This game and Hogwarts being getting mad hate, I have to the conclusion that most of the hate mostly comes from games that have a great potential at doing very well but people get scared that it may take away from their own fandom franchises popularity, I've been playing games since Atari days and it has never ever been this entitlement when it comes to what people like and don't like and most of the times does with their own war cry needs someone to tell them what they should be mad about it and that's out newer gamer generation in a nutshell, just play what you like/love stop waiting on someone give their own bias opinions (too many reviewers out there waving that flag, just blind to see)
@D.A.I.K.I. Жыл бұрын
Bro! I couldn’t agree more! You literally hit it on the mark, players and Content creators entailment has been at an all time high as the the years have gone on
@frijolitodr Жыл бұрын
@@D.A.I.K.I. that started when the whole live services becoming way more relevant cause even when Golden Era of MMORPGs it was not quite like it is nowadays, there were still some small minorities but not as toxicology way of thinking.
@Dredgen-Yor Жыл бұрын
Lol both me and you must have bad taste in games. Cause i liked destiny, godfall, anthem (yes, even anthem), cyberpunk 2077 and now forspoken. All games that were heavily criticised (to put it nicely). But i gotta say, the amount of blind and unnecessary hate on forspoken is on another level. It is insane. Anyways, as someone who has 25 plus hours in the demo, i'm very excited to get my hands on the final product.
@futureelement924 Жыл бұрын
Anthem was an actual good game problem was lack of content and Support for the game.
@deuceii4467 Жыл бұрын
This game in its base form is trash storyline kinda sucks but gameplay is great. I just hope they have some free dlcs and expansions to make the game better
@futureelement924 Жыл бұрын
@@deuceii4467 the game in base is not trash🤣🤣. Why is it when people say this im confused because when playing the actual game i have a very different opinion. The combat is fuckin amazing, the parkour is nice as well, people say the dialogue is terrible gen z shit but all i get from this character is shit i would say if stuff like this happens 😂. The only real issues u have is that the game is poorly optimized and the side quests are almost always trash. Not all but enough. Side activities like the labrynths are actually cool and fun. I think people are trying to paunt a certain narrative around this game that isn't true at all.
@deuceii4467 Жыл бұрын
@@futureelement924 who care about dialogue. Gameplay is half of the game. Like i and you said, its great. Story is the other half and it kinda sucks. Unfortunately thats like 50%. And on ps5 the game runs like water.
@Dredgen-Yor Жыл бұрын
@@deuceii4467 "This game in its base form is trash...". IT'S TRASH! GARBAGE! ASS! 😂 Do you guys just throw words around? That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think ? Lol. In all seriousness, what is the "BASE FORM" of a videogame to you ? Cause you do seem to agree that the gameplay (combat and traversal/parkour) are great, based on your reply above. And i might add the world is fun to explore as well. So, which part of the game that you are referring to as "the base form" is "trash" exactly? And don't you say the story is "the base" of videoGAMES, cause i'll just laugh at you.