Former Kundalini Yoga Teacher Turns to Christianity - Part 1/8

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@VenusVoice 6 жыл бұрын
I practiced the kirtan kriya (SA TA NA MA), it felt wrong. It felt really creepy. And in my silent meditation, I saw a demon who has been watching me for some time. I later learned SA TA NA is the name is Satan. I don’t want to go back to Christianity because people in that community did me wrong and I was suffocating from the idea of a narcissistic and egoic god. Nothing about my church felt like love and they constantly shamed me and my experience with Christianity was hell. I wanted my mind to be free and be safe to be curious. But after that kriya, I have to find Christ again because Jesus is the only one I know who can deal with Satan.
@bangkokskater 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear bout your experience. I just checked out that thing you mentioned. It's just disturbing to see and hear... I'm actually a returning Christian after 20 years of backsliding. Series of events and coincidences happened. God sent 3 signs. Long story. But just like that, I'm back to Christianity. Lately I've been going to different churches, both Catholic and Protestant ones. Yes I do see certain differences here and there. You seem like you've been Christian way longer than me. But why not check out different churches. Things happen for a reason. It'll get better
@VenusVoice 5 жыл бұрын
ciprobay thank you for your warmth and understanding. I definitely started going back to a church again and have been looking for pastors I can understand. I even started to explore different bibles to see which one is truly God’s word through discernment. It is all a big process but I am happy to not be alone. Thank you.
@bangkokskater 5 жыл бұрын
@@VenusVoice nice, I'm def taking Christianity more seriously now these days. this guy is such a good scholar, check it out
@bangkokskater 5 жыл бұрын
and actually I have you to thank, cause I was practicing yoga meditation for yearsssss as morning daily routine. Crazy to think to accidentally worship something else But your scary experience was definitely eye opening. I've since stopped yoga meditation couple months now, replace with other physiotherapy movements, np!
@mercylynekuin4863 5 жыл бұрын
Amen...Glory be to God...Christians might have hurt you..but dont focus on people no more ..focus on God a relationship with God is the best xoxo
@carolmaraj8700 6 жыл бұрын
Christianity is not a religion its a relationship with the one and true GOD JEHOVAH JIREH we r a peculiar people a chosen generation set apart 4GOD by GOD
@carolynlewis3799 5 жыл бұрын
@Chowanoc222 5 жыл бұрын
Clearly you have spirituality and religion mixed up , Christianity IS a religion how foolish can you be
@carolynlewis3799 5 жыл бұрын
@@Chowanoc222 being a Christian is having a relationship with God our heavenly Father. Religion is Knowing of him. But pure religion is James 1:27.
@beppiek 5 жыл бұрын
You are an icky human Why so angry young man Your life must suck 🙏🏼
@beppiek 5 жыл бұрын
My above comment is for Paul W
@Shadoessa 11 жыл бұрын
For anyone on here wondering what the difference between being saved by the Holy Spirit and experiencing kundalini is... For one, when you ask for you Holy Spirit, it takes zero self effort. There is nothing you can do to make you more likely to receive it. It is a gift, not something you achieve. Also, people who receive kundalini are often seen experiencing body shaking, uncontrollable laughter, quick muscle spams... Receiving the Holy Spirit brings only ultimate peace, love, and joy.
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
I would have said the same thing EastTNGirl when I was running a yoga ashram, but then I had a SUPERNATURAL ENCOUNTER with the LORD JESUS! That's what made the difference. I discarded all my Far Eastern mystical beliefs overnight because I MET THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD!!! He loves you SO MUCH!! Please don't intellectualize away the oppportunity of a lifetime: meeting your LORD. He didn't teach eastern methods. He even told His disciples "Use not vain repetitions like the heathen" (mantras).
@HIScomingissure 11 жыл бұрын
Wow... what an insight, fughe. And I can attest to what you say. When I was in the pocket of Satan, he never bothered me, but since the day I am living in the Light, life is different and Satan is not at rest. Thanks to God the Father, who is protecting me from all brutal attacks of the Enemy.
@WontBSilenced 13 жыл бұрын
Actually, Jesus did say that, and was quoted by Luke. Jesus was once asked when the kingdom of God would come. The kingdom of God, Jesus replied, is not something people will be able to see and point to. Then came these striking words: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) What people fail to understand is that Jesus meditated, and rose the kundalini force. In those times prayer and meditation went hand in hand.
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
The guru I studied under taught us that Jesus was an avatar and because He was an avatar (an incarnation of God) He could only speak the truth. That compelled me to start searching out what He had to say. Yogi Bhajan taught that Jesus death on the cross was just a tragic death of a good man who gave us an example of obedience unto death to fulfill a calling. Yet JESUS Himself said, as He passed the cup, "This is the blood of the New Covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
@stayalivesweetheart 12 жыл бұрын
@tulinbeyduz920 4 жыл бұрын
There are 7 billion people on the earth and 5000 religions . Mine is love truth and be kind and respect everyone path to god
@zerospacer 11 жыл бұрын
There is a principle that Jesus offers when judging something: judge it by its fruits. When people have risen kundalini, or if they are filled with the holy spirit, they exhibit love, joy, peace, patience... the fruits of the spirit. It doesn't matter the belief system they have or learned from. It cannot be from satan, because a house that is divided cannot stand.
