were ready for them faster lol and if you was not, I hope it went ok lol
@WombleFX 5 ай бұрын
@@Pobsta-de7hb went fine lmao
@ellisfletcher3491 5 ай бұрын
@@Pobsta-de7hb yea went fine for me i was mega anxious felt sick before lessons but honestly once i gave it a go it helped me see its not so bad and learn faster
@Pobsta-de7hb 5 ай бұрын
@@ellisfletcher3491 That is great. I only passed my test a couple of months ago but I took it in Germany, with an all German talking instructor and it was a nightmare lol, not to mention the differences over here in rules and how things work which are quite a few! I totally understand the anxious stuff and anxiety in general, it can literally over take your entire thought process. Yep the best way to over come things is to just do them I guess and I think instructors know when to do stuff or when is best. I am quite anxious as a person anyway but with driving just as I am sure you saw, we always over bloody think things and they are always so much worse in our head than reality right? lol Did you pass yet or are you still on your way to passing very soon?
@thegridbrand1236 10 ай бұрын
Great instructor. very experienced. Emily is like me. We will figure it out with time. Keep going Emily
@somethingpeculiarthistime 10 ай бұрын
I always get so happy to see a new Emily video :)
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@EMotion2006 10 ай бұрын
Keep at it Emily! I was improving way slower than you, i took literal years to get my licence, also because of confidence issues, but now i've been driving without any accidents or damage for 8 years already, and I enjoy driving a lot. You'll get there, i'm rooting for you!
@gunblastTV 10 ай бұрын
Sorry Richard but Emily is the star of these videos. Love them! Keep it up Emily you've got this!
@geoquerry 10 ай бұрын
Totally 😂😂
@-Tidgy 10 ай бұрын
30:04 knowing that you're only supposed to beep for emergency situations only, it actually makes me laugh out loud when people beep learners when they're not going to cause an accident, literally just because the learner isn't driving like they want 😂😂😂😂😂 fkn idiots.
@EppingForest304 9 ай бұрын
So interesting to see how Richard teaches! Very helpful!
@SeanVlismas 10 ай бұрын
It took me a long time to start being able to recognise gaps on roundabouts. I think it was a video on this channel that finally taught me how to do it. Watching footage of a roundabout while relaxed at home was easier to learn from than when I was tense in the car.
@lokon1979 10 ай бұрын
Same here, I had been really struggling with recognising when I can go and can’t. I wanted a lot of practice but you can only do so many during lessons (you take time to get to a roundabout and, there’s no cars so you don’t get the chance to practice!). I felt even videos on KZbin aren’t enough examples for me to learn; then I found a restaurant that has big windows facing a busy roundabout, bought a cup of coffee and sat there for an hour just observe and learn, an hour of non-stop examples with any situations you could possibly think of! I finally learnt that way and found out I had just been overthinking all along. When you get it, that’s it.
@MrBOXA01 6 ай бұрын
​@@lokon1979 Can you give an example of what you learnt and what worked for you
@lokon1979 6 ай бұрын
@@MrBOXA01 I guess it’s all the same thing you’ve read, heard, learnt from instructor like watch the momentum of the car on your right, wait for a “shield”; but watching other do it over and over again I can finally “get it”, just a way that you can see a continuous flowing examples, vs when you’re in a car practicing you can only do it every 5 mins
@midorigurin6612 10 ай бұрын
Go Emily 😊 I was petrified of roundabouts on my lessons and then one day boom I just got it and you will to. That’s not to say I’m perfect at them I do drift sometimes …..good luck
@DjFretty 10 ай бұрын
this is great help to anyone learning roundabouts thank you richard showing us all these videos i have a driving test 13th december I like to do a mock test im from doncaster i do have all social media dj fretty I'm learning in automatic
@emmanuellaboakye5637 5 ай бұрын
Did my first roundabout yesterday and was completely rubbish made me want to quit. Hopefully i get better
@hqund7816 5 ай бұрын
You will get better, just keep going!
@jacklfirth 10 ай бұрын
Passed my test today with 0 minors, your videos were a massive part. Thanks Richard!
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
That's great news! Thank you for watching and congratulations on passing!
@yasariqbal3826 7 ай бұрын
Any update on Emily’s lessons please as it’s been a while now we haven’t seen any new videos ?
