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For Fun Squad

For Fun Squad

Күн бұрын

League of Legends season 13 Maokai, Renekton, Lucian, Ezreal, and Ekko gameplay!
SUBSCRIBE TO BODY: / bodythosefools

Пікірлер: 190
@CarMiNe6361 Жыл бұрын
The close ups of Ioki’s repressed frustration get me every time 💀💀
@enigma4941 Жыл бұрын
Bro imagine this Karma after the game being like "damn I'm pretty good at the game I didn't die a single time!"
@godfistleesin1971 Жыл бұрын
alternate video title how to boost the enemy's ego by not killing him and losing the game after 100% guaranteed to boost his ego!!!
@AlexandreG Жыл бұрын
Most basic comment possible, goes so well with this channel lol
@bennoon6154 Жыл бұрын
@gabrieldinix Жыл бұрын
I'm impressed by the lack of "boom, waddup" coming from Akali, while playing RENEKTON
@ElecktroHasARedHoodie Жыл бұрын
I'm loving ioki's dying-on-the-inside face on every video 😂 Good job editor
@RuecianGray Жыл бұрын
I don't think ive watched a single FFS video where where Body isn't completely demolishing his lane opponent in the first two minutes.
@FernandoRafaelNogueiraReis Жыл бұрын
@@forfunsquad It really is!
@Bouledogue_Francais Жыл бұрын
@@forfunsquad next challenge, body goes full tank Azir and sets up for the team, not allowed to get a kill 🤣 that would be so hard for him coz he's aggressive in lane but he gets to flame you all
@booreo Жыл бұрын
The close ups of Ioki’s face are so funny 😂
@woodardchuckleson3090 Жыл бұрын
Glad to see Body and Akali are adopting Zwag's terminology.
@mizzery619 Жыл бұрын
@i0kiVids Жыл бұрын
its so catchy actually Gromperton
@Pika-sp9cs Жыл бұрын
It all started with the cringebow
@xxhierophantxx Жыл бұрын
6:55 Okay, I had this hit me while watching and it expounds on this. "We make the enemy team tilt by making their worst team member look like their best."
@paulomoura5532 Жыл бұрын
A group of Brazilian streamers won a flex game killing 0 times the entre match! They used Tristana, Kindred, Sion, Ziggs and Ryse. Champions that helped to destroy turrets and Nexus with no killing.
@RaduP3 Жыл бұрын
name where I can find that please ?
@kikik9 Жыл бұрын
The fact that y’all upload daily makes me so happy
@michaelleo.d Жыл бұрын
Probably one of the best intro ever
@iguanaught7368 Жыл бұрын
Karma is going to go into her next game feeling indestructible and then will get stomped.
@Lgebran Жыл бұрын
the ioki zooms made me cackle so loudly
@richardstekinger2232 Жыл бұрын
love how nobody mentioned that Heiz got the most damage in the entire game :D
@amitgvili6192 Жыл бұрын
Love the creativity lately!
@emilianoboyd1016 Жыл бұрын
Day #4 of asking for the immortal comp(all the champs have abilities to keep them alive save them from death or resurrect teammates) Top-tryndamere/kayle Jungle-kindred/ekko Support-bard/zilean Mid-akshan/anivia Bot-Karthus Extra challenge: see who has the least deaths at the end of the game and feel free to use any of the champs in any of the positions
@Bmad12 Жыл бұрын
This is probably the funniest concept ever that even goes down kudos
@Dile0303 Жыл бұрын
The Aleph Zero comp You all play champions that scale infinitely (Veigar, Nasus, Cho'gath, etc), with Grasp of the undying, Hertsteel, Demonic embrace, Titanic hydra and Spear of Shojin. So everyone infinitely stacks HP, AP, AD, and Ability haste on top of what they naturally infinitely stack Day 12
@rand9466 Жыл бұрын
Do the "Toes Comp". The FFS finally sync up and get their toes done at the same time. The video is made up of guests (e.g., Hot Eboy Xerath, Zwag's gf, Jade, etc.)
