⚠️ATTENTION F+TM ARMY⚠️ The end of 2018 has come bringing us into 2019 and this year truly has some special things waiting for us, but what’s most important is that on July 3rd Lungs will be celebrating ITS 10TH ANNIVERSARY! 🎊🎉🎊 And I do believe we as the F+TM army should pay our respects to Lungs by taking the time out of the day (specifically 3rd of July) and watch Florence + the Machine’s most iconic music video on the album Dog Days Are Over! Let us remind each other that even today we are as active and EVEN MORE as we were with this community 10 years ago! So set the date on your calendar for the 3rd of July to pay tribute and watch their music video Dog Days Are Over! And that is your mission if you choose to except it for the first half of 2019! Hope to find Dog Days Are Over with even more magnificent views July 3rd! See you there!