Thank you so much for the concert digest and english subtitles! I do hope the music of sound horizon and revo can be heard by more people! I did pay for this online concert and it was really fantastic!! The only thing I feel unsatisfied is I want the full edition of the story so bad🤣 BTW Happy birthday to REVO on 6/19 💖 always looking forward to new SH/LH songs!!
@chanmon10733 жыл бұрын
@TheSeeking2know2 жыл бұрын
Seeing the violinist bouncing their legs at 1:35 was illuminating. So they also need to keep in time using their bodies. The audience choice system is so surprising and delightful to see implemented! It's like a game selection screen in a live setting. Glad to see Revo is still creating interesting live experiences for his audiences, and introducing new singers as well.
@kazetokifuuryuu3 жыл бұрын
@harudono3 жыл бұрын
公演楽しかったなぁ! またfullエディションで会いましょう、ローラン
@uk73663 жыл бұрын
@佐々井優2 жыл бұрын
そりゃ…わざとのサムネでしょw (片方が普通のサムネになっていて、大体同じような構図)
@大好きなのは向日葵の種3 жыл бұрын
@CherryNah3 жыл бұрын
The choosing system reminds me a type of books I used to read when I was a child. I really want to hear the full edition. Please, please, let us see some oficial English subs uwu
@nerima_3 жыл бұрын
3/31 英字幕 意訳 (開始~星空へと続く坂道~狼欒神社) A mysterious device is given to the audience. They will trigger the beginning of this story with the press of the button. 観客には不思議な端末が渡されます。 この端末のボタンを押すと物語が始まるようになっています。 A girl runs up the slope leading towards a shrine, intent on praying for her father's recovery from his illness. 一人の少女が、父の病気の回復を祈って神社に続く坂道を駆け上がる。 A story of a beautiful starry night in late autumn. ある星の綺麗な晩秋の夜の物語。 The girl encounters a mysterious being and commuicates with him. Afterwards,a shrine beyond human imagination reveals... 少女は不思議な存在と出会い、心を通わせる。その後、人間の想像を超えた神社が現れ...。 The world of Sound Horizon is expressed via a complex fusion of instrumental performances,vocals,acting and dancing. Sound Horizonの世界は、楽器演奏、ボーカル、演技、ダンスなどが複雑に融合して表現されています。 Following the current work's theme,traditional Japanese instrumention is combined to achieve a new level in musical arrangement. 今作のテーマに沿って、日本の伝統的な楽器を組み合わせることで、 新たなレベルの音楽アレンジを実現しました。
@nerima_3 жыл бұрын
3/31 英字幕意訳(夜の因業が見せた夢~恋は果てまで止まらない~ED) A woman prays desperately for her child's smooth delivery. 一人の女性が、我が子の無事な出産を必死に祈っています。 She believes this to be her last chance,and makes her way to a certain shrine, carrying a wish much like a curse...this is her story. これが最後のチャンスだと思い、呪いにも似た願いを抱えて、ある神社へと向かう…。 これが彼女の物語です。 The audience is presented with a choice. The story that follows will change with their decision. 観客は選択を迫られます。その選択によって、その後の物語が変わっていきます。 It looks like the "Left" path is chosen today... どうやら今日は "左 "の道を選んだようだ…。 The woman troubled with the failure to carry finally reaches the last stages of her pregnancy. What awaits her beyond the audience's chosen "Left" path is... 不育症に悩む女性は、いよいよ妊娠後期に入ります。 観客が選んだ"左"の道の先に彼女を待っているのは…。 The audience selects the wishes presented to the divine on the stage. The story proceeds with the guidance of the audience's divine hand... 舞台上の神に提示された願い事を、観客が選択します。 観客の神(狼欒神群)の手に導かれて、物語は進んでいく…。 A maiden prays for her love to bear fruit. 愛が実るようにと祈る乙女。 She was hesitant to destroy her current relationship, but could no longer lie to herself, 彼女は今の関係を壊すことに躊躇していました。 しかし自分自身にに嘘がつけなくなってしまった。 and makes her way to a certain shrine with her earnest wish...this her story. 切実な願いを秘めて、とある神社に向かう...これが彼女の物語。 The story choice system, first implemened in the blu-ray release, is replicated in stage via the divices given to the audience members. ブルーレイ盤で初めて採用されたストーリー選択システム。 舞台では、観客に配られた端末によって再現されています。 Since this story is but a mere prologue, we ask for your participation there as well "Next" time. この物語は単なるプロローグに過ぎません。次の機会にぜひご参加ください。 What follows will be revealed in the "full edition" この後の展開は "Full Edition "で明らかになります。 waiting in the nearer future... "nearer future"でお待ちしています。
Are Japanese Laurants upset that they had to wait almost 6 years for Sound Horizon content? I haven't seen much anger toward Revo on the JP side. The English fans have been vocal about Revo not giving SH content. There is also a minority of English laurants who don't like Attack on Titan or Hajime Isayama because they think Isayama supports imperialism and is hateful toward Jewish people because he chose to use the Holocaust as an allegory in Attack on Titan. I actually got into a twitter fight with a Jewish Laurant and his girlfirend because he believed Isayama was a hateful person. Things have only gotten worse since the manga ended. They now believe Isayama supports genocide because Armin thanked Eren for becoming a mass murderer. They don't want Revo to be involved with the series anymore and I even saw a tweet where the author of it thought it was shameful that Revo was involved with Attack on Titan in the first place. I apologize if I misunderstood the paragraph, I use google translate.
@kayo22213 жыл бұрын
I always love Sound Horizon, but I don’t like this. I am so disappointed.
@yusufw81453 жыл бұрын
@sehoyunho3 жыл бұрын
because it cost you too much?
@Muddler_Man3 жыл бұрын
@CherryNah3 жыл бұрын
Because is not so fantasy driven? I think this japanese theme is nice.
@SS-zl7mc3 жыл бұрын
Feel more naturally !! or you cannot reach to the horizon of Sound Horizon!