@magelok1476 Жыл бұрын
this 100%
@medojaber5827 Жыл бұрын
Suggestion: the shapeshifters which is basically the shapeshifter trait from tft set 1 and set 7 ( Elise , Gnar , Nidalee , Shiv and Swain ) + Jayce and Neeko for a tic options
@michaeldower2176 Жыл бұрын
Day 70 of giving a few ideas, vote which you prefer and give suggestions, improvements and changes: 1. A reverse comp, where everyone's roles are flipped. I.E Ioki (who plays support and is the bottom of the Tab menu) goes Top, Zwag goes Jungle (as he normally goes ADC), Heiz goes Mid, and Body goes ADC. Akali goes support you also have to play champs for that position. or you can play your mains and Zwag can play someone other than Xereth as he hasn't played him since the "Great Nurf" of Mage players, but with pre season you may be able to make it work. And with the episode ZWAG did with Xerath jungle, it worked pretty well especially being able to gank whilst hidden in jungle! 2. The noob comp. You don’t play, but you have 5 people play who aren’t great/never played before and you have to talk them through what to do. They all play your mains in your main roles (IOKI Senna sup, body Azir mid, Heiz Lee Sun jungle, ZWAG Xerath bot and professor Akali, Akali Top [no one mains top and Akali would be better for top than Azir tbh]) and you try and get them to win, maybe make it a 2 parter. One being the training and the second you go against them in a custom map, same champs vs each other) 3. do the 5 newest champs in game for your lanes, which again i think would be K'Sante, Nilah, Bel'Veth, Renata and Zeri (again might be wrong on that!) 4. Support carry. play 5 support champs and try and win the game through that. can build them however you want, full AP/AD etc (maybe even see a ZWAG Xerath and some classic scripting all chat brain melts!) 5. Thats not my ult. play 5 champs who can use ults on others, like Kayle, Soraka, Lulu, Zilian, Kalista and Shen 6. ARAM rules. you cannot base or buy items unless you die/get executed. it forces you to strategically int to keep the game going and to get strong. If you fail to follow the rules you must go to lane and Int as punishment. 7. Burn baby burn. 5 burn champs with full burn builds, like Brand, Annie, Shyvanna etc with Liandry's and Demonic. you can have Teemo or Twitch with poison as an ADC as it kind of burns and you won't do damage if they just stack MR constantly. 8. Hit the mark comp. Jungle goes as Kindred and everyone helps get her marks. Top is Shen, Mid is Twisted Fate, ADC is pantheon or Quinn and support is Pantheon or Galileo. Submitted by @DerGrimmigeZwerg 9. Hide and seek. A 1 v 4 but the 1 person can TP and plays jungle, has to get rift X2, the drags, baron and first turret? Might need to play with bots or something so the lanes don’t fall super fast though or a custom game with subscribers? Submitted by @sunnyside2021 10. Sword and shield comp. Play champions that have a sword or shield and all of them have to buy doran’s shield or blade (yes even the support) and only buy items that have a sword or shield (kinda shield or tanky item). Champions would be like aatrox, riven, pantheon, Braum, samira, yone/yasuo. Items would be like infinity edge, deaths dance, jaksho (kinda shield), sunfire, evenshroud, maw of malmortius, shoulderblades or whatever other item looks like a sword or shield. Submitted by @yungsmiecht 11. Parkour comp - champs that interact with walls. Talon, zeri, Kayn, bard and K’santi - submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg 12. The zoo comp - play animal champs. Warwick, Volibear, Azir, twitch and yummi- submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg 13. The band comp - play the K/DA (Ahri, Akali, Evelynn and Kai’Sa), Pentakill (Kayle, Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Viego and Olaf) or True Damage (Akali, Qiyana, Ekko, Senna and Yasao) band champ teams - submitted by @Vederian L 14. The pick me up comp. You play Kindred, Bard, Thresh, Veigar (or Nasus) and Senna and you have to try and pick up as many of your marks, Chimes, souls or stacks as infinitely scale as a result. If you wanted too, you could add Kalista as she can pick champs up. 15. The Pinball comp. Vayne Top, Lee Son Jungle, Jayce Mid, Tristana ADC and Alistair Support. 5 champs who has abilities to knockback the enemy champs to your teammates. - submitted by @riccardogiordano ----------------------- Completed 1. do the 5 oldest champs in game for your lanes, which i think would be Alistar, Annie, Fiddle, Ashe and Jax (might be wrong on that though!) - done video out 21/11/2022 2. surprise comp. 5 champs who can surprise enemies with either invis (Twitch, Evelynn Teemo, fiddle and Nocturne) or leaves traps like Caitlyn, Shaco and again Teemo. - done video out 01/01/2023
@twilightexecutioner728 Жыл бұрын
I love how professor akali is steadily becoming a SoloRenektonOnly clone and I am absolutely here for it 😂😂
@Riles9000 Жыл бұрын
My favorite development is everyone stealing Zwag's phrases. Krugerton, "My Cannon", etc.
