FLORABELLE IS S TIER!! If Cecia S Tier so is Florabelle and Here are some Receipts! (AFK Journey)

  Рет қаралды 2,731

Auronnj Jayy

Auronnj Jayy

Ай бұрын

Don't listen to the Florabelle haters, get your child labor waifu if you want your child labor waifu.
Download AFK Journey Here: afkjourney.farlightgames.com/
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@AFKJourneyKing Ай бұрын
She for sure works, but thr LONG con of getting Cecia from Arena makes it hard for me to want to recommend Florabelle. But you make fair points for sure! Only other thing is: most f2p players who started at launch are going to have a hard time investing enough to get mythic plus etc unless they saved heavily
@AuronnjJayy Ай бұрын
Yeah I understand people talking about the long game, but I honestly question how many people have the patience / consistency to pull the looooong game off.
@chris5248 Ай бұрын
She is more tanky than Cecia, does more damage, and cc is slightly better/ same. Cannot go wrong with her.
@halahmilksheikh Ай бұрын
Some extra thoughts. In high level PVP everyone uses the purple confining artifact. A lot of the time the spell will target the children instead of a main DPS which is very strong. Cecia usually sends Carlyle into the middle of the enemy team who then focus him down. Florabelle summons units around your side of the arena and they act like a meatshield and distraction. Can't tell you how many times a Vala decides to target them instead of a DPS. It's super funny. Cecia needs a full energy bar to get value compared to Florabelle who constantly pops out summons. Another problem with Cecia is that even if you get Carlyle out, sometimes she gets obliterated due to her low HP and then Carlyle disappears. Florabelle is tankier so that doesn't happen as often.
@DoomzyOdieOfficial Ай бұрын
thing that most forget is that every account needs at least a S/S+ carry, specially f2p or dolphin. true that it can be cecia, but for accounts like mine who 2weeks in and NEVER pulled a copy, easiest route for a carry is the banner unit. So, if you're f2p/low spender and you have S/S+ cecia, good for you. if not, go ham with flora. if you're megalodon, you'll pull anyway so yeah 😅😅😅
@Shirviu Ай бұрын
I see what you're saying about Cecia vs Florabelle comparisons making sense in a vacuum comparing their power level 1 to 1, but when it comes to pull value, I think the fact you get 1 cecia free and 2 are in the arena shop, while florabelle is not wishlist yet and only on the premium rate up banner which costs 300 more gems per 10 pull, that makes florabelle 'mid' as a rate up in terms of...summoning her right /now/. im sure these same people calling her mid would agree that she will be worth adding to your wilder wishlist after her banner ends, just not worth summoning for free 2 play or even low spenders. if cecia wasnt given 1 copy free and wasnt in the arena shop, i personally wouldnt even use her (i have never wishlisted her, and dont plan to any time soon) I also think cecia is easy to fit into a comp right now for a lot of f2p/low spenders/beginners in terms of faction bonus with thoran and maulers. i do not use any wilder units right now though im sure when i eventually get my florabelles through wishlist down the road, ill finally have more wilders to make comps with her more easily. and i know faction bonus isnt the be all end all, its just another thing that makes cecia comfy early game in addition to the other points mentioned above. i think if wilders had a better tank or healer option for early game, florabelle would be a lot more reasonably to slot in early game. ill also add as a side-note: i dont use any warriors, so its gear i can easily ignore during progression right now. a lot of people are using tanks, supports and rangers which cecia fits into so thats another early game advantage
@remnants9974 Ай бұрын
I'd think for a free to play, Cecia is currently much cheaper to invest in as you basically get a free copy and can buy extra copies from the arena store. Whereas the only way to currently get Florabelle is from the rate-up which is likely to cost a lot unless you are really lucky. And I think that accessibility makes Cecia more valuable than Florabelle in that sense. Even if Florabelle has the potential to outclass her. Once Florabelle enters the standard pool it might be a different story.
