Five Missing Subclasses in D&D 5e

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Dungeon Dudes

Dungeon Dudes

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@muriomoira 5 ай бұрын
About summoner subclasses, I know bards have creation, but id kill for a storyteller themed bard that can summon creatures and heroes by chanting their own legends!
@melissawardjohns220 5 ай бұрын
❤ agreed!❤
@Jasta85 5 ай бұрын
Basically the chanter from Pillars of Eternity, my favorite class in that game.
@muriomoira 5 ай бұрын
@@Jasta85 its the same thing I was thinking about lmao! Nothing beats summoning a dragon out of its own balad. It can also take some inspirations from Mortimer from inkheart, Alan wake and even the whole lorehold school from stryxhaven!
@sapphirewolf713 5 ай бұрын
I need someone to get on that please!😊
@psolomon83 5 ай бұрын
My bard of creation would make props and use major image yo tell the stories of his songs.
@ngreene9199 5 ай бұрын
The #1 subclass I want is one for Barbarians that focuses on unarmed fighting. It's such an iconic archetype, and it's frustrating that you have to dip into feats/multiclassing just to be able to pull off a (limited) version of it.
@robertnope1993 5 ай бұрын
Yeah. Had a ‘pro wrestler’ subclass on the backburner a while…
@Jfk2Mr 5 ай бұрын
I think name "path of a python" could fit - you're not biting, slashing or piercing, you grapple the enemy and constrict them
@treorr4448 5 ай бұрын
Steinhardt has a really good one. It's the earthbreaker subclass. It's all about punching and gravity abilities.
@CrankyPants1020 4 ай бұрын
THIS! I think this fits a lot better than a strength based monk. Same outcome just different base class
@CoolRylanFilms 4 ай бұрын
path of the cage fighter
@Irongineer 5 ай бұрын
Dragon Warlock is a NEED
@sheepishwarlord9931 5 ай бұрын
Right? Why didn't we get one in Fizban's?
@darcraven01 5 ай бұрын
first thought that popped into my head. lol
@RioDrake 5 ай бұрын
I had the idea a while ago to reflavor Sorcerer into Warlock and it feels pretty decent.
@rodrigobueno8652 5 ай бұрын
@@sheepishwarlord9931 because the game devs (ad msot homebr ,even the dungeon dudes) can't think in abilitis that are difrent enough from the sorcerer ones. Is th smae reason w dont receive fey and fiend soceres in 5e too (even that themres are a lot boarer than the draconic one)
@13SaberWolf 5 ай бұрын
I kinda cheated and did this by making my Hexblade pact with a Shadow Dragon.
@QuiteNephilim612 5 ай бұрын
The Shadow dancer rogue from Pathfinder gave me my favorite companion. Childhood imaginary friend manifested as a shadow.
@robertnope1993 5 ай бұрын
Sounds like an idea to pair well with the fighter echoknight subclass.
@trebmal587 5 ай бұрын
You can flavor the phantom rogue to get the same vibe I guess.
@QuiteNephilim612 5 ай бұрын
I'm giving it my best shot to try to convert the Shadow dancer prestige glass to 5e as a subclass for rogue. An ability to use specific spells with a wisdom saving throw for half damage. Shadow magic was almost forgotten about it in 5e. There are a few phantasmal spells and Shadow blade.
@Nevets1073 5 ай бұрын
Shadow Dancer was originally a prestige class from 3.5, right? It's one of my favorite Prestige Classes from that era of D&D.
@harrisonlynch4701 5 ай бұрын
Here’s my ideas so far. Apothecary Subclasses Hedge Doctor You know all the plants you need to craft medicine and poison. Medic A mobility specialist who can quickly deliver medicine. Phycologist Cure madness or inflict it. Weapon Builder You get a laser gun. Artificer Subclasses Kaboomist An artificer that likes to go out with a bang. Choose sticky, incendiary, frag, poison, and implosion bombs to make. Barbarian Subclasses Commander Your reckless charges inspire your comrades to fight harder. Level 3 Inspiring Charge: Once per combat members of your party can move with you when you move to attack an enemy. They can ignore all obstacles you can get around. If their movement causes an opportunity attack, that enemy attacks you instead. Level 7 Inspiring Confidence: Members of your party who are within 5 feet of you have +1 to their AC. Level 12 Inspiring Focus: Members of your party cannot have their concentration broken except by magical means. Members of your party add 1d6 to the die rolls of skill checks. Death Seeker The closer to death you become the stronger you become. Level 3 Near Death Experience: If you are at half your hp or less you get +2 to strength and take ½ damage from piercing and crushing damage. This stacks with your rage and other buffs. Level 5 You take ½ damage from necrotic damage while in a near death experience. Level 7 Strength from the Void: For each hp below half your max hp you gain +1 strength. Level 14 Unholy Strength: You gain +1 strength from each hp below max l. Add an additional d6 damage on your attacks for each hp below half your max. Instigator Goad enemies into fighting you instead of your comrades. Level 3 Goad: If you see an enemy, you can taunt it. Unless it passes a charisma saving throw, it must attack you. You take ½ of the damage it would deal to you. This stacks with other damage reduction effects. You can attack it back as a free bonus action. Level 5 Intimidating: Enemies have disadvantage on their charisma checks. Their charisma saving throws get reduced by an intimidation check you automatically make in response. Level 14 Vexing Aura: Enemies within a 30 foot radius must choose you when choosing a target to attack. The first time each enemy attacks you, take ½ damage from their attacks and attack them as a free bonus action. This stacks with other damage reduction effects. You have an additional attack for each enemy within 10 feet. Juggernaut Ram into walls and smash through any obstacles. Level 3 Growth: You grow 1 foot and gain 100 pounds. Wrecking Ball: You can move up to 30 feet and attack an enemy. This counts as a movement action. Add your weight/100 + your AC to your hit roll. If it crits, knock the enemy over. Level 6 Burst: You can smash through walls and doors on a successful strength check. Ignore all damage from the debris. Level 7 Growth: You grow 1 foot and gain 100 pounds. Level 10 Trap Smasher: When you walk into a trap, destroy it. You take ½ damage from traps. Level 12 Growth: You grow 1 foot and gain 100 pounds. Level 14 Snap: You can enter a rage when breaking objects. Rage Instinct You become almost a different person when you rage. Your rage half remembers its battles, and what kind of damage it took. Level 3 Inner Rage: You automatically enter a rage whenever you enter combat. You can’t retreat and your rage doesn’t end until the end of combat. Big Rage: You grow 1 foot and gain 100 pounds when you rage. Revert back to normal size afterwards. Instinctive Attack: You get a free attack whenever you enter a rage. Split Mind: Your non-raging subconscious can still concentrate on spells so long as they have no verbal or physical components. Level 6 Memory Foam Skin: If you take 10 or more damage from a single attack, you gain resistance to whatever damage type it is. Level 12 Rubber Skin: If you take 10 or more damage from a single attack, and you already have resistance to its damage type, you gain immunity to whatever damage type it is. Redneck You have a shotgun axe. Wild Friend You get a companion. Bard Subclasses School of Animal Training You get an animal companion and can teach it to do different things. School of Comedy Raise morale with a good laugh. Vex enemies by making fun of them. Do impressions. School of Culinary Arts You learn to make food. Pick some recipes. Different foods have different properties. Some increase strength and some heal. Cure just about any negative status effect with the right recipe. School of Heroes Summon heroes from your tales. School of Painting Draw or paint heroic figures. You can learn abstract art for delivering coded messages. Portraits for boosting morale of the party. Still life that you can bring to life for supplies. School of Pottery Make statues that help others focus and grant bardic inspiration. School of Trapeze A dexterity mobility based class. School of Trickshots Inspire others, by shooting enemies dead in creative ways. School of Thespians You become a master of disguise. Druid of Companionship You get an animal companion that can wildshape with you. Druid of the Hive You wild shape into a queen bee, or ant, or other hive mind type creature. Druid of Poison You have immunity to poison damage and can turn into venomous animals. Verdant Druid You can wildshape into plants, and control vines. Fighter Subclasses Pet Owner You get a dog, falcon, or weasel companion. Mounted Combat Expert You can do some cool things with a trained warhorse Way of Elements Pick an element and get a spell list based on it. Casting spells won’t use Chi. Way of Fireworks You can shoot fireworks and shoot balls of metal through tubes. Way of Shogun You can wear armor. Use your strength more. You can climb and leap over buildings. Way of the Astral Plane You can split your mind from your body, creating a duplicate. Palladian Subclasses Oath of Steeds You get much more interesting options for mounts, and more things to do with them. Oathsworn Companion You get a dog or other pet that took the same oath and you can sick ‘em on your enemies. Ranger Subclasses Cowboy You have a herd and a gun Explorer You can cut through plants with your sword, and change favored foe/terrain after studying a map or book Martial You have a big iron. You get in lots of duels. Poacher Sort of the anti-ranger. You're a great horse thief, and great at stealth. Rogue Subclasses Poisoner You get a poison kit to dip your weapons in. Shadow Dancer Summon your imaginary friend to fight alongside you. Mob Boss You get a pistol with a silencer. Thieves Cant is actually interesting and useful. Sorcerer Subclasses Elemental Companion Choose an elemental to be your companion Fae Ancestry An illusion focused class with tricky fairy magic. You can manipulate others. Fiend Ancestry A summoning focused class where you can summon your half fiend ancestors. Dragon Pact You have different spells depending on the type of dragon. Wizard’s Familiar Conjure an animal companion to help you concentrate and prepare physical elements for spells.
@DungeonDeeno 5 ай бұрын
Pointy hat made a cool draconic warlock along with tons of other subclasses that don't exactly fit what you were looking for but are all still cool.
@melbifk 5 ай бұрын
Pointy hat is top tier
@lavendargooms2056 5 ай бұрын
so pumped for the witch book, my childhood witch obsession has never been more fed!
@ballsbayonets9822 5 ай бұрын
The human familiar is better :D @@melbifk
@varto07 5 ай бұрын
I was going to say that, i still can´t try any of his new subclasses since i still can´t find a group to play but i loved the dragon pact warlock and i would love to see his book with those spellcasters that get their spells from the monsters they defeat.
