Fitting / Insulating and sealing antifreeze valves correctly

  Рет қаралды 3,618

Primary Pro

Primary Pro

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@kgmeten 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for info. The inner diameter of the hose knee seems too small. I'm also a little worried that the relative heavy assembly starts to vibrate caused by the compressor.
@primarypro1627 20 күн бұрын
we have now made over 120 000 flexi kits with no issues. The 35mm primary is used for the 28 hoses, and the 42 is used for the 35mm hoses
@GlynHudson Жыл бұрын
Really useful, thanks
@bobking9827 Жыл бұрын
This might not apply to your insulation and installation method, but can you give some assurance that the following does not apply to your insulation. There have been incidents of severe corrosion of copper piping perforation when water vapour has condensed onto cold water copper piping that has been insulated. That corrosion seems to have been shown to be caused by chemical reaction when chemical leaches from the insulation To minimise the risk of such corrosion the pipes could be separated from pipe by using an oil based highly adhesive tape wrapped around the pipe and fittings or an internal coating on the inside bore of the insulation. Do you recommend pipe wrapping as a precaution or are you content that the insulation and sealing of joints will provide near perfect prevention of rain water and condensed vapour getting onto the copper pipework. I'd be happy to hear that your insulation and installation method is better than others on the market so perhaps no further precaution against corrosion could be necessary.
@primarypro1627 Жыл бұрын
I have never heard this before on any insulation, Our Primary Pro is 100% waterproof and then sealed with our Bond & Seal. This makes sure no water can get between the pipe and the insulation; we have also tested if moisture does get inside and have seen no problems as you have found,
@primarypro1627 Жыл бұрын
HI Sorry for the late reply Been a manic few months and just saw this Not seen anything like this with our insulation or Bond & Seal, we tested over 3 years before launch and condensate pro has been ours for over three years and primary Pro for 2 years and no problems, have you got any info or photos of what the other insulation was
@СтанимирСлавов-е5ф 5 ай бұрын
Upper part of valve MUST be not insulated. Insulation only over the side but entire body upper and lower part must be left without asor caleffi instructions
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