@LeafWasTaken Ай бұрын
"If you are a megawhale, you already pulled her anyway what are we even talking about" LOL
@LeafWasTaken Ай бұрын
Yessss, was waiting for you to drop a video. Thought the hate was wild, but I've been rocking Florabelle in my team with Eironn and it slapssss
@WolfieSilveira Ай бұрын
I’m not a f2p player, but im not a whale either. But i did opt into getting Flora up to M+, which didnt really required me to buy extra diamonds, other than what ive gotten from the different passes. And I got to say, whenever i get into team-ups my Flora always outshine Cecia, Cecia is too slow at getting started and it can be more difficult to get her good, if your pull luck is terrible. And with rate up, you are guaranteed to get Flora to M+, granted for a higher price, but imo not really.
@magickmynd1296 Ай бұрын
TL;DR : Both units are decent, and each one has their use cases. Cecia is better with groups of enemies that can be crowd controlled and florabelle is better in my opinion against bosses who are immune to CC and single target damage is more important. Full story: I think the biggest difference comes in when you are talking about what each unit brings to the table when compared at 1 copy and when compared at mythic plus and supreme plus. Those levels are the the ones that are typically most important for units. Most free to play players will only get to experience units at their base 1 copy level to decide what units they want to build for their teams, so their only real feel of the characters comes from their first 3 abilities until they can get a handful of characters to mythic plus eventually. I don't know how many free to play players ever get a hero to supreme plus or how long that takes yet. When you do that and you compare cecia and florabelle, at 1 copy each, you see some differences. The first difference is the crowd control effect. From what I've been able to see, once Mr. Carlyle is summoned, the amount of time enemies become locked down and can stay locked down seems to be slightly longer than forabelles smashy can do knocking them into the air. Also Carlyles regular attacks do 1 tile of AoE damage every single hit while only smashy's original hit does so, with subsequent attacks only attacking 1 enemy at a time until the ult is used again. Smashy takes more damage when under control effects(of which there are a lot in this game), carlyle does not, but carlyle steadily loses hp over time when not being actively healed and smashy does not. Carlyle inherits ALL of cecias stats plus bonuses, smashy and the other summons do not for florabelle, if anything they receive less even though there are more of them to "kind of" make up for it to give the AI more targets, although those targets die more quickly individually, though florabelle's spiney summon is more sticky since it can come back every 10 seconds during a longer fight. You also have to consider that during any other fight other than a boss fight, crowd control and AoE attacks are much more important than single target damage, but in boss fights they are typically immune to CC effects and single target damage is all that matters, so you need fairly different team comps for both. The way I see it, with just 1 copy of each, cecia is better for group fights and florabelle is likely better for boss fights. The reason I say this is because cecia has the more reliable AoE damage and CC in larger groups, but using the necromancer minion ideology with florabelle, she does more damage to single targets because if you have 3 minions doing 80% of your damage each all attacking at the same time, that's more total damage than 1 minion doing 200% damage, just as an example. Whereas I don't think florabelle would do as well in larger groups of enemies because having all those minions means they are likely spreading out that damage to different targets rather than focusing on 1 at a time. So, in my opinion based on what I've seen and tested of both on a free to play account with neither one at mythic plus or higher, I'd say they are both worth building for different purposes, but with cecia having slightly more use cases because boss fights happen less often in this game than fights with multiple enemies.
@jericoeric Ай бұрын
glad to see you on this game too auronnj! i always enjoy watching your videos when i was still playing wotv..
@Apollonious87 Ай бұрын
I think the important distinction for f2p and low spenders is that Cecia is much more easily available, you can get a high ascension Cecia because dupes can come from a lot more places like the guaranteed copies you can get in the shop, and Florabelle can only come from pulls at the moment. This doesn't mean she's bad or underpowered but she's not a single copy god like some other units in the game.
@venusiangoddess8262 Ай бұрын
I think everyone has valid point about florabelle. She's good but not meta defyning unit which for f2p and light spender, if they have cicia, florable is no longer needed unless you just like the character that much. Still great video my dude!
