The main problem I have with jungles, is that they're just kinda dead. The tonnes of bushes and vines are intended to slow you down, that's the point, actual jungles would be a pain to get through. I do, however, think that there should be way more flowers, mobs and ambience to make it feel actually alive.
@ThaBredMan18 күн бұрын
I cant like cuz its at 69 . This is the like now
@nicholasfitzgerald548218 күн бұрын
the world has that problem. there is little to no motion or sounds. just mostly aimless mobs
@PulpiSuper324616 күн бұрын
I think the jungle has a lot of vegetation, between grass and melons. But I do think that a flower exclusive to the place is needed.
@infebris15 күн бұрын
they're kinda dead? literally trees grass and bushes everywhere, aswell as ocelots, pandas and parrots, what are you talking about its dead? its called a "jungle" if you want a dead biome go to a badlands or desert
@Dragonseer66615 күн бұрын
@@infebris But ocelots and parrots are rare, and pandas are exclusive to bamboo. There should be noises of insects and whatnot, and there are almost no flowers, so it's literally just green, while real life jungles are full of colours, have loads of animals everywhere, etc.
@cameroonkendrick63129 күн бұрын
It would be cool if it was a rainforest biome with a canopy, a more open understory, climbable branches, towering emergent trees, mountains, and almost constant rain, and some ambience would be the cherry on top.
@canned388018 күн бұрын
I kinda liked that jungles were hard to get through. Maybe if some of the leaves could be walked through that could be good
@JaizYT18 күн бұрын
I played with that idea a bit, where you can move through leaves slowly, but it actually made it so much worse, and you couldn't stand on trees lol
@calicust17 күн бұрын
@@JaizYT you could have just reused the scaffolding collision rules
@Boardy_Anims13 күн бұрын
The passable foliage mod allows you to pass or fall through leaf blocks slowly instead of standing on them. They can also kinda save you from fall damage. Its a good mod to have, but definitely becomes annoying in biomes with lots of leaves on the ground. (If you get this mod with YUNG's Better Mineshaft's forest mineshafts you're gonna be in a lot of pain lol)
@Adonisius_Kavata18 күн бұрын
I do like the idea of jungles being hard to traverse, but everything else is quite nice to see. This is coming from someone who lives in a country with lots of jungles.
@JaizYT17 күн бұрын
Yeah i said to another person thats totally fair to not like the spreading out of the jungle, i just personally don’t like it, and the “jungles” we have up north in Aus are alot less dense
@Adonisius_Kavata17 күн бұрын
@@JaizYT Agreed 😃 Me personally, I think the lack of traversability makes it fun to play in, especially on servers with PVP or manhunts. Keeps the game play more interesting than just dashing through plains and deserts 24/7. But that's just my opinion, I respect yours 👌
@JaizYT17 күн бұрын
@@Adonisius_Kavata yeah absolutely, different playstyles and variation is always good in game. Another biome type in the an update could even be a dense jungle, making it similar to the original!
@CeratsTheCrunch18 күн бұрын
The only missing things in the jungle - and in Minecraft in general,is ambience. I mean,The Nether has ambience,some really haunting,alien,beautiful ambience. Why can't the overworld? It lacks life,y'know?
@PulpiSuper324616 күн бұрын
Yes, and it is becoming more and more noticeable. Because the new biomes have their own leaf particles and their own atmosphere like the pale garden or cherry trees .
@CeratsTheCrunch16 күн бұрын
@PulpiSuper3246 yeah,the older Stuff in general needs some modernizing,like some mobs (especially the creeper imo)
@pokechimp154411 күн бұрын
The sound designer for minecraft said at one point that ambience won't be added to the overworld because you change between biomes more often than the nether which he considers off-putting.
@@CeratsTheCrunch The problem would stem from the ambience transitioning too much to the point where it's noticable and irritating is what he was trying to convey I think.
@pavelthomas195617 күн бұрын
I really like the fruit bat and the dungeon is awesome, also the slime stone is REALLY a good idea. BUT I think the forest REALLY needs at least more bushes, it's a jungle and part of the fun is that it's hard to traverse, it's one of the things that makes it special.
@JaizYT17 күн бұрын
Yeah thats a fair request! Thats always just a pet peeve of mine, especially as the jungles in my country (we call them rainforests) are alot less dense than south american jungles
@XimiBell15 күн бұрын
@@JaizYT you could have sub biomes like a dense jungle biome with bushes and a standard jungle biome without.
