The Insane And Disturbing Dragon Age "Iceberg" Explained

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@franklygamingextra Жыл бұрын
Great video me truly outstanding work you've outdone yourself
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thanks me
@someonesaidwar4094 Жыл бұрын
Here let me grab your arms and put a foot on your back to help you pat that hard area to reach between your shoulder blades. Might hear a few cracks or snaps 👀. Just think of those as bonus.
@ArantyrDarkhand Жыл бұрын
@@FranklyGaming The thing about andreaste and the maker its that NO oter Gods in dragon age are really gods. The old gods are just great old dragons, the elven gods are just powerfull old days elven mages from the time before the veil, that killed the titans and probably due to their blood got much more power and self proclaimed thenselves gods. The titans not god either more like powerfull earth elementals wih lirium of some kind. Power creatures but totally mortal. Basicaly The golden throne was the home of the real god of the setting. The oter thing is why Solas want to break the veil now, after all he created it to banish the oter elven "gods" after THEY KILLED Mytal/Flameth, that STILL ALIVE. I just hope in DA:4 they dont come with social just bullshit about slavery or oter stupidity and give us the story thats alredy setup. And maybe the last double blight =). Leliana aways gave men not human vibes... i dont think some lirium husk, but definetly some creature created by someone. Artificial human somehow. Maybe mixing lirim and spirits. Another thing about dwarves and Syndal... and thats why i think he may be somehow titan esque... Syndal can cast, and the only darkspawn mages COMES FROM DWARVEN darkspaw, clearly something up there. Kal-Shrok totally survived by eating dark spawn.
@endershepard7117 Жыл бұрын
1:18:08 Villain Arc?! Solas is not a villain! Anymore than any creature on this planet is a villain for devouring other life forms to sustain their own lives. The Cycle of Life is The Cycle of Violence. Solas is only doing what he has to do to set the world right! The only reason humans moved to Thedas in the first place was because of Solas God-Tier actions which made Thedas hospitable to them. But does that action make him a hero to them? No it does not. Because Solas didn’t do that for them or because of them. However Solas is tearing down the Veil that he created to help his own people and restore nature back to it’s natural balance that he interrupted and corrupted by creating The Veil in the first place! Removing The Veil, for the reasons he’s removing The Veil does however make Solas a real hero! And here I thought that this Zoomer Generation of ours was all about tearing down walls and building bridges. Even The Boomer Generations President Ronald Regan said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” But you would have Solas maintain the status quo because some humans who conquered the lands of his people. Enslaved his race for centuries and oppress them still until this very day are gonna now suffer and perish when he succeeds?! F*ck them humans.
@MortSalazar Жыл бұрын
​@@endershepard7117 Yes he is To the whole modern world he's pretty much a villain considering his plans require a bit of End Times for everyone currently alive Just like the "creatures" you mention can be villains. From chicken's perspective a fox is a villain, from ant's perspective anteater is an evil apocalypse. The fact that he's a sympathetic one makes Solas all the better and more compelling villain
@MaxPowers2.0 Жыл бұрын
I’ve gotta say, aliens in the dragon age world is my LEAST favorite theory. Really takes the magic and sense of wonder from the world
@yogsothoth0115 Жыл бұрын
They made dragon age cannon in the mass effect 3 game. So their in the same universe same solar system
@MaxPowers2.0 Жыл бұрын
@@yogsothoth0115 u mean in mass effect 2 where they had that demon statue in Donovan Hock’s place?
@kariwilson3217 Жыл бұрын
Well, since Mass Effect 1 has followers of The Maker, and then the statue in ME2, and the nod in is possible that Thedas is a land on a sheltered planet. The Protheans did conduct experiments with different species, who's to say that they didn't toss a few different species on a planet just to see what would happen?
@MaxPowers2.0 Жыл бұрын
@@kariwilson3217 who references the maker in Mass Effect 1?
@PsPmoddedOUT Жыл бұрын
​@@MaxPowers2.0 One of the 1st npcs you run into. The "crazy" scientists hiding with the women. He claims he saw into the beacon and saw the prothean extinction. He he also mentions "a maker"
@lizd2943 Жыл бұрын
I think you got some of the Dwarven lore wrong. The get the worst of the Darkspawn when there aren't blights. During blights they always get a respite because the Darkspawn are almost all on the surface.
