#3 what you said is pretty similar to my ex It is so accurate. He is my ex. We had very good chemistry. We liked each other at the first sight. Later I found his past relationships were messy. I wasn’t happy in the dating in the beginning. I asked to end. He asked me for chance. I can feel his ambition for power and money. He once said I like you not bcz of who you are what you have. It is so weird - you only said that when you have that mind. He also said one of his ex was from a rich family and another ex shared the bills etc. He liked to control the relationship and made me like a follower. I’m so tired of this relationship because I wasn’t feel respected and valued. But I do love him even though I was very unhappy in that relationship. The chemistry was too strong. I’m still unhappy after broke up for two months.
@dliao5652 жыл бұрын
@@aw_artlover This kind of man is usually attractive not only to you but also a lot women. My husband is, too. I understand how your love to him. However, you are not his only.
Thank you so much Franky, ⚠️ pile 3️⃣ alert, Twin flame alert ⚠️ 你讲的所有情形,我已经跌入再爬出来了,没有一项少😅😅,像跌进流沙多过虎坑, 哦对他还会向我炫耀有不止一个女生跟他暧昧来试探我, definitely toxic narcissist, 从之前一期你讲报复心态重的星座我就已经很清楚了。我确实有能力帮他搞事业,对他很有利用价值。 This narcissist twin is also keep sending sexual energy to me, cause a divine feminine sexual energy is super super healing. Narcissist as a energy vampire will absorb all your energy and left you empty. 拿回能量爬出来以后在学习原谅,宽容,放过自己。 现在迅速野蛮生长成为 empath。 双生火焰,果然是来促使我自己提升灵性成为 light worker. ⚠️不是Twin 但选Pile 3️⃣ 的朋友留意⚠️, 看了其他Comment 回来补充, 『Narcissist 』也叫『自恋型人格障碍』,简称 NPD ,俗称『能量吸血鬼 energy vampire』、『空心人』、『爱无能』。 最常使用的手段是『Gaslighting』,也称 『煤气灯效应』,现代广泛叫『PUA, Pick up artist』。 他们的心是填不满的黑洞,很多心理学家都说没辙,离得越远越好那种😅。 还有,绝对不能让他们知道你的后路和计划!绝对不!要迅速而且无声无息的离开,因为你在明,他在暗,精于gaslighting 。 选到这组的真的去搜索以上关键字,因为有时候你被NPD有心蒙骗套路不会马上察觉到的,甚至觉得pile 3 好像是,又好像不是,怀疑自己可能选错,能量没对应什么的⚠️。 FACT CHECK!! 真的。 有Twin flame 的朋友们,真心讲一句,很多twin 可能只是来触发你成为更好更完整的人,尤其是高敏感/高共感的朋友,你们爱的能量太丰盛,太疗愈,从经历这个人之后会觉醒,你的大爱是要散发给这个世界的,不是局限在对一个能量吸血鬼无条件的付出。双生火焰要学习无条件的爱,是为了学会那个能力给全世界的吧 。也可能只是我的情况,不是每个人都对应,不过还是建议去查关于narcissists 的资料,如果你看到我的comment, 也表示了宇宙在提示你了哦。 套Franky 那句,takes what resonate ya,自己研究衡量评估,wish y'all the best. 💞