Watching while sipping coffee, on my day off. Never stop improving your mental toolbox.
@joeidaho59382 жыл бұрын
Love when you do these guys. I"ve got the fuel injected 92 F250 with the 5.0. I keep repeating it, but I find these trucks so nice and simple, even though it's still often a challenge to figure out some problems. Some good electrical troubleshooting usually really narrows down the possibilities, thanks to videos like yours, Paul.
@matth53092 жыл бұрын
Very happy to hear that your granddaughter is back home and doing better! I’ve got a 1985 Crown Vic I use for a summer cruiser which uses this system. This is great material that I’m sure will help me when I eventually have a problem. I’ve gone down the rabbit hole reading up on this system since I saw the mustang video. From what I’ve read the clipping mechanism is used so that the computer can confirm the TFI module received the SPOUT signal. The clipped SPOUT signal gets mirrored in the next PIP pulse and sent back to the computer. The falling edge of the SPOUT signal tells the TFI module to turn the coil on and the rising edge tells the TFI module to turn the coil off thus firing the spark. The computer advances the timing by receiving the PIP signal, modifying it and sending it back to the computer as the SPOUT. When the SPOUT is disconnected the PIP signal directly drives the coil.
@steamy12252 жыл бұрын
Wow, great explanation of the ignition system. When I was in High school in auto mechanics class we didn't have these fancy Snap on scanners. We did have a giant oscilloscope wit a CRT screen (SUN) and i think only secondary ignition was visible on it. The scanner was primitive at the time (late 80's) vs today. Just get codes out. Great tutorial on this , love it , refreshes my memory on the EECIV system. I still have a Ford Mustang with this system (88). Awesome. Also my teacher was still teaching how carburetors work at that time.
@HLISocialMedia2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU!!! Your videos and educational material have profoundly helped me keep my 1992 Jeep Cherokee running. While I've never seen you cover the exact issue I had, your videos gave me the knowledge and confidence to rebuild the ECU with new capacitors on my 1992 Jeep Cherokee. Again thank you for your videos
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Thats awesome, thank you
@isalmankhan12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing SD😍 Since yesterday I've been praying especially for your granddaughter & your family, God keep you guy's Safe & Protected from evil eye's, Amen🙏 Stay Blessed Guy's❤
@davidraezer59372 жыл бұрын
It’s those kind of problems when first discovered have you wondering at the end of day if you chose the right profession! We all have or collective you know what’s handed to us from time to time. I had I HEI distributor with a bad module do the same thing to me. And that was after the third try that I got a good one! Great video and I’m glad your granddaughter is back home.
@THEMOWERMEDIC12 жыл бұрын
Gonna love this series. Brings back memories of my 87 f150
@kevinkinney54452 жыл бұрын
Very well done. Excellent process reasoning, good instructional mentoring in guidance. Simple conclusion to a very complex problem only achieved upon complete investigation diagnosis. Experience = Wisdom gained.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@Paul1958R2 жыл бұрын
Paul, Great video - thank you. Thoughts and prayers for your granddaughter. I have an EEC-IV SEFI 5.0L HO in my early Fox. Paul (in MA)
@onemechca2 жыл бұрын
As usual ...... BRILLIANT explanation and diagnosis...Thanks Paul.
@sweetmatthew6622 жыл бұрын
This video goes with the Mustang vids you posted a few days ago 👍
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Exactly why I posted it! Thank you
@robertmobileman83042 жыл бұрын
Everything gunna be just fine , Your the Danner family , love to all 👍🇬🇧
@gladmarchatlein81642 жыл бұрын
Hi sir Danner, Nice illustration how to detect, this specific problem. It's a little bit confusing at the start, but combining all the proofs you were able to show.....and replaying this video 2X times !.....I got it !. Awesome ! Great case study ! Thanks for your time and efforts! Blessings! 👍😎
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Clarifications coming up in part 2 on Saturday. This part 1 needed it! So props to you for following what we are discussing
@Bwelsh19812 жыл бұрын
Love it! Old school Stuff is what I remember From when I had u as a teacher. I am glad I watched this, because if I learned this when you taught me, I probably sure as heck, don't remember now. Great Refresher!