@BunnyHoper7 Жыл бұрын
Although this is normally true, I don't think this was true during the rise of the first Archdemon. At that point the darkspawn conquered the overwhelming majority of the Deep Roads before taking to the surface.
@lizd2943 Жыл бұрын
@@BunnyHoper7 That sounds right. My theory is they're the high priests of the Evanuris, the Evanuris are locked behind eluvians and killing all the Old Gods is the key to their freedom.
@BunnyHoper7 Жыл бұрын
@@lizd2943 Who are you saying are the high priests of the Evanuris exactly?
@lizd2943 Жыл бұрын
@@BunnyHoper7 The Old Gods. He took upon himself a form reserved for the Gods and their Chosen- Mythal can turn into a dragon- the dragon form was reserved for the Evanuris and their high priests. Solas locked the Evanuris behind Eluvians and either placed the keys in some way into their high priests or made the priests themselves the keys, bound them in slumber in their dragon forms, and buried them deep. They whispered to the ancient humans, taught them blood magic, got them to found the Tevinter Imperium all to raise up 7 high priest magisters of their own who could pierce the veil, enter the Black City/Arlathan, get infected by the red lyrium there, create the Darkspawn, all to bring them to the surface one by one to be killed by the Wardens to free the keys so the Evanuris can return. That's why Sols blows his stack over the Grey Warden's plan to raise a demon army and kill the last two in their sleep. He says they don't think about what would come after.
@BunnyHoper7 Жыл бұрын
I don't know about this hypothesis. If the Old Gods truly were the most favored worshippers of the Evanuris, why does each raise darkspawn armies and try to destroy the other civilizations? If their plan was to just die to free their deities, it would be easier and much faster to raise darkspawn first, then seek out all the other sleeping Old Gods, and after all are awake the dragons can kill all the darkspawn, come to surface themselves, and just lay down and let the humans slay them. Instead, the Archdemons fight back, and more fiercely than any other dragon, they don't seem like they're looking to be slain.
@abbypierce4196 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the human model for the cut scene in the Temple of Mythal - a dev confirmed a couple years back that they just never thought anyone would notice the model wasn't an elf (lol). It has nothing to do with the lore unfortunately. As a long-time Dragon Age fan, this is an incredible video. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this! Solas's interest in Sera is SO interesting to me. It is far too pointed for it not to mean more to me. Her physical body being different is also incredibly curious. I want to know more on this one SO bad.
@SeventhheavenDK Жыл бұрын
I really hope Sera never appears again, her character is disgusting, worst character in the DA franchise.
@Mitsaya Жыл бұрын
IIRC they used a modified human model for Fenris too to make him taller and more muscular than the other elves. So it feels like it's more natural variation than lore.
@abbypierce4196 Жыл бұрын
@@SeventhheavenDK Did you play DA:O with Oghren? 😂 She’s a complex character but the vitriol towards her screams misogyny. Plenty of male characters are shit or annoying in lots of franches - never seen the reaction Sera got.
@AC-hj9tv Жыл бұрын
Them tiddies tho
@qarcon3247 Жыл бұрын
yeah i don't think Sera is some secret God. She just a goofy ass girl
@AzureRoxe Жыл бұрын
You mentioned something i didn't notice in the Dreadwolf trailers: The fact that the trailer implies the darkening of the Golden City was because of Solas. This implies a lot. It implies that the Maker is actually one of Evanuris, that the Golden City is one of the marvels that depended on the Fade [which Solas mentions many of them were destroyed or ruined after he created the Veil] and that the Tevinter Magisters DID NOTHING WRONG THERE. They were actually correct when they say that the city was empty and seemed strange, they got there AFTER Solas created the Veil, sealed the Evanuris away and ruined the Golden City. Solas's actions did SOMETHING to the city, something so dark that it created the Taint within the Magisters, transforming them into the first Darkspawn.
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Exactly my mind was blown when I saw discussions on it hopefully BioWare is actually taking some of those ideas to heart
@windingroadelven Жыл бұрын
The maker abandoned men due to following false gods so the maker cannot be one of the Evanuris
@AzureRoxe Жыл бұрын
@@windingroadelven Men believed in the Maker, so that's blatantly not true. One of the POINTS of the series is that the Chantry isn't 100% right with what they say happened.
@Ganom-ng1zt Жыл бұрын
@@AzureRoxe That is an opinion which is shared in-universe with some of the characters, it is not a statement made fact. Also the series makes the player question every piece of lore that we collect, not only the chantry. It's always something like "could be true, could not be true. We don't know".
