Reading Little Women for the first time: It's a canon event, we can't interfere.
@avh907Күн бұрын
The way I am bracing myself.
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
this comment is terrifying me and living in my head lol
@andawaspКүн бұрын
I genuinely can’t believe you’ve avoided spoilers for little women this long. That’s award worthy
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
LOOLLLL im so scared that now that im invested im gonna see something
@rimshascornerКүн бұрын
Please continue your vlogs even after Christmas. I love hanging out with you like that.
@whataprilreadsКүн бұрын
Vlogmas is sooo nice. Even on “bad” days you’re just so relatable and seeing such an authentic representation of life and living is a comfort. Hell, you’re even making me wonder if I should read Little Women 😂 so glad to hear this has been a fun 2 weeks for you too
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
this is so kind to hear, thank you ☺️♥️
@adriana410Күн бұрын
The complete 180 from being "Little Women is boring" to "I'm really liking it" is one of the highlights of this vlogmas.
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
i contain multitudes
@inhopeworld3Күн бұрын
Whitney you read your book, you cleaned the dishes, prepared food, made dinner, fed you cats, took a bath, interacted with a friend and took your medicine. That’s much more than a 10 min walk and you inspire me 💗
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
stop this is so nice 😭 thank you!!
@busraanil704Күн бұрын
Whitney I want you to know that I am sweaty CONSTANTLY! Sweat is so normal. My grandmother was visiting from Turkey a couple months ago and I would take her with me on my daily walks and sometimes she would say things like “I’m going to get sweaty” (bc I would make her take the slope routes sorry grandma) and by the end of the trip I convinced her that being sweaty is NORMAL. We embraced being sweaty together and everyone else in the world should too. Doing tasks are supposed to make us sweat its a natural beautiful thing 😌
@juliemorrow174Күн бұрын
I grew up in a humid climate where the baseline thing you knew about anyone you were talking to was that you were both sweating. Such a culture shock to more to Sydney and someone replied "TMI" when I told them I was sweaty. I don't get the stigma!
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
thank you king dominic 😭♥️
@kaley_lynnКүн бұрын
Good morning!! New cat mama here and he is such a Gordo fan. Everytime he hears Gordo meow, he responds 🤣 Love your vlogs! Have a great week!
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
awwwww how cute!!
@alisonfabi1081Күн бұрын
i genuinely get a boost of serotonin every single day when i see that you posted, I LOVE IT HERE also side note, it's the way i've been thinking about starting a booktube channel but i always feel like i'm not good enough on top of all my other insecurities :(( but every time i watch your vlogs i just feel so validated bc we're so similar and it makes me feel like i can take on the world skdjskfs idk i just really appreciate you whitney and i hope you continue to have a good time
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
make a booktube!! i’d watch
@adrianna2079Күн бұрын
My older sister and I have been watching you for years at this point and we were beyond excited when you came back and now vlogmas has been such a treat 😩❤️
@majaflower5862Күн бұрын
girl, your curls are curling in the last clip 🤩🤩🤩
@erinmariececeКүн бұрын
I know you had plans to read more Christmas books during vlogmas, but I’m honestly loving the nightly little women update throughout the month, a very cozy book for a very cozy time.
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
i knew i saved it for this season for a reason!
@keelinover5584Күн бұрын
girl i have never looked around your videos to find dirt you are ok. as if we would expect you to be perfectly clean. i'm happy you've been enjoying uploading because i have been enjoying watching!
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
@georgien9119Күн бұрын
im so jealous of you being able to read little women without spoilers. i've been spoiled on the ending for so long that i've never bothered to read it, but watching you read it lets me live vicariously through you, so thank you
@alexafiera5482Күн бұрын
omg, more daily vlogs from you would be the best thing🥰♥️ I vote yes if you feel like it’s something doable and that brings you joy 😊
@livforreadingКүн бұрын
Your vlogs were a comfort to me in high school and continue to be now that I’m stuck ~adulting~ thank you for keeping us fed w content!!
@Bdvi013Күн бұрын
Love love love your videos! Finally commenting after years of silently watching your channel, but I wanted to thank you for this special corner of the internet ❤❤
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
thanks for saying hi!! happy to have you here
@PattyCampbellКүн бұрын
I watch these every day during my lunch break at work, and it seriously gives me a boost for the rest of the day! Continuing daily vlogs would be amazing! Just don’t burn yourself out. Have an awesome week and have fun reading! ❤
@oliviarivera4415Күн бұрын
I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying vlogging daily! This is one of the very few things that makes me happy every single day. Thank you!!!
