こんにちは。連投ありがとうございます。 『Amore』『悪夢の輪舞』の完成度、ベビメタの曲の奥深さを語っていただけで大満足です。 アイドルを「それ以上」に昇華させた運営や神バンド、そして何よりSu-metalとYui&Moaの努力には感動を覚えますし、心を打つのですよ。 この動画の流れですと、「プログレ」「変拍子」といえば、もう『Tales of the Destinies』ですよね。 次回も楽しみにしております。See You🦊
Thanks for this reaction. Lots of metal artists have amazing hair... Ohmura actually sells some of his hair for charity each year. 🙂 This Rondo of Nightmare performance has probably the best solo's intro, which has Mikio of course. It was so great to see him light up when he released it was progressive music !
There's one tiny piece of "criticism" that I have with regards to Amore, and that's that it is pretty similar in style to Akatsuki. So due to the fact that Akatsuki is such a prefect song, Amore is a little overshadowed. Rondo of Nightmare is one of my favourite songs. I love the vocal melody in the chorus. It's so beautiful, but still quite complex, and it has such an amazing, haunting atmosphere. The melody alone is already developing like a story. Even for listeners who don't understand the lyrics, it's obvious that there's something sinister going on. I really miss the Japanese Kami Band. The Western band is good, but it's just not the same.
@あきあかね-o6o9 ай бұрын
次あたり、リズム取りが難しい「Tales of the destinies」と、発声が難しい「From Dusk Till Dawn」の対比なんてどうですか? この動画でコメントしてらっしゃいました「悪夢の輪舞曲」と同様に、「From Dusk Till Dawn」は奇妙でちょっと怖い曲です。