16.09.22 Полиция города Union City обнаружила касcету на которой видны два пропавших человека в ночь 6 июня 2003 года, дальнейшее их местоположение неизвестно main author: @cmed666 #arg #gmod #machinima
Пікірлер: 6
@Promasterlolful Жыл бұрын
похоже на работу объекта SCP
@AverageLogin Жыл бұрын
So this is an ARG? Well let me take a jab at it; But before I begin, I want to state that I'm going to assume that Union City is located in the USA. This is based on the police cars, the architecture, the military equipment, the ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™, being in a club, etc. *Also, if you simply want my interpretation on the events that occurred, and don't care for the process, skip to the 2nd to last paragraph in the replies* . The video starts off at some-sort of underground encampment, likely a metro system. Based on the items and their arrangement, I think there are two possible assumptions to be made, either *A* : they had been there for a while, or *B* : they had some idea of what was coming, and decided to gather supplies to try and weather it out. Now seeing how the destruction on the surface still seems to be fresh (electricity is still on/fires are still burning/™boㅅdiㅅes™ show no sign of decay), it's clear that whatever happened must have happened recently. On-top of all of that, the encampment seems to be relatively new, with multiple items still in the fridge plus the trash seems to be at a minimum. Thus, for these reasons, I'm personally leaning towards B. Now an argument can also be made that the protagonist and their friend might have been apart of a ™diㅅssㅅidㅅenㅅt™ movement, which could also explain the camp and the friends fatigues, but due to the fact that there was no concern with resting next to the tracks (implying they knew that the metro system would've been disserviced beforehand) and a lack of information provided about the stability of Union City, I would believe this to not be the case, though it would be interesting to keep in mind. As they reach the surface, the first striking things are the thick fog, the silent cityscape, and the absolute level of chaos that must have unfolded. Something that I believe is worth noting, is the traffic barricades and the police car. It appears that this must have been a roadblock for the burning truck, probably trying to close off the area until the proper emergency services could arrive. This means that when the chaos first started, things must have begun at a small scale before rapidly expanding, as otherwise the officers priorities wouldn't have been manning a roadblock. Pushing forward, we see our heroes heading down a side street, whether or not they were following the sign on the building is not clear. Next we see the interior of a club, music playing, ™boㅅdiㅅes™ strewn across the floor, their presence being in the middle of the dance floor suggesting that they were unaware of the chaos outside. Now interesting to note is the lack of " _fresh_ " [ *By '"fresh" ™coㅅrpㅅseㅅs™', I mean those that are in a decent condition, not those that were horribly ™muㅅtiㅅlaㅅteㅅd™* ] corpses found outside (The only ™coㅅrpㅅse™ being found is the ™buㅅrn™ ™viㅅctㅅim™), which spawns 2 theories. The *first theory* is that the people fled indoors when the chaos started up. The *second theory* is that something had removed the ™boㅅdiㅅes™ from the from the outside. As our heroes approach the bar, the friend finds an unloaded ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™, its location appearing to give the meaning that it likely came from the bartender. Upon finding this the friend proceeds to load it, meaning there must have also been amㅅmuㅅniㅅtiㅅon with the ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™. This means that the weapon was likely discharged in self defense, with the bartender unable to reload it in time. This suggests that whatever caused the chaos, also had a _physical manifestation_ , something you could ™shㅅooㅅt™ at, while being small enough to have entered the club, however an argument can also be made that the chaos was partially caused by something _mentally influencing_ people. [On a side note, what was up with the last seat at the bar, the one that the camera focuses on, is that just it's design, or is something attached to it?] Next we see them proceeding down the street, where they run into an oddly dressed ™coㅅrpㅅse™. A ™gaㅅsmㅅasㅅk™, maybe a vest, and some-sort of sling across their chest, essentially survival equipment. This ™gaㅅsmㅅasㅅk™ implies that they had a concern with inhaling something in, likely the fog. The ™boㅅdiㅅes™ presence also implies that it probably occurred recently, after whatever removed all of the ™boㅅdiㅅes™ from the street, meaning that whatever was ™kiㅅllㅅing™ people was still around, but whatever removed the ™boㅅdiㅅes™ was temporarily gone (though it's worth mentioning he's the only " _fresh_ " ™boㅅdy™ found outside, maybe the ™gaㅅsmㅅasㅅk™ had something to do with it). This might have been what caused the pair to seek shelter in, what I assume to be, a hotel, or maybe the friend spotted something in the fog (notice how before entering the hotel, the friend looks out towards the fog before the camera turns to bring him out of view). Further down the road, sits a large roadblock with barbed wire fences and concrete, plus a military Humvee parked outside, something that would've taken a while to set up. Something worth noticing is the increase of trash found here, appearing to be on a larger scale than before, and the more destroyed looking vehicles found here. After bearing witness to these things, the pair head into a hotel. I believe that the cameraman initially taking lead into the hotel supports the idea that taking shelter was a spontaneous idea caused by the friend being spooked by something, as otherwise you would send the man with the ™gㅅuㅅn™ in first. [I wonder