@gabrielmoreno6720 Ай бұрын
Good stuff gachaDad
@zigzagboom Ай бұрын
I’m pretty happy she’s not a “broken” character right off the bat. A LOT of gacha games I’ve played in the past have done that for second banner characters. It really makes the game feel like it’s gonna be a money dump rather than fun. So I’m glad they didn’t do it here!!! (Plus it helps she’s hella cute)
@aracy2439 Ай бұрын
Cecia is not an end game unit. Truth is the game is designed to require certain characters at certain rarity and certain ex weapons to progress. As a mega whale I can tell you that Flora is in fact an end game character that allows you get past content that cecia does not. The truth is this game may look really f2p friendly but as an end game player that is nearing the end of the abyss I can tell you as the game currently stands f2p will take years to beat this content. All characters are great in their certain teams. F2p has access to many of the top tier units and don't even realize they are in fact end game units. Tier lists do a dis-service especially for f2p. For instance they have Reiner as an S+ tier unit. Guess what he is not required to beat any content. Does he make it easier yes but he isn't going to make you an end game player. You know what though Scarlita will. She's required for several end game stagers.. Most people will never have her because they focus on Reiner instead. You might need 1 certain character to get past 1 stage but you not passing it without it. You want to focus on a f2p account don't worry about these banner units they can be meta changing but they not going to progress your account to an end game state. Focus on odie, marilee, arden, antandra, koko in that order. you will need all of them to get past content. So stop worrying about defining meta when people don't know what meta is and what the game requires at the end. Oh forgot about Damian. he is a broken unit and you will use him alot at end game. Don't forget him.
The problem with Florabelle is that you can get 3 copies of Cecia for free. While the other 3 copies of her are a bit harder to get for that M+. Their argument is it worth spending 48000 gems to get Florabelle to M+ or higher. Or is it worth investing on core heroes and building out your A unit and S unit Roster and saving for a really game breaking must have unit. Florabelle is not that. if Money is no object sure build who you want, but if you are playing f2p, or cheap to play then these things matter. Hell I went against the grain and invested in Vala, an she pushed me to AFK stage 400-500 in like 2 days, and Skyrocketed my scores in all bosses so I'm happy with my investment in her. That said I also understand the downside of my investment in her. She's solely a PVP unit and eventually she'll be outshined in bosses by characters like Marilee and Odie when I get them to M+ and maybe I should have invested in my core heroes as well since I still don't have Smokey... So the argument becomes if you're new. Go for Florabelle instead of Cecia as your main carry, but if you're already invested into Cecia continue to invest in her and build Florabelle when she comes to the standard banner. Which is what content creators are saying (including yourself).
@-L1K- Ай бұрын
She's S tier in my heart.
@Malzov Ай бұрын
Any character i get to mythic + or higher better preform well 😂 its a numbers game
@Grumpy_Old_Man68 Ай бұрын
Yeah but AFK Journey Kings point is that it’s easier as a F2P player to get mythic Cecia than Florabelle. Meaning you have to sacrifice building a well balanced team to get one character that’s not dramatically better. I think your coverage of his videos/comments are disingenuous.
@tofsla1147 Ай бұрын
Exactly. Especially for F2P and low spenders Cecia is much more accessible, and that is definitely true. Summoning on the all hero is also better for F2P because you get more A tier heroes. So it’s overall a much better for these players to invest in Cecia.
@blkwng Ай бұрын
I disagree. Explain your reasoning. Your point is only and ONLY true if you depend on luck. You get a max of 2 free cecia. You still need 3 more copies to reach your ex skill. We had 70 free pulls after the initial reroll, so supposing you rerolled for cecia, thats still two copies left. Yiu only have 70 free pulls before gems in a banner with various s heroes included, meaning a cecia in your 60 pull pity is not certain. So e plain to me how that is better than having saved up your pulls and going in on a banner with a single s hero who you can target more easily. I think Auron's argument still stands.
@darrenjuventus Ай бұрын
@@blkwng he explained it, balanced team meaning more A tier heroes. since on rate up recruitment banner the A rank has lower percentage to appear.