@leftlucid Жыл бұрын
This theory is crazier when you consider that Solas - is - the Maker and Mythal was his first ever Maker-bride. We know the Maker in the chant cast down the veil and created the separation between Man and Fade, and we have w full admission from Solas that he created the veil those thousands of years ago. The Elven mythos transitions naturally into human Chantry mythos, and since Flemeth and by extension others (including Solas?) can be vessels for old ancient god spirits (or the Evanuris) then Andraste wouldve been the first “Flemeth” before she would receive that part of Mythal.
@Jax_Destro Жыл бұрын
DA:2 doesn't primarily take place in Ferelden. It begins in Lothering, which is in Ferelden, but you leave there almost immediately. The bulk of the game is set in the Free Marches, where Hawke's mother is from. There is even a reoccurring plot device in the derision felt towards Ferelden refugees that flocked there to escape the Blight.
@brodyc4114 Жыл бұрын
This video is just filled to the brim with inaccuracies whenever he talks about anything outside a reddit theory he's reading almost word for word. He also mispronounced like 80% of all the names and locations in the video, no way this homie has played Dragon Age.
@Jax_Destro Жыл бұрын
@brodyc4114 I noticed. After the 3rd or 4th inaccuracies, I just stopped watching. If they didn't even try to get minor details right, the entire thing becomes suspect. If you can't even get the setting of the game correct, why am I going to listen to you about theories about the game?
@whyjnot420 Жыл бұрын
@@brodyc4114 A minute in and he _almost_ stumbled on the word "manuscripts". Listen to how his voice changes. That is the voice of someone who did not expect that word to show up where it did.
@whyjnot420 Жыл бұрын
@@Jax_Destro Would you consider "little things" to include spelling proper nouns properly by any chance? If so, you might want to add an E to Hawke's name. Just a thought. (I do concur with the point you were making though. Hell at around 12:07 it sounds like he can't even get actual English right. He says "hearsay" when given the context I am pretty sure his script said "heresy" and if it didn't, it sure as hell should have, the Dalish look like far more than just some people spreading pure gossip to the people of the Chantry and Qun, they look like heretics. It is like messing up regimen with regime, canon with cannon or veracity with voracity. Easy to do, but also the kind of thing a native speaker or anyone who considers themselves fluent, should be on the lookout for.
@Jax_Destro Жыл бұрын
@whyjnot420 I can't believe that I went out of my way to make sure I was spelling Lothering correctly, but messed up Hawke's name. Fixed it, though. To answer your question, when I say little things, I'm referring to details that are arguably insignificant but could easily be double-checked to be sure to get them correct. Alone, these details wouldn't necessarily be enough to discard the whole video, but when combined with larger details such as the games setting, it tells me they haven't played the game and didn't bother to be thorough in their research. I just did a quick google search for the setting of the game, and the first result is the wikipedia article for the game. The quick snippet google shows talks about the game starting in Lothering in Ferelden, but doesn't mention Kirkwall. This leads me to believe that their research ammounted to googling, reading the search snippets, but not going any further. That alone discredits the whole video.
@camiw377 Жыл бұрын
1:32:35 it's also worth pointing out that the darkspawn taint DEFINITELY predates the second sin in some form. In DA2, we go to the Primeval Thaig, which was shut before the blights for an unknown reason and contains red lyrium, which as we know is blighted lyrium.
@JoshSweetvale Жыл бұрын
What if the Lyrium came first? What if the Magisters used Red Lyrium to break into the Golden City? Maybe teleporting with Red Lyrium is what caused their corruption? And blackened the Golden City at the moment of their arrival?
@chapserenazula5657 Жыл бұрын
Remember "Titans" reside far underground and I dont know if darkspawn can taint a Titan. Could be the Thaig was used by the Sideereal to enter the black city by using the titan itself or something but idk
@PKFl4sh Жыл бұрын
​@@chapserenazula5657 Lyrium is the blood of the titans - if it can be blighted, I imagine the titans themselves would also be susceptible.
@H1kkiMouse Жыл бұрын
Taint was already in the Golden City when Corypheus and other magisters came there, it wasn't a curse from the Maker. No spirit or demon dares "floating" to the Black City as it is confirmed that even demons can get corrupted by the taint.