@laurenzwegler7141 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if they could win a game, without killing anyone.
@ascherkas Жыл бұрын
Only if they were smurfing in bronze or even iron. Otherwise it’s pretty much impossible.
@laurenzwegler7141 Жыл бұрын
@@ascherkas yeah, of course.
@CruzaderTFT Жыл бұрын
This is a pretty good challenge actually
@laurenzwegler7141 Жыл бұрын
@@CruzaderTFT I mean they did say, they were out of ideas, so maaaayybee....
@wnocknz Жыл бұрын
I keep asking for this. Here's the plan: Voli + BelVeth + Ziggs + Trist + Taric. Tower rush comp. Everyone take demolish. You can take out thee towers w Ziigs +Trist and BelVeth + rift herald. Voli can immune towers amd Taric can immune the team while you just foucs structures. It's possible!
@ayesharehman2854 Жыл бұрын
The snarking at eachother turning to complimenting the dodges XD
@danielcho8060 Жыл бұрын
Day 20: IOKI FUNNEL COMP Rumors say that Ioki is 100% a Leona main and it is CRACKED. Let’s see an Ioki funnel game where y’all funnel his Leona and have him carry y’all to victory! (Bonus points: Ioki and Prof duo botlane 👀) (Bonus BONUS points if Ioki instead decides to carry as Braum👀👀) Also thank you guys for doing both the chomp comp and bonk comp that I have requested. Much love and keep up the grind🙏
@alson9005 Жыл бұрын
Could u play the imortal comp? With trynda kayle kindred zilean AND a person that will be the boss and give him all the kills woild be jhin! And jhin would be zwag (:
@the615god Жыл бұрын
7:14 that was SICK. Body on another level
@nazifbicakci2088 Жыл бұрын
How about a "call is call" game Basically you select on person to be the leader and that person selects the champions and calls every shot. The others HAVE to follow the orders or they get punished
@laurenzwegler7141 Жыл бұрын
They did a video, where prof akali does every call, it was pretty funny XD
@BruceWayne-nt8vh Жыл бұрын
I never realized how clean Body is with the mechanics
@FloeticsPH Жыл бұрын
I mean he reached Challenger on Azir right? So that explains alot, but regardless I do agree. 😂
@giorgosgiorgos2374 Жыл бұрын
Zwag and Ioki Bot Lane Victories: 38 Losses: 5
@johnh3755 Жыл бұрын
Professor Akali is a throw machine lol
@mariukst7139 Жыл бұрын
Day 8 of asking NAME COMP: Prof Akali - as Akali(obv.), Ahri, etc Body - as Bard, Blitz, Brand, etc Heiz - as Hecarim, Heimer Ioki - as Ivern, Illaoi, etc Zwag - as Zac, Zed, Zoe, Zeri etc
@Igneoh Жыл бұрын
Suggestion: The K/DA comp (Akali, Evelynn, Ahri, Kai'sa, Seraphine) and all use the K/DA All out skins!