@maximusandersson238913 күн бұрын
0:15 yeah thats how a jungle is
@JcoleMc11 күн бұрын
Yeah I dont know what he was expecting
@DoggletPug17 күн бұрын
Holy shit, a youtuber that actually shows their code and outlines how it works... You're a miracle, my friend.
@JaizYT17 күн бұрын
@@DoggletPug its not exactly a tutorial but i like including a bit of code from time to time :D
@microtheguyfromearth16 күн бұрын
Title : jungle Thumbnail : bat Ohh the terraria PTSD....
@thequagiestsire11 күн бұрын
Just be glad it’s not a hornet or tortoise
@microtheguyfromearth11 күн бұрын
@thequagiestsire you're goddamn right..
@flamingdino49728 күн бұрын
@captainphoton169317 күн бұрын
Jungle wood. Is actualy really useful. I won't say more. But when you are making varied color palets jungle is amazing.
@infebris15 күн бұрын
jungle is my favorite wood. every other wood just looks too bland, other than spruce.
@captainphoton169315 күн бұрын
@@infebris wouldnt go as far. but its cray how often jungle is the best wood for that purpose. like i love spruce, birch, dark oak, now pale. so id aways thik of thoses and they work well together. and the other are nice complements or toutches. so without thinking i might use them. but when i want to specificaly give a certain look and i try to find the best wood. jugle replace oak 90% of the time. it just has that nice tint
@Wongel_mit_Hut13 күн бұрын
They should add a new type of villagers that lives in treehouses. Maybe they could even trade some exclusive items so it would be worth searching for.
@veryneat23318 күн бұрын
there are jungle villagers in the code that can be summoned with commands so i think they planned on jungle villages
@Wongel_mit_Hut8 күн бұрын
@ They would need to be special though because if not the update would be pretty boring.
@Dasketti6 күн бұрын
@@veryneat2331Available in survival/without commands as well in fact! You have to go through the pain of moving villagers to a jungle, and then they have (I think) a 50% chance of being a jungle villager. Same goes for the swamp villagers. Maybe you already knew this, but now anyone else gets these two cool nuggets of information.
@Lucas-df4ht8 күн бұрын
Bro… jungles are supposed to be hard to traverse. That’s like one of the defining features of jungles.
@cptMrNoob6 күн бұрын
I loved one particular jungle mob from the mod Better Than Wolves: The jungle spider. It applies pretty severe poison and hunger effects when it strikes you, making it deadly twofold, as you’re poison, and unable to recover health because you can’t out-eat the hunger.
@toxathedog387311 күн бұрын
I actually like that the jungle is hard to get through. It adds realism. But the jungle needs more creatures and special loot. Maybe ruins with some new decor items? Or some destroyed villages? But your idea and design of the jungle temple is really cool! Very interesting idea especially with the falling spikes but some rooms like dynamite and parkour with arrows are too much. I think it would be cool if Mojang added a jungle temple like yours and made the rooms dangerous but less deadly and impossible 😅
@Randomrainfrog9 күн бұрын
In real life, jungles consist of hundreds of different species of trees. Would be nice to see you mix mahogany and jungle trees instead of having them separated in monocultures as we call them in forestry
@omichromium18 күн бұрын
@JaizYT18 күн бұрын
@ChrisWillem-vl9nv16 күн бұрын
0:21 If I were correct the jungle temple's design is based off of the temple of angkor wat in Cambodia, if you squint a little bit. Be away, awesome video, and really like your temple design. Maybe you could make another variation of the jungle temple based on the temple I mentioned. Also I would like to see some birds added!
@warm.t33th5 күн бұрын
Rainforests in real life are biodiversity hotspots, They should make Minecraft jungles full of unique mobs and plants
@stuckinmyhead989015 күн бұрын
Great ideas all around, but I do think that rather than getting rid of the leaf clutter in jungles, it might be a better idea to lean into it. More specifically, since parkour is such a big minigame in minecraft, what if jungle biomes were like a natural training ground for parkour? Instead of just masses of solid leaf blocks, what if you replaced them with a few different visually distinct plants that play into different parts of parkour? Vines on jungle trees obviously mirror ladder jumps, and maybe the big dripleafs to add a sense of running against the clock, maybe bush blocks thatcan be stood on, but you can also walk through them, albeit slowed? I also think a 'jungle vine' kind of thing might be nice, something that hangs down from the bottoms of jungle tree canopies, looms kind of like rope, but if you right click on it while in the air it'll let you swing on it for a few moments before you automatically let go. Also just generally better block placement, to make running and jumping through the leaves and blocks a fun if simple parkour game. A literal jungle gym!