@tofsla1147 Ай бұрын
@@blkwng you forget two important things. 1 - you can get Cecia shards from arena shop, so she is by far much more accessible to F2P. And 2 - rate up banner is much worse for pulling elite heroes, which you need a lot of anyway. Getting Florabelle to Mythic+ is a lot of pulls.
@tofsla1147 Ай бұрын
@@blkwng also, there are a lot of other s tier heroes which can be much more transformative for your account if you pull from all hero. Smokey, Rowan, Brutus, Thoran, Eiron. You will start diversifying your account for different types of content and building out your long term roster. If you pull for Mythic+ Florabelle and you don’t have a Smokey or a Rowan, that is just guaranteeing some pretty bad time progressing through the game.
@komodo7044 Ай бұрын
I think you’re misinterpreting the argument. Florabelle is a good unit on her own since she is an upgraded version of cecia. But because she is an upgraded version of cecia is why she is mid to pull on. If we use the breakpoint that you need to get m+ on her that’s already 72k gems to hard pity her. In addition, you need to have a supreme already on your account. Granted the f2p gem income is around 7-8k in the first month, how can you justify someone investing 72k gems for a unit that is better than a free unit?
@AuronnjJayy Ай бұрын
The tone of an argument matters almost as much as the argument. If someone makes a video and they sound and act negative towards something and then slide in a cover statement or two offhandedly I tend to think the tone of the video and attitude toward the character matter more.
@rendellgrecia6305 Ай бұрын
i agree to this, the argument here is not hate on the character but they are telling the F2p and low spender how bad this unit for them..not bad beacause the unit is bad but bad for their progress.. instead of pushing everything they have right now for them to have this unit in order to progress more in this game.. instead they are telling if you have set the track never look back because you are in the right track without this unit.. one of the main point they gave is if you summon in rate up banner you are hindering the progress of your A class character becuase it gives less and worst is more expensive that the all hero banner.. so i agree to them..
@stevec8800 Ай бұрын
I got her to mythic with maybe 15,000 diamonds, first 10 pulls gave me her which made me invest. i use her with cecia. Whats better than one cecia? two.
@vayneaurelius5238 Ай бұрын
This is to be expected when a premium/new character came out and is the same tier and use as a free character.
@halahmilksheikh Ай бұрын
A big plus over Cecia is that Florabelle gets her first summon out very quickly and summons more afterward. Whereas Cecia needs to wait a long time for her energy to be useful. Also having 3 smaller units is way more distracting for the AI.
@Hosukie Ай бұрын
I mean Cecia is good for sure but she's definitely not S tier she's only A tier and even then late game you hardly use her in most game modes because you can pick better characters. Florabelle is probably just as a good as Cecia (neither of them being S tier ofc) but to get florabelle at the same ascension level as any F2P player can get Cecia, takes way too many diamonds and you can get characters that are op at a high ascension level with less diamonds on the normal banner ? So I'd say pulling for Florabelle is just a waste of diamonds and time in general because getting her to Supreme+ is going to take a while.
@daleryanaldover6545 Ай бұрын
Florabelle is great, Cecia is mid before Florabelle release and Florabelle makes summoned units great and that includes Cecia.
@Shiro-md5mh Ай бұрын
I'd like to say that in the test you even favored Cici she had 4% increased stats from 3/2 buff which Flora only got 3 stack and Cici still lost out on dmg also
@jessicabowman7169 Ай бұрын
My Cecia is only Legendary , I need one more copy to take her to legendary + Ive kinda been unlucky with getting any copies of her when summoning, my Florabell is now also Legendary, i plan to keep summoning on Floras Banner until its gone Or i hit at least M+ my question I guess is, Should i keep getting copies of Cecia with my arena points or should i use them elsewhere like maybe Hewinn BTW I have spent a lil in game , im not a whale, not f2p, and Ive played since day 1 of global
@magickmynd1296 Ай бұрын
Depends on if you have any other healing units other than hewynn. If you have a smokie and have a few copies of him, then I'd say you don't need to pull for hewynn so much. If you don't have smokie and don't anticipate getting him any time soon, then yes, hewynn is the next best investment for AoE healing. Ideally you would want both because later on when you start needed 2 teams it's nice to have one AoE healer for both teams.