@trebmal587 5 ай бұрын
IMO his dragon warlock needed to be tweeked a bit, but it indeed had a lot of great ideas.
@bread3039 5 ай бұрын
College of Wild Magic bard. Triggers a wild magic effect upon rolling a bardic inspiration die, and also adds that number to any save, attack roll, or ability check. You get access to an expanded wild magic list as your bardic inspiration die levels up.
@carsonshields4205 5 ай бұрын
It might be fun for the plant druid to be able to wild shape into plant monsters
@mathiasmorin3566 5 ай бұрын
And throw seed that instantly Grow trees and push ennemy and do some damage!
@snazzyfeathers 5 ай бұрын
I've thought about this before. I don't think there's a ton of plant monsters out there but it could work. I've thought the same about other subclasses too - a druid that can wildshape into other types aside from Beast. Having free reign would be too op I think, but being able to select up to 3 different types of monsters would be OK
@TheRealMuckluck 5 ай бұрын
I made an early draft of one that, instead of wild shaping into a specific plant creature, instead could choose to shapeshift parts of themselves to add plant-based benefits. Things like vine arms (reach), thorn-covered "armour" (damage return on being attacked), or being covered in fragrant flowers (close range attackers who inhale the spores must succeed on save, or be charmed).
@guardiantree8879 5 ай бұрын
Or just wooden armor that boosts ac & lets you use wisdom for weapon attacks
@TheScarvig 5 ай бұрын
just give them a treant like wildshape. that might be stealing from wow but there you also have one form like this. have it scale from essentially transforming into a human sized groot to eventually turning into a huge ent. this would be something like the grappler druid who goes into melee combat with reach (growing arms) permanent barkskin and so on give them a double attack, where they can do two attacks and each attack can hit up to two enemies that are within 5 feet. on a hit they must make a grapple check against you and if you manage to grapple both targets of one attack you can bonk them together for extra damage and maybe a stun
@kodiakjak1 5 ай бұрын
I want the Titan wrestler from Pathfinder. Good spot for a strength-based monk. Suplex a Giant, put a dragon in a headlock, use your flurry of blows to bear hug the bandit you have grappled to death.
@Mastikator 5 ай бұрын
A knight fighter subclass that gets a squire, the squire levels up with you.
@sntcci 5 ай бұрын
this one is a bit tricky because as soon as you have another humanoid to control, you kinda tend to have to roleplay them, could be more difficult. But it would be really cool indeed!
@scienceme9794 5 ай бұрын
@@sntcci Easy, require them to be played in tandem by two players.
@benross9174 5 ай бұрын
@@scienceme9794Pretty lame to roleplay as a subclass feature instead of an actual character
@mtvjacknife816 5 ай бұрын
They should make a class/subclass or feat that uses the sidekick rules but is more baked-in and less dependent on the DM to run another npc in the party.
@skullkrusher-dx4kg 5 ай бұрын
Pawns from dragons dogma
@christin8376 5 ай бұрын
I'm currently playing an Order of the Scribes Wizard and you kind of get a permanent companion with that subclass. You get Manifest Mind starting at level 6 where your spellbook is now sentient and a spectral version of it is manifested at all times. It can talk, see, and you can cast spells through it from its location, etc. Most of the level up abilities for the subclass have to do with a deepened bond with this Awakened Spellbook. It can absorb damage meant for the Wizard character by 14th level for instance. It's nerdy and a bookworm's dream, I've been loving it!
@SilvrSavior 4 ай бұрын
I think the funniest thing to me about that subclass is you don't need to de-summon pet. You just need to put it in a box since it cannot pass through objects and has no rules about forced movement.
@lunamoth34 5 ай бұрын
Some subclasses I'd love to see: - a storm druid - a commander fighter (thanks for that one!) - more gravity/space/void themed subclasses
@astuteanansi4935 5 ай бұрын
The Wildmount Graviturge was so disappointing compared to the Chronurge. It's surreal how horribly they pushed the latter while being way too safe with the former
@minimonkeymasher8888 5 ай бұрын
You COULD say a specifically build Battle Master Fighter or a Purple Dragon Knight Fighter could be flavored as a commander. Or even a College of Valor Bard. But yes I really think fighter doesn't really have a "simple" subclass to choose from that's just a guy who's really good at fighting or a battle commander who runs the team. Champion Fighter is the only simple, low on fluff subclass the fighter's got, and that subclass suuuucks all around.
@woutvanostaden1299 5 ай бұрын
Heavy weapon rogue, wildshape rogue that can sneak attack with natural weapons and unarmed strikes and a artefact magic casting barbarian that uses hp instead of spellslots would be nice.
@justinjohnson4316 5 ай бұрын
You can make a great storm druid by going land druid (mountain) X/ Tempest Cleric 2.
@tatalsaba 5 ай бұрын
Storm druid would be awesome.
@ColinKillick 5 ай бұрын
I also think a trapsmith artificer could be great. It would be a really unique take on battlefield control, where instead of casting control spells, you’re deploying devices (perhaps with your bonus action) that go off when enemies come within range or fulfill other triggers.
@averyodowd6448 5 ай бұрын
Even if you add Glyph of Warding to the artificer spell list it doesn't get to play with it until level 9, so having like a mini version based off of a class resource giving certain spells the ability to be cast as glyphs would fit the bill, I think.
@agent00puffball 5 ай бұрын
I think a trap class for ranger and rogue make a ton of sense, too. Ranger's one could apply some debuffs or Hunter's Mark, and Rogue's could be poison and apply Sneak Attack or something.
@danielpierce922 4 ай бұрын
Yes! In Gloom or Frost haven has an answer, there is a guy that deploys traps (look like bear traps) and has 2 things to make it work. Able to move around the battlefield quickly (I would think teleport or run fast for 5e) and ways to push enemies into them (some sort of save or they get pushed OR via a spell).
@nickgensheimer8650 4 ай бұрын
There is a Trapmaster subclass for Rangers in Heliana’s guide to Monster Hunting that could be used for inspiration!
@demiurge2763 5 ай бұрын
For sorcerers, I would LOVE to see something like an Arcane Soul subclass. It would be their version of the Lore Bard, Beserker Barbarian, Open Hand Monk, etc. It would be a subclass that doesn't have much in terms of flavor, but doubles down on what they are already good at.
@jamescoughlan7175 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, they kinda mentioned that when they covered the Tal'Dorei Runechild Sorcerer where when you take away the setting specific flavor text it's a sorcerer that allows you to do more magic with the magic you were already doing.
@Merilirem 5 ай бұрын
@haidynwendlandt2479 5 ай бұрын
I feel like Wild Magic is supposed to be the “flavorless” Sorcerer because I think in flavor most Sorcerers struggle with containing their magic
@ryanholley406 5 ай бұрын
I feel like if you reflavor Lunar Sorcerer, that’s what you get. It’s like Sorcerer+ Reduced metamagic costs (more effective metamagic), massive additional spell list, multiple free castings of spells (more effective spell slots), and more utility + battlefield control
@justanotherdude3256 5 ай бұрын
That's just asking for a stronger sorcerer? No flavourful abilities just double down and make them better? Please no.
@ad9aggie 5 ай бұрын
They tried it in the playtests, dropped it, but it's still needed: Brawler subclass for the Fighter. Unarmed strikes and improvised weapons specialties. Good video! Keep on keepin' on, dudes!
@alexchristian8294 5 ай бұрын
A while ago , Tulok the Barbrarian made a subclass for each class with what seemed to be a focus on bringing in new playstyles that aren’t represented yet. Highlights include: -Dragon Warlock -Wrestler Barbarian -Superhero Paladin -Spiderman Artificer -Kaiju Druid Highly recommend checking it out.
@HardCC-y3w 5 ай бұрын
Where can I find these?
@pallapazza71 5 ай бұрын
@@HardCC-y3w Their youtube channel.
@attonthejedi 5 ай бұрын
​@@HardCC-y3w look up Tulokthebarbrarian on KZbin and he has a Playlist in his Playlist section about "the tales of Morie" or something like that and those are his subclasses
@ConjureKarp 4 ай бұрын
You can search up his name and find a video describing each subclass, including some of his homebrew content!
@Crusader327 4 ай бұрын
Now imagine these all together as a DnD party 😂
@kingbooyah7806 5 ай бұрын
The Highway Rider is a rogue subclass in the Grim Hollow: Player's Guide. You get the find steed spell and your steed eventually gets things like cunning action. It's great for a Cowboy-like character, conveying the bond they share with their horse, along with their other features like "Hair Trigger" working as a quick-draw mechanic.
@Blackwoodcwc 5 ай бұрын
The dragon-themed warlock-like class from 3.5 was the Dragonfire Adept. It got invocations like warlocks did, but instead of having an eldritch blast that it could attack with constantly, it had an always available breathweapon as its main attack.
@DrgnDrake 5 ай бұрын
Dragonfire Adept was really cool.
@johannesstephanusroos4969 5 ай бұрын
It was pretty weaksauce, so... Perfect for this edition 😂
@orukam1 5 ай бұрын
Fey and Fiend Sorcerer, Dragon pact Warlock, Strenght based Monk! All soooo good ideas! I feel Plant Druid is kinda a spec of Land Druid... but could be just me My Spec ideias: Wizards: * Elementalist : Wizard not base in a School of magic, but in the control of the elements, chooging one to masterize * Blood Mage : Caster user of the blood for dark magic (There many, no one really cool) Warlock: Pact of the Titan : Warlock with a Powerfull Giant sugardaddy Pact of Elementalord : Need no explanaitions Cleric: * Domain of Dragon : Need no explanaitions * Domain of Winter : Classic trope of God, should be a Domain * Domain of Shamanism : A Totemic cleric, conected to the spirits of the ancestrals (This counld be a druid too) Druid: * Circle of Bones : Death is part of nature, and Circle of Spore (more like Circle of Fungi) dont do it well. More tribal, user or the reamins of the animals conected to the "harvest" * Circle of Thrash: Nature and life expand to all biomes, including abandoned sewage and trash in cities. Rats, cockroaches and other dirt worms would provide a unique theme for this type of biome. Fighter * Warlord - Sorcerer * Elemental Bloodline : We have a Storm Sorcerer, why not a Fire, frost and earth? * Death Bloodline:
@jemm113 5 ай бұрын
100 points for Warlord!!!! (Alternatively make warlord its own class as a backline non-magic support) And honestly, fighters needed universal maneuvers. Then each subclass gets its own added maneuvers. Battlemaster and Warlord get the fastest scaling and more of them, one focuses on frontline play, the other uses team maneuvers (like reposition or commanding attacks) and paired with “stratagems” that work like AoE battlefield effects. And even give them healing by allowing characters to expend hit die either from themselves or the Warlord! (The latter could heal both characters as they both work to cover each other, or give up the warlord’s heal as extra temp hp)
@Jfk2Mr 4 ай бұрын
Death bloodline would be something like necromancy centered sorcerer?