@hemalathaprabhakar 3 жыл бұрын
Thank God for returning to our Lord yeshuva. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess
@sunnyfernandes8483 8 жыл бұрын
Praise God he is speaking the truth.the demons are getting mad here.All Glory to Jesus
@faithrada 7 жыл бұрын
IF... one has FULL faith in Jesus, then WHY would anyone be concerned with "demons" at all? Why go there? Those who Truly KNOW "God" understand that there is only ONE power in this, and all universes... and THAT IS "God". One = One ... not Two When perceiving Cap. ' T ' Truth... "God" is THAT which is Absolute and ALL Inclusive Consciousness, and as such has no oppositional force. It is only at the level of the dualistic mind that "God" *appears* to have an oppositional force... and that is where all the trouble starts. :P
@rakeshpillai8564 7 жыл бұрын
have you seen god and demons ??? just curious
@faithrada 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, I have seen "God" ... but no demons. One very important thing which Grace Reveals is that ALL demons , though they may be real experiences of the mind... are still only products of the mind (as this entire world is), and so have no Absolute Reality to them... just as any dream is a 'real' mind experience but has no Absolute Reality. The ONLY Absolute Reality ... THAT which never changes... is "God". Demons only have power over our minds IF we GIVE that power to them.
@HIScomingissure 7 жыл бұрын
What about it?
@jenniferjarvis190 6 жыл бұрын
sunny fernandes amen for the truth
@BrotherDominick1 14 жыл бұрын
@LPATWILLFILM It's all semantics. "serpent" energy is what it is called in sanskrit because it feels like divine energy snaking its way through the nervous system, but in other cultures it is called a part of the holy spirit, a manifestations of God's energy, plato and the greek philosopher's talked about, native americans, many others. The fruits of it is like a cleansing, selflessness, Love of others, of service to others, mastery over vices/personality/carnality, etc. How is that Demonic?
@Citabria007 13 жыл бұрын
Remember what Jesus said to the Pharsies... "God is within you". Not in some church built to defraud you of your wealth.
@kentfink9509 4 жыл бұрын
He didn't say that.
@1111111111202 4 жыл бұрын
which verse, i mustve missed that part
@ricksteamboat8051 3 жыл бұрын
Well it seems like i've missed this part till today..can't find it..peace out✌
@rajshekharsalimani9878 3 жыл бұрын
@@kentfink9509 Luke 17:21
@rajshekharsalimani9878 3 жыл бұрын
@@1111111111202 Luke 17:21
@keithw6981 5 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but if someone has had an authentic full blown Kundalini awakening, there is no "switching" of preferences. I'm neither a teacher, and always glad to find out I'm wrong in my assumptions. I'm non-religious per se , but have developed an interest in, and studied most all of them since this process began, it does help dramatically. They can be validated somewhat, through the experiences. Kundalini seems to be getting a bad rap, or being misunderstood completely. There's no crazy throwing your body around and fainting like is being portrayed, and it goes away after the initial growth process. Best Wishes to all, with love😊
@lastdays8500 2 жыл бұрын
It's demonic. There's a song they dance with during it saying "I am a God, I am amazing, I am I am" etc it's from Satan and that's why people are speaking out against it now. Its used in Hinduism and Hindus worship hundreds of false gods and demons.
@forestsnow6508 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you. Sounds like he never even experienced an activation. Stranger than real life, when K is awakened the bible takes on a whole different meaning entirely.
@kristinak1972 Жыл бұрын
I never experienced the unusual kriyas but some of the Saints have. I read about it.
@740528pancer 4 жыл бұрын
Good luck on your new path with Jesus. He was a yogi to!!
@740528pancer 3 жыл бұрын
@OnlyJesus CanSaveYou If he was god creator...who was his father whom he praise to??
@740528pancer 3 жыл бұрын
@OnlyJesus CanSaveYou I asked a question...If you says that Jesus us God creator of everything. Who is then his father that he refers to?? If you can't answer..don't even bother!
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
I did not say that God was "reincarnated" into Jesus---because it only happened one time. Jesus was the only "incarnation" of God into this world. Incarnation simply means that God was manifested in the flesh (in carna means in the flesh). The Godhead is comprised of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each has a distinct mind, will and emotions---yet all three are ONE GOD, so much so that Jesus said, "He who has seen Me has seen My Father." This is the great mystery of the Christian faith.
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
At the time we set up the ashram in Tampa (1970) there was no set pattern for the way we started the day (asanas, pranayama, etc). In the beginning we were fairly autonomous in the way we conducted classes etc. In this lecture, I didn't go into detail about the exact schedule we followed, I just talked in general terms. That is not the main issue. The primary thing is that JESUS is and was the ONLY INCARNATION OF GOD ever to visit this world, giving His life on the cross for our sins. It's true.
@josiekeeler8152 11 жыл бұрын
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
@1StepForwardToday 11 жыл бұрын
...It is 'God' who is guiding me; & on a very personal, intimate & close way.
@OmMyGod888 9 ай бұрын
In the Bible, our teacher, Yeshua tells us to take no thought. The number seven in the Bible represents divine intervention, as well as our seven chakras. This is why the walls fail down. This is a symbol for enlightenment. If you go and look, the walls are still there, so they did not really fall. The entire Bible is allegory, according to the apostle Paul and Jesus himself spoken parables.when you awaken your kundalini, energy and gain control of the serpent, you achieve wisdom. So really, everyone who meditates is following the way of Jesus.
@samanandha 12 жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord!
@HIScomingissure 11 жыл бұрын
What makes you think Jesus opened his kundalini?
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
So glad you watched the video. Please consider asking Jesus to manifest Himself to you and reveal to you his reality. He truly was the only incarnation of God and through the blood He shed on the cross, your sins can be washed away permanently. He promised to give you the gift of eternal life---which you can receive by faith. Pray and ask Him to fill your heart with His love and power. God wants to change your life and give you TRUE PEACE.
@kristinak1972 Жыл бұрын
I did and I received a kundalini awakening. Go figure.