@JaizYT15 күн бұрын
yknow what that is a very good point. a great way to include fun gameplay and fix the difficulty in transportation by making it so you need skills to be able to move quickly
@isabellefaguy735118 күн бұрын
Quark falling in the snow was hilarious. NIce modifications!
@JaizYT18 күн бұрын
@4zy118 күн бұрын
You should probably make it so the players can't pick up the arrows from the temple so they can't just get 600 free arrows.
@JaizYT18 күн бұрын
@Surr3alD3sign18 күн бұрын
Jungle temples has always had a special place in my heart, they always remind me of that very first time i found one when i was younger and i made a house out of it and it took me 3 weeks to accidentally figure out that the levers were for a hidden room, i had dug up and redone the floor in every spot except where the hidden room was and still missed it 😂, the traps were cool too, i hadnt seen any other structures use the trip wires back then so it was new and interesting to see actual redstone in use
@JaizYT17 күн бұрын
The original structure is actually really fun and nostalgic but i wont admit that for entertainments sake
@corvidalexander36188 күн бұрын
It makes sense for the jungle to he difficult to walk through. Its.. a jungle. It needs more wildlife and colors in order to work though. I'd like to see a bunch of tropical birds, tree frogs, some insects, and possibly something like a jaguar that'll target you in anything above easy mode
@Thomas-sq77 күн бұрын
Jungles are hard to traverse, they are far more dangerous. We need more mobs and ambience and tons of rain
@RoryRose_8 күн бұрын
nah jungles are great to walk through it'd be lame if walking through a jungle didn't feel like walking through a jungle. who wants traversing all terrain to be the same?
@a_random_soul_on_the_internet16 күн бұрын
This is giving me Jungle Bat from Terraria vibes. Oh, those little s*its. Awesome video!
@samnelson742818 күн бұрын
I was thinking each of the dungeons could have its own rabbit hole. Maybe going to the normal (but upgraded) jungle temple gives you something you can trade with a villager for a map to a much rarer dungeon, like a ruined jungle city. I thought the pyramid could lead you to a Petra-like building for the Mesa biome, and then maybe there's also a very rare structure that's just three pyramids, with a dungeon (could loop with the new dungeon features, to be reusable.) I thought three dungeons, for each idea, works well so the second dungeon can give you a weapon that's useful against the boss at the third - if you get it at the end of the rabbit hole it just makes the game easier (unless it's not "stronger" just different like the new equipment that makes you jump higher), without ramping up the difficulty at all, so using it against a boss makes it an actually fun idea. Maybe some kind of "curse" or "sandstorm" attack for the desert weapon. Maybe something jungle-based but non-poison for the jungle weapon, or otherwise just a piece of armor. The ability to climb trees (only trees) would be cool also but not enough to be the main attraction A bigger draw would be more ambiance and mobs. Maybe the Jungle gets some more bird variants (very easy), and a poisonous frog or snake. Maybe even a leopard, or a hippo, in a new "mud puddle" that breaks up the jungle's generation a bit. Maybe even primates but that's a bit harder. Frogspawn can be given a use, and shedded frog/snakeskin and snake scales. None of which drop on death as in real life it drops naturally. Bird feathers add new dye colors. None of this drops when you kill it. For the desert, make horses get tired very fast in the desert so camels are useful and faster. Maybe add Fennec Foxes, they're cute. It'd be cool to add big new mobs like cheetah's, gazelle's. Maybe if you build a "sarcophagus", then when you die you get bonuses based on what you put into it for the "afterlife" until you die again. Most important of all, random generation for dungeons from now on. Enough room variations that you'll probably see a room once in a playthrough if you do it every so often.
@JaizYT18 күн бұрын
Fire idea
@thomasdevlin582518 күн бұрын
Aside from the obvious traversal issue I think jungles are actually one of the best biomes as is. They could always be better but they tick pretty much every box, bamboo is a rare resource that does some good things, melons are a easy way to stave off hunger early game, they've got a good supply of unique mobs and they have a unique structure
@LoveYourself-31814 күн бұрын
bamboo, parrots, pandas, ocelots, melons, coco beans, jungle temples, bushes, massive trees, vines, ferns. in what world is this the middle child biome that needs attention?
@gearandalthefirst70276 күн бұрын
Jungles, famously very easy to traverse in real life.
@Speed00114 күн бұрын
I like the jungle biome as is. Though a village clearing would be nice.
