Thanks very helpful video im unable to flush out water due to low thyroid so had to limit I was drinking 4 liters a day even 5. I lost the ability to sweat and also everything else. I'm getting that treated and only replacing whats lost through sweat very little and my ideal no of oz as bodyweight.
@mjenks853 жыл бұрын
Strange cause this recently is me also. I drink 3 liter. In the last few months I gained 45lbs and thyroid dropped from 150 down to 50. My doctors low level is 49. Doctor shrugged it off as nothing when I asked more questions then she said go ask doctor Google cause I knew what was talking about. I asked about iodine supplements and she walked out. What a joke. Still have a problem though she wont address. How low is yours? This all happened after getting covid.