@kennedygifford5966Күн бұрын
I usually watch these before bed instead of when you upload them because you taking your nightly meds helps me remember mine lol your routine is creating my routine
@awkwardkiwiКүн бұрын
Thank you for the videos Whitney, I've been enjoying watching them as I get ready for work in the morning (in New Zealand)
@bluesunflower13Күн бұрын
Just a big thank you for doing this. Your videos have brought so much comfort to me during this season, which can be fun but also chaotic and overwhelming. Even though you said it wasn’t a Herculean effort, it is such a big undertaking so thank you for doing this. I’m also so happy that you’re enjoying yourself so much too!
@laurenromero5961Күн бұрын
These vlogs are keeping me goinggggg this holiday season!
@Magpiee2010Күн бұрын
I am so grateful for these videos!! Please finish Little Women because I NEED your thoughts. I really think you’ll love it, start to finish!
@0supertini0Күн бұрын
I read Little Women for the first time this year as well (after watching the movie). I am so excited to see what you’ll say about the second part. Also: loving vlogmas, I have been watching your videos since around 2014 and you are a comfort youtuber for me :)
@nicolem7150Күн бұрын
I've been kicking off every evening by ignoring my christmas-prep to-do list and watching your latest vlog. So instead of calling it procrastinating I've just added "watch whitney's vlog" to my list. Thanks for helping me be productive!!!
@devonpatterson_Күн бұрын
Just want to say thank you for doing vlogmas this year. Your videos are so chill and I have been looking forward to watching them everyday.
@laurenstobb7453Күн бұрын
I promise you I have never once judged your space or you while watching your vlogs. I'm happy you're having fun with it because watching them has been helping me decompress from stressful days teaching middle school 😅 lol
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
this is so reassuring to hear! tysm!
@AJo93017 сағат бұрын
Hues and Cues is my newest obsession played it once at a Friendsgiving party. Such a fun game.
@allykrause2401Күн бұрын
The amount of sweat I produce while performing the simplest household tasks is honestly criminal so I felt this in my soul
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
don’t get me started on mopping
@WitchRocksКүн бұрын
Everyday Whitty uploads is another day I have to convince myself to not drop what I am reading and read Little Women again instead. Loving Volgmas!!!
@deborahaliceКүн бұрын
So glad you are finding joy in the routine - there are times in our lives where it is just so important to have that. Lots of love! (Also your home outfit of the green crop top and pink shorts?! ADORABLE)
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
thank you!!
@MK33333Күн бұрын
I LOVE all the cat content we're getting
@annikasimpson5304Күн бұрын
I love these videos, even if you’re just sitting around the house! I look forward to them every day
@becklebooksКүн бұрын
I dislike being sweaty and walking, but I figure if I'm doing things that are good for my health, heck yeah I'm gonna shower twice in a day. I know you didn't get a walk in today but good on you for going on an extra long one yesterday! The swing looked calming too. :)
@borderlinereaderКүн бұрын
I just wanted to say how much I've been enjoying these daily updates from you, I look forward to the vlogs always!! So as much as you're treasuring the experience, I hope you know it's the same for us viewers 🥰 If you love Jo in the books, then you need to watch the 2019 Little Women movie as well, which I think does a spectacular job of that character especially!
@aerikajКүн бұрын
A tip from someone who hates doing dishes, parchment paper on your sheet pan. Makes cleanup loads easier. Loving your vlogs. 🤗
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
im such a messy chef that my food always ends up leaking onto the pan anyway hahaha but no biggie! dishes to wash means i had a home cooked meal :)
@colleenhanson3284Күн бұрын
Hearing you talk about nostalgia and little women really makes me think you’ll like A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. I mentioned in another comment I’m hesitant to recommend it after having a friend not like it, but it’s such a good story and I think you would love the main character and seeing her story from childhood to young adulthood.
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
i heard a few comments like this!! i’m excited
@gabyflores6344Күн бұрын
Just popping in that I’ve been loving your vlogmas vids and that I binge them on saturdays while eating breakfast 😅
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
love that!!