@KalimAlisabaVT05743 7 ай бұрын
Hello this is an update Emily has sadly decided to pose her lessons for now and will possibly return in the fugure With best regards Kalim
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@Teverell 5 ай бұрын
A three-lane roundabout the first day you've driven around anything bigger than a mini roundabout? Mad respect, I don't think many people could do that. You did pretty well there, Emily! It'll come, honest. And I'm not sure if it's occurred to you that experienced drivers had muscle memory of changing gear, indicating and steering that allows them to take in new road situations - you're still developing that and figuring out how to deal with traffic and road markings and two lanes and and and... Traffic lights give you time to breathe and collect yourself, make sure that the car's set up to move, work out where you're going and what lane to be in when. Let yourself have that couple of breaths where the car's not moving. You're doing really well!! And you've got a good driving instructor who's giving you a good experience of being behind the wheel at the most stressful point of any driver's driving life. Which means that once you pass your test and get your car, you're going to be able to relax and enjoy it once you've got more experience, and you won't worry about going out and getting that experience.
@madmike987655 6 ай бұрын
I can tell Emily you just have those nerves that get in the way sometimes. Emily I hope you're reading this, but it's okay to be nervous. Nerves can take a long time to conquer they don't just come overnight. I was a very nervous learner driver and while I could drive okay for the majority of my driving I would struggle on doing 2 things at once especially when there was a lot of cars around. I would struggle to remember my indicating, my braking (I would clutch first all the time) and any time I did something wrong I felt like I was going backwards a few steps which really knocked my confidence. There were some days I dreaded driving and couldn't eat in the morning before the lesson. I was lucky to also have a very patient driving instructor like Richard. Please don't let things get to you and I know it's easier said than done, but stick with it and you will get there, even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it. I hope to see you back on here soon !
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@MissStacie-XO 10 ай бұрын
Very helpful as I’m on my 3rd lesson and on roundabouts so I found this video super helpful 😊 Emily your doing amazing, keep at it 💖
@bamidiamond 10 ай бұрын
Such a good teacher. Thanks for your KZbin videos 🙏🏾 😊
@birgitfischer8031 10 ай бұрын
The synchronised cheerio at the end was brilliant!
@Gunner4life18 5 ай бұрын
Confidence is really key here, once you get frustrated you start making mistakes. Keep practicing and don't focus on each individual thing too much, just let it flow and it will come naturally to you. You're still a beginner and have plenty of time to learn, driving should be relaxing and once you get comfortable you will enjoy it more.
@rutukedarbhagwat1746 10 ай бұрын
Do you teach learners about the utilities in the car(cruise control, buttons on the steering etc.) when they get good enough? I'm from India, and my instructor taught me all the functions in the car I was learning in the last lessons and that has been helpful to me.
@Rach88 10 ай бұрын
I passed this year and I was exactly the same, you will get there and one lesson soon it will all just fall into place and start to become more natural and instinctive.
@matthewilott8930 10 ай бұрын
I went straight to the end to see if there was another coordinated cheerio before watching the video, I was not disappointed.
@aya9489 7 ай бұрын
You're such a good instructor omg... I wish I was learning in Colchester ahahah
@lucyb1645 10 ай бұрын
37:00 don't worry about it emily, i had a lesson previously on roundabouts, it became very stressful because i didnt slow early enough or get the right gears so that i could have time to judge when to go, so for the rest of the lesson i just kept on making silly mistakes. one stressful mistake can make the lesson turn so quickly, so its important to understand that even though its possibly been a 'bad' lesson, u are learning, and every now and then u will have more stressful lessons than others. since that lesson however, i've had 2 very very successful lessons, barely any mistakes apart from a few stalls. but it was purely a mistake i simply just forgot to change to first when i stopped! :)
@fubsmcbubs 10 ай бұрын
These are really good. I've been driving for over ten years, but bikes in Vietnam. Came here just for a year, was gonna do my test etc when I got home. Ended up staying. So now I'm going to have to get my license when I move back in a couple years. Confident on the road but a car/all the rules is going to be a challenge. As will not driving for a significant amount of time while doing tests, lessons etc. That'll be shite. Thanks for these long form videos!
@daviemac9925 10 ай бұрын
That was really good for a first go Emily, I'll say it again you're better than you think you are. Also, remember you're a Learner, you're allowed to make mistakes, that's why you've got a professional with you!
@colethomson7267 10 ай бұрын
12:18 He was trying to explain but got visibly annoyed with how reckless that white SUV was lol
@reboot1337 9 ай бұрын
i passed my test today 2nd time and i had even more minors than first time just keep going guys if you feel like you have failed already make sure you drive until in the end because you never know and i would like to thx everyone on youtube who are doing videos like that its all free and they help a lot.