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Brian!
@Bwelsh19812 жыл бұрын
Much Love to ya Brother
@T-Hogie2 жыл бұрын
Wow, I wish I had this information a couple of years ago. My son had a four cylinder Ranger PU truck that had issues with SPOUT etc. It didn't have a misfire when driving it but but starting it the engine would try to start and then immediately die. I f we disconnected SPOUT it would start and once started we could rexonnect the SPOUT signal and the truck ran fine, no misfires. We never figured it out and he would up putting a switch in the SPOUT line that he could control from the driver's seat to disable and then re-enable it after starting the truck. He drove it like his for a good longwhile up until some lady fell asleep at the wheel on the DC beltway and T-boned him on his way to work one morning totalling his truck. And to think it may have just been a faulty crank sensor.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Agree, I bet it was exactly that
@Discretesignals2 жыл бұрын
Had almost the same exact issue on a 95 F150 back in 2017. Got several pico captures that look identical as yours. This one would miss on #3 with spout plugged in. Ended up being faulty pickup on this guy. The PCM caused the misfire because the PIP signal is failing. Look at your spout signal during the miss. The PCM gets confused and sends a command out with almost no dwell to the ICM.
@nathanv15002 жыл бұрын
If you could see my face you would be able to tell that I am just taking your word for it lol. Can't wait for part two. Love to Caleb's family.
@Absolutepower92 жыл бұрын
This one helps with what you were explaining on the mustang. Thank you sir!
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I hope others watch it, it is an important piece of the Mustang puzzle thank you
@AdelJeffreyJeffreysAuto2 жыл бұрын
Niice a complementary video for the earlier mustang !
@nickayivor84322 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir ScannerDanner From Nick Ayivor from London England UK 🇬🇧
@alrifainidal2 жыл бұрын
wow, that is really awesome buddy. great teacher best wishes to you. do you think this applies to all distributor systems because some don't have a spout connector ????
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
There are variations, but similar tests are done on any system with an external module or igniter
@alrifainidal2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner thanks Sir
@leethomas91982 ай бұрын
I don't have a scope, but this is the exact issue I'm dealing with on my '94 F150. Removing spout makes it better. I already replaced bad plug wires an cap. Even cleaned the wheel that was rusty. Sad that it is only serviceable by pulling the distributor.
@ScannerDanner2 ай бұрын
Just tread carefully. These old systems are hard to find quality parts for today. It's all Chinese made crap now. I have an 86 Mustang case study we did that took 4 different ignition control modules to finally get a good one smh
@leethomas91982 ай бұрын
@@ScannerDanner yes sir. I bought a motorcraft magnetic pickup only to learn you have to pull distributor and disassemble to install pickup. Really bright ingineers.
@johnmiller2381Ай бұрын
I’ve replaced ECU, ICM and PIP on my 89 5.0 F150. Above 3,500 RPM timing goes retarded, not advance. Engine falls on its face. KOER test and it advances timing just fine. What the heck am I missing?
@leethomas9198Ай бұрын
@@johnmiller2381 only thing you are missing is 1) money 2) the little trigger mabob that will straighten it out. I feel your pain. I drove mine yesterday for a 150 miles and before getting out of town bloody check engine light was on then off and back on for about 10 miles and went out and never came back on. I suspect the computer components are just tired. Can't prove it but it is hard to know what the fuel trim is when there is no scope to watch the signals. Or is the coil breaking down at higher rpm? The obd-ii stuff and a scantool helps but we don'thave it. But I love my old truck! I'm going drive it. I checked mileage and I am around 16 mpg so I am not sure it is a fuel problem as it holds steady at 45 psi. After I replace the pip in the distributor I hope that will do it.
@frugalprepper2 жыл бұрын
I nice that the motor says right on the top that it has Electronic Fuel Injection. It's much better than the Manual Fuel Injection I hear.