@graynovemberreadsКүн бұрын
so proud of you queen 🫶🏻 you took time for yourself, and you were still productive and killin' it at vlogmas 🫶🏻
@lynseyb7221Күн бұрын
I dont want vlogmas to end!!!
@abbyswaringam3386Күн бұрын
Yesss I've been loving vlogmas too!
@crappyalienКүн бұрын
vlogmas has been so much fun! love all the kitty content and these videos always feel like a FaceTime with a friend lol I usually watch these as I'm getting ready for the day so I don't take my antidepressants I take my ✨️adderrall✨️
@sailortwipsКүн бұрын
I missed my daily walk yesterday too, my routine was a little mixed up so I completely forgot until I'd already showered for the night :/ BUT! I don't feel discouraged and like a failure like I usually do when I falter on a habit so that's progress ☺️ 💜💜
@tylleetКүн бұрын
so happy to see u enjoying vlogmas, ive gotten so into the daily routine of whittyvlogmas at 3pm with my lunch
@jreadingbooksКүн бұрын
Your uploads have been making my day!
@librarianliraelКүн бұрын
💜 I'm so happy for you that you're enjoying your book now
@mccorn75Күн бұрын
Way to go! I’m glad you are enjoying daily vlogging. No spoilers from me, but I’m wishing I read along with you because I haven’t read Little Women before.Enjoy!
@itsannalewisКүн бұрын
So many thoughts: don’t threaten me with a good time re:continuing this type of content, loved the bonnie highlight and that she recorded that clip for us (honestly shout out to bonnie and her consistency), I really hope you get to finish Little Women before christmas so you can enjoy the movie with Saorise Ronan as Jo before!!!
@charityslibraryКүн бұрын
This was SO helpful for me sitting in bed at 11:50 and having 0 motivation and having tons housewise to do. Thanks for your honesty 💕 i really really appreciate it and its one of my favorite things about your videos!
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
of course!!
@passmethatbookКүн бұрын
I dinged awake at 8 this morning but I totally feel you about staying and doing nothing. Adulting sucks! 😞
@BonnieAyn6 сағат бұрын
gordo getting the chicken over rosie feels like a parallel incorrect universe
@thynameisjoyКүн бұрын
Amazing, I searched for your channel just as it posted 😂❤
@oongleyooКүн бұрын
sitting here watching this while procrastinating on my final paper of the semester :’) motivation who??
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
you got this!
@sashabsantiКүн бұрын
I haven't read the book but I've seen the newest movie and all I can say is I CANNOT wait for you to watch it!!
@starryeyederinКүн бұрын
love these vlogs so much! 🩷🩷
@sinaseasКүн бұрын
watching someone read little women for the first time is so crazy i need you to finish it so bad i want to hear everything about your experience
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
hahahhaa everyone is holding their breath and to see me read part 2 and im scared
@matuin-x5kКүн бұрын
I had a shit say, and was looking forward to your video today and it did not disappoint! Thank you, you are such a ray of sunshine
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
hope you’re feeling better! ♥️
@mylittlebooknook22 сағат бұрын
I'm adding Little Women to my 2025 tbr, I've always been nervous because it is so beloved but you've convinced me!
@falkoreadsКүн бұрын
💞💕💞💕💞💕💞 loving vlogmas
@natassa929714 сағат бұрын
I love seeing you happy
@tronishariggle9558Күн бұрын
Been loving your videos!!! ❤
@clarifyrobinsonКүн бұрын
If you’re looking for a healthier sweet treat, I’ve been loving frozen banana “ice cream” lately. If you chop up ripe bananas and freeze them and then blend them it results in a creamy ice cream like texture but it’s just bananas! You can add anything else to make it more yummy, like nut butter, cocoa powder, berries, etc. I would highly recommend! I find that it gives me that “sweet treat” feeling and I feel better knowing that it’s mostly just fruit.
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
i did this all the time a few years ago but with frozen strawberries and making “sorbet”!