if the glass on the front doors of the hotel are cracked, or are they ornate designs? I'm leaning with the former assumption.] Now inside the hotel, and up the elevator, we get a more degraded appearance than the prior locations, papers/trash piled up, seemingly random props, this place was likely plundered/visited/lived in after the chaos began. [As a side note, the low quality footage makes the wallpaper look like a bunch of faces, probably unintended, but nevertheless adding to the atmosphere] Next, we see the protagonist enter his friends room, where he finds his friend ™haㅅngㅅed™ (It should be noted the change of attire of the friend at this scene, green shirt, some sort of vest, a new backpack), with the furniture in the room spread about in a distressed/disorderly manner. Definitely worth mentioning is the bottles of (maybe) ™alㅅcoㅅhoㅅl™, found on the floor, next to the table. Then the camera zooms in on the ™blㅅooㅅdy™ piece of wood (or what I believe to be wood), with the text drawn out in ™blㅅooㅅd™, "HE IS BEHIND YOU". [Coincidentally, the ™blㅅooㅅd™ seems to draw a face, pretty neat touch if intended, still pretty neat if not intended] Now there are 2 possibilities regarding his ™deㅅatㅅh™. *First* is that his ™deㅅatㅅh™ was not a ™suㅅicㅅidㅅe™, but rather it was a threat by something towards the protagonist. An explanation for the thrown around furniture could've been a fight, the noises maybe also why the protagonist came to investigate. That being said, I feel that a even stronger argument can be made for the *second* possibility, that it was ™suㅅicㅅidㅅe™. The friend could've been majorly distressed, the furniture tossed about in a careless manner, the guy was probably feeling hopeless, no control over their situation, maybe just throwing it about as a coping mechanism? Then there are the bottles of (maybe) ™alㅅcoㅅhoㅅl™, probably just trying to calm his nerves whatever the cost. Maybe the radio at the left side of the room on the table was exacerbating his condition, whether it gave him bad news, or no news at all, whichever would be worse. Next is the text on the wood board, perhaps he saw some entity, or knew they were being followed, and wanted to take the easy way out instead of facing it, while also leaving a warning for the protagonist (could also be argued as why he didn't use the ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™ to ™kiㅅll™ himself, as the noise could've caused entity to hurry, or even attract it to their exact location). After taking it all in, the protagonist flees the location. It is odd that he didn't take the ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™, especially since he was just confirmed by his friend that they were not alone, but perhaps the fear, panic, or stress overcame him, and in this compromised state, he made a mistake/a bad decision. [We've all done something like this _at least_ once, so not too hard to believe this could happen] *CONTINUED IN REPLIES*
@AverageLogin Жыл бұрын
Next our protagonist is walking on the street of an even more ruined environment; Cars destroyed, a flipped Humvee, the ™crㅅasㅅheㅅd™ helicopter, and piles of trash. That being said, I believe this takes place further down the street from the hotel, as when the protagonists looks behind, you can see the flashing of a siren (as was seen before they entered the hotel), a ™crㅅasㅅheㅅd™ front half of a truck along the sidewalk (the truck that was seen before entering the hotel), and you can see a phone booth and light pole (the ones they passed when entering the hotel). As walking the protagonist turns around and spots a figure. Nothing of note can be really discerned about the figure, beyond that it has a maybe humanoid shape? Whatever the case, this causes the protagonist to run away at a sprint, entering a metro tunnel, where they come face to face with another person. This person appears to be covered in ™blㅅooㅅd™, with their face being completely indiscernible. It's worth noting the apparent brightness of the face, considering the man appears to be covered in ™blㅅooㅅd™, shouldn't his face also be? Now it can be argued that these figures might be other ™suㅅrvㅅivㅅorㅅs™, but due to the protagonist's fear towards them, and the sudden cutting of the film, I believe otherwise. That being said, you would act the same if you saw figures in the fog, friendly or not. Now for the elephant in the room, _the description_ . Running it through google translate, I've gotten two translations The first, "09/16/22 Union City police found a tape showing two missing people on the night of June 6, 2003, their further location" And the second, "09/16/22 Union City police recovered footage of two missing persons on the night of June 6, 2003, their further whereabouts" This brings up even more mysteries about the situation, why does the description suddenly end? Did the incident eventually subside? Was this from an excursion into the city? Maybe they were somehow teleported to an alternate universe, where something went wrong, and the tape was somehow brought back (This would serve as a possible explanation for how the Union City police would still exist)? *Nevertheless, I have no idea how to explain the description, while making sense with the aforementioned happenings. Perhaps someone else could solve this part of the story.