@Hiforest 10 ай бұрын
My town has mostly roundabouts, i had no choice but to learn them as soon as i was on the main roads. My steering was so bad! My instructor is a brave man, i hadn't realised how scary it must have been lol.
@cameronrailton3945 10 ай бұрын
I passed my test today, and you made me feel much more confident about the tricky bits, like roundabouts. Thanks so much, Richard; keep doing what you're doing because your videos are incredibly useful for learners!
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
That's fantastic news! Thank you for watching and congratulations on passing!
@walkingpizza1796 10 ай бұрын
Her little giggle at the end with the synced chrio yet again! heheh i love it
@Amberlilyx 8 ай бұрын
any update on emily? been a while
@redditcrib 8 ай бұрын
I think she’s quit, it’s a shame I’ve been looking back for an update aswell
@amy82910 8 ай бұрын
@@redditcribWe don’t know that. She or Richard could’ve been busy, she could’ve taken a break from lessons, or maybe she just didn’t want some of her lessons filmed.
@KalimAlisabaVT05743 7 ай бұрын
Hello this is an update Emily has sadly decided to pose her lessons for now and will possibly return in the fugure With best regards Kalim
@thisosit 8 ай бұрын
Best wishes to Emily - so grateful you allowed your experience to be shared.
@drewscott2753 10 ай бұрын
Good job Emily. It’s tough to concentrate on everything at once when you start out. It becomes second nature eventually. One day it will all just click into place. You’ve got this. 💪
@Destro7000 10 ай бұрын
@25:00 "You're going down a dark road here" Mr. Psychologist returns! :D Nice episode though. I didn't realise the left lane almost always containing 12 O'clock straight-ahead rule, I thought it varied depending on which Big Roundabout you met.
@SteadyPetesFPVquadracing 9 ай бұрын
We Dutchies are so spoiled with our roads, they are perfectly maintained and designed. There are also clear lines on the roundabouts. That makes it all so much easier and safer. We only use multiple lanes on a roundabout if it is really large, every other roundabout is just one lane. Most countries do not understand how roundabouts work and therefore do what they think is right and make it way to complicated.
@sntxrrr 10 ай бұрын
Seeing her struggle when confronted with a new situation helps me appreciate learner drivers more. I've been driving for decades but I too had to learn this at some point and struggled in the beginning. She's doing fine.
@leahwood6727 10 ай бұрын
Passed my test today and just want to say thank you Richard your videos have helped so much after having a break from my instructor and I passed in my own car! Will continue to watch them to up my skills 😁
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
That's fantastic to hear! Thank you for watching and congratulations on passing!
@JonathanBrown-n8m 7 ай бұрын
you were (obviously) right about the left lane for an exit straight ahead however I have come across a few roundabouts where the local custom is to use the right lane when going straight or turning right. These are usually where the left turn is as much used as the straight ahead exit and there are two lanes approaching the roundabout. It is customary to leave the left lane free for left-turners. I realise this is not officially correct but is a custom. Drivers need to be aware of this as someone approaching in the left lane but intending to go straight can result in traffic approaching the roundabout from the left turn road thinking they are turning left. They are wrong to jump to that conclusion but it does happen so vigilance is necessary.
@aaisha9134 10 ай бұрын
‘Hope you don’t get arrested’😂😂😂
@pmw3839 10 ай бұрын
I prefer traffic lights on busy multi-lane roundabouts. It makes them much easier.
@firefox8033 10 ай бұрын
She isn't alone when something happens it completely throws you off the whole drive. I had a lesson and my son had really upset me that morning and my whole lesson was a mess but it showed me what can happen when your head is all over the place so to take a break to calm down before you drive again. 😊
@Jac70 10 ай бұрын
I think she did well - it's often easy to do 10 things well but make a mistake or two and to come away thinking only about the mistakes.
@fb5127 10 ай бұрын
Love Emily's videos as I'm also learning to drive and seem to be on a similar stage. Did major roundabouts today too and found them fun better than traffic lights I agree lol.
@azeemthecoolbean 10 ай бұрын
i'm struggling with parking my car in my garage. the garage is flat but the driveway is short and steep so if I keep momentum and go up the driveway I almost always scrape the bottom. If i go super slow I end up stalling often.
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
These two videos may help you:
@bdeithrick 10 ай бұрын
Bring Emily to Milton Keynes. Pls. Roundabout city. And magic roundabout in Swindon
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
😂 Yes the magic roundabout would be fun.
