Respray it the same color. Keen as to see what you do with this.
@ascendanthunterАй бұрын
Loved this vlog style vid Klingberg!! Can’t wait for the next one!
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@Adz082Ай бұрын
U bought a fuel cap! YES! I just subbed for that reason alone! 😂 haha cool car mate - maybe wrap it if unsure? Probably cheaper to blow same colour on it if u have a good spot to prep her up 👌🏻
@BrooksyscarrestorationsАй бұрын
Your bride is blushing!! 😂😂 had a couple of Beamers built my own drift car also ... good fun!!
@adaml19Ай бұрын
5:08 you bought the only BMW in Aus with a working indicator 🤣
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
@georgehatzi6625Ай бұрын
Love your work....
@joz1751Ай бұрын
2k black, it will be cheap materials, easy to match an repair if needed an im sure u be able to get it on without disaster an will look killer
@joz1751Ай бұрын
oO so the ol algorithm likes travel vlogs eh. Start ur intro's out the front of the airport an y set bro hahha Enjoyed it regardless mate, personally i love car shopping, big or lil budget its sick. Keen asf to see how this pans out in your hands yeooww
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
That they do, few more views for this one 😅
@djnmvАй бұрын
Now you can be BMW Barossa buddies with DriftSquid 😄
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
@NickTaylorRickPowersАй бұрын
Ooof decent buy but rough ride home
@fossilfuelenthusiastАй бұрын
18x 11s + Polish is all it needs for a cheap track car
@Doc_in_the_carpet_truckАй бұрын
Ha top work Jarrad!! The engine light was on yeah??
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
It’s a BMW of course it was on, it wasn’t alone either, it had all of its friends too 😂
@Dale_D589Ай бұрын
I swear I drove past this yesterday arvo
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
Good chance, I got home Wednesday night haha
@bushandbeachaustraliaАй бұрын
Keep the colour!
@benjaminchuutachurchill7Ай бұрын
Banana yellow
@rockbiterhdАй бұрын
Rego will be fine it’s just a engine and numbers check lights and tint then pay them money
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
@holdenholden8945Ай бұрын
Same colour
@SupernintendocharlmersАй бұрын
Bout time you bought something with lil class. Paint it matt army green
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
What would you know about class? 🤣
@SupernintendocharlmersАй бұрын
@@klingbergmotorsport oh I got class up the Wazzu
@Adz082Ай бұрын
Pretty sure it has a noisy diff…… 😂
@klingbergmotorsportАй бұрын
@BrooksyscarrestorationsАй бұрын
@victorpeirce4753Ай бұрын
Congratulations!! 👍👍
@BrooksyscarrestorationsАй бұрын
@victorpeirce4753 hahaha where's my medal??
@victorpeirce4753Ай бұрын
@@Brooksyscarrestorations 🥇🥇🤣🤣 There you go mate.👍👍