@SilvrSavior 4 ай бұрын
How about any new subclasses for artificer? That class gets no love from wizards since it is isolated in its own source. Especially because when I saw the UA for Rune Wizard, I thought "that make for an awesome Artificer subclass."
@jemm113 4 ай бұрын
@@SilvrSavior 100% the artificer should get its own AI-centric subclass! The artificer decides one day to make their own Cortana -(or Galdos)- that assists them and their allies. Could be a better support artificer compared to the lackluster alchemist (which should have been its own class!!!) and could incentivize (and help) give the party infused items more regularly, especially since it could be a prerequisite for some of the AI’s powers.
@RichiePootle 5 ай бұрын
I’m trying to homebrew a plant Warlock: serving the “ancient oak at the heart of the forest”, being enslaved by an alien plant hidden deep within a swamp, etc. I love the horror of having a writhing piece of vine digging its way beneath the character’s skin
@bryand7667 4 ай бұрын
I fuckin love this. Here for it
@chikenartist2261 4 ай бұрын
Look up the Black Thorn Groove from Compendium of Forgotten Secrets, perfectly fits that vibe
@Thandi123 5 ай бұрын
Barbs are all about being deeply in touch with their emotions and using them to power their abilities - so it just makes sense that they should get a psionic subclass. I'm imagining something like: Mind riot barbarian. At low levels, when these barbarians rage their anger creates a 10 ft aura of intimidation that forces opponents to make a strength save or suffer the effects of fear at the start of their turns. At high levels however, the mind riot barbarian's rage can inspire enemies who fail their save to attack their allies, as their own will gets subsumed by the barbarian's wrath. Outside of combat, mind riot barbarians have honed their ability to project a murderous presence, granting their allies a boost to their intimidation checks equal to the mind riot barbarian's strength modifier. They can go this as a reaction once per short rest.
@aaronapley258 5 ай бұрын
So my Fiance and I have workshopped a few custom subclasses for our home games: Circle of the Cryptid Druid that focuses on Wild Shaping into Monstrosities, College of Devastation Bard that actually focuses on DPS, and the Path of Dragonrage Barbarian that focuses on AOEs and Roars.
@TheRaven_200 5 ай бұрын
Hell yeah, those sound awesome.
@Noobie2k7 5 ай бұрын
Yeah an aberration/Psionic themed Druid would be a lot of fun.
@jacobballenger5181 5 ай бұрын
I think a character that doesnt really exist right now would be "The Interrogator" Rogue. Gain proficiency in persuasion and med kit or poisoners kit. Whenever you hit an enemy with your sneak attack, you roll a d6 and add that to your next persuasion roll. At higher levels, your understanding of anatomy bumps that d6 to a d8 and adds to the damage of the sneak attack as well.
@SpaceW- 5 ай бұрын
Okay throwing it out there: the Rogue subclass with a companion should be the Inquisitive. That subclass should get a dog companion so you can be an actual cop with dog cop
@avozsaj 5 ай бұрын
I thought you were going for a Watson companion but I'll happily take the dog. xD
@apjapki 5 ай бұрын
I could not endorse this idea more.
@jnhensley09 5 ай бұрын
Could be part of a K9 unit of the town guard.
@vortigern7021 5 ай бұрын
Great idea. I think more classes should have a subclass that has some sort of companion. Like the cavalier should have a mount, it's bizarre it doesn't.
@simonduboue2395 5 ай бұрын
I was rather thinking of something like a bird, maybe a giant hawk or something ? It fits the exploration, agility and scouting parts of the rogue class. Having a dog like a cop dog buddy would rather fit a paladin or fighter imo. Rogues have too much of an outlaw vibe to be cops
@_Crunchy 5 ай бұрын
Just for my own games/ players/ purely for fun, I set out to make 2 subclasses for all of the main 12 + artificer, with intent to ensure that anything I made was filling a gap in theme I felt to be missing or letting you do something new and interesting with the class. As such I was nodding along with pretty much everything that was said, having come to similar conclusions myself. Here's a quick list, basic jist no details, of what I put together. Artificer, Pactshaper. In theme has a warlock pact, can take some invocation options in place of infusions. Artificer, Jockey. You made a construct you can pilot from the inside. Barbarian, Path of Elemental Fury. You can wield elemental magic as a weapon. Barbarian, Path of the Savage Bond. You have a animal companion that rages when you do. Bard, College of Art. You paint creatures that magically animate and fight for you. Bard, College of Spellsinging. You sing to cast spells, which lets you cast some spells more quickly or without somatics. Cleric, Darkness Domain. A bunch of darkness themed stuff. Cleric, Dedication Domain. Unarmored cleric, attacks miss you because your god is watchin out. Druid, Circle of Growth. Plant themed druid, your wildshape and beast summons gain additional plant themed abilities. Druid, Circle of Sunlight. Grants sunlight themed options (a little involved, hard to explain concisely). Fighter, Bounty Hunter. Uses various gadgets that can be swapped out with short rests to prepare for any foe. Fighter, Shield Bearer. Pick options from a list of shield techniques to better defend yourself or your allies. Monk, Way of the Beast. Themed around having beastly features. Ki attacks deal more damage. Monk, Way of the Unseen. Blends monk and rogue. Grants bonuses to Ki features when using them from stealth. Paladin, Oath of Attendance. Themed around serving a master. Gives options to use smites with ranged weapons. Paladin, Oath of Erudition. Adds an arcane feel to paladin for a less divine themed spellsword playstyle. Ranger, Primal Warden. Adds options to make a ranger feel more effect when focusing on spellcasting. Ranger, Urban Defender. The city is your favoured terrain. Features themed around, but not limited to, being within civilizations. Rogue, Beater. Strength based rogue that uses armor and shields. Rogue, Silk Weaver. Razor wire themed rogue, that can split their sneak attack damage between targets. Sorcerer, Fiendish Mutation. Fiend based sorcerer, makes you feel like you're a devil/ demon. Sorcerer, Soulpact. Themed around a past life having made a powerful warlock pact, which you benefit from in this new life. Warlock, The Dragon. Gives you abilities and extra spells, not spell options, to ensure you feel more dragon themed. Warlock, The Soul Cipher. You've unlocked the power of your own soul to draw out magical energies. Cast extra spells by charging focus during combat. Wizard, Order of Elder Ways. Prepare and cast some extra spells using old school preparation rules. Adds Spell Sequencer as ability (if you know, you know). Wizard, Order of Grimoires. Prepare extra spells from a magical grimoire, flexibly swap out grimoires to change some spell options quickly.
@SilvrSavior 4 ай бұрын
I know there are so many other popular giant robot inspirations, but my first thought for that Artificer Jockey is Robot Jox. That theme always gets me pumped up.
@_Crunchy 4 ай бұрын
@@SilvrSavior My main inspiration was Titanfall, mainly the notion that you can fight alongside it, or power it up by getting inside it. Had to go watch a Robot Jox trailer since it's older than me. Perhaps you can confirm for me ... did that robot have a chainsaw shween?
@SilvrSavior 4 ай бұрын
@@_Crunchy Yup. It was hilarious as a kid.
@groovydude4511 5 ай бұрын
I feel like there is a missing subclass for Rangers that focuses more on their spellcasting. I'm just imagining a Ranger that knows Druidic, gets a bigger expanded spell list, and has more incentive to increase their Wisdom - maybe give them the Bladesinger's Extra Attack. And the capstone can be that they get to cast a 6th level Druid spell once a day.
@mattg8262 5 ай бұрын
Vibes like Eldritch Knight / Bladesinger . A Ranger that does more spells, and Druid that does more martial stuff. Both would be cool.
@juliefaerae 5 ай бұрын
I'm currently playing a wood elf bladesinger in a campaign with my brother, and I told him that I wish it felt more like a druid/ranger bladesinger. We might actually home-brew it a little so that I can take more nature spells.
@Casino220 5 ай бұрын
Fully with you and I don't think what I'm about to say completely fills that niche but a shillelagh using beastmaster is probably the closest currently to that. You can primary stat wisdom, use medium armor and a shield, and maybe multiclass slightly (warlock for invocations imo), and focus on using spells and super buffed up beast to fight with yourself to use as a fallback fighter. Depending on the pacing your table plays at and the fight to rest ratio and length of a day, I think its good. I hope to play one someday
@natahliazaring5291 5 ай бұрын
Talking about everyone getting a buddy, I feel like a conceptual way to break it down is that every subclass gets one of the following type of things: -a companion of some kind -can make bonus action attacks -a boost to their cantrips in some way (add modifier as damage, can cast another cantrip as BA if they cantrip with action, etc...) These three things seem to operate in a lot of the same space of action economy, and feel like they cover most bases for the types of things any subclass might want to be doing.
@jasonlyddieth1231 5 ай бұрын
I'd love to see: 1. An INT based warlock who doesn't bargain for powers but figures out how to steal them and rather than a patron they have some supernatural force after them. 2. A DEX paladin who has a cause but are not afraid to use espionage to achieve it . 3: The tattooed warrior (don't care what class it is a subclass of, just give me more magic tattoos!). 4. a Shadow or darkness themed druid who is a bit spooky and can use wild-shape for stealthy kinda stuff (like turn into a shadow). 5, A spirit walker sorcerer who draws power from spirits and can do a bit of out of body stuff.