@CryptOfShardz15 күн бұрын
I would probably give the trees branches and have ocelots and/or jaguars chill up there. Maybe even a tiger that stalks you
@Tiosedan14 күн бұрын
I like the jungles difficulty of traversal, my problem is that it's not difficult enought to traverse. I want snakes inside the leaves, ticks that you need to wash of, agressive tigers camouflaging inside the tree line and actual cursed maian temples! And probably usefull plants, we already have banboo, cocoa beans, vines and the easiest tree to farm but none of these are too exciting.
@thatoneguyfromthatoneplace-f4i14 күн бұрын
i subbed. also you shouldve made mud and coarse dirt and rooted dirt and moss generate in jungles as well
@Dino_Nerd_232414 күн бұрын
Thank you for putting fruit bats on the game. They are my favorite animal
@Charley_Goji12 күн бұрын
I low key love the idea of fruit bats, minecraft is in desperate need of more life in the older biomes
@fitzycat210 күн бұрын
@Rigobul16 күн бұрын
what i would love to see is jungle rivers: brown and opaque!
@pokechimp154411 күн бұрын
I see a blue river and I want it painted black
@usersomethings18 күн бұрын
Maybe you can add lobster claw flowers (which are real flowers, btw) or maybe orchids? Orchids make more sense
@FunForL1fe7 күн бұрын
1:25 no way he added deforestation in minecraft
@BadCandice12 күн бұрын
The idea of making it bigger and putting various traps and dungeons is a good idea. The only thing I don't kind of disagree with is the use of observers in it. It's not giving "vanilla minecrafty" vibes, like it's advanced. And the amount of texturing on walls, floors and stuff is not also giving "vanilla minecrafty" vibes. I'm looking at it as a minecraft developer and designer (I'm not actually one). Also the use of snow thingy as a trap too, it doesn't blend in in a "jungle temple" so minecraft developers won't probably accept it but overall, you did so good, so much effort with the coding and stuff and I appreciate the effort
@noelg.363211 күн бұрын
I liked the old jungle updates than the jungle now, I feel like now it’s too easy to get through the jungle and there’s space inside now than before. The old jungles in the old updates had much more trees, were much bigger, and had way more foliage which made it more adventurous to go through. This is my own personal view as well, I don’t like the fact that they added the bamboo biome in the jungle, I think the bamboo biome should’ve been its own separate biome, instead of always being found within jungles. To make jungles more adventurous, they should add more foliage, more wild animals, like jaguars/panthers, indigenous village tribes, etc.
@cassievibes12536 күн бұрын
I mean, they made it hard to navigate because the jungle IS hard to navigate. In every movie people walking use a machete to clear the way, cuz there is no way.
@geoff361014 күн бұрын
11:18 That's actually a good built in counter to the trap, you have to be quick and break the cobweb, grab the stuff, and move back before you fall out of the first cobweb.
@semskguy8 күн бұрын
Your editing style is legit charming and hilarious. Thank you algorithm for bringing me here
@JaizYT8 күн бұрын
thankyou so much! I'm glad you like it!
@cinderanimations993513 күн бұрын
I love how this feels like Minecraft and yet so much better 😊 new subscriber
@MuitoNormal10 күн бұрын
12:45 This was underrated smooth.
@Horizon209-j8t14 күн бұрын
11:46 you should make this random like the structure will generate normal snow while another one will generate powder snow,it will keep the players on their toes
@marcog.verbruggen6746 күн бұрын
As many other have said: Fruit bat is awesome. Feels very true to vanilla while still being unique, cool, cute and adding some new feature/functionality that's actually useful, balanced and meshes with existing game features Jungle temple looks cool. When you where showing the parts I was worried it would end up too complex and expansive for a "fix vanilla" type mod, but the scale you showed in the example seems very appropriate. Slightly more than a regular dungeon or a desert temple, but still much less than a stronghold, mansion or ocean temple. Looks great. Kinda wish it wasn't mayan-inspired, I always liked that the jungle temple in minecraft went with a more uncommon sort of pulp-magazine exotic jungle ruins vibe with a unique shape. but oh well. Mahogany forest is impecable, no notes. As other have also said: I don't like the removal of undergrowth from the jungle biome. I saw in another comment that the jungles local to your region are much less dense than South American ones, so it doesn't feel true to you, and I think the mahogany jungle you made is the perfect way to represent that - but it does to many others, and the difficulty in traversing the jungle has always been an essential part of its identity. I love that I often can't tell if I'm on a bush or somehow wandered onto the treetops. In fact, that's exactly why the jungle was one of my favourite biomes to build in back in my SMP days - I loved finding secluded clearings/lakes deep in the hard-to-traverse dense jungle and building hidden treehouse bases, placing and pruning vines, leaves, and other blocks so as to create a land that I am the master of and can traverse easily while tricking others into traps, dead ends and difficult terrain. I fully went into the jungle ranger roleplay lol. What I do think the vanilla jungle is missing - again, echoing others - is ambience. More colours, unique flowers, mobs that can actually spawn on leaves so that the underbrush doesn't almost completely deprive the jungle of valid mob spawning blocks. Going back to my old fantasies of the jungle ranger, would be awesome to get environmental hazards that could be used to make the place more hostile, selectively, and ways to overcome those hazards so that you could master the environment and use it to your favour. Maybe a wasp hive that attacks everything in an area, but if you use a new flower's polen like a potion they ignore you, or even turn hostile on things that attack you. Giant Rafflesia flowers that do... something. Giant maneating carnivorous flowers hiding in the underbrush. Low enough spawn rates for these dangers that doesn't just make the entire place an active hazard on top of being hard to traverse, but things you have to watch out for here and there.