@Kikkia2018 Жыл бұрын
You guys should do the same thing but choose the enemy based on how many kills they have, so for instance if the ADC has the most kills you have to spare them until the midlaner gets the most kills etc. I think it would be more challenging cause you can’t go for the carry o:
@amptony3819 Жыл бұрын
Requesting the anti comp, picking your main champs best counterpicks
@Lethal_Bite Жыл бұрын
Day eight of the 'not my role' comp. Ioki plays ADC, Akali plays support (we need this botlane!) Heiz goes mid and body top since he does a little more jungle on this channel than zwag. Bonus points for playing each other's mains in their respective roles. (Akali on senna, zwag on Lee sin, heiz on azir, etc.)
@alviku_f3tt Жыл бұрын
Aight ídolos, máquinas, titanes, maestros! Day 6 asking for The MUSTACHE comp: Kench, Graves (RIOT Graves if its possible or Captain Volibear), Corki, Draven and either Braum, April Fools Vel'Koz or Blitzcrank (April Fools or Police skin) Akali broke his own record in this intro bro XD
@munchkineater4226 Жыл бұрын
this is a very good content well played guys
@oplawlz Жыл бұрын
Challenge idea: auto-attacks only. You can only level skills that passively buff your autos, and no buttons besides summoner spells are to be pressed!
@thomasridgeway2310 Жыл бұрын
eating popcorn... says 'hows the popcorn taste?"...responds good....
@johnathanrhoades7751 Жыл бұрын
The mercy comp!!!! Very cool
@Megaphonix Жыл бұрын
Video idea: try to play with no turret shots allowed! If you take a turret shot, you have to sell an item slot on next back/death.
@darkman_street8496 Жыл бұрын
2 videos in a row where body makes the craziest solo dive flash play and no one says anything about it.
@alcindorgama Жыл бұрын
"we spare the life of one enemy" that how the god syndrome started , later we discovered they became villain :)
@chocolomdo7089 Жыл бұрын
This channel makes me happy
@manuelf.hernandezbencosme3210 Жыл бұрын
You should do this challenge weekly!
@rachelrodriguez8477 Жыл бұрын
highlight of my day honestly
@TheFranchfry Жыл бұрын
The missed opportunity to call this the good karma episode…
@i0kiVids Жыл бұрын
OMG we are idiots
@blackTHUNDERpig Жыл бұрын
Who had the most assist? Heiz with 16! Year total: I0ki: 14 Heiz: 10 Zwäg: 4 Body: 3 Prof. Akali: 1 Guest KittyCat: 2 Hot eboy: 1 Dumbs: 0 Shout out to ioki there in the beginning trying to convince some of the others to hit karma 😏
@Vortrex Жыл бұрын
Editor, can we get that ioki glare closeup on a furry please?
@micntae6316 Жыл бұрын
Idea #1: One of a Kind Can yall do a 5 episode comp where in game 1 you all play top laners, game 2 all play junglers, game 3 all mid laners, etc. You have to actually play champs that are meant for that role, not anything like neeko top or Morgana jungle lol
@azealia573 Жыл бұрын
Day 8 of asking for the Sabotage comp: basically champs that can screw over your teammates like Anivia W, Bard ult, you name it. The goal would be do as much trolling or sabotaging as possible while still winning.
@jonnyjohnson650 Жыл бұрын
Batman squad (Zyra (poison ivy), Jinx (Harley Quinn), Mr Freeze Brand skin, Bane Singed Skin, Shaco (joker), Fiddlesticks (Scarecrow)
@micntae6316 Жыл бұрын
Idea #2: Random champ, Random build Let one viewer pick a full build and then everyone gets a Random champ selected and has to build what the viewer decided. So for example the build is Shieldbow, Deaths Dance, IE, etc. and you end up getting Lux as your Random so you have to build that on Lux.