@jemm113 5 ай бұрын
At one point warlocks were INT based or could choose between INT or CHA
@RexGames94 5 ай бұрын
I've made 2 subclasses my self, thanks to your ally wisdom and breakdown of other classes. They aren't S tier, but B is what I shoot for. A Grenadier Artificer that does Healing/Damage/CC in a 5/10/15 ft radius with homemade grenades that are on a proficiency basis. You can also use 1st Level spells to gain extra grenades. (MAY HAVE A HIGHER LEVEL CARPET BOMB ABILITY TOO👀). A Suffering Domain Cleric, that uses their own HP and reactions to heal other teammates/take their damage. This is a heavy Temp HP on self, Health for others and Stealth. Stealth is a must because of how often your character is substitutes damage. They gain many bonuses while not detected/seen/heard by creatures. A Secret Physician thar works in the darkest corners healing those where deemed not worthy of healing. Risk Reward, baby. Love all your content, and you all push a lot of us to use the system to make our own classes and chase our TRUE fantasies through the D&D platform! Thank you from all of us 😊
@engelhardtrafael 5 ай бұрын
I made a subclass for the Ocean Domain cleric, focused on moving enemies and allies and controlling the battlefield. It was crazy for me to notice that there was no cleric for deities like Poseidon, Anuket or Iemanjá. Sure, there are the Tempest and the Nature Cleric, but there should really be a cleric purely for water
@intergalactic92 5 ай бұрын
For whatever reason they lump the gods of the sea in with the storm and focus on the god-fearing chaos and destruction side, in opposition to the life giving natural side. One of my earlier character concepts was a storm cleric who believed that the church was lying about his god's true nature and had been branded a heretic when he went around preaching that the storm is life, and not to be feared. I may revisit that idea one day.
@agent00puffball 5 ай бұрын
I homebrewed Tide Domain for this exact reason, too. Not having a cleric dedicated to water seems like a crazy oversight.
@stevenmathews9355 5 ай бұрын
DnD Unleashed has a cool Dragon Warlock. That's actually how I discovered them, they were the first thing that came up when I looked for a Dragon Warlock.
@beastninjai8251 5 ай бұрын
A few years ago I made an Animator Artificer that has a little undead Frankenstein monster wandering around with you. You get leatherworker's tools to sew up all the skin you're gonna need, got some good animator themes spells like detect evil and good, gentle repose, animate dead and speak with dead, charm monster, and danse macabre (as well as some others but these felt most on theme, the rest were given to fill out the spell list). The whole class revolved around your animated project which was very similar to the beast companions and what not, healed up when you cast mending on it, had undead fortitude, fairly basic but still an undead buddy that you could rise up using pretty much any corpse. Could also wield weapons and armour like a normal zombie. At 5th level, you give any undead you control bonuses to some stuff based off your intelligence (much like the necromancer wizard) which mostly only applies to your animated project until you get animate dead. At 9th level it did the armourer thing where you get two more active infusions but the caveat is that they have to go on your animated project. And at 14th level, it got the wizard thing again where you can point at an undead of a lower CR than your level and take control of it based off an INT save. Overall the class made for a fun theme of this mad scientist creating one big undead buddy they constantly worked on who would raise up more undead to accomplish their tasks. It went about combat differently from the other artificers who usually do damage by attacking on their own with weapons they made but this one was more of the evil genius scheming in the back while his undead creations pushed forward to deal damage. It came together nicely and I'm rather proud of it. I was going to release it on the DM's guild but then the whole OGL debacle happened as I was getting it polished up and I decided I'd just wait and see what would happen and I never got around to posting it.
@RichiePootle 5 ай бұрын
I had an idea for a Battle Smith who uses reanimated corpses as the basis of his ‘steel guardian’. Then I remembered he needs to use smiths tools somewhere in the construction, so I decided to just say “he holds the body parts together by encasing them in armour”. That’s when I realised I had basically created the Cybermen from Doctor Who 😂
@aoibhinquinn7310 5 ай бұрын
I'm also playing a mad scientist type artificer, but the vibe of mine is this wicked smart engineering kid who is constantly experimenting with new lil contraptions, but occasionally has stuff blow up (often literally) in their face. Everything runs off my spells, so I have a version of Arcane Recovery (which I like to call Arcane Monster Energy), I can cast spells I haven't prepared, and I have a mishap mechanic that both of the previous 2 features trigger
@averyodowd6448 5 ай бұрын
more necromancy flavoured classes in general is good, imo.
@beastninjai8251 5 ай бұрын
@@averyodowd6448 Agreed, everyone should be able to raise a family
@theredhand1786 4 ай бұрын
An improvised weapon monk sounds like it would go so hard. Imagine you’re in a tavern and a fight breaks out, the other party members pull out axes and swords and the monk picks up the nearest stool and DECKS the nearest guy with it.
@Qydra1 5 ай бұрын
I really want to see a subclass that revolves around throwing weapons, including throwable damage items like alchemist’s fire, oil flasks, and acid flasks. Baldur’s Gate 3, with its modified Tavern Brawler feat, gave us a taste of just how satisfying it can be to throw things at your enemies, and I think there’s some untapped potential there.
@whatevername8551 5 ай бұрын
The grenadier. Fantastic idea
@BruteSparta 5 ай бұрын
Path of the Giant, is sorta what you're looking for. Just not as varied.
@KnicKnac 5 ай бұрын
There was a thrower prestige class in 3.5
@lunarslingshot1442 5 ай бұрын
The Thief Rogue, with a bonus action, can use an object. So they can throw acid or alchemist fire, etc, with a bonus action every turn.
@Casino220 5 ай бұрын
You and lunar slingshot are onto something. Items are severely underutilized at the tables I've been to and I'd presume most tables. They're the intended mechanic for leveling the caster-martial divide, and we should rely on them more
@veronwright1291 5 ай бұрын
Subclasses that feel missing, or at least wish in the game are: - a Rocketeer artificer, a mech pilot, and an omni-shifting artificer similar to Ben 10(with the existence of simic hybrids I see this being possible) - an exorcist monk subclass that's all about using seals and talismans to deal damage, restraining, buffing alies, communicate with the dead and maybe summon an ethereal familiar - a vessel monk subclass where the character is a vessel to seal away a powerful entity and potentially use its power - a verdant monk subclass that's about connecting with nature and commanding plants and trees. And along with that a beastial subclass that's all about fighting styles adapted from animals - an artist themed bard subclass and a puppeteer subclass - a witch subclass for wizards(got this idea from Pointy Hat) - a fighter that can quickly and magically requip their weapons and armor in combat like a armourer artificer dawning theirs - a fighter that enchants their weapons to give them special abilities - a shield bearer fighter - and an anti-magic fighter that nullifies magic - a barbarian subclass that's all about their strength coming from a spirit that's possessing them - a daredevil rogue subclass that lets you perform crazy stunts and catch your enemies attention to leave them open to attacks - as for sorcerer subclasses my only input would be a vampiric sorcerer, a chronomancer, and a cursed origin that's all about causing misfortune and dark abyssal themes
@AdamAtYourService 5 ай бұрын
Subclasses I want: - Sumo Monk (Strength-Con based monk built on powerful strikes, charges, and grapples) - Rockateer Artificer (Skirmisher who flies by jetpack instead of wings or spells) - War Drummer Barbarian (Barbarian with elements of bard. Carries a drum into battle rally friends and strike discontent into foes) - A paladin that can smite with a blunderbuss... because gun.
@ItsMeLouJee 5 ай бұрын
Sumo Monk actually sounds really cool and creative! Love it haha
@tinyplasticgraves 5 ай бұрын
@bradwillis7415 5 ай бұрын
Yes! Sumo-Monk!!!
@medeogre3285 5 ай бұрын
Have Gun Will Travel!
@fluffydragon1525 5 ай бұрын
Counterpoint: - jujitsu monk. or pro wrestling subclass that functions like battlemaster - demolitionist artificer focused on explosives - UESTRPG already has the War Crier subclass that lets barbarians use dragon shouts - paladin pirate
@justinduff3384 5 ай бұрын
A storm based Druid also seems to be missing. The wrathful druids from different circles that are the ardent defenders of their other potentially peaceful brethren.
@lonewaer 5 ай бұрын
I wrote a Fey Soul Sorcerer subclass a while ago after I watched a video of yours in which you expressed your wish to see one. I thought the theme was really cool, felt inspired, and so I started writing. Essentially, an expanded spell list themed around the Feywild, not just enchantment (there is some enchantment but that's not the focus), and then a mechanic that makes you roll a d4 after each long rest, and the result gives you an "Aspect" of the Feywild for the day. This Aspect comes with thematically matching bonuses. Then upgrades to this Aspect thing, and an incarnation capstone. It's probably not very balanced nor very good, but thematically I think it works, and I know I'd have fun playing it.
@sandmanlives3 5 ай бұрын
I see the Barbarian and the Monk mediating and summoning the spirit of an ancestor, or someone from the Monks monastery that is long dead, and that spirit fights alongside them for a short time.
@abuharam 5 ай бұрын
Don't forget Bobby the Barbarian had 'Uni' the baby Unicorn in the 80s cartoon
@joe_casanova 5 ай бұрын
I have been infuriated since day 1 that a Plant themed subclass was not written in the PHB for druids as it is objectively their most commonly associated iconography. When I bring it up to others they retort with Spore druid and I nearly lose my shit every time. The Circle of Spores Druid states they specifically manipulate Fungi. Fungi and plants are completely separate Kingdoms (the absolute furthest an Eukarya domain organism can possibly be classified from each other). Fungi have more genetic similarities to mammals than they do to plants.
@corpse9144 5 ай бұрын
A melee sorcerer or melee focused metamagic options. Thematically it doesn't make sense that a class that gains power from their bloodline are automatically ranged casters. Maybe something like their melee attacks buff their spell casting and vice versa.
@LukePasqualeCalarco 5 ай бұрын
totally agree! sorcerers are kind of like the mutants of dnd right? some of them would surely get powers like super strength or metal skin or tentacles or something imo. i also don't get why charisma is their main stat? like if their power comes from their blood, then why not con or even strength?
@corpse9144 5 ай бұрын
@@LukePasqualeCalarco my guess would be it is just a mechanical reason so they actually have to worry about two attributes because I could see a strong argument for sorcerer being a constitution based caster. Charisma is kinda like wotc's caster dump stat. Like warlocks. Any character with a main stat of intelligence or wisdom would know better than to take the deal but, the charismatic one will think they can talk their way out of it later.