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
Yes you are absolutely right--especially in the name of "contemplative prayer" certain Hindu meditation techniques are being introduced in Christian circles, dressed up in biblical terminology---but it is an incorrect method of seeking God. If God was an impersonal force (as is taught in Hinduism, New Age and New Thought groups) then repeating some kind of monotone "mantra" or "prayer word" would make sense. But He is a PERSONAL God----so approaching God this way is both an insult and an error.
@mikeshreve9112 2 жыл бұрын
@Eric Berry you’re right / Matthew 6:7
@MikeShreveMinistries 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. It was given respectfully. I believe that the serpent lifted on a pole was not a symbol of the kundalini, but of the Messiah who would be lifted up on an cross and become sin for the human race---absorbing our sin and dieing in our place, so that we could be rescued from death. In John 3:14-16 Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."
@kristinak1972 Жыл бұрын
I am not so sure about that. I was only following and surrendering to Jesus when I experienced the sleeping "serpent energy" awakening. I am not saying that it is wise to awaken this dormant energy for the sake of itself. Even wanting this is a function of the false ego self. Your life as you knew it will cease. The people you thought loved you will call your crazy because you will all of a sudden develops gifts that can't be explained, want to live a life of altruism and the desires of the flesh die. I was forced into a 2-week fast and lost 20 lbs. I only wanted union with God not even my spouse. An amazing smell came out of my sinuses. The element of water would bubble when I would witness to others about Jesus. People were drawn to me and told me their problems while I witnessed to them. My family was very worried. Yet I was not. For the first time in my life, I finally felt connected to God. My body was vibrating and the supernatural became a reality. My intellect had to make sense of it, so I partially halted the process and went seeking answers. When I queried God on it, Bible verses were downloaded into my mind like "out of the belly will flow rivers of living water", many verses on the "oil of gladness" and the "just as Moses lifted up the serpent so that all who looked to it would be healed so too the Son of Man" shall be lifted up." I had read the Bible 7 times in full by then. The refiners fire mentioned all throughout the Bible comes after the energy ascends to the solar plexus (sun). I began eating denser foods again to come back to planet Earth. I had no idea what it even was. I had my awakening the evening I finished the Book of Jude before Revelation which explains this internal process. Only Jesus is worthy of opening the 7 seals. I merely lived my life in humble service to others for 30 years. I never pursued advanced degrees or titles. There were other things the Spirit led me to do but I am not sure if they are entirely a precursor or not, but I believe so. I was led to do a deep dive into the Bible for the 7th time after a mystical experience with Jesus, do creative things, play the piano, create gardens, inner child healing work, remove all fluoride, get my body alkaline (figs are a 30 on the PH chart), addictions and all processed foods. Also, literally grounding, praying in my garden. All Prophets dropped down to their sack cloths, covered themselves in dirt in travailing prayer. I also had to sacrifice myself and forgive someone who hurt me more terribly than my greatest abusers for the sake of the greater whole, a long story. It all made sense as I went back and realized I was being led to purify and prepare for the internal "anointing." I only learned about the balancing of both sides of the brain, the Sacred Secretion, getting alkaline, fasting and the moon being in your sun sign years later. Jesus always sits at the right hand of the Father. Why not left? Because most of us operate in our left brain (logic and intellect). The right brain is our intuitive, creative side. Bill Donohue hidden meanings has a lot of good info on this. After many years asking Priests and leaders in the church one leaving the priesthood finally gave me what I needed to hear when he whispered, "inner alchemy" and recommended a book about knowing your true self. "Knowing thyself is the beginning of all wisdom." - Aristotle. I believe it is knowing yourself in Christ or divine love. Peace to you and yours.
@tarunsb9592 4 жыл бұрын
I dont understand why do worry fear of demons more than love for jesus.... Damn.
@FirstDigitalAssembly Жыл бұрын
DEAR BROTHERS & SISTERS: Do not let ANYONE make you think that YOU are the crazy one in this world. You either know God and his spirit or you don't. You dont have to have ever set foot in a church and paid your weekly 10% tax. You don't have to follow a bunch of stupid rules to find God. You are either born of the spirit or you are not. Different languages or "tongues" call it different things. Bottom line is if you fully surrender to God (verse 24) and are sincere, he will set you apart. He will choose you and give you his spirit. What is God's name? Right, and we don't know his spirits name either. If you are still jerking off like a monkey, if you are still losing control of your emotions, raging out, if you are still treating others with judgement and contempt. YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING BUT YOUR IMAGINATION. Now, if the spirit you received produces this, call it whatever you want, it is FROM GOD. PERIOD. Galatians 5:22-24 22 But the Holy Spirit PRODUCES this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.
@SoteriaAllen 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Mike. Your testimony & teachings are a big help! A big help for me, and a big help to pass on to others, especially those deceived into false religions who will be helped by hearing you! I thank God for your ministry, and the beautiful example you are of having patience and compassion for those deceived in false religions that can sound so ridiculous to us who have never been there. And it can even seem that such people are not reachable. NOT SO!! "Nothing is too difficult for God!"
@hemalathaprabhakar 3 жыл бұрын
Thank God our Christian people are returning back to christ
@belovedsugarplum 12 жыл бұрын
wow - what beautiful testimony of G-d's saving rescue plan for you Steve Shreve ..... simply beautiful --- I just learnt about you via a pastor up north! -
@LunaSeaSane 12 жыл бұрын
06:35 So what this gentleman is saying is that all this comes down to, is peer pressure. I think it's fine that he found his way through Jesus Christ. What is not so fine that fatalistic take on the concepts of good and bad. Good people do good things, bad people do bad things. That's like claiming that if you praise Jesus 100 times a day and yet attack people you believe are unclean, would be OK because you're on the side of God... when you know doing that would be as evil as any other crime.
