Zdravim, vime velikost toho smejdskyho imbusu zespod? Taky ho nemuzu chytit.
@Placekmich2 ай бұрын
Zdravím, já to povolil torxem t30 i přesto, že to byl imbus... Podle mě to bude imbus 5 nebo 4, ale jistě to nevím... Mě to pobral t30...
@FilipKrejcik2 ай бұрын
@@Placekmich jj. Imbus 5. Uz jsem vcera zvladl a nakonec taky sel od spodu. Pak jsem si tam dal sroub s sestihranou hlavou dle tipu jinde, ale ze by mi to extra prislo lepsi pro praci jen vrchem, to moc ne. Mozna rychlejsi tim spodem.
@Placekmich2 ай бұрын
@@FilipKrejcik já zpátky ten sroub nedával vůbec... Na druhém autě co mám tak nebyl a už 5 let mu to nevadí... Pro budoucí čištění je to mnohem jednodušší.
@FilipKrejcik2 ай бұрын
@@Placekmich taky me to v jednu chvili napadlo, ze by to mohlo byt ok se na nej vyprdnout. To druhe co cistite...asi taky juknu, me spis napadlo zda se da sundat bezpecne cely ten plast do ktereho jen strkate hadr. Abych to proplachl. Delal jste kvuli kourivosti? Pomohlo? Kdyz uz je to zanesene zde, bude to i vsude dal, ze...tzn asi i v motoru bordel...cely vyfuk. Chci kouknout jeste po ruznych aditivech-cisticich...
@FilipKrejcik2 ай бұрын
@@Placekmichjo, taky me napadlo kdyz me to stvalo, ze by to mohlo byt ok bez nej... Jeste se zeptam, to druhe co cistite a myslim hlavne to plastove na motoru, kam jen strkate hadr - nejde bezpecne sundat? To jsem si rikal ze by chtelo taky poradne vycistit, proplachnout. Delal jste kvuli kourivosti? Pomohlo? Si rikam, ze to bude zanesene vsude dal...i motor...vyfuk... premyslim nad nejakyma tema cisticima aditivama jeste. Jinak koukam ze mate dalsi dobra videa s vecma co chci take...menit radio, vzpery jsou taky cool :) tu BT krabicku koupim,vymenim a pujde streamovat hudba i jo? Musim menit i kdyz by se porizovalo androind radio?
@IvanZeba-g9q4 ай бұрын
Hello, this is newest video so i am commenting on it.... I have question about your previous video of changing dashboards..... I have maxidot dashboard and its pointers are always on 0 so i want to replace it but i cant find identical dashborad... i am interested into adding converse+ but i dont know if its legal to do that and how do i replace the mileage. Do i have to do anything else or just milage, i heard people cant unlock their cars anymore after that, and that it needs to be indentical dashboard to replace it.... I would really appericate if you could answer to few of this questions, thank you very much and god bless you sir😊
@Placekmich4 ай бұрын
Hi, I don´t know legal requirements in your country, but in my country it is legal. Illegal is decrease mileage of the car. I don´t know on which car you want to change dashboard but on the S-max mk1 and Mondeo MK4 it is just swap of the dashboard. No coding is needed. Only you need to find dash for your car (facelift vs pre-facelift). Adjusting of mileage upwards you can perform via Forscan app and OBD diagnostic tool.
@IvanZeba-g9q4 ай бұрын
@@Placekmich Thank you very much, i have mondeo 2007 maxidot... so just replace and milage adjustment? nothing with sw and both keys?
@Placekmich4 ай бұрын
So yes, just change the dashboard and mileage adjustment. No issue with keys.