@Marcus21H 5 ай бұрын
Agreed but I would take it further. Replace all the normal bloodline traits you get with martial attributes like armor and weapon proficiency at lvl 1. At lvl 3 you can get bonded weapon like the eldritch knight. Later you get a an extra attack and/or an Arcane Smite similar to a Paladin's smite or the Warlock's eldritch smite. Stuff like that.
@corpse9144 5 ай бұрын
@@Marcus21HI like that though I'd honestly go a step further if I was designing it myself and take the class out all together. Instead have it redesigned as additional heritages that scale off of your proficiency bonus.
@averyodowd6448 5 ай бұрын
@@corpse9144 It's entirely for game balance reasons, Con is one of the main survival stats, as it affects your hp (the other being Dex, cause it affects your AC and Initiative, and Wis being a distant third for Perception) And it's **really** not fair to be able to cast **and** tank a maximized fireball
@aliasanonymous5387 5 ай бұрын
I'd like to propose another Warlock subclass that I'd like: the Mechanical Patron. Basically a warlock that draws power from creatures from Mechanus, like the Marut
@kitnal4143 5 ай бұрын
Mechanus doesn't traditionally have deal-making individuals on it, plus it runs into the same issue with Dragon Warlock where thematically it steps very close to Sorcerer. It is the same reason Fiend /Fey sorcerer isn't a thing
@veraducks 5 ай бұрын
@@kitnal4143 Warlocks don't step on the toes of Clerics and Sorcerers. They hump their leg and rummage through their pockets. They already barely have a real in-universe identity past memes and smeldong brass. Just let them be whatever.
@kitnal4143 5 ай бұрын
@veraducks we are not talking about in universe lmao and in the forgotten realms they are pretty clearly defined
@veraducks 5 ай бұрын
@@kitnal4143 If you're bringing up Mechanus and Faerun, then you're talking about in-universe. In Faerun, they have a definition but it's still pretty heavy on the overlap with the divine classes.
@kitnal4143 5 ай бұрын
@veraducks it isn't though? Warlocks are about pacts and dealmaking, they also have a large emphasis on studying (at least originally before they decided to make them charisma, not intelligence, casters). Clerics are in service to a deity, sorcerers are simply born with the magic in their veins. Warlocks take what they want in power plays. My "stepping on toes" comment was about the subclasses mechanics/thematics being too close to what already exists lol
@fguati 5 ай бұрын
I think one of the reasons we don't have dragon Warlock is because originally the patrons were supposed to be otherwordly entities, although I also think they were originally supposed to be spooky as well and that rule went out the window pretty quick
@matthewmuir8884 5 ай бұрын
To be fair, the only warlock subclass with a patron that isn't "spooky" is the Celestial Warlock.
@jhizzlefoshizzle6406 5 ай бұрын
Your list is great! Can't agree more with Monty that the Ranger base class should have companions and each Ranger subclass should have their own unique augmentation of that companion. I've been working on a homebrew recently to do just that. My 5 other subclasses I would love to see: -Pact of the Witch Warlock: Focused on curses and polymorphing type magic. -Oath of Truth Paladin: An inquisitor like Paladin. -Shadow Domain Cleric: Would have been perfect for a certain character in BG3. -College of Screams Bard: This would be a fun one to play that edgy Alice Cooper/Kiss type bard. -Ghost whisperer Ranger: A specialist of killing undead and spirits.
@josephschubert6561 15 күн бұрын
I've been following Matt Colville for years and I backed the Kickstarters for MCDM's "Beastheart & Monstrous Companions" and "Flee, Mortals!" as soon as I heard about them. The Beastheart is a new class that feels like a mix between the Ranger and Barbarian, with its main selling point that the base class has a companion. And each subclass gives the companion extra abilities that follow the theme of that subclass. The Beastheart PDF includes 15 companions, and more can be found in the Flee, Mortals monster book. Companions can also be used by any player, but they're notably not as cool as when paired with a Beastheart. I think you should check out the Beastheart for some inspiration and insight into making your own homebrew around classes with animal companions. Especially because it has some dope art in there. If you search "MCDM productions" you should be able to find their shop page.
@jhizzlefoshizzle6406 14 күн бұрын
@@josephschubert6561 I am also a Matt Colville fan but haven't kept up with all his new releases. I will be sure to check it out, Thanks!
@MrRDRII 5 ай бұрын
Dragon patron warlock is insane to not have.
@justanotherdude3256 5 ай бұрын
Sorcerer entered the chat and made that specific warlock subclass redundant years ago
@MrRDRII 5 ай бұрын
@@justanotherdude3256 not at all. Roleplay purposes alone, it’s a crime there’s no dragon warlock patron.
@Wyvernil 5 ай бұрын
@@justanotherdude3256 That's probably why there's no dragon warlock (and no fey or devil-blood sorcerer), because of the thematic overlap. Of course, there's both a sorcerer and warlock for divine/celestial, so that's not really a good excuse.
@jemm113 5 ай бұрын
@@Wyvernil if anything, the fact that we’re MISSING them is more of an oversight! Sorcerers and Warlocks get little in the way of translatable and synchronistic subclasses that feel good to roleplay without a million justifications! Best we got is shadow + hexblade/undead, divine soul + celestial, storm + genie, and Eldritch + aberrant. That sounds like a lot now but this was only after YEARS of no overlap whatsoever, and two of those combos cane in the same book! So they knew that thematically synergistic subclasses are a boon by then! (Also not getting Phoenix sorcerers really hurt!) A fiendish sorcerer getting a patronage from a devil makes perfect sense! Doubly so if they’re a Tiefling! Same with an elven fae sorcerer swearing allegiance to an Archfey! And a dragon blood sorcerer receiving a gift from an ancient dragon they helped, or even stealing power from an artifact from a dragon’s hoard! Now we just need a sun or planet/space themed warlock to pair with the lunar sorcerers lololol
@radioface4997 4 ай бұрын
Here's something I whipped up Draconic Herald Expanded spell list 1st Detect Magic, Identify 2nd Aganazzar's Scorcher, Calm Emotions 3rd Ashardalon's Stride, Catnap 4th Charm Monster, Elimental Bane 5th Geas, Legend Lore Lvl 1 ### Aspect of the Dragon Once per long rest, as a reaction, you may draw upon your patron's might and gain an aspect of the dragons. Choose one of the following options: Breath: As an bonus action you may choose between Acid, Fire, Cold, Lightning or Poison and expel a 15 foot cone of elemental damage dealing a number of d4 equal to your Charisma Modifier, once chosen, you may use this attack a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus. Wings: Gain a Fly Speed equal to your Walking Speed for a number of minutes equal to twice your Warlock Level. Scales: Gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Proficiency Bonus for the next 8 hours. You may use this feature again by expending a Warlock spellslot. Lvl6 ### Drake-Like Starting at 6th level, you may double any saving throw modifier triggered by an effect that would leave you Charmed or Frightened Once per long rest, as an action, you may choose between Dragon's Allure or Ire and gain its benefits for one hour. Dragon's Allure: Temporarily gain Proficiency in the Persuasion and Deception Skills, if you already have Proficiency with these skills you instead gain Expertise. Dragon's Ire: Temporarily gain Proficiency in the Intimidation and Insight Skills, if you already have Proficiency with these skills you instead gain Expertise. You may use this feature again by expending a Warlock spellslot. Lvl10 ### Hoard Keeper You may attune to an additional magic item. You may also spend ten minutes in a trance-like state to fixate your mind on a number of objects in your possession. These objects must be medium size or smaller. You may fixate upon a number of objects equal to your Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 1). While your mind is fixated on these objects, you know their general distance and direction as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Once per long rest, you may instantly teleport one of these objects to your hand, provided your hand is free and you are on the same plane. You may use this feature again by expending a Warlock spellslot. Lvl14 ### Young Blood Once per day, as an action, you may take the form of a Young Dragon as if by the Polymorph spell, although it no longer requires concentration. Once you reach 20th level in this class, this feature only ends once you fall to 0 Hit Points or willingly end the effect.
@radioface4997 4 ай бұрын
If you see this, please let me know what you think. It is still a work in progress
@neminem233 5 ай бұрын
Two of my most wanted subclasses (a dance bard and a water druid) are in One DND, so here's hoping for the rest of them! With that being said, one of the most glaring and frankly egregious snubs is the fact that we don't have a Fool/Jester/Satire Bard. We were going to in an unearthed arcana but it somehow just never got published. That seems like an easy no brainer for me On the topic of 3rd parties, Laserllama had basically done it all subclass wise, everything in this video (with the possible exception of the last one, but they did do the Hound Fighter) was done by them! Hehe, Evard's Plant Tentacles More Companion subclasses ideas: A cleric who's companion is a literal manifestation of their god, a Rogue with a rat or a crow, painter bard who's companion is a living painting, (got that from laserllama), a sorcerer who's raw magic manifests as a living spell with it's own conscience.
@johannesstephanusroos4969 5 ай бұрын
Dervish Bard, hell yeah
@crystalcavesmystic 5 ай бұрын
I have a bad feeling the Circle of Sea Druid won't make it into the new DND books. It had one playtest then went silent, eventhough a lot of folks thought it needed tweaking. I'd love for it to happen but I'm not keeping my hopes up so I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does.
@martinberg7108 4 ай бұрын
Need a whip subclass. X level- you can grapple creatures smaller than you. Maybe pull towards you? X level- you can do psychic damage on all hits (maybe equal to proficiency bonus) X level- you can extend weapon spells like Booming Blade or Green Flame Blade to match reach of weapon. Name? Scourge, Flail, Stinger, Whiplash
@tomdavis3878 5 ай бұрын
While we're talking about planes of existence that don't have a sorcerer subclass tied into them, a sorcerer that is tied to ghosts/the Ethereal Plane seems like something that should exist; like, they'd have an ability to limitedly phase in and out of the Ethereal Plane and other thematic abilities.
@Mordalon 5 ай бұрын
So basically Danny Phantom.