* Here's how I believe the events could've unfolded, albeit with many liberties taken: Somehow our protagonist and their friend found themselves in this _alternate reality_ . Now they must have realized something is wrong, that while they were still in Union City, they weren't in their Union City. So without housing and such in this universe, they set up shop in the metro system, feeling unsafe in such a foreign reality. Shortly after setting up shop, a mysterious fog suddenly falls upon the city (As to the cause of the fog, my best guess would be that it's related to what ever allowed them to cross realities, perhaps an after effect of their crossing?). This caused a bit of disorder, mainly obscuring the vision of drivers and causing them to crash (As seen with the crashed cars in the beginning), but not enough to cause major concern (Hence why the people in the club were still dancing). During this time, many ™peㅅriㅅshㅅed™, and for some unexplained reason, the fog began reanimating the ™boㅅdiㅅes™ of those who weren't too heavily ™maㅅimㅅed™ and were exposed to the fog. What came out of this reanimation process, were humanoid _entities_ that were potentially: _unrivaled in their strength_ (They might of been what flipped the cars), _very durable_ (Could've potentially take all of the rounds from the ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™, yet kept going, though the bartender could have also been a bad shot), _had some form of nonverbal long distance communication_ (when they manage to coordinate with each other to prevent the protagonist from escaping, though this could've also been a unlucky coincidence), and _were extremely efficient ™kiㅅllㅅers™_ (The people on the dance floor of the club didn't even have time to run off of it, and the bartender didn't even have time to reload their ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™). From there, they spread and essentially wiped the whole city out in the chaos, before disappearing for unknown reasons ( -Perhaps for hibernation?- ). Meanwhile, our heroes noticed that the metro system had stopped operating (maybe even they heard some of the chaos on their radio), and the friend sets up on the mattress to see how long till another train passes. After a while they realize something is very wrong, and proceed onto the surface. There they find the empty cityscape, where they are left with many questions. From there, they decide to proceed to the dance club, as it was a place they probably had visited and become familiar with sometime after they came to this reality, where the friend finds a ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™. From there they jump around for about a day before eventually finding shelter in the hotel (This is why by the time we see the hotel, it looks lived in, and why the protagonist seems at ease in it). Around the same time, upon receiving mixed reports about the situation in Union City, the US military launches an intervention to stabilize the situation. Whatever the case, it appears they were unaware of the danger of the situation, setting up aid/refugee camps across the city, bringing only light equipment, instead of preparing for a battle. Shortly thereafter, they attract the attention of _entities_ , wherein the underprepared military forces are rapidly decimated and converted. It's unclear what our heroes are doing at this time, but it's likely that from the start of the military intervention and their annihilation, only 1 or 2 days had passed. An unknown time later (though not too far in the future, maybe within a week?), we see our heroes traveling towards the hotel, where they find a recently ™kiㅅllㅅed™ ™boㅅdy™ that was somehow able to avoid reanimation (likely due to the ™gaㅅsmaㅅsk™). They continue towards the hotel, where the friend spots an _entity_ in the fog (The finding of the ™boㅅdy™ and the sighting of the entity might be why he enters their floor with the ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™ out, though it could also be protocol for them). For whatever reason, the friend finds himself unable to inform the protagonist about the _entity_ , perhaps due to himself being consumed by panic and fear. While in his room he dresses in a more militarized fashion, sporting a vest, different backpack, etc., while mentally psyching himself for the fact that he would have to combat the _entity_ . At this point, he is incredibly distressed, and begins tossing furniture around as a coping mechanism. Failing to calm himself down, he proceeds to get ™drㅅunㅅk™, and in his ™stㅅupㅅor™, he is overtaken by the stress, he somehow causes himself to ™blㅅeeㅅd™, leaves the message, and ends it all. Shortly after, the protagonist decides to visit his friend, where he finds the ™boㅅdy™. Shocked and overcome with ™grㅅieㅅf™, the protagonist reads the message, and flees *without even taking the ™reㅅvoㅅlvㅅer™* , probably as distressed as the friend was. While proceeding down the road, the protagonist spots a figure in the fog behind them (probably the entity mentioned by his friend), and tries to escape, before running into another one of the _entities_ , who presumably quickly disposed of the protagonist. Then by unknown means, the recording traveled back to its native _reality_ , where it was turned into the police.
@AverageLogin Жыл бұрын
Things about this just don't rub me right. While re-watching this, I noticed the revolver and ammo next to the friend's bed in the beginning, perhaps the first scene happened before the club scene? So then how much of this is in chronological order? If the club scene happened later, then why do they not take weapon with them? Maybe they ran out of ammo, and thus went to the surface to scavenge? But then why don't they return to their metro encampment? What could've happened is that they knew that the entities were beginning to travel into the metro system (as seen by the entity in the end), and they knew if they stayed in the metro, they would've become compromised? Also why does the friend specifically refer to the entity as " _HE_ "? Maybe there's something I'm missing, but where is there left to look?
@cmed666 Жыл бұрын
im one of the creators of this vid (capturing, video fx, montage done by me) thank you for your great analysis
@segor9839 Жыл бұрын
Могу помочь со сборкой гмода, чтобы было реалистичнее в 2-3 раза, но не теряась оптимизация. Скрипты, ретекстуры, анимации, модельки для игроков и т.д.