@hemalathaprabhakar 3 жыл бұрын
You come to christ and see the miracle in your life
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
When you meet the "real" Jesus, you know Him----trust me. The experience of the Kundalini awakening and white light pales in comparison. I agree with you 100% that "mainstream Christianity leaves much to be desired." In fact most of it has completely misrepresented Christianity, reducing it to the deadness of rituals and doctrine. Can you give me actually substantiation of the monks who do not eat: where they live etc. I have been on several 40 day fasts myself---which always brings me closer.
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
My center was the second formed in Florida. We first set up an ashram at Daytona Beach in the Spring of 1970. Then I branched off and opened an ashram in Tampa, Florida, while teaching at four universities in that area. Most of those in the ashram did go to work, but I followed a more lengthy routine and sometimes some of the others joined in. Whether Yogi Bhajan referred to himself as a "guru" or not is irrelevant. Because it means a "teacher" and he definitely filled that role.
@Teskamero 12 жыл бұрын
@forgottenmemories63 the way I do not live in the US. The world is much bigger than the US! I live in South Africa. I do not claim Jesus for myself....if I did I wouldn't even have bothered to type this message. I want everybody in the world to accept Him as their Saviour.
@JacquesNDAYISHIMIYE-yj8rm 3 ай бұрын
Sat nam
@doctamic 12 жыл бұрын
there is alot of philosophy in kundalini but only a 30min meditation brings me a hell of a rush throughout the day...i c it as a science of breathing is all and truly a gift from God.
@kristinak1972 Жыл бұрын
The Eastern Orthodox Catholic church actually incorporates hesychasm breathing in their practice. The fact is humans don't breathe properly. We breathe very shallow. We just feel better when we take deep breaths because it gets us into the parasympathetic nervous system and out of fight/flight sympathetic.
@bancilss 13 жыл бұрын
Does he really understand what Kundalini Yoga is about
@HIScomingissure 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your response Chris. The verse IAMwithG0D mentioned is John 3:14. I get the sense and the message of the verse, but I was awed at, the way he twisted the verse to promote his Kundalini idea.
@jaffnaboyponnampalam8188 5 жыл бұрын
Not everyone can do real yoga, the eight steps of yoga. Billions practiced only a few succeeded, Siddhars and Buddha. Bodhi Dharma got absorbed in Samadhi for nine straight years, in samadhi our baby knowledge would become matured knowledge, that is beyond religions. This is why Buddha said strive hard for your liberation (Samadhi).
@humptydumpty5921 5 жыл бұрын
Jaffnaboy Ponnampalam Sounds like you NEED Jesus, The Christ more than you realize. Ask him to come into your heart.
@WholeBibleBelieverWoman 7 жыл бұрын
EXCELLENT talk...~~~!
@noelkinz 2 жыл бұрын
Kundalini awakening & ego death is not necessarily demonic. it's just scary because you are experiencing something new in your state of consciousness and you get beyond the familiar, plus the energy all over the place it's pretty scary also. Attaching a belief to it such as a Christian belief makes it worse. you need to remember that all of that energy was stuck energy by the muscles and there is an intense release when the chacras ( energy centers ) are being released. It's a matter of letting go of any dogma and let the energy flow through your body while letting time do the healing for you. It's your mind that makes the healing process not soothing because of the negative beliefs attached to the experience but you need to trust me let go just relax into it until you get back into synchronization with your new self. Also intense exercise helps to. Because when you tire your body you can't think almost so calming the mind helps to ease in to the relaxation. The mind Is very powerful and it can be either heal you or deceive you. The intense "Demonic Energy" that you feel is all of your stuck fears & traumas from the past. And the lost of interest is your sense of self not being there. Eventually the sense of self comes back a long with your routines. Just do not attach false beliefs to the experience.
@didierlason6453 2 жыл бұрын
It's similar to Qigong practice: it's about going "beyond religion". Very difficult for Westerners to understand. Peace and enlightenment.
@user-cq8hw3ni7g Жыл бұрын
Everything other than chirtsianity is demonic to Christians, their mind can't comprehend that there exist a relegion older and much advanced than them , they can't accept the fact the other relegion invented yoga
@WoolandFlax Жыл бұрын
True spiritual access is pure and doesn't cause all of these side effects. If it makes you sick it's for a reason.
@kristinak1972 Жыл бұрын
I found I was able to push through some serious yang energy from past abuse etc working in my garden, praying and grounding as well - barefoot. Every lightening rod needs to be grounded. We are so disconnected from the Earth which is why we destroy her. I love the book called Earthing. Every Prophet in the Bible dropped down to his sackcloth, covered himself in dirt in travailing prayer. The Native Americans call Earth Mother and the sky Father. We are supposed to be the rainbow bridge between the two bringing Heaven to Earth, co-creating beauty and truth. The rainbow Noah's ark and Joseph's coat of many colors likely refers to this.
@forestsnow6508 3 ай бұрын
Asking for Jesus's deliverance from awakening when it's really about your early childhood development you have avoided looking at all your life. Jesus isn't going to tell you your own Mother was abusive. Kundalini will tell you, and make you do something about it. Christianity is for those you which to read about experiencing the divine. Stay in the shallow end, cause you'll hate us just the same once you are rescued from yourself.
@BrotherDominick1 15 жыл бұрын
I find this video amusing for the simple fact that when I got baptized in water, after that, the Holy spirit descended upon me and indwelled me from the top of the head t the bottom f my feet and also activated the Kundalini in me which led to transcendent Love and no judgment of all peoples. Only Love remained. As Paul says in Corinthians, "I Die to the Self daily." Well this happened when I got the Spirit and Kundalini at the same time. Perhaps without the Spirit its wrong
@FitTempleWahine 4 жыл бұрын
Brother Dominick same here brother😇💟👍🏼
@angella1242 11 жыл бұрын
You are describing Mormon teaching, not Christian.