@Akwave_ 5 ай бұрын
@@Mordalonbro I came here just to say this
@Oozemaster707 5 ай бұрын
Capmon Handbook: A full expansion book with 3 classes that lets you capture monsters, level them up, and use them in battle. I’ve spent years working on this book, and I intend to release a kickstarter campaign this summer. The book is my answer to the lack of good companion options by making a ruleset and entire classes that revolve around them. Also, I’ve created a “Capmon Leveling Table” that creatures use to level up. It works nicely for leveling up your companions alongside your party, with or without the classes, but it also works for scaling monsters and bosses up to higher threat levels. For example: a direwolf that has multiattack, legendary resistance, and its bite curses its opponents.
@peterterry7918 5 ай бұрын
You are on point. I always thought about an Arboreal warlock that became less human as he advaced, but a good point about Druids. To me, the strength based martial Artists/Monks archetype would either be patterned on Bolo or Sammo Hung!
@TheSlimmestJim 5 ай бұрын
Been getting into DnD for the first time and I’ve seen a LOT of you guys’ videos and just wanna say how exciting it is to see the growth!
@DungeonDudes 5 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@tabletopnephilim4633 5 ай бұрын
I know this is a cop-out answer, but I think the reason we haven't gotten a dragon Warlock yet is because Warlocks have "Otherworldly" Patrons, and dragons are supposed to be very much OF the Material Plane. We definitely should still have one, though.
@Battleguild 5 ай бұрын
@tabletopnephilim4633 5 ай бұрын
@Battleguild -would count as a Fiend Patron, since that's how she's listed in her stat block, and because the Fiend Patron subclass mentions her as a possibility.
@matthewmuir8884 5 ай бұрын
That is true, though they have already created warlock subclasses whose patrons are of the material plane, namely the Undying and Undead Warlocks.
@tabletopnephilim4633 5 ай бұрын
@@matthewmuir8884 Unless you count that as another aspect of the Shadowfell.
@matthewmuir8884 5 ай бұрын
@@tabletopnephilim4633 I suppose; I admittedly don't know much about the lore.
@andynelson952 5 ай бұрын
So I've been working on a concept called a Super Class, as opposed to a sub class that is a replacement for your subclass, but available to all classes. The first Super Class I'm working on is The Chef. Any class can take it and get its abilities are chosen in place of the normal subclass. I think the second Super Class idea could be the Dynamic Duo, where you can tack on a companion or pet and associated abilities with any class. Great video!
@SmurfeyBlues 5 ай бұрын
Look at 3.5 prestige classes
@wolf-tomarkahan-horne5565 5 ай бұрын
or what they did with the Strixhaven subclasses
@DR-023-17 5 ай бұрын
I've always wanted a druid who fights like an earth bender and a cleric that focuses on abjuration and transmutation magic!
@alanburdge8563 5 ай бұрын
I now want a plant based druid that gets a small vine blight type of companion.
@rekcroom 5 ай бұрын
Honestly now I just really want to see a video where you guys talk about what a companion subclass for each class could look like. That brief glimpse of it in this video makes me want to see a more in depth look at that idea.
@marssmit84 5 ай бұрын
Agree, there’s a book idea there.
@rekcroom 5 ай бұрын
@@marssmit84 100%
@elvervfvf 5 ай бұрын
Kibblestasty latest kickstarter book have four out of the five, missing only the companion subclasses, if I am not mistaken. Great designer, maybe a little late on the delivery, but very open about every step of the process, especially on his discord
@daluigi1 5 ай бұрын
Experimental Artificer, basically a mad scientist, you get the chance of building crazy stuff with the chance of it hurting you by either exploting, poisoning, malfuntioning in general, it would be like a wild magic kind of thing but with the flavor of an artificer crafting unstable but powerful stuff
@agent00puffball 5 ай бұрын
I've been trying to figure out how to homebrew this exact subclass for ages. It just fits the artificer so perfectly.
@TheBoardGamer 5 ай бұрын
@@agent00puffball In the Edge of The Empire Star Wars TTRPG there is a certain class with a sort of ultimate ability that allows you to spend Light points in order to pitch a crazy ass idea to the DM and allows you to try and make it. It's pretty awesome, though it works basically like the Wish spell where it's all up to the Dm to allow or not allow the thing, or to have it have unintended consequences. I think it can be done, and I loved that class since making big ass improvised bombs and jetpacks is fucking awesome
@averyodowd6448 5 ай бұрын
Wild Magic Artificer is so good, i didn a multiclass build of forgecleric/wild magic sorc around the same concept. Would have definitely loved to have a prebuilt class for it and Artificer needs a lot more subclass love anyway.
@harrisonlynch4701 5 ай бұрын
I have this idea where you can swap out materials for duck tape like Magiver and at higher levels you learn transmutation like in full Metal Alchemist
@SilvrSavior 4 ай бұрын
Just remember to give the subclass scaling. Poor Wild Magic Barbarian.
@darcraven01 5 ай бұрын
things i'd like to see: +Dragon Warlock (obviously, but also perhaps dragon themes for all classes.. like a draconic druid would be cool) +Plant Druid (actually, few versions of this would be nice. im working on one version myself) +Plant (Verdant Soul) Sorcerer +Fae Sorcerer +Fiend Sorcerer +Musical themed Wizard (would be more of a composer to the bard's performer.) +Lycan druid (exchanging all normal wildshapes to focus on controling a werewolf form.. this was done in baldur's gate 2 and later brought into 1.. it was called shapeshifter) +Inquisitor (not sure if cleric or paladin or a cleric-type wizard) +Witch (maybe as a patronless warlock who got their power from studying the the occult or maybe as a wizard who did the same) +Shaman (for existing classes, i'd give this to a barbarian as a spellcasting subclass, replacing rage with a feature to allow spellcasting and giving them a eldritch knight type limited spell list but based on the druid's list) ++(witch and shaman could also just be their own classes or subclasses of a new class.. i want to create a new class for these two and others in similar feels like medicine man) +Hive mind sorcerer (another one im working on) +chanter bard (based on pillars of eternity 2's chanter class, having passive chanted verses that start up each round to cause effects. can be customised for order.. also one i plan to attempt creating) im sure theres more but i gotta do irl things and cant continue typing now. lol
@mracula1667 5 ай бұрын
The Druid plant subclass needs to be modeled after Swamp Thing. I would absolutely love to play that character.
@mattfahey3861 5 ай бұрын
I built a class for a Halloween campaign that was exactly this. I wasn't sure how many people would be familiar with Swamp Thing or think it was cool to play, but wanted to include a druid reskin of sorts, and that's what came to mind. One of my players picked it up and had a lot of fun with it though. He came to all our sessions for that campaign in full costume too. The Swamp Thing class had lots of ways to control the shape of the battlefield--making vine walls, muck-filled pits, and mossy little minions--which is how I'd love to play a druid in general. Battlefield control and plant-theme seem a natural pairing. But Moon seems to be the most popular 5e druid, druids who want to be full-time control casters are kinda limited by the concentration-heavy spell list.
@thewelshdm 5 ай бұрын
I've been thinking on a number of these ideas myself before, and you guys hit the nail on the head. Given me some good ideas to finish off my concepts!
@jamesfoster9613 5 ай бұрын
Funny enough, the UA for Bigbys had a primal path druid that summoned a dinosaur/prehistoric/giant creature. It seemed popular, it even has art in the book and a wizkids mini, but they cut it out after UA feedback.
@TheMightyBattleSquid 5 ай бұрын
I was surprised how many of these I myself have thought about wanting. 10/10
@chasepeeler9188 5 ай бұрын
My idea for a Strength based Monk is Way of the Madness Monk. Always wanted to see a Monk that in the day to day is just your average peaceful person that is constantly in control of their emotions but when forced to fight turns into a demon like Akuma from Street Fighter. Give it a Rage like ability called Anger of the Calm.
@ColinKillick 5 ай бұрын
Strongly agree on the need for a Plant-themed Druid! I actually homebrewed one for a barbarian/Druid multiclass player in my game, and this version can use its wild shape to take on tree-like properties, such as a barkskin-like effect to raise AC, thorns that deal damage when they’re hit with an attack, and a canopy of leaves that provide half cover from ranged attacks and photosynthesize to heal a small amount each turn when in bright light
@Pkay4058 5 ай бұрын
Druid/Cleric themed 1/3 caster for the monk
@Casino220 5 ай бұрын
The wild thing about monk is you could add 1/3 casting to the base class as it is and it wouldnt really change the game much. Like, wowww they got detect magic at level 3? Cool, make it at will or permanent, its still just good ish. I think about that a lot and tbh want it so much i consider warlock multiclassing for it in every hypothetical monk
@jacobcochran4227 5 ай бұрын
Loved getting to sit in on the Dudes brainstorming session for their next book! Can’t wait to see these guys make their own versions of some of these!
@chrisg8989 5 ай бұрын
I've always wanted an Assassins Creed themed Rogue Subclass. So I made my own in the home, Brew! Called the Cloak and Dagger. The joys of homebew. Cloak and Dagger: You've honed your skills in the art of misdirection and knife throwing. Street performers and pickpockets typically follow this archetype, but so do rogues who prefer to keep out of harms reach and avoid attention when necessary. In addition to improving your subtly and knife skills, you learn skills useful for by passing sentries, dispatching your enemies, and deploying items you normally couldn't deploy. Hidden Blade: Starting at 3rd level, when you take the attack action with a dagger or dart, you simultaneously strike the same target with a hidden blade or dart. When determining the damage you do for an attack you make with a dagger or dart, roll an additional 1d4 and add it to the total. The amount of extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, 2d4 at 5th level, 3d4 at 11th level and 4d4 at 17th level. You also gain an additional way to use your Sneak Attack; you don't need advantage on the attack roll to use your Sneak Attack against a creature if you make a weapon attack with a dagger or a dart, and you don't have disadvantage. All the other rules for Sneak Attack still apply to you. Misdirection: When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the ability to blend into crowds and direct attention away from yourself. When you have an ally or non hostile huminoid within 5ft of you, and no enemies within 5ft of you, you can Hide as a bonus action even if you are being directly observed. I'll post the other level abilities if anyone is interested and replies to this. :)
@electricorcagaming 5 ай бұрын
I'm interested this sounds like a more flavourful and more fun form of the assassin
@cookie8162 5 ай бұрын
This is awesome
@chrisg8989 5 ай бұрын
Starting at 9th level, you have obtained and learned to use specialized tools to assist you in your subterfuge and combat. You gain proficiency with blowguns. Additionally, attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage with thrown weapon attacks using daggers, nor ranged weapon attacks using darts. You have learned 3 tricks of the trade, each of which you can use once per short rest. (You gain an additional use of each at 17th level) Smoke Bomb: As an action, you can throw a smoke bomb up to 60ft at a target location you can see. A cloud of thick smoke pours out in a 30-foot radius from target location. The smoke's area is heavily obscured, but you can see normally through the smoke. Allies that start their turn within the smokes area of effect can take the Hide, Disengage and Dash action as a bonus action. The smoke dissipates after 1 minutes. Sleeping Dart: As an action, you produce a magical blowgun and make a ranged weapon attack against a target you can see. A creature hit with this attack takes no damage, but is instead affected by the [spell]sleep[/spell] spell. The level at which you cast this spell is equal to half your total levels in this class rounded down. This attack makes no sound, and if you use this ability while you are hidden you remain hidden. Fire Cracker: As an action, you can throw a small pouch of blasting power up to 60ft at a targeted location you can see. The pouch ignites on impact, producing light and an audible noise that can be heard from up to 60ft away. Immediately after using this ability, you and any allies within 15ft of you gain advantage on the next Stealth check you or they make to hide or move silently. Additionally, creatures who can hear or see the fire cracker have disadvantage on their next Perception check to detect you and your allies, as their attention is drawn towards the small explosive device.