@johnt12992 жыл бұрын
So the PIP is generated by the Hall effect in the distributor. It sends that signal to the Ignition module The ignition module takes that into account along with some other inputs and sends out the coil on/off command on the SPOUT. Correct so far? Without the SPOUT, a module in the distributor uses the Hall effect sensor PIP signal to command the on/off of the coil but at base timing of only. It’s all ‘in house’ within the distributor Still good? So if the Hall effect pickup is bad wouldn’t there still be a mis firing of the coil since it still relies on the PIP signal even without the SPOUT connector in?
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
The ignition module only has two inputs, the PIP and the SPOUT. With the SPOUT connector unplugged ALL control of the ignition coil is done by the ICM alone. I believe it does incorporate an RPM rise, slight advance (maybe 10 degrees) when running in base timing mode. I know GM did that, not sure about Ford, but this would be built into the module itself. With the SPOUT connected, the ECM then influences timing advance. Your last question, you would think with a faulty PIP, the problem would still be there with the SPOUT unplugged, but this is not the case and this is why this problem is so unique. I have a part 2 coming up on Sat where we discuss this with my class and I know you will like it. I'm not sure if I can give you a good why or how this is happening, only a what to look for and what the fix actually is. This condition is caused by a bad distributor hall effect (PIP) signal.
@legrandeverde21472 жыл бұрын
I had my butt kicked on this before. At the time time only had access to a 2 channel scope and no amp clamp. I'm glad I've invested in those tools now. I think I bought a junkyard distributor for cheap as a diag aid before I was willing to spend the customers money on new parts.
@95GTSpeedDemon2 жыл бұрын
Keep the old stuff coming. Its a lost art and skill, they just are so different than obd2/ecc5
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Same thought process though as ANY car, right?
@95GTSpeedDemon2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner thats true, but... There are differences in new and old. They both need to be understood.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
@@95GTSpeedDemon of course but the foundational principles apply to all! Was just working on my 78 Powerwagon with a blower motor not working and the tests I used on that were no different than any other circuit with a voltage drop problem. Could have been a 2022 model year and how I tracked it down would be the same 😉
@95GTSpeedDemon2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner im looking forward to getting up to par on scope usage and maybe bringing awareness and technical knowledge to others. Being informed and armed with tools never hurt!
@lucasmcculla12832 жыл бұрын
Danner I've been all through this eec-iv efi truck ..believe it or not you literally just need fuel pressure ...a properly working distributor , ICM, TPS,IAC, knock sensor, and engine temp sensor and the engine runs assuming no vaccum leaks ...the faulty icm 90% of failures...also if you loose signal spout connector paper clip works ...the other 10% is trash in fuel tank causing interruptions in fuel delivery ...owned this engine for years ..multiple swaps n bay gets less n less busy everytime ...lotta junk on there spit codes left n right with all new components so how I figured out doesn't make a bit of difference most stuff ...truck still run right no matter what ...fancy vaccum advanced carb is all it is ..
@guymanicone79212 жыл бұрын
How much I wish I could have you diagnose the problems on my 89 GMC TBI engine issues. Rough idle, smooth at higher RPMs. Most everything is new. Seems like one cylinder is missing periodically. Can't time it well because timing light jumps around.
@brianewer39052 жыл бұрын
Do you have the timing bypass wire unplugged when trying to use the timing light. These engines it needed to be unplugged and set to 0 timing.
@guymanicone79212 жыл бұрын
@@brianewer3905 yes
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
I use the coil wire when they jump around like that (to time it). You just can't use a variable timing light in that location. The rough idle only, I'm thinking of a few things. 1. Leaking valve/seat where static compression can even test good 2. Leaking EGR valve (not fully closed) 3.. injector leak (fuel trims would be very positive) 4. Vacuum leak (throttle body base gasket)
@95turbostang212 жыл бұрын
Hey Danner I'm on my third distributor that I had to return from AutoZone this is the same issue that I am having on my mustang weak spark and misfire. The problem is no matter where you buy it from it's all made by the same company you can't get a new OEM distributor anymore because of the age and the ones that claim they are motorcraft really are not motorcraft. It's a shame that the company who makes these horrible distributors can put them on the market and sell them to people I can only imagine on the amount of people pulling their hair out trying to fix their car
@chrisroeOperator2 жыл бұрын
You can actually just replace the pick up if you take apart the distributor yourself. The part itself is around $20. Rock Auto or Napa has the part, I'm sure they're made in China but what isn't now a days.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
I second Napa!