@weslawrence888 Ай бұрын
Thing is, I don't think Cecia is S tier either. But she certainly is better than Cecia in most cases.
@halfbakedn00b Ай бұрын
Thank you for saying. Everyone is hating on her for no reason. Sure, Cecia is great. Her benefit is bc she's free. But everyone is hatingnon my girl for no reason
@nicholasmogiba6361 Ай бұрын
I'm f2p and have Cecia at legendary and one copy of Florabelle (for now). She is definitely not a big game changer but from what I noticed she is better than Cecia. More summons, less aggro on your team and better cc than Cecia. Just one copy btw!
@Kyrephare Ай бұрын
At least with regards to Mtash, I dont believe he should be listened to in this case because a lot of his analysis was comparing base Florabell against his Supreme Cecia. The thought is fine: that Cecia is easier to complete than Florabell, but to compare the two purely based on that isnt. Thats like saying that no one should ever invest in anyone outside Cecia, Thorin, Odie, Koko, and Smokey. I mean you built them, of course nothing will have as good of a value. It also disregard that currently you can targeted summon her instead of getting copies through RNG or the fact that people who are building her might want to use resouces that could have gone to cecia to maybe picking up a Rowen or Thorin, or other 5 star. I think the argument of if you are F2P and need to really pick and choose your resources, then I would just say if you have good RNG and can just invest in Cecia, that would be the "safer" route. If your RNG is bad and you need to use those resouces for other 5 stars, then yeah, use those and level her instead of Cecia. Same if you want to do a wilder comp. Graveborn though are a bit harder comp for a lot of people to wrap their brain around since its not the typical "pure tank, pure heals" type of of play.
@MarcusPrimeX Ай бұрын
This video really makes sense! makes wayyy more sense! Unlike some creators out there, especially that someone who drank too much coffee and shitting on Vala and Florabelle while only having them at EPIC hahaha yes! at EPIC! Shes trashing units having their 1 copy! hahaha the dude is totally cracked for drinking too much coffee! "AFK Journey King" that doesnt really have any idea what hes talking about! honestly just please do yourselves a favor and think twice believing that caffein guy reviews!
@blkwng Ай бұрын
Seeing so many people saying that Cecia is easier to get to mythic gets me wondering if Im doing something wrong; can anyone tell me how youre ascending so many heroes to mythic? is it only with pulls? the S tier heroes I mean. Its just strange that so many people seem to say Cecia is easy to get to mythic+
@-Anubhav__S Ай бұрын
Because u can buy her copies from arena store and get her supreme + just by buying it
@mareksedlak6235 Ай бұрын
because they are full of shit, rate up heroes are much easier to get M+ for a new player even as F2P
@magickmynd1296 Ай бұрын
Mostly because heroes on the rate up banner can only be obtained through the banner, and most of those copies are going to be from going to the banner pity at 40 pulls unless you get extremely lucky. You need a lot of copies to get to mythic+. Whereas cecia is already in the main list of heroes and you can get her from multiple places including the regular banner, the rare hero banner and the in game store for medals as well as if you have any rare hero summon orbs you can randomly get her as well. So it's easier to get cecia in that regard because there are so many other places that you CAN get her vs just the 1 for florabelle, until the intro banner is over and she joins the pool as well. If you want to help increase the chances that you get more copies of a specific hero, you have to make sure they are on your wish lists. And if you are going to be buying copies from the store (not with cash, with in game medals and such), then just find out which items you need to focus on farming to get them.
@mareksedlak6235 Ай бұрын
@@magickmynd1296 you are wrong, much better to go for rate up with diamonds. i am a low spender, had cecia day one in both banners, bought both arena copies and after like 18days i have her M+... compared to vala which i had day 5 S+.