@jessepultrum5753 Жыл бұрын
Something similar seems fun too! League but you cant kill your lane opponent, so for example mid cant kill the opponents mid but jungle can
@scotteugenestadick7563 Жыл бұрын
Day 8: You guys should do a comp where you try to make the most powerful jhin bullet. One person goes jhin and everyone else build things that empower an insane auto. So nami for her E, renatta for her passive, Yummi for her W, and orrn for mythic upgrade (also because you will need a tank). Then the enchanters build mandate, ardent, zekes, and maybe even shroud. Just anything that will make jhin a 4th shot do insane damage. I am down for any variation of this build. You guys are smarter than I am on what items and champs, but the idea is to make the most powerful single bullet
@mosaicocow787 Жыл бұрын
Hey all! I really love your videos... while i was watching one with a loud champ... i had an idea... why not make a video but with only loud champ? Like... vi, akali, shen, nidalee, lissandra, ziggs...or draven? It can be fun i think. Have a good day and thanks for the awesome videos :D (looking at you from France)
@carsyntravis635 Жыл бұрын
In honor of Ioki and Heiz's recent Liss/Sej video, I ask for the Freljordian Glacial comp. Braum top, Liss mid, Ashe/Anivia bot/support, and Voli or Sej jungle. Bonus points if you all build Frostborn Gauntlet or Glacial Augment for shits and giggles.
@johnathanrhoades7751 Жыл бұрын
Switch Braum top with Sej or Voli but yeah!!
@micntae6316 Жыл бұрын
Idea #4: Do an "Uno Reverse" comp. Take AD champs that have absolutely no AP build and build them with AP items amd vice versa. For example maybe play AD Diana or something like AP tryndamere and etc.
@jakeazfitness Жыл бұрын
Do a comp where only one of you is allowed to enter the enemy base and take turrets, inhibs, and the nexus. The “Only One May Enter” comp
@raziel5835 Жыл бұрын
Body's Lucian is crazy!
@thehatterp5243 Жыл бұрын
Day 89 of requesting a Spirit Comp for the Udyr Rework Udyr Ornn Volibear Sejuani Anivia
@SexyEarHair Жыл бұрын
Full buy only challenge. You can only buy full items no matter what. Starting items are cool since they are technically full items, can still base and stuff.
@XtheMagus Жыл бұрын
Day 14 of requesting the world's longest CC chain. This concept is hilarious. Great video guys!
@jaredaugust4893 Жыл бұрын
Day 5 Y'all should play the Incredibles Comp == Sett (Top) -- Mr Incredible, Master Yi (Mid) -- Dash, Teemo (Supp) -- Jack Jack, Evelynn (Jungle) -- Violet, Kaisa (ADC) -- Helen (Dat Peach)
@DbM313 Жыл бұрын
Here for the algorithm thanks for the content boys.
@unnusannus6193 Жыл бұрын
Captain Volibear, Battle Bunny Riven, Chicken Galio, Challenger Ahri and Dark Cosmic Jhin. Guess what the name of this comp is and maybe play it, even without the skins. Hint: Four of them have been killed by the last one remaining.
@fkunormies8316 Жыл бұрын
Was catching up on for fun squad videos and checked out Mcafferty. I legit thought I was listening to the front bottoms for a minute but that must be a type of music genre for them to sound so similar right?
@i0kiVids Жыл бұрын
They are HEAVILY influenced by the Front Bottoms, yeah. But when you get deeper into their music they are so much more than just a knockoff -- I love both bands but Mccafferty became one of my absolute favorites.
@micntae6316 Жыл бұрын
Idea #3: Bee Comp Play all the champs that have BEE skins and make Bee puns all game to the enemy team when you get a kill or die
@Francis_Gagarin Жыл бұрын
Day 174 of asking for the carpet comp. Rumble-top J4/Shyvana/Skarner-jungle Azir/Heimerdinger-mid Corki-adc Braum-support Idea is to get the enemy team on Rumble and Corki ults. Braum can set it up with an ult knock up, Heimer can ult + E combo for the stun. Azir ult and Shyvana ult can push them back in the "carpet". Shyvana dragon form E can also be a "carpet". J4 ult for the lockdown. Skarner ult to drag them on the "carpet".