@nickayivor84322 жыл бұрын
KNOWLEDGEABLE Sir ScannerDanner From Nick Ayivor from London England UK 🇬🇧
@frankjohn43022 жыл бұрын
Hey Danner would love to see you scope the injector wave form also.just to see if it's also affected and how.Would be nice to se it in other video.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
In my mustang video, I did not focus on anything with the ECM because with the SPOUT unplugged (NO computer control or influence) the problem was still there (drop outs in coil control). So it would have been of no value as far as direction in our troubleshooting. Make sense?
@frankjohn43022 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner Yes thanks. Looking foward to your new video
@the666bud2 жыл бұрын
Have you done a case study on the 2000 Chevy's with the not starting security light flashing Bull crap code p1626 if I start it every hour or so it runs. Over night it don't take a day to get it started
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Possibly. Those ignition lock cylinder hall effect chips failed all the time!
@the666bud2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner I bypass it With a resistor In the Ignition switch And still act up If I started every couple hours it runs all it runs all day everyday if I let us sit overnight it won't start is that Is fuel injector stock open flooding it out is smell like gas when I go to start and it won't start
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
@@the666bud you can't bypass those with a resistor as that is a timed circuit, unless your bypass included some type of module
@medch41932 жыл бұрын
What is the spout sir Danner i actually didn't understand what it means
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Spark output. It is simply the ECM control signal to the ICM to control timing advance
@shelbyco5.02 жыл бұрын
These videos are very nice and informative! Is there a way I can get you to help me with my 5.0 Mustang? I’m at my witts end with this thing
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Sure man, ask away and watch this too! This could be you
@papercloset1568 Жыл бұрын
In an emergency could you pull spout, set static timing at 20 and install a high torque starter to get the HP\torque to pull thru the rockies w a 2000lb trailer?
@ScannerDanner Жыл бұрын
I like the thought! I don't see why not
@thisisyourcaptainspeaking22592 ай бұрын
'87 would still be coil dwell controlled by the ignition module. It wasn't until '94 where coil dwell is controlled by the spout from the computer. This is why you don't want to make the mistake of using the incorrect ignition control module (PS "push start" module vs the '94 CCD "computer controlled dwell" ignition module). In the case of this engine, it looks as if the ecm spout signal is controlling coil dwell?
@ScannerDanner2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry, what is your question? I think we proved the fault in the end of this video. Can't remember
@thisisyourcaptainspeaking22592 ай бұрын
@@ScannerDanner It wasn't clear to me any distinction between push start and ccd. Nor was it clear if the distributor module or pip were malfunctioning, since replacing the entire distributor resolved the problem.
@ScannerDanner2 ай бұрын
@thisisyourcaptainspeaking2259 it was the pick-up or hall-effect sensor or PIP. Whatever name you prefer. This was NOT a bad ICM. This was a classic example of how to identify this condition. @@thisisyourcaptainspeaking2259
@Ranalla6512 жыл бұрын
I am fighting a thunderbird 3.8sc with a DIS setup. No start. Do you have videos on dis diagnose? Spark test mine cuts out as well
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
this one should help you I know I have other waste spark coil troubleshooting videos on Fords too
@kevin_nagle2 жыл бұрын
Paul, how does the SPOUT signal affect the PIP signal? With the SPOUT removed you'd almost think it was the ECU giving the problem.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
It is tied into the PIP signal within the module itself. How? I do not know.