@charlenex6096Күн бұрын
Zoloft has me sweating 24/7 - despite being a sweaty gal before starting it, now I’m an ~ extra ~ sweaty gal
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
i cant stop thinking about this comment. ive been sweaty constantly lately, i feel so seen lol
@ambern2842Күн бұрын
0:06 I thought it was one of the cats 😮😂
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
omg 💀 nope just my stuffed animal :)
@ErinEPeterson1Күн бұрын
Not me thinking you should just become a daily Vlogger. Imma be real emo when Vlogmas is over. Or I’m sure your adoring public would settle for weekly vlogs, you know, if we’re making sacrifices here 😂😂
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
at this point my coworkers are used to me whipping out my phone to record my lunch or me typing so 🤷🏻♀️
@oksnarielКүн бұрын
i’m not having a good time right now *sees whitney uploaded* ACTUWALLY i’m having a RWEALLY good time right now
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
@annajo6576Күн бұрын
GIRL i thought that was gordo you were manhandling at the beginning, not your stuffed animal 😂😂
@BooksToAshesКүн бұрын
I’m not a classic girly but you’re tempting me to try Little Women now!
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
join me!!!
@BooksToAshes21 сағат бұрын
@ don’t do this to me, I’m in the middle of 3 books I need assistance not MORE books!
@kyra8138Күн бұрын
Day 15 babyyyy!!
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
let’s gooooooo
@heyitsgabs2123 сағат бұрын
its wild that back in the day there were things like vedif and veda that im pretty sure some of the top creators on this site these days have no idea even existed
@lalita1127Күн бұрын
I actually have that same copy of Little Women and the pictures being in the wrong place annoys me so much. They're such nice illustrations tho
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
seriously!!! who designed it 😭😭😭
@heyitsgabs21Күн бұрын
i joined my sisters gym this week. now i gotta lay off the sweet treats though.
@JayGTheAwkwardBookwormКүн бұрын
Okay but that trail mix sounds like my kinda trail mix 😂
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
@Heidi2003Күн бұрын
@fknkrs9363Күн бұрын
hello from Germany! ich liebe deine täglichen Vlogs! Ich schaue deine Videos schon seit Jahren und es fühlt sich so an, als ob ich einer Freundin zuschaue! Ich freue mich auf die kommenden Vlogs!
@lealandry1383Күн бұрын
omg ich studiere gerade Deutch in Uni und ich verstehe alle, was du geschrieben hat! haha little proud moment
@fknkrs9363Күн бұрын
@ thats cool! if you need someone to practice with let me know 👍
@runilareads15Күн бұрын
About the Patreon idea, if you want to do it you should. My only probably with people who have Patreon is when the person with it makes it feel like you're missing content because you don't have enough money to support them on top of supporting yourself.
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
totally hear you! my channel would stay the exact same but only with bonus content (more unedited/lightly edited style) on the side. and i’m not sure when/if it’ll start, so i have more thinking to do on it! appreciate your feedback :)
@runilareads15Күн бұрын
@@WhittyNovels I shouldn't be fangirling about getting a response but here we are 😂 hi!
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
@@runilareads15 hahahhaa im doing my nightly comments scroll ☺️ even if i dont reply to everything, i see and love every interaction!! so thank you!
@BonnieAyn6 сағат бұрын
the annoying part of vlogmas is getting 15 minutes of facetime instead of 2 hours 👹
@caoimhe1212Күн бұрын
@KaylaDiane23Күн бұрын
Bish, don't tease us like that, we would LOVE daily vlogs! Or even every other day vlogs!
@tirnaalyКүн бұрын
you’re convincing me to read little women 👀👀
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
do ittttt
@befuddledpanda8770Күн бұрын
@popofpink11Күн бұрын
i’m GONNA need info on the reading chair
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
my gray one!? i got it at a furniture clearance store! i forget what brand :(
@pollyjeanzКүн бұрын
@smittenforfictionКүн бұрын
Have you watched either of the Little Women movies?
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
i’ve seen nothing
@stayathomereaderКүн бұрын
do you need to put the book in the freezer? (elder millennial here: you're old enough for a Friends reference, no? all the kids have watched in on Netflix haven't they?)
@margaretcapers2368Күн бұрын
how are the kitties - i need to know for science ( ps. if u cant tell i have autism and i get obsessed with things ) and one of those obsessions is CATS
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
they currently have the zoomies
@hannahtaylor6235Күн бұрын
loving the vlogs watch the, everyday lol :) would you be able to trigger warning raw fish/meat pls :)
@WhittyNovelsКүн бұрын
sure! i won’t show in the future, thanks for letting me know :)