The Netherlands; A.K.A. Holland, is totally an amazing country. If we were to consider moving from Deutschland, which we can't imagine at the moment, we would probably move to the Netherlands. Haarlem, Zandvoort, Rotterdam and Utrecht are all great places to call home. If you haven't been to the Netherlands, why not? It's always a good location year-around to keep at the top of your travel list. BTW, if you go to the North Sea in Zandvoort, be on guard for the "Seagull Pie Mafia." These radical Seagulls steal way more than pies and other food... They are even known to fly-off with clothes and baby toys! (LOL!)
@deborahnavarro99476 жыл бұрын
Lynn Wombacher????
@lynn00076 жыл бұрын
Deborah Navarro Hi Debbie, it's me! If you want to contact me, please write me at: I look forward to hearing from you 😊.. Lynn