@kevin_nagle2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner Is that why you kept saying you can't really explain 😆 Ive worked on these EEC-IV systems (Fox Mustangs) for probably as long as you & I couldn't explain it either. Just really strange that removing the SPOUT signal would cause the PIP to become erratic. Might have to reach out to a retired Ford mechanic I know to see if he can explain this for us... I'll reply back with my findings. Really appreciate these videos & everything you & your son do for us. I really love the handful of EEC videos you've produced. When i can't lend a hand, Ive sent them to my Mustang buddies that have ran into no start conditions with their cars & it's helped them diagnose the problem every time. Keep up the great work guys 🤙🏼
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
@@kevin_nagle have you watched part 2 of this series yet? That is awesome to hear this feedback! And thank you for sharing with your Mustang buddies!
@kevin_nagle2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner Yes indeed I have watched part 2. You are one of the best channels of this type so I always watch the entire video/associated parts of multi part series. You're welcome on the sharing. Like I said, you're extremely thorough & one of the best when it comes to diagnosing so it's the least I can do by sharing your great content.
@kevin_nagle2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner hey also, no matter what Eric the Car Guy says... my Pico scope is one of my favorite tools in my arsenal, and i'm not even a mechanic by trade.. just a hobbyist/side worker. Once you use one you've got to own one!
@danielmusat5972 жыл бұрын
H Paul, To me it seems there is a AND gate between PIP and SPOUT signals. The logic levels of the gate are odd but there is a summing device there. Perhaps the computer measures the PIP (AND) SPOUT =1 by starting a timer and computes the dwell angle based on that time. During cylinder 2 event this timer is too short and the computer delays the spark event artificially. Might have a connection with the previous cylinder which has a long time of logic 1. This would be my best explanation for this phenomenon. Cheers and best wishes to Ellie!
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Would an AND gate be tied to to base circuit of the main transistor? That's some type of chip? I'm not an internal computer guy
@danielmusat5972 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner yes. The power transistor is commanded by the ignition module itself but the ECU can override that signal based on other inputs that are computed together modifying the advance angle. At least this is what I understand out of all this. Hope I'm not far from reality.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
@@danielmusat597 then disconnecting the Spout interrupts a leg of this AND gate and forces all control back to the ICM alone . Sound right?
@danielmusat5972 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner yes. This is the way I see it functioning. I am not an engineer either, just a passionate electronics designer and I might be wrong. However you found the problem and solved it so this theory doesn't matter too much. It's just a try and error in understanding a system that is invisible to the user.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
@@danielmusat597 id like to hear your thoughts after this next part is up. I think it shows exactly what you're talking about.
@mattbird2672 ай бұрын
I have the notch in the square wave line but when I disconnect the spout it still runs shitty! What would be the problem you think sir?
@ScannerDanner2 ай бұрын
If it still runs shitty with the SPOUT unplugged, it is unlikely going to be a pickup issue. Lots of other reasons I can run bad
@kylesherrisalkintrent78282 жыл бұрын
Hey Danner what's the part number for your waste spark adapter for your scanner I want one for doing gas? Help
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
SIA 2000 (secondary ignition adapter) best I got my friend
@kylesherrisalkintrent78282 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner thanks Danner I learned to use my scope from your videos and know its a tool a can't live without....
@dresdensvo2 жыл бұрын
Is there any mechanical problem happening to the distributor shaft /toothed wheel causing the signal to change ?
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
No sir. Part 2 coming up on Sat
@papercloset1568 Жыл бұрын
What brand distributor - PIP did you put in to get all good spark waves??
@ScannerDanner Жыл бұрын
No idea, I'm sorry
@marlinyoung1606 Жыл бұрын
Does the PIP signal have to been good for the injectors to pulse on this system? Have a 95 E350 7.5 no injector pulse can’t find any definitive info on what the PCM needs to see to fire the injectors. Brake cleaner with start the engine
@ScannerDanner Жыл бұрын
@@marlinyoung1606 yes! No PIP signal at the ECM and it's not going to fire the injectors. Does your fuel pump prime when you turn the key on?
@papercloset1568 Жыл бұрын
@@marlinyoung1606 How long will it run on brake cleaner? Check for spark? Have a noid to test injectors? Check Pip wire at Ignition module I think its #6 but confirm w wire diagram when cranking it? Check wiring harness? Fuel pump comes on when turn key to run?