@gregsudmeier6897 Ай бұрын
Kundalini energy is powerful, which why Yeshua taught about raising the god-given internal power to his closest disciples who were properly prepared to manage it. Problems arise when unbalanced people try to raise the energy.
@followup77 6 жыл бұрын
Wow! What a wonderful testimony! Yeshua is the ONLY way!
@fairyokaye 11 жыл бұрын
Christ's trip wandering in the desert was by definition a meditation. He deserted outside distractions in order to hear his own heart, the voice and hand of God moving him closer to where he needed to be. It doesn't matter if one is Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, atheist, agnostic: If any person quiets their mind, examines their actions and and realizes mistakes which must be remedied, the decency of God is working through them.
@Nic-ro6ry 5 жыл бұрын
No, Jesus is the Son of God, He didnt go into the wilderness to improve Himself, He was their to fulfill the prophecies that would quench the hold of law of spiritual death over the world, so we could have the opportunity to choose spiritual life through the free gift of Salvation after He endured all the sins (punishment) of the world (from Adam to us & future sins) & died on the cross, taking our physicsl & spirital punishment for sin, instead of us having to die spiritually (and not having to do works to achieve salation). That is why the true JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth came so we can choose, His eternal spiritual life or the erternal spiritual death of sin. Jesus was first baptised & filled with the HOLY SPIRIT (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) in the Jordan river. Then Jesus, full of and controlled by the HOLY SPIRIT, returned from Jordan and was led in the HOLY SPIRIT. For forty days in the wilderness where He was tempted (tried, tested exceedingly) by the devil. And He ate nothing during those days, and when they were completed. He was hungry. Then the devil said to Him, If you are the Son of God, order this stone to turn into a loaf of bread. And Jesus replied to him, It is written, Man shall not live and be sustained by bread alone but by every word of God. (Deuteronomy 8:3l Then the devil (Satan) took Him up to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment. And he said to Him, To You I will give all this power and authority and their glory (magnificence, fir it has been turned over to me (by Adam's sin) and I give it to whomever I will. Therefore, if You will do homage to and worship me (just once), it shall be all Yours. And Jesus replied to him, Get behind Me, Satan! It is written, You shall do homage to and worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve. (Deuteronomy 6:13, 10:20) Then he took Him to Jerusalem and set Him on a gable of the temple, and said to Him, If you are the Son of God, cast Yourself down from here; For it is written, He will give His angels charge over you to guard and watch over you closely; And on their hands, they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. (Psalm 91:11-12) And Jesus replied to him, The Scriptures says, You shall not tempt (try, test exceedingly) the Lord your God. Then Jesus went back full of and under the power of the HOLY SPIRIT into Galilee..."
@Nic-ro6ry 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no other way to come to the Father.
@klagomorgan7804 5 жыл бұрын
It depends entirely on whether it’s a living God. Only a living God can work in a person.
@shankargb 11 жыл бұрын
woooo, I am amazed. Yoga awakened his inner core heart and showed him Divine.
@frankfrohreich1023 Жыл бұрын
Yoga did not awaken him, God the Holy Spirit did.
@Concerned_one Жыл бұрын
@@frankfrohreich1023 yoga means Union with the divine so yes it’s what actually awakened him to the experience of the divine. Sadly he does not realize that.
@HIScomingissure 13 жыл бұрын
@AlmightyJellybean Meditation is good, if the correct methods are used. The Bible speaks of meditation, but it does not advocate emptying the mind by repetition of some word or phrase as in mantra yoga. It means to meditate on the Word of God, listening to His Spirit as He grants revelation and understanding. Or it simply means to worshipfully dwell on the nature and name of God. But it involves a flow of thought, not cessation of thought.
@dumbobigears9178 11 жыл бұрын
You don't think Jesus opened his kundalini?
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
out of his body for 3 days due to extreme discipline and then being able to reintegrate back into his physical body and heal it. Yes some Easterners would say he was a master of the chi! Then there is the Upanishad of Saint Thomas that I came across where Isawaran is supposed to mean Jesus is Lord via some arcane translations. There is more in common with the consciousness of Christ and the early Christian beliefs with some of your beliefs than you think. But sadly many Christians don't know it.
@Abayarde718 12 жыл бұрын
Jesus said DO Not follow me. He said he is not Lord.
@zerospacer 11 жыл бұрын
The holy spirit and kundalini are the same thing. Different religious systems may have different words, or have a different style, but its the same thing.
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment Zeno. What is interesting is that I didn't know about these dieties at all prior to that experience! I didn't know about the underlying spiritual and religious aspects of yoga UNTIL I had that visitation. So in what way did my cultural filter contribute to that since I was ignorant of them prior? I think you're right about Westerners not being able to understand Eastern philosophies because the ethos underlying their thought processes are so different to an extent...
@superCatia 15 жыл бұрын
Yoga is an excercise! Yet you could get an exorcism after your session :)
@madEternity 11 жыл бұрын
every yoga pose is a hindu god worshiping sign.. so it is idolatry.. Jesus came to save people from this sin includind idolatry that was on the erath log time before Jesus came.. be informed and dont worship false gods... Jesus said that he is the only way.. not yoga..
