These fine videos were taken back when what little of UK industry and the economy that was left was clinging on for dear life.Sadly though from a few years later it all went down hill faster than anyone could ever have imagined.To make matters worse those idiots in the government have made even more of the dumbest decisions in all time,and as usual expect the populace to "Put up with it" and of course PAY for it.IT won't be coming out of those on the Whitehall gravy train,never in a million years. Their endless push to destroy ALL industry and replace it with financial robbery.For them it's far easier to sit at home and check his PC screen every so often to see how his billions are rolling in.Doing it the "old" way meant organising plant,people,deliveries,design etc etc etc.Why get all het up with that when we can juggle other peoples money and rob them blind for the privilege. What ever happened to good old honest England? Today the last thing any "Employer" want's to do is employ people.If they could get away with no staff whatsoever they's be dancing in the street,EVEN MORE money for them to spend on pointless tat at home. So much for building up your country to be the biggest,best,most industrious nation on earth producing goods sold around the world,QUALITY goods and services. Unfortunately for the half educated nit wits we get going into these places these days it's no wonder that the LAST thing they want to do is get their hands dirty,HELL NO! SICK ISN'T IT,WE'LL BECOME A NATION OF PETROL STATION CLERKS,WINDOW CLEANERS,DUSTMEN,McDONALD'S EMPLOYEES AND BILLION AND ONE OTHER SHIT JOBS!mOST OF THE PEOPLE FILLING THESE POSITIONS WILL HAVE DEGREES AND EVEN DR'S WILL BE THERE,IT'S HAPPENING NOW!!