@jacobisbell64662 жыл бұрын
Been following you for awhile Danner and you put out some very good information and I thank you. Just bought your book too! I’ve got this truck had it for 2 years now and I’ve replaced all ignition and fuel parts (except injectors) and I get a mis at high rpm no load. Any tips? 01 Silverado 5.3
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Is that one of those flat distributor caps? Those are garbage and will crossfire within the cap itself. Do a spark test on each plug wire, right at the cap, using an incandescent test light. The spark should be strong enough to jump about a 1/4 inch past the end of the cap. The electrode is counter sunk in there so combined this would be over almost 3/4 of an inch arc. When these caps crossfire, the spark will NOT jump that far and thats how you can catch them. Secondly, when this misfires, are you sure it is a misfire and not a fuel starvation issue? Which would be more of a high speed/load surging.
@jacobisbell64662 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner This is a misfire on a LM7 engine or 5.3 on a 2001 Chevy Silverado. For sure a misfire it doesn’t feel like it but the flashing CEL light comes on. Took a look at injector waveform with no definitive answers.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
@@jacobisbell6466 injector flow issues are not going to cause high speed misfiring only. Don't disregard what I told you about the caps. Seen them bad right out of the box.
@jacobisbell64662 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner This is a 5.3 there are no caps on them
@GraditelMacedonia2 жыл бұрын
Did you see in the dark (7th min.) spark jump from cable to graund there behind... probably to cable where rest.
@jamiegermaine53957 ай бұрын
What if it runs like s*** with the spout disconnected? Where do I go from there
@ScannerDanner7 ай бұрын
What have you tested? It can be a multitude of things. "Runs like s***" gives me literally no useful information to help guide you
@jamiegermaine53957 ай бұрын
@@ScannerDanner I guess I will just have to watch the video again.
@Kevin-qn7jf2 жыл бұрын
Hey Paul, like always , just want to say, you are a hell of a diagnostician, keep up the great work. Rosedale has to be the best advanced drivability, diagnostic school in the country. I have a question, are you teaching, youtubing and running a mobile repair/diagnostics business at the same time?
@Kevin-qn7jf2 жыл бұрын
If you want an answer on why this happens, I would suggest you message Brandon Stecklar. Last I talked to him he is working as a technical editor for Motor age magazine. Like you he has dedicated his career to learning and perfecting his craft of advanced diagnostics on automobiles. I'd love to see you two working together to figure out some problems. Both of you have taught me a lot over the years.
@juansimon58022 жыл бұрын
he does the mobile work at his brothers and the other dudes shop just for teaching us and his classes but mostly to give us content and he does it free of charge. Pauls a great man and i dont understand how these goofball auto channels have millions of subs and Paul has been putting steady content for over a decade and only has 300k plus which is a lot but he deserves millions of subs cause he teaches very well and hes very passionate about teaching his craft.
@Kevin-qn7jf Жыл бұрын
@@juansimon5802 It probably has a lot to do with youtube algorythms. The title and such has a lot to do with it. Not too many non-mechanics/technicians are going to be seraching Ford EEC-IV no spark for example. The placement of certain words within a title has a lot to do with the algorythms. This is true for any SEO systems especially google.
@joeidaho59382 жыл бұрын
In the early days of owning my 92 F250 with the 5.0, my truck got harder and harder to initially start. Once running, it ran generally ok....but the difficulty starting got to a point where it was almost impossible to start, namely in the winter in the Vancouver, Canada area, where it rains almost constantly in winter. In the end, it was simply the rotor....getting worn and rusted over time, from the moisture in the air. I replaced the cap and rotor, and it fixed the problem. This one is interesting, if it's not actually cap and rotor. I have to wonder if it was a distinct improvement to have a separate ignition coil in later trucks (as I have in the 92), as opposed to the earlier trucks like this one....that has it incorporated into the distributor. I keep coming across people with their 80s Fords having this type of problem with their distributor pickup/pip sensor. Personally, I"ve never had a problem with the separate Ford ignition coil. Mine still has the original ignition coil....after 30 years of use.