@magickmynd1296 Ай бұрын
@@mareksedlak6235 "low spender", vs someone who spends nothing. I was referring to F2P accounts. It takes 300 diamonds per spin and you need 40 of them to get 1 copy of the banner character. You need a good number of copies to get a character to m+. That's 12k diamonds per copy potentially, which it's better to err on the side of pity. Maybe someone with a brand new account who had never spent anything and was being inundated with all the new resources and hadn't used any of them and was present for day 1 of the banner and spent every single diamond on the banner over the course of a week could get her that high, yes. But consider someone who has already been playing for a couple of weeks, is out of diamonds, no invitation letters, is F2P, and now wants to know if they should pull for Florabelle. Which one is going to be easier to get? The one that has multiple various locations to pull for a character? Or the one who can only spend 12k diamonds per copy?
@gnaix9623 Ай бұрын
I wish mtashed just goes away, people need to stop clicking on his stupid videos. Florabelle tho, is 100% not worth the gems(unless you're whaling hard enough that you dont look at your gems when summoning), you get free cecias from arena shop if u just play the game, why would u summon using gems another 'same tier' summoner. Just save for another OP hero or another hero type that you need.
@herbertanzelbelen7776 Ай бұрын
mtashed basically said cecia is easier to build for f2ps mate
@Elidan1012 Ай бұрын
Right now with rate up, she isn't
@michaelcooper1558 Ай бұрын
I was driving my car, listening to MTash's vid, and literally pulled over to comment on his most recent vid, which was trashing flora. I mean, I just couldn't let it pass man. He was either ignorant, or outright lying. I prefer to think the former. Idk how/why some of these content creators are failing to see how she is essentially a better cecia. Coping maybe? Wanting to try and keep it hush, hush to pad their rankings before saying "Yo, she's actually kinda op!"? Like, I seriously don't know.
@komodo7044 Ай бұрын
He isn't lying at all. The argument is not that she is bad compared to Cecia. It's that cecia is easier to dupe due to the arena store and getting 2 copies. (one from first 10 pull second from the log in event) Where as for Florabelle, you would need to get her m+ which is 72k gems on top of having duped another unit to get the ability to summon for 6 copies. What he is saying is she is not worth the gems for an upgraded Cecia which is accurate.
@michaelcooper1558 Ай бұрын
​@@komodo7044 No, no, no my friend. Go back and listen to the very start of the vid in question. His point was that Florabelle was "average", and not "op". Well, I'm sorry, but when she puts out more dps than current main dps heroes (and she does btw)... that's not just average. Literally every single point he was trying to make in the vid about flora being average (or below) were massive exceptions... if you go back and listen to the vid.
@komodo7044 Ай бұрын
@@michaelcooper1558 She isn't doubling the damage of the current dos. Its a very minuscule amount. Cecia also falls off in the late game so calling her average is fair. Given you get mythic Cecia absolutely for free and you need to pay 12k gems for one copy of Florabelle it's 100% going to be disappointing. The hate to Mtash is absolutely unfounded since he is right
@komodo7044 Ай бұрын
@@michaelcooper1558 I also want to say that literally every whale in my guild says she is mid too. (S+ with their weapon) She isn't bad but granted she isn't doing anything new and her comps are just her replacing Cecia makes it so she is not impactful to an account.
@michaelcooper1558 Ай бұрын
@@komodo7044 I also, want to say I have 30mill power. I'm not exactly a dolphin. You do you though, and listen to those "whales".
@jerryTang Ай бұрын
you are heavy p2w player , and you are judging only monthly subscript player ? we can make our own idea how we spend and how we play. just make your own idea, don't judge other. thats base common sense.
@halfbakedn00b Ай бұрын
It's not that, it's because people are instantly hating and downgrading Florabelle just because. If Cecia is good, then Florabelle is, too. That's the main thing. Yeah, she's not f2p friendly as Cecia, but to say Florabelle is bad and not Cecia is a dishonest claim, when they are both great units. I like both of them btw. But Florabelle is getting dissed just because.
@Elidan1012 Ай бұрын
Him spending is irrelevant. He is testing 2 units on equal grounds. You missed the entire point and gets mad about it.
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