@cheryldepace 10 жыл бұрын
Yoga and Christianity has been a natural mixture for me. I understand that my body has a physiological chemistry that can cause an inability to relax and pray with the heart. As someone who is very sensitive to my environment, I struggled with the chatter in my mind that would ensue to distract me from discomfort. I would try to talk myself out of it. A friend telling me the same thing helped more...but I realized at last that I had to go to the source of the problem. It was my body and I needed to approach my body in a different way. To keep doing it with talking would be insane. So I started to comfort my body. I started to learn different things that made my body feel good. The stretch of yoga- a calculated stretch along the neurological pathways- soothed my body like a massage but it was non-invasive and always at my disposal because I could do it all myself. Then I learned what it felt like to relax as yoga got me to that point from time to time (I was a tough case.). When I relaxed, things changed in my body and.... mind. I thought differently. I even thought less at times and just let go. So, I found something called Yoga Nidra. This yoga helped me to start working with my mind in a relaxed state to discover how my thoughts and my feelings were separate from my body and that these thoughts and feelings could be allowed to flow around me, on me, but with the experience of my body being on its own. I could leave my body out of all that and make it my center of influence. So now I was sitting in stillness allowing those feelings to go back and forth from happy to sad, up to down, angry to happy. My thoughts from no to yes, why to who cares, sure to no way...all as my body rested. I was the body, strong and solid and then I HAD feelings that come and go and thoughts that I did and then did not know. I would forget them as I continued to sit in stillness. Then I started to do yoga stretches with my body separate and feeling the muscles and the flow of my own circulation as the solid part of me. And I would listen to the prayers that I love, the bible that I love. All those things that St. Paul told us to focus on. The Rosary, as I moved my body and connected. The thoughts and the feelings would feel like dreams. And that is when I reached the goal I had in mind. I was awake and yet I was asleep at the same time. The rest was as good as sleep in many ways and all of this was a practice for me to get control of the chemical imbalance that occurred in my body since I was a young child. Medication became something that I no longer felt that I would have to live on for the rest of my life. And my prayer life became deep and easy instead of nerve wracking. I love the rosary and yet to say it seemed like a sinful struggle as I apologized for not being able to stay with it. Not after I engaged in this process. So, as controversial as this may sound- I am putting this out on the internet in a place where it will always stay. This is my testimony of how Christianity and Yoga went together for me. Take out the word yoga and replace the word with relaxation and stretching and breathing. Then it is Christianity in a deepened, more holy and wholly present way. Can we be upset about a word? Yoga? Yoga does not teach against Jesus. Yoga is not a religion. Yoga is used by other religions and so is the practice of praying using beads and relaxing the mind with holy thoughts. I have heard now that there is something called Holy Yoga. Yoga? Call it Holy and it is Christian? It is more simple than all of this for me. Perhaps it is because I am a natural born writer and wordsmiths don't typically have an ax to grind with any particular word. We ponder meanings and we make beautiful designs with them. Amen to the man who understands that we were given our body as the temple of God. It is our temple and it is the part of us that we can rest in and let go as long as we keep it tone and whole and recognize it as a place that is safe to focus on and enjoy.
@theendtimesarehere7136 10 жыл бұрын
With Jesus you don't need something else. He is God and God is enough anywhere and anytime. I'll pray for you Cheryl. Jesus loves you so much!!
@levasn7596 10 жыл бұрын
Get out of that satanic nonsense practice called yoga. I am from India and I know better. You haven't known the master yet. Go to Him and accept Him - Jesus Christ - as your savior and Lord.
@faithrada 9 жыл бұрын
The End Times are here! OF course Jesus loves Cheryl. Why do you think the "Christ" LED her to Yoga? You people keep SAYING how The Lord works in mystierious ways... but if YOU understood just HOW "Mysterious" these ways truly were.. you would fall down and weep. Try practicing some real humility... your ego is showing.
@faithrada 9 жыл бұрын
Levas N I can't wait till you discover.... in some lifetime... what a GREAT Yogi Jesus actually was. The word YOGA means, literally... TO YOKE. The POWER of Grace is what allows the finite Mind of Man to YOKE directily to "God". So.. if you think yoking one's self COMPLTELY to "God" is satanic.. then I can't help you. YOur own veiling 'false' ego is currently blinding you from Jesus' True Greatness. In the meantime might I suggest that you hold judgment until you REALIZE directly just WHO Jesus REALLY is, and WHY "He" REALLY Manifest here in that particular FORM. I guarantee you WILL be humbled.
@austin7037 7 жыл бұрын
@HIScomingissure 13 жыл бұрын
@TigerWabbit I appreciate your honest comments. I want you to watch this link on Johanna Michealsen in KZbin. The video is called "Occult Infiltration........ " Then ask Lord God to be your guide and give you discernment to see where do you stand. May Lord God be with you and make Holy Spirit to be your guide in every step you take.
@HIScomingissure 13 жыл бұрын
@Citabria007 Actually Jesus did not say that "God is within you", He told his listeners they should not expect to be able to "observe" the establishing of "the kingdom of God" for , "The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17) When carefully read and compared to all other scriptures on that subject it becomes apparent that Jesus was speaking hypothetically. He was NOT declaring that the kingdom was ACTUALLY WITHIN His opponents, but that if they ever did experience it, it would be internal.
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
In response to the comment by forgottenmememories, Hindus well understand the spiritual nature of yoga. In fact, the managing editor of Hinduism Today is not so naive to believe it is just "physical exercises". In his article “Hinduism is the Soul of Yoga,” he says, “A Christian trying to adapt these practices will likely disrupt their own Christian beliefs .”
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
Given his message of ecumenacalism and how he was open and kind and had a transformational experience I don't think he's lying. The message of love and being kind is often preached by yogis and yoginis and I truly believe they are sincere. I just don't like the goddesses and gods that imbue them with power because of my personal experience. I would have never known that they were real had it not been for a personal interchange with shakti and it was scary because she tempted me!
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
I understand that viewpoint, because it was once mine, but now I realize that every human being does not have an inner potential for "Christ-consciousness" that must be "awakened." Rather God is external prior to the experience of salvation and when Jesus enters the heart of a person, then we receive the "mind of Christ" (the attitudes and understanding of the Son of God).