@chrisg8989 5 ай бұрын
By 13th level, you have learned new ways to utilize your quick reflexes to chain multiple attacks together and produce deadly results. When a creature moves outside the normal range of your dart's attack range, you can use your reaction to make a ranged weapon attack against that creature with a dart. When you hit a target with a sneak attack, you can use your reaction to immediately make another weapon attack. If this reaction attack hits, you can apply sneak attack again. When you land a critical hit or you kill a target with your sneak attack, you can use a bonus action to immediately make another weapon attack. If this bonus action attack hits, you can apply sneak attack again.
@chrisg8989 5 ай бұрын
When you reach 17th level, you have become a master of the Cloak and Dagger. You gain an additional use of each of your Tricks of the Trade abilities and they gain additional functionality. Smoke Bomb. Your allies can see normally through your Smoke Cloud's area of effect, and enemies gain the blinded contion when they start their turn inside the smoke clouds area of effect. The blinded condition ends at the start of their next turn. Sleep Dart. If you successful hit a target with the sleep dart, but it fails to put the target to sleep, it inflicts piercing damage equal to your sneak attack damage to the target. Fire Cracker. When you use your Fire Cracker ability, you can choose to instead throw a Blast Bomb. Blast Bomb. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within 60ft must make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC of 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. A target takes fire damage equal to your sneak attack damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
@srmillard 5 ай бұрын
I like the idea of a plant/botany-based druid subclass. Some other druid subclass options are: One of the elements not in a 5e subclass, i.e., air (climate, atmosphere, etc.), water (oceanography, hydrology, etc.) Chemistry Geology Geography Disease (pandemics, endemics, plagues, virology, etc.)
@darcraven01 5 ай бұрын
im actually working on a "plant druid".. its kinda based off a combination of the "Keeper" abilities from Dragon Age Origins and "the tree warlock" from a game called Solasta.. key feature turns them into a non-moving treelike form with an entangle type effect around them
@medeogre3285 5 ай бұрын
"Wrapping Willow"!
@kentheman666 5 ай бұрын
I have 4 monk subclasses I'm loosely working on: 1: Druid monk. A monk that gets the same spell level progression like the arcane trickster from the druid spell list. It also gets PARTIAL WILD SHAPE. When the monk uses it elephant fist style. The monks arms transform into elephant legs. Cheetah kick style transform into... you get the idea. 2: Monk with a war orb (Think Orianna from League of Legends) You have an orb made of ki/metal/wood etc. That you kick around bouncing everywhere that does different abilites. Shield or heal your teammates. Expand/shrink to block big/small areas. Create fields of speed/slowness. The orb could have gravity abilites that force enemies around the ball towards itself so they are an easy target for a fireball. Could also push them over a cliff. 3: Bone monk (Think Kimimaro from Naruto). Create daggers from forearm bones, shortshorts from your leg bones, create a spear from your spine. Use them yourself or give them to others. 4: Blood monk (Think doping - maybe create some sharp objects with your own blood)
@TheScottishKayaker 5 ай бұрын
More time based subclasses! I made a Patron of Future self Warlock, because the "if I made a time machine I would send it to myself" troupe is the most Warlock thing to do.
@luukvh8943 5 ай бұрын
I've always found it weird that there is no circle of the ocean/sea druid. Seems like one of the most obvious natural phenomena. Give it wildshape as a bonus action to mirror corcle of the moon because of the push and pull between the moon and the tides, but instead of improved cr you can transform into flying watery projections of aquatic beasts. Basically any creature with a swim speed that you transform into gains a fly speed equal to it's swim speed.
@yomamah5973 Ай бұрын
boy do I have news for you
@almostanarchybro9129 5 ай бұрын
There is a popular Pugilist homebrew class out there by Benjaman Huffman, Full ability for a strength based monk that allows you to do a brawler and grappler like character. I have had multiple players use it and it's been rather great.
@agent00puffball 5 ай бұрын
Having played a Pugilist I can confirm they are great fun and definitely fill in the vibe of a Strength based brawler. IT feelsw exactly like a Brawler should and all of their subclasses are very interesting.
@jmiles86 5 ай бұрын
I've actually made 3 homebrew Monk subclasses. Way of the Strong Body is a subclass that focuses on letting you focus on Strength instead of Dexterity. Way of Surging Ki gives you more Ki points, more ways to regain them and battle master maneuvers to use them. Way of Wild Fury is just like the Arcane Hand but can cast druid spells instead of wizard spells.
@captvalstrax 5 ай бұрын
4:59 The problem with turning Eldritch Blast into an elemental breath weapon is that it's already CHEESE damage, ot rather Force damage, which is already the best damage type in the game. I could see maybe making it a cone and on top of the Force it does a damage die of the associated element.
@VolvoxSocks 5 ай бұрын
I think if I were to address this, it would be to make a Hex variant that does the respective elemental damage rather than necrotic damage - maybe have it work similar to a hexblade's curse, so limit the duration, remove the spell slot requirement?
@HighCharityYT 5 ай бұрын
i made a fey themed sorc subclass and it played very, very fun. adds spells [faerie fire, charm person], [misty step, phantasmal force], [blink, summon fey], [greater invis, plant growth], [seeming, dominate person] at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th levels. BA to activate/deactivate a 10ft charming aura vs a WIS save (1st level). 6th level adds reactionary misty step-like effect once per rest. 14th adds fey step, and you can carry up to 2 additional creatures free, and spend SP (2x+1, where x is # of additional creatures) to carry more, up to a proficiency bonus amount of times per long rest. This explicitly does not work with the 6th level feature, as that isn't a teleportation spell. 18th adds mislead, and as an action cast mirage arcane without a spell slot once per long rest.
@jbrent8444 5 ай бұрын
Inquisitor: A Dex/Cha compliment to the Paladin. Perhaps subclasses like a fanatical assassin, a charismatic demagogue, etc…
@mattfahey3861 5 ай бұрын
+1. Though you can absolutely build a viable Dex/Cha paladin. Or at least I keep trying to. I'm always petitioning DMs to allow multiclassing out of Paladin with 13 DEX instead of STR so I can add a few levels of Rogue, go Swashbuckler, and play a duelist pally. Or start most combats sitting back with a longbow, keep the backliners in Aura of Protection, and jump in to smite as needed.
@Marb315 5 ай бұрын
My number one wanted subclass is a chef bard, I'm imagining a very heavy support based subclass that focuses on preparing for what might happen later in the day with different recipes that have different effects
@benwertenberger6730 5 ай бұрын
The Rolling with Difficulty podcast has a patreon with that very thing
@RichiePootle 5 ай бұрын
I had a Barbarian chef who was the cook on a pirate ship, he got very angry when you criticise his cooking
@SilvrSavior 4 ай бұрын
I think I saw that the Community Cleric kinda has this vibe.
@animefan3794 5 ай бұрын
One option that I’d like to add: a sorcerer equivalent of Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster. Not just “use the sorcerer spell list instead” but something that genuinely feels like “you did not study magic, you have an innate tie to it and use it in true conjunction with your martial/criminal prowess.” Things like something akin to metamagic to put ride along effects onto your weapon attacks, for example. The nearest equivalent I’ve found for the Eldritch Knight is an attempt to make the pathfinder Magus as a fighter subclass.
@cerrylerollyn4490 5 ай бұрын
For a strength based monk, I'd say a barbarian subclass with an unarmed brawler theme would really fit as well as a wishlist item. A lot of those strength focused martial artists in media often are able to hold their place on the ground via strength, able to just tank the hit while dishing it back with their fist.
@adversary22 5 ай бұрын
Can the Barbarian get advantage on Charisma rolls when shirtless and wearing a bright and wildly colored mask?
@Merilirem 5 ай бұрын
The difference between the two in my opinion is the barbarian type focusing on being tough and strong but the monk types focusing on pushing past their limits with willpower. To that end I would add a feature that gave bonuses to that playstyle based on wisdom. So you could put points into wisdom and up your damage and athletics checks. Not sure about balance but the idea would be around using will to overcome the damage and strike beyond your strength.
@PrimusxPilus 5 ай бұрын
Baki stuff lol
@andrewpeli9019 5 ай бұрын
When D&D beyond adds your content to the site, you’ve made it. Congratulations dudes!
