Fishing Grind: Demo Release - Episode 4 - Heavier Gear Means Bigger Fish!

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Hawkeye M

Hawkeye M

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Пікірлер: 6
@JDKempton 13 күн бұрын
It's a bear your dogs are barking at, they know your experiences with bears😉👍
@HawkeyeM 13 күн бұрын
LOL! Yeah, one of my other viewers commented in my "The Red Lantern" review that I was going to get eaten by bears again... My wife saw this and laughed her @$$ off! I thought I just had problems with Bison!
@beydon8454 13 күн бұрын
@monsterbellygaming 12 күн бұрын
Hawkeye great job on bringing a new fishing game to us. I downloaded it as soon as your video was over. It is pretty fun as it is right now but it seems the developers have big plans for it so it will change and grow hopefully into a great game. That said I probably will not be plying it. I just dont understand what the developers intend to do with the predators. I know you got a kick out of the alligator but it and the bear just took my attention away from fishing. Its just me probably but I do not want or need "danger" in my relaxing fishing games. It is just not good gameplay for me, and as many interactions you have with these predators I feel it will get old real fast when you are just wanting to fish. Just my crazy opinion and I do hope the developers find a big audience for it. Take care man.
@HawkeyeM 11 күн бұрын
Yeah, I get it! I really like the idea that these developers are thinking outside the bos when it comes to fishing games! I get that it is not for everyone! I like to mix thing up though! Thanks for your comment. It means a lot to me that my viewers are supporting me to such a degree that they may wish to go outside their comfort zones!
@tacush3784 12 күн бұрын
Does seem like a copy of rf4
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