@JaizYT6 күн бұрын
@@marcog.verbruggen674 absolutely, i won’t disagree, i will point out that in the video it very much picked areas with clearer bushes to record in to emphasise the fact, but seeing peoples reactions to that tells me i should have spent more time explaining this change. The bushes are still there, but you can find a path if required. Anyhow either way its a fair criticism, and in a recent version of the mod (not the jungle update, i merged its features with another set of mods to create one big update) i have changed the generation back, and may rethink how i planned that out. Potentially with a new leaves block that you can walk through slower, but will still make the jungle dense and rich.
@anolliecanolie79062 күн бұрын
@tioraidh-tux13 күн бұрын
need fruit bats in minecraft NOW. my favourite animal and it’s nice to see them get some attention
@ABoxOfCartonJuice17 күн бұрын
0:58 oh hello House 😜
@-Vob-16 күн бұрын
Doesnt matter what game it it when i see bats in the jungle my Terraria trauma kicks in ;-;
@JaizYT16 күн бұрын
so glad people picked up on that
@-Vob-15 күн бұрын
@@JaizYT 10/10 feature, will get flashbacks. This deserves a sub, tho 😅
@JaizYT15 күн бұрын
@@-Vob- haha thanks!!
@aliasfakename-mf2jh3 сағат бұрын
3:51 new meaning to batshit crazy
@AnakinRodrigues4 күн бұрын
honestly without the bushes the jungle just looks like the plains biome with a stone pyramid block and vines
@lunarAureola17 күн бұрын
>"Fixing Minecraft's Jungle Biome" >*removes jungle biome* >*adds a bat variant* >*adds throwable poop* >*adds more rooms to jungle temples*
@JaizYT17 күн бұрын
the jungle biome is still there, the mahogany forest is an addition, not an actual replacement
@jacke_RS16 күн бұрын
Mojang should consider these features, think of the amount of hype that would be generated when they finally announce Minecraft: The Stinky Update
@JaizYT16 күн бұрын
@@jacke_RS that would be huge
@loorikeet3 күн бұрын
This is so cool, I need those bats, they’re so cute
@thenarcolepticinsomniacs839415 күн бұрын
The gravel in the temple should have been primarily suspicious. I know its not that useful, but it makes the mechanic more common and guaranteed.
@polish_pigeon12 күн бұрын
The fruit bats look so adorable I want to have those as pets in my Minecraft world, please 😦💗
@jacke_RS16 күн бұрын
maybe there should be a slime spawner as well in the slimestone room, as the average survival player probably very rarely encounters slimes normally, having to specifically look for slime chunks or hope there's a swamp nearby
@woomy23434 күн бұрын
Hey, Jaiz, Jungles are supposed to be hard to traverse. The definition of a jungle is literally "A land covered in dense forest and vegetation". In fact, what minecraft jungles are missing IMO is a much larger variety of plants. I feel like you could get away with including almost every other wood type in the game along with Jungle trees.
@brelouum14 күн бұрын
great start but i reckon u keep updating this and add even more!! the vampire bat idea was good i reckon u implement it, maybe they can live in the jungle temples?