@CDissle9 Жыл бұрын
The dumb things akali says that make me laugh the whole day. "Put him (gangplank) in a body barrel"
@Waterboysplash Жыл бұрын
Body went crazy this game. Ioki was practically throwing the entire time. Or he just sucks at ekko
@spaceblockb5284 Жыл бұрын
Winions Challenge. You aren't allowed to damage turrets, inhibitors, or the nexus, the minions have to do it for you. Everything else is fair game.
@Tsino69 Жыл бұрын
Vid suggestion: play the highest winrate champ for each role, but play them as the wrong roles. 😂
@MadMathMike Жыл бұрын
Heiz with the most damage! 👏
@MadMathMike Жыл бұрын
That was really well fought though! Good game!
@Stonechimp24820 Жыл бұрын
Squad Request Day 1: Bigman Squad Tahm Kench Bard Udyr Ornn Gragas
@RenRen0127 Жыл бұрын
The Body Lucian mechanics went STUPID this game
@logansateia1117 Жыл бұрын
2nd time commenting for the bob the builder comp where you play champs that make terrain or play off it
@doGior Жыл бұрын
Can you do the dancing comp? K'sante Lee Sin Irelia Yasuo Rakan
@serafimbarbu7711 Жыл бұрын
Please play _the Shurima’s Emperor comp_ 🏜 Objective: protect the emperor with all costs. If objective is failed you instantly ff. Sivir & Xerath botlane Azirmidlane Nasus/Renekton toplane Taliyah jungle
@brokenbattery6086 Жыл бұрын
ya gotta do this again
@alekseizaitsev58 Жыл бұрын
Such an outplay from Karma 🎉😅
@oledilep Жыл бұрын
Why is going back to fountain/recalling now being named "resetting"? What exactly is being reset?
@CeruleanAether Жыл бұрын
That sylas q at 1:18… why riot…
@OsnofAhcor Жыл бұрын
you guyes shoud do this again, but with a win
@bkoe4612 Жыл бұрын
Here's an idea for a challenge: win without prof Akali dieing. Prof death = ff. But you can't tell him that's the goal
@paulkontz8958 Жыл бұрын
This is fun I’m ARAM as they can’t buy items. As long as you can keep them from committing towercide
@brandonwilson4735 Жыл бұрын
Here are some more ideas, • If your teammate dies they don’t respawn and when everyone dies the game is over. • a mysterious force has affected your champion, you can only use one ability. - Form changing allows for two abilities but they have to be the same button. - if you mistakingly use an ability that is the ability you have to only use the only game.
@miri8851 Жыл бұрын
awww i like this c:
@kellogsbeast Жыл бұрын
The sro slander lmao
@souidhlks Жыл бұрын
@timfalkenberg6879 Жыл бұрын
You should do this comp again, but with these champions: Karthus Teemo Ziggs MF Asol
@Linusleagueoflegends Жыл бұрын
You should do this again I loved the idea of not killing the support!
@moxrobinson3052 Жыл бұрын
Day 31 FREEZE COMP: 5 GLACIAL runes, all frosted/christmas/winterblessed skins, all iceborn gauntlet, rylais, seryldas etc.
@beefwellington480 Жыл бұрын
For next video, make a poll and play the most upvoted waifus.
@Visias-Games Жыл бұрын
Challenge Idea: Clone Build Comp The whole team builds the same 6 items in the game.
@jonathanstell2265 Жыл бұрын
You should play the opposit of this. It should be Aram but only one of you can get the kill.
@PavelDimens Жыл бұрын
Comp idea: "Dash not Flash" No one takes Flash, and you each play champs that have some kind of dash.
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