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
I did not say that the ball was not there; I simply asked for proof that it had some kind of spiritual or mystical power. Please tone down your responses; I believe that even if we have differences of opinion we should treat each other with kindness and respect. Often because people can remain relatively "hidden" on a keyboard conversing on the internet, they lash out in ways they would never act in person.
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
For sins to be washed away, there must be repentance. I agree that America is in great need of repentance. One thing I LOVE about the India culture is that compared to the U.S. they are much thirstier for spiritual realities and easy to turn to God. The western culture is far too materialistic. All cultures have good and bad points. The main thing is that JESUS is the only incarnation of God and through Him YOU can receive the gift of eternal life. Just ask Him to manifest Himself to you.
@chrisarielle8582 11 жыл бұрын
The piece of scripture IAMwithG0D is referring to is in the book of Mark: "...these signs will accompany those who have believed: in my name they (believers in Jesus Christ) will cast our demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them: they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover."
@nathanfreeman7362 2 жыл бұрын
So basically he almost reached enlightenment and then got scared and retreated into Christianity.
@oksureright 5 ай бұрын
He was involved early on when Bhajan was forming communes and creating organizations and businesses. He likely got caught up in the politics and felt unwelcome leading to him becoming an outcast. He seems shifty and full of himself
@superCatia 14 жыл бұрын
@LPATWILLFILM "every religion " claims to be the RIGHT and ONLY way, and make the same fearful statements, but NO ONE has any proof.
@1StepForwardToday 11 жыл бұрын
Let me add this most integral n important point: we all know that a 'spark' of God, (the Spirit/Life of God), is inside each n every person (its truly that which animates us); the highly adept Spiritual Practioner, in all cultures, as well as Christian mystics, in the final step towards reunion with God & thereby Enlightenment/Ascension, what u do, is 'dismantle' & deconstruct the "self"; basically erasing away all of ur ego (&pride), & all of ur 'personality' traits. Upon success, wut ur left
@jaffnaboyponnampalam8188 5 жыл бұрын
Yoga is mentioned in the Bagavat Geetha, by Krishna many times. Vishnu avatars shows the path of journey of a soul, the evolution of a soul.
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
And it is interesting because in the Bible faith does not merely mean belief, it means 'EVIDENCE of things unseen'. I think we speak a similar language. Love to you Zeno take care:)
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
Like I said you're wrong about that...there is the book of Revelation which discusses a final judgement between good and evil similar to the opening of the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna is fighting a battle to establish order and righteousness in the world and similar to Zarathustras final battle between good and evil. Then like I said above the teachings of ORIGEN an original church will find convergence in many of these ideas.
@Narsimhadev010 12 жыл бұрын
Jesus was a student of brahmins at Jagganath Puri and Tibetan monks there are scrolls in Tibet that document this, in other words Jesus practised meditation and undoubtedly raised his kundalini which is why he was considered a self realized god. Why Christians would disuade a spiritual practice that creates health and raises your consiousness is beyond all logic, especially when you do the research and learn it was practised by Jesus and early Christians
@da7nesman 12 жыл бұрын
"All religions are equaly valid and lead to the same God" Thats what Oprah teaches LOL!
@anusuya8927 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus christ is not God for Christian alone He is one and only True living universal God Praise God Jesus
@The13KSound 8 жыл бұрын
What you had when you left your body is called an outer body experience also astro projection
@jessicaw9858 8 жыл бұрын
Astral projection. Yes.
@pushamk1231 5 жыл бұрын
Beautiful love for God
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
hehehehehehehe Oh you are so right Zeno because I just got my degree after many years of sacrifice in physics!!! And when we try to be 'rational' we cut off our minds from accepting matters of the spirit and that of higher realms. Physics as an academic discipline is like a priesthood but it avoids discussion of consciousness and the spirit thus cutting people off from what they are seeking studying it in the first place!!! Golly you're insightful!!!
@chrisdeffx6548 5 жыл бұрын
Meditation = salvation through works. Just keep meditating! One day! True Christianity is the *only* "religion" that tells you that it's GRACE. Everything else says, 'keep doing this, doing that, work your way to God(hood)". No, it's a lie and will get you nowhere. Well, it will get you somewhere but now where you want to be. Jesus *is* Lord of all.
@InkedNinja84 13 жыл бұрын
@HIScomingissure very well put. i love these videos! and i love worshiping God by enjoying His creation. but we have to be careful to not worship the creation but only the creator. good stuff.
@zerospacer 11 жыл бұрын
There is no salvation without meditation. It is just relaxation, merely learning to drop all burdens and give them to god. The more we relax into whatever we are the more room there is for the (holy) spirit to come in. You cannot be close to Christ unless you are meditating. The techniques people use are just helps--but not necessary. Meditation is just accepting yourself, god, wherever you are right now in this moment, being completely. It is the same thing as prayer. "Praying without ceasing."
@stephanieroberts2587 5 жыл бұрын
No it's not. God inhabits the praises of his people. We cast our cares on the Lord and meditate on the word of God. We don't clear our mind in meditation. We sing praises in our heart to the Lord and we pray in Jesus name .
@bibleliberationmovement9413 7 жыл бұрын
7:41 "heard an audible voice saying Jesus is the only way" Impossible, the kingdom does not come with observation and yes, observations include sight and sound. Luke 17:20 “And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:”
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
YES! From the lens of the Christian it is like the devil tempting Jesus when he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. We all get tempted in our spheres of weakness to test our mettle. Yes! Like when the demons came to Siddhartha Gautama and he touched the Earth with one hand and had the other in a mudra yes! Yes! yes!