@Phantomas20112 жыл бұрын
Here we go again, another of SCANNERDANNER greatest hits 👉 🤪😀
@Phantomas20112 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul I’ve been hesitant to ask you but I’m at my wits end about an EGR position sensor issue I’m having with my van. Can I email you? I totally understand if you don’t have the time for this!!! 😀
@benjaminkline48552 жыл бұрын
I found my misfire wasn't ignition but cylinder wall missing between 6 and 7. Never seen a block melt before
@calvindickens390913 күн бұрын
I have one too crank no start help
@robertwest9232 жыл бұрын
I need that scope bro! please send info on it
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
this is called a Vantage Pro and it is made by Snap-on This is an obsolete tool so you would have to find it used
@robertwest9232 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner thank u
@joseprado46272 жыл бұрын
Hi Paul thanks for another helpful video. I’ve tried to purchase your diagnostics book online but not been able to, is there a direct number so I can do it over the phone?
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Email us at My wife handles our support.
@omdcarsandairplanes2 жыл бұрын
Paul happy to hear your granddaughter is home and well! I'm working on a 1996 5.8 ford e150 with a misfire. Does this have the same system?
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
I think so. Distributor ignition?
@omdcarsandairplanes2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner yes sir, distributor ignition.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
@@omdcarsandairplanes then yes, absolutely it is the same system
@omdcarsandairplanes2 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner thanks Paul! 😊
@cincinnatusaurelius83712 жыл бұрын
Seems to me that the problem occurs near the short pulse from the hall effect pickup. The spout barely clips the pip signal and then problems with spark occur on the next two events. Since there is no other pickup to correlate against, it doesn't make sense (the computer can only use that signal to run everything). Interesting and disturbing that new distributors (pickups) don't always fix the problem.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Seems to be initiated by the sync pulse, agree
@cincinnatusaurelius83712 жыл бұрын
@@ScannerDanner Need to find a Ford engineer to speak out as to how the logic of the pickup can fail even on a new unit. Also have an idea for experiment. Make sync tab slightly bigger or smaller to see if that cures problem
@markknights51092 жыл бұрын
One hell of a lesson many thanks 🍺🍺
@alexanderstefanxandraswedi58352 жыл бұрын
Good job sharing
@twinscrew9.0472 жыл бұрын
I will pay you to come out to Hooper Utah and fix my 1999 Ford F350 V10 that has a power to ground short I've had mechanics look at it and can't figure it out
@jimbourne12382 жыл бұрын
That MSD coil will quickly kill the new ICM. better get an OEM like coil.
@Pablo_Automotive2 жыл бұрын
Thank a lot team Danner for share
@steamy12252 жыл бұрын
Where's part 2?
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
I'll release it on Saturday
@kennethhicks21132 жыл бұрын
More prayers.
@Nudnik12 жыл бұрын
had this on a 1990 F150 300 six. Weak spark no start even on starting fluid. Was module Fords suk
@MechanicTechnicianRepair2 жыл бұрын
Experience diagnosis mater
@labrat69102 жыл бұрын
Thank you S.D
@mike-yp1uk2 жыл бұрын
Great video what if it had a faulty zener diode. That's my guess. Ask Bernie he cares. Lmao. If you see this change it. That's what I need to know
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
Every Bernie class is this
@normangallant98792 жыл бұрын
Good one
@HanifEFIMechanical2 жыл бұрын
@larrymaloney8772 жыл бұрын
What are people suppose to do with your bits & pieces of information. Consider finding another way to stroke your ego and use the video to show thorough troubleshooting. Your efforts are overkill and under-effective. I own two very expensive scopes but don't get excited watching spark plugs fire. Danner Scammer can complicate any topic. He must be a genious.
@ScannerDanner2 жыл бұрын
When you need the extra info and you become very good at troubleshooting because you saw beyond just fixing the car, then you wouldn't feel this way.
@larrymaloney8772 жыл бұрын
No "extra info." Just more self agrandizing by Scammer Danner. Will you ever make it about troubleshooting and not about you? If I hear you say "Hall Effect" one more time I'll barf.