0:00 Bro really tried to input a secret code in the Cassette player
@ProPGOfficial11 ай бұрын
That thumbnail man like holy shit
@DiegoAlejanP Жыл бұрын
bro what is the difference betwen have or no the free scroll? (sorry for bad english)
@Delternal Жыл бұрын
Without free scrolling, your screen gets looked in an area for the animatronic's attack and your screen is pulled towards the animatronic. Now with free scroll this doesn't exist, you have to move the mouse yourself to attack and the screen doesn't get looked in that area. FNAC 3 Original is with Free Scroll, I hope you understand, I used the translator
@DiegoAlejanP Жыл бұрын
@@Delternal thank you
@Alexsanderfernando2012-l9q6 ай бұрын
1:15 M0nster R4t
@MarcosE. Жыл бұрын
AC time!!!!
@stu1671 Жыл бұрын
i cant deal with cat from the stupid rat
@Delternal Жыл бұрын
you need to stall Rat in the right situations, the sequence of attacks I recommend is Rat - Cat - Rat - Rat - Cat - Rat - Rat - Cat - Rat - Rat.......
@stu1671 Жыл бұрын
@@Delternal okay this is nt easy but thank you
@Glitchmouse24 ай бұрын
You need to do one at the time. Let one enter the room and don’t let the other enter until you’re finished with the first one Delt is better at explaining lol
@Markito9 Жыл бұрын
nice, I am very bad at fnac 3 lol
@Delternal Жыл бұрын
Don't say that, you're just not used to the game
@Glitchmouse24 ай бұрын
Aiming is practiced
@Fangamer12546 күн бұрын
FNaC 3 is so easy. Shadow Rat is so ez. Vinnie though is harder in OG for some reason
@Gajsvdj Жыл бұрын
Mano eu consegui passar da final night do Fnac 3 de mobile 😮
@Delternal Жыл бұрын
Boa de mais manin, boa sorte se for tentar outros modos.