@MariSol-tm7qt 5 жыл бұрын
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
Yes I have also heard that he may have visited China too. This doesn't surprise me because the Bible leaves off quite a few years of his life like it goes from his birth to his Baptism to his ministry and we are to fill in the blanks OR look to other places where he likely went and accept the historical documents to open our minds. Either way his consciousness is what I believe in it just resonates with me:)
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this interpretation. I receive the patience and wisdom you have acquired and thank you for it in humility Zeno:) Any reason why you have the name of my absolute favourite paradox? hehehehehehhehehehehehehehehhehe Almost remind me of a guy I once knew at SF STate in the physics dept. He had a similar ethos but wasn't yet as wise and humble as you are now;)
@Em1ly949 8 жыл бұрын
My Gosh!...teaching at 4 universities...He sure was busy!:0
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
Yes I'm aware of the Holi celebration and have seen pictures, it does look interersting! Yes Zarathustra and the Proto Persian language he spoke had many similarities to language of some of the Vedas (to my level of understanding) and then there is ancient KMT, so India spread out and KMT spread out and the convergence of both of those intense spiritual centers changed the planet to this day!As a Christian I admire the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama a LOT though and he KNEW what he meant.
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
All I know is that there have not been many avatars; there has only been one incarnation of God. I don't say this to be "opinionated" and "harsh", but because I have encountered the AMAZING love of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the true Messiah. No one else died on the cross for the sins of humanity; no one else rose from the dead. No one else can restore us back to what we lost. God is not an internal cosmic energy that must be awakened; He is personal. He wants to come in your heart. Seek Jesus.
@ellenicurtismarak457 Жыл бұрын
@madEternity 11 жыл бұрын
'' meditation is about going within and really understanding who you are. '' it is writen that our hearts are wicked, all the evil comes from our hearts.. going inside us will not give us nothing but wickedness!! we should go to Jesus!! God bless you
@kiwithecannabis6922 5 жыл бұрын
madEternity that is fear but I accept it it your opinion
@rock5989 3 жыл бұрын
In yoga you either focuses on yourself or god no other things are invited or involved. There are a lot of misconceptions about kundalini yoga. You guys need to study it research and then come to conclusion. Kundalini yoga is for those people who renounced the materialistic world. Not for those people who are still living materialistic life and interested in materialistic life. And you need to become free from your ego,desires and fear. You need follow the certain kind of lifestyle level of moral code. Then only it will work out. Then only it will work out.
@1StepForwardToday 11 жыл бұрын
That "Spark" of God within us, is the Spirit of God; it 'is' God; it is Life itself; that which animates all things; that which is Mind/Consciousness; & that is truly 'us'; each individual at their core is that "Spark"/Piece of God/the All. & it is in everything and everyone. God is simply working thru every single instance, situation & person; trying to teach us about ourselves; the only imperfection within anybody, is that of ones inability to recognize such.
@BrotherDominick1 14 жыл бұрын
@LPATWILLFILM In the beginning was the Word and Word was with God ...that does not mean words as in words of the Bible. Word in this instance means Logos or the beginning principle. Get yourself a copy of Giesler's Systematic Theology and you'll see. I point out beattitudes to prove that what Jesus said was true regardless whether you are a Christian or not. At that time when he was teaching Beattitudes the Holy Spirit hadn't been given out yet and there was no such thing as a "Christian" then.
@jauvan14 10 жыл бұрын
God bless you brother ,also plz watch Sadhu chellappa's testimony in English , thanks!
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
The Bible is largely silent about Jesus’ hidden years. It does imply what probably happened. When Jesus was 12, he purposefully stayed in Jerusalem after attending Passover. Joseph and Mary found him in the temple discussing doctrines with the theologians. "He went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them." Years later, when Jesus announced his ministry in Nazareth at the age of 30, "as his custom was, he went into the synagogue, and stood up to read."
@TheSunnickey 10 жыл бұрын
Love & Light
@masonicperkins 9 жыл бұрын
@austin7037 7 жыл бұрын
@PorkTroLL 9 жыл бұрын
Volume is really low on this and I've got my speakers at 100% and can still barely hear it
@Reconciliation777 11 жыл бұрын
If you want to know the roots of yoga, meditation and new age watch "KNOW YOUR ENEMY" BY Mark Fairley -The Fuel Project in 77 parts - free on youtube
@MikeShreveMinistries 12 жыл бұрын
Edgar Cayce missed it. He taught Jesus was in India during his hidden years learning at the feet of the gurus and he claimed to get his information from the Akashic Records. But the writer of the Aquarian Gospel claimed to get info from the same source and his was completely different. Jesus did not have to learn how to awaken some supposed kundalini serpent power. He was God manifested in the flesh. Go to my website (the true light) and the article "Where was Jesus during His hidden years?"
@mrigmaiden1 12 жыл бұрын
Zeno I LOVE YOU! Thanks for the impartation of knowledge and understanding because these things are put into greater perspective. I had been praying for ego death because of dealing with narcissism and intellectual piety. So in some sense I totally see what you mean about the test. Isn't it funny how through one lens oen could say it was satan another says its shakti and you say higher self testing. I love you so much and hope that you continue to share the love and divinity and understanding.
@MikeShreveMinistries 11 жыл бұрын
The wheel in the middle of the wheel is not a symbol of the chakras but a symbol of the endlessness of eternity---something Ezekiel experienced in the throne room of God. I would urge you my friend to ask Jesus to supernaturally manifest himself to you. If you ever have an encounter with Him that very experience will provide all the answers. Just spend 1 DAY reading the Gospel of John and praying ONLY to Jesus, in a flow of conversation, not a mantra-like chant. He WILL COME TO YOU!!!
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