@thederpygiant2473 5 ай бұрын
At my time of viewing, the kickstarter is just under 14,000 short of the $800,000 stretch mark and I eagerly await the day I can unleash this tome of havoc on my players! Thank you Dungeon Dudes, for creating such a remarkable world that has let me bring together my table in a way I have never achieved before
@mitchhaelann9215 4 ай бұрын
Dragon Warlock is a common ask. I created a 'Genius Loci Patron' warlock a while back, it's a druid/warlock fusion the same way the Celestial Patron is a warlock/cleric hybrid. It's primary ability it to give you an option. When you cast Thorn Whip or Primal Fury, you can either double the range (10 feet for the acid-damage Primal and 60 for the Thorn Whip) or target a number of creatures equal to your Proficiency Bonus with them. This actually gives slightly better scaling than an Eldritch blast, in exchange for still-much-shorter-range and easier-to-resist damage types, but it at least gives Eldritch Blast some kind of competition. The rest of its abilities are basically the scent monster ability at level 6, fighter's action surge 1/ long rest at level ten, and a 1/day self-buff that copies a high-end Druid spell that makes all the plants in the area very angry. Some kind of blood-magic Wizard that actually trades Hit Dice for refreshing used spell slots would be nice. I half-finished one that focused on having multiple familiars, improved familiars like Chain Pact warlocks get. They got Homunculi that had their own actions and their own initiatives, but the wizard invested his own Hit Dice into them, and when they died, he didn't get those dice back until Long Rest when he could re-summon them. They levelled with him as just permanent pets. If y'all like these ideas, send me a DM (haha) and I'll throw together some modest PDFs for you.
@bobsmith7066 5 ай бұрын
I honestly think that a dragon warlock is a very difficult concept to adequately fulfill. People often compare it to the genie warlock and say that you could do something similar, the problem I see with that is that there are 4 different types of genie but at least 15 different types of true dragon. Even if you remove the types with duplicate elemental affinity, that still leaves you with 10 different types of dragon, which is too many options to easily make a subclass from. If there were to be a dragon warlock I think the best way would be to run with what Kelly and Monty were saying about pact of the chain and pseudodragons. Have a subclass that is to pact of the chain what hexblade is to pact of the blade, that is, a subclass that somewhat assumes that you will take pact of the chain.
@jjsmithy13 5 ай бұрын
ive been in the process of making my own book for a bit, to help get my podcast off the ground. hearing you guys talk about some of these was really resfreshing since ive had similar thoughts. I will list a few im making :) Dragon slayer paladin (if you can kill a dragon you can kill anything) Oath of the Dragon paladin (the opposite of the first one, you swear an oath to a dragon and bam, cool dragon paladin) Way of the Force monk (strength from within reflects outwards) Circle of trees druid (works similar to WoW healing druid) Feywild Bloodletter (a charisma based rogue CUZ WHY DONT WE HAVE THAT) College of Visual Arts Bard (they get an expanded spell list which allows them to use summon spells that they draw/paint in a magical notebook they get) Those are just to name a few :)
@matthewmuir8884 5 ай бұрын
One idea I had that I'm surprised isn't in 5e is a paladin subclass that's focused on being both a literal and metaphorical light-bringer; where the Oath of the Ancients is focused on fighting for life and nature, this paladin would be focused on, well, light.
@dungeon_crawlers 5 ай бұрын
Okay guys and dudes, here are some of the things from this video that actually WERE covered already: 1) KibblesTasty The Dragon patron homebrew. Basically it is literally EVERYTHING you have discussed here. Including breath weapon eldritch blast. 2) KibblesTasty fey sorcerer homebrew - again, a PERFECT match. It is a sorcerer with a HEAVY focus on illusion spells, charm, trickery, psychic damage, and social abilities. Fully captures the vibe you talked about. In fact, II am playing an urban ranger 5 fey sorcerer 3 half elf multiclass in my Drakkenheim campaign right now, and it feels AMAZING. This character is deadly with a Shadow Blade. 3) KibblesTasty Fiend sorcerer. Not a perfect match to what you envisioned (shocking, I know. You would think that guy was a telepath by now). So not a summoner subclass. Instead it is the Ying to the Divine Soul’s Yang. Divine Soul is, as we all know “a sorcerer, but a cleric”. So the Fiendish Soul sorcerer is “a sorcerer but a warlock”. This subclass has access to the full warlock spell list (including eldritch blast), has some fiendish resistances, some bloodline abilities that are quite close to eldritch invocations, some custom spells with appropriate flavor, and would overall make a POWERHOUSE of a tiefling, especially if they take “eldritch adept” feat to gain Agonizing Blast. Imagine what an action eldritch blast + quickened spell eldritch blast might do? How about two fighter levels for action surge spell/another eldritch blast on the same turn? Yeah. That’s exactly what we’re dealing with. 4) You Dudes talked about it already but the GrimHollow Pet-based barbarian is pure love. Enough said here. 5) As for the strength based monk - there is a Spartan-vibe monk in the Odyssey of the Dragonlords, with a focus on using a shield, but I actually disagree with you here. I think that strength monks should be baked in the base monk class itself. And it’s actually SUPER EASY for the GM to do. Simple as this: “You can use your choice of either strength or dexterity for every monk class ability that is (currently) based on dexterity. And BOOM you’ve done it! Strength-based unarmed strikes, strength based Unarmored defense - this is actually one of my favorites here. This has SOOO much kung-fu movie vibes with the “Steel Jacket” technique! Leaping around with your athletics, and so on. I personally don’t want to give the monk access to more weapons though, because it sort of ruins the “brawler martial artist” vibe and goes more into warrior-fighter territory. And there you go. These are my 5 cent.
@oeurydice 5 ай бұрын
If anyone is looking for something like the Dragon Warlock, I recommend the Caretaker Warlock from Baby Beastiary by Metal Weave Games. One of the sub-subclass options is having a baby dragon you have to take care of as your patron.
@mattfahey3861 5 ай бұрын
In nearly every setting I've built, I've added a plant-based druid reskin. Just realized that watching this. The one that worked best at the table had some metamagic-like features. Built it for a game where all the characters were school-aged kid archetypes and the druid/ranger reskins were all classed as boy/girl scouts. The Greenthumb scout class had Plantings instead of spells, Agriculture skills and Epiphytes to provide metamagic-like alterations. It was a pretty fun class. If only because it makes the statement "I'll compost the boxwood hedge, plant thistle with mossy epiphyte, and bonus action hydroponics" a valid turn of combat.
@DerekBarolet 5 ай бұрын
I built a Dragon Pact warlock that has different abilities and spells based on whether it is a Chromatic, Metallic, Prismatic, or Dracolich. Have the same tiing but for an Elemental Lord.
@13thTemplar718 5 ай бұрын
Prismatic? Is that supposed to be for gem dragons?
@Ferretic 5 ай бұрын
... The fact that you planned for dracoliches in it is *terrifying.*
@matthewmuir8884 5 ай бұрын
Doesn't the Undead Warlock already have dracoliches as a potential patron?
@alinkinthechain 5 ай бұрын
Great wish list. In my almost decade of 5e (wow, I can't believe it's been that long), I have been creating subclasses pretty much from the first release. In my experience, a subclass plays out one of 4 ways: - "what if x class was y class?" or "diet main class": these are the types of subclasses built after another, e.g. Eldritch Knight or Arcane Trickster _"themed subclass": your basic themed classes like dragon, fey, ghost, etc. -"Elemental": these subclasses focus on some elemental manipulation, whether a single choice or a pick and choose. e.g. any storm subclass, pyromancy, etc. -"Strange gimmick": these subclasses have a mechanic that is fairly unique to both the class and the game in general. e.g. Spore druid, Wild Magic Sorcerer. All that said, these suggestions are great. I really like the Dragon Warlock, and it gives me Inheritance Cycle vibes. The Strength Based monk is cool but a strength based monk is just a monk with Str as the main stat. I have seen this played in the past and honestly it works out very well. I do think the idea has a lot of merit, but may be better as a Fighter subclass that is Monk based!
@obi-wan-jacobi840 5 ай бұрын
I think the thing with Dragon Warlocks and the Fey and Fiend Sorcerers is that they already have the same subclasses in the other respective classes. They probably haven’t been published officially because there’s already a lot of overlap between the two classes. I think the bigger omission is that neither Warlocks nor Sorcerers have a solid Giant-based subclass which could be cool.
@jnhensley09 5 ай бұрын
There is a UA for Sorcerers about that called the Giant Soul Sorcerer. Your bloodline is from Giants and they allow you to take traits and features from different types of giants.
@DaytonThurmer 5 ай бұрын
I just finished creating the Amalgam Fighter Subclass, inspired by Marvel’s Venom, it also touches on the Fighter companion idea that you mention in this video, you can find it published on DNDBeyond! Keep up the great videos guys, I personally love your Homebrew content, it is what inspired me to start creating and publishing my own content!
@HorizonOfHope 5 ай бұрын
Next video: classes we really want. 1: A monk that doesn't suck.
@charleighkimber4611 5 ай бұрын
Y'all and Pointy Hat addressed exactly the thing I'd been thinking about wanting to do last week, ty!
@TheRealMuckluck 5 ай бұрын
For a dragon patron almost exactly as the Dudes described, check the dndhomebrew subreddit for a post called "The Wyrm, a warlock patron for D&D 5e" by Tautogram. Highlights: Being able to substitute warlock spell damage for that of your patron's damage type. Being able to punish enemies foolish enough to resist your spells. Eventually being able to choose and use one of three abilities tied to the mentality and physical aspects of most dragons: Dragon fear, wing buffet, or a roar. (And yes, of course you get wings!)
@evanantor3402 5 ай бұрын
I actually made a Plant based Druid Subclass called "Circle of Wildwood". It's more based on Nature itself, rather than specifically plant life, but similar to Circle of wildfire, Circle of Wildwood druids get the ability to summon a plant companion which as you level up as a druid, grows in power and size (inspired by the animal companion from the optional feature for the beast master ranger). The spell list includes spells from both the Cleric and Wizard Subclass, focusing on the earth and the sun with some radiant damaging spells, control options and healing magic.
@thealaskanpiper 5 ай бұрын
I homebrewed a Demonologist warlock pact for one of my players. It focuses around controlling fiends and demons and gets to choose a lower level CR rating demon or fiend pet. Expanded spell list and whatnot, worked out pretty well. Somewhat of a niche subclass depending on the campaign I guess but it's something he really wanted to play so we made it happen.
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Dungeon Dudes
Рет қаралды 197 М.
What if Everyone Plays a Paladin in D&D 5e?
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Рет қаралды 119 М.
D&D Lore: Monster Lab - Aboleth (Ancient Aliens of the Deep)
Riches and Liches
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The Arcane Hand Monk: D&D Build #148
d4: D&D Deep Dive
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Everyone Plays a Cleric in Dungeons and Dragons 5e
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Рет қаралды 135 М.