@khaosproduction164510 күн бұрын
You should do this for all the major biomes and their respective "temple" structures and make it a mod called Improved Biomes
@benjrobe17 күн бұрын
I assumed he was going to ruin the Biome since there was a jungle bat on the thumbnail
@sirpikmin686314 күн бұрын
i hope this gets updated for forge, the idea is really awesome
@thelowlvdust90213 күн бұрын
we need a series like fixing minecraft biomes plz do the cherry biome there's littrealy nothing there
@Bh_x18 күн бұрын
Jaiz does not stop cooking! the wood variant looks just gorgeous & the I love how the temple fits within the vanilla experience of the game!!! it really seems like something you could see stumbling across in the Jungle one day!
@JaizYT18 күн бұрын
thankyou Bh!!!
@werlynakadera194418 күн бұрын
I already downloaded this before this video came out without knowing anything about it lol. I had a mahogany forest generate in my world that was just one tree!! Still enough to get some saplings thankfully.
@JaizYT18 күн бұрын
Ohno thats so small lmao. I'll admit the biome gen is a little bit funky.
@GoingBizark14 күн бұрын
"See's thumbnail" Terraria PTSD:
@-_Sunyyy_-14 күн бұрын
Bro where did House come from 😭💀 (that show is goated frfr)
@JaizYT14 күн бұрын
love dr house
@h9locene6 күн бұрын
@Rigobul16 күн бұрын
you know the point of a jungle is that its hard to traverse so removing those bushes makes the biome less unique.
@Surr3alD3sign18 күн бұрын
Alex's mobs + Yung's better jungle temple with these jungle changes would go super hard ngl
@floweytheflower52619 күн бұрын
11:46 that one Mario creepypasta
@JozzFilms16 күн бұрын
Mojang would never but the guano item is genius and would be so fun
@itaiko549813 күн бұрын
As someone who loves fruit bats, i approve
@privatechannel127217 күн бұрын
i love the energy
@ModdingByKaupenjoe17 күн бұрын
The videos and mods just keep getting better 🤯💙
@JaizYT17 күн бұрын
thankyou Kaupen!!!!
@onlymythicz17 күн бұрын
to this very day, we still don't know what the *worst part* is
@avitoriava12 күн бұрын
meanwhile it took a whole team to desaturate the dark oak forest
@GrimaceSkibidiPls42018 күн бұрын
Legit took me 8 momths to find your channel vro 🙏
@mantisr8185 күн бұрын
The travers thing is just another biom that already exists. Jungle Edge
@JerryDaMouse0716 күн бұрын
9:40 ma slow ass thought I was listening to Markiplier and Bob speak for a hot minute
@Treco_5712 күн бұрын
My biggest issue with the jungle is finding random oak trees for me it stands out in a bad way
@Primalox3 күн бұрын
Only was at 0:13 and instantly subbed.
@cafe_the_coffee18 күн бұрын
New Jaiz's videos, life makes sense again
@Cheddarcheesebiscuit112 күн бұрын
I’m a simple weirdo. I see bat (second favorite animal) I click.
@Gradbe165 күн бұрын
You should have added a jaguar or tiger or something to make the jungle more challenging
@Burger1415 сағат бұрын
Nice but the jungle should be difficult to traverse. It feels more like a real jungle and also makes it more unique
@luxytoob14 күн бұрын
So good! Can you do ocean temple next?
@Yomirus18 күн бұрын
man all that this mod needs is a golem boss
@JaizYT18 күн бұрын
@CMWTried17 күн бұрын
Father has returned
@andrearossi695312 күн бұрын
Imagine Mojang hired you for this update😏
@itstaylor21377 күн бұрын
mojang hire this guy asap
@emchmu15 күн бұрын
oop!i dreamt that i already commented on this. Amazing update Jaiz, the jungle needed a better temple and youve exceeded the expectations as always. Also, I like more bats!
@JaizYT15 күн бұрын
thanks em!!
@lulute815 күн бұрын
As much i also think that the jungle biome lacks a lot i don't see thoses changes as actually making it better, i actually like how dense the jungle is because is how it is in real life what should have being done is adding more variaty in the kinds of plants not replacing them, right now the jungle feel too empty
@autisticmelts15 күн бұрын
u should make the guano be able to be put into a splash potion! subbed, amazing video !!
@JaizYT15 күн бұрын
thanks! and I thought about it, but immunity to all mob attack for a long period of time felt a little op to me.
@toranimations820315 күн бұрын
Jungles are my favorite biomes ngl Also theres something i feel like fixes this on bedrock, search up Realismcraft and look at the jungle biome, so beautiful and will be even better if you add naturalist
@psychojester824217 күн бұрын
Might be up there with the transportation update that one guy made