@jay9958 10 ай бұрын
I passed my theory test today, first time 😁
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
@jay9958 10 ай бұрын
@@ConquerDriving Thank you
@stevemurray9690 9 ай бұрын
How many hours practice has she had by the time of this video ?
@rhia3012 10 ай бұрын
I don't know if this will help (or if you already teach it) but with position on the road in a straight line my learning instructor told me that the middle line is in a certain spot on the windscreen and this helped me figure out where I needed to be positioned (I don't know how to explain it (maybe 1/8 in from the right?) so maybe when you're driving take note of where it is for you and then point out where it should be for them :)
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
I don't find that helps, judging the distance from the side is not a good idea in my opinion as the road varies in width and you would only be checking one side. I teach people to focus on the centre of the space they want to use. This video may be of interest:
@leohuo4263 10 ай бұрын
i actually needed that to help me understand how to judge when to slow down and change gear at roundabouts
@InspireWires 5 ай бұрын
Literally same isue yesterdays lesson
@dauntless1248 10 ай бұрын
I was in a similar position as Emily, I just passed my driving test with 2 minor faults :) YOU GOT THIS EMILY
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
Congratulations on passing!
@_7.8.6 10 ай бұрын
Her sound effects add to the video explanations
@LS-ex9nn 10 ай бұрын
I learn more and more the relationship of driver's car with its surrounding dynamic environment, which greatly help me build up my confidence, with the "on the road" series. Through those viedos, I realized that on the road driving is definitely more than skills but much more relying on the driver's attitude to cope with the situation in probably only several seconds. Thanks so much, Richard ❤ thanks, Emily 🌹
@rabiyakhalifa5867 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for your videos. I passed today
@narcissagf 5 ай бұрын
Emily, if you ever read this, it is absolutely normal to feel nervous. You can go back into it whenever you feel ready. Do not give up. People say it is easy. it is NOT easy. But it will be worth it
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@Lincoln-rx3mt 5 ай бұрын
Where is emily
@AM2K2 10 ай бұрын
I think your previous videos on roundabouts are worth a watch for any new drivers, the one where you're stood at a roundabout judging which are going around or leaving. It feels random when you're new but the more experience you get, the easier it is to read the clues.
@BudinHaider 10 ай бұрын
Hi Richard. Thanks alot for the videos. I passed the test today and it wasn't possible to pass without your videos/guidance. ❤
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
That's really great to hear! Thank you for watching and congratulations on passing!
@upalpaul3175 10 ай бұрын
Today I failed my exam .2 serious 6 driving fault. It was my 3rd attempt. I'm really upset. Maybe I'll give up. I saw this channel almost every night. I learned many things 😌..
@ColumbianCocain 10 ай бұрын
Don't give up...i failed 2 times when the conditions were perfect for driving and passed on my 3-rd attempt when i thought everything was falling apart(bad weather, peak traffic time(08:30), a car i haven't driven before and missing equipment(extra mirror and an "L" sign))couple month sago
@ConquerDriving 10 ай бұрын
Try to stay positive. If you're taking your test then you should have put all the work and time into it already. Stick with it and when you pass it will be worth it.
@bossmen6665 25 күн бұрын
Emily is getting comfortable
@maymunaharif3738 10 ай бұрын
She initially thought she’s so clever lol but when she hit the curb she got embarrassed 😂
@WalkingContradictionsw Ай бұрын
I’ve had over 20 hours and only now am I working it out, but jogging and walking is really good advice. I am driving with hand controls and a steering ball, so I’m steering with one hand. Any advice to not steering slightly to the left or right to stay in my lane when im doing my msm routine. But I think I just need to relax as I still probably hold the ball too tightly
@Oubaitori_ 10 ай бұрын
i remember her first video, she has made massive progress
@ayis3506 Ай бұрын
I'm also taking my drivers license and these videos really help me out! Props to the driver for participating in the video. Thanks for the video!!
@VandelayH 10 ай бұрын
Lanes on roundabouts still confuse me!
@cameronstarkey3165 2 ай бұрын
I'm on my second lesson and even though I feel I'm a confident driver my position can sometimes be close to the kerb. It's a hard one to get your mind to understand that it's ok to be closer to the middle but I feel with time it will happen. I love driving though so that's the plus for me 😊
@cameronstarkey3165 2 ай бұрын
Is Emily still having lessons Richard or has she passed now I was keeping my fingers crossed for her as I know she found it hard to be a confident driver.
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