@acleus Жыл бұрын
The thing with the Wardens in Inquisition is that we find out what they are doing during the main story. They are all gathering together and following Corypheus because they are being scared into believing they won't be able to stop the next blight. I also think that Corypheus being a former Tevinter magister makes the whole thing with the Wardens secretly being lead by one a good bit unlikely cause if that were the case, the leader would have just approached him and told him the plan
@erris5744 Жыл бұрын
I mean there isn't really any idea of whether or not the Magisters are still allies after being tainted.
@V2ULTRAKill 9 ай бұрын
Except they agreed because corypheus wasnt directly involved Corypheus sent out the calling to every living warden and in their panic a tevinter magister aligned with corypheus gave them the idea to march ro the deep roads and slay the remaining old gods
@LesbianCinemaCircuit Жыл бұрын
I love the Dragon Age Series but man is it grim. Everyone needs a hug and a cup of warm tea from all the crap that happens to them. Some friends and I were talking about what game Universe we'd like to live in if we had to pick. I think I'd be too scared to live in the Dragon Age world. Just the fact that the Broodmother exists is enough to give me shivers
@periwinkle6676 Жыл бұрын
don't forget the Children and giant spooders.
@nathanrosman-bakehouse359 9 ай бұрын
Avoiding the deep roads seems prudent. Tbh elderscrolls or the watcher wouldn't be much better, the best fantasy worlds are terrifyingly treacherous to the unwary.
@adampeters4314 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never watched any of your videos and was listening to this in the background of work so when you started talking about the lizard people cult you really got me man
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Haha ya I always love throwing a joke in at the end of one of them 😂, and thanks for watching!
@ahem.choice.spirit Ай бұрын
Ahem! I just wanna say, you got me fucked up with that cult joke too, because I really went and googled "scaled blood pack" and SO IT TURNS OUT there's a mercenary group of KROGAN LIZARD MEN in mass effect called the Blood Pack 😂 so you weren't totally wrong either, LMFAO
@WastePlace Жыл бұрын
I haven’t played/thought of dragon age in so long, this video might rehash some of the love I had for this series when I was younger. The lore is so nuanced and you did an excellent job covering it with this vid
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@yowaikemen Жыл бұрын
Justice being in Anders was such an interesting concept to tackle (and was cool to see them carry on from Origins, although Anders' character was tweaked quite a bit), I was hoping we would one day find some strange way to sever their connection. DA2 didn't because of how short and contrived it was. DAI could have had a mini mission like that... though, with how they technically wrote Hawke out of the story in the dumbest death for a hero possible, not sure that's ever going to happen. Sad. Justice was a great character.
@JoshSweetvale Жыл бұрын
Justice becoming Vengeance is a unique first-hand look at how even put-together Fade spirits can be *changed* by the tide of circumstance.
@samanthacousland870 Жыл бұрын
We don’t know Hawke is dead. They might live, everyone just assumed they died
@simonbaribeau4853 Жыл бұрын
Well.. Hawke is definitely alive in my playthroughs. Stroud is the one being left behind in the fade
@aerynstormcrow Жыл бұрын
I kinda feel sorry for Solas. He keeps trying over and over to fix bad situations and cannot for the life of him figure out the best way to do it. Its his own fault though bc his pride won't let him let others help him or offer opinions, but he does want to fix things. He's just kind of an idiot.
@margo_gin Жыл бұрын
"Twisted, horrific and demented theories in lore". Yeah, the theory that Fiona is not Alistair's mother is crazy, man. Also, a great video, glad I found it :)
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for watching!
@micheleosullivan4430 Жыл бұрын
This was a great deep dive. I love all of the theories. I'm reminded of a Bioware dev replying to one of many theories in Mass Effect. He said "We're just not that deep" I found it hilarious. Yet, I also thought it could be a red herring... Newly subscribed and thank you!
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching and I appreciate the support!
@dirkbsilver9260 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this fun video. DA is one of my favorite franchises. I love games with deep lore. They make it funnier to dig into. Bioware, CDProject Red, and Bethesda seem to be the few that grasp that a game is better the more immersive it is.
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching!
@CRAM079 Жыл бұрын
All this great lore and theories. And me a DAO enjoyer just wants his Warden back as the player character in DA4.
@huanhoundofthevailinor2374 Жыл бұрын
This has been one of my favourite icebergs you have done love dragon age can't wait for new game
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
glad you enjoyed it! The Lore in Dragon Age is really awesome had a fun time making it, and same can't wait for Dreadwolf
@huanhoundofthevailinor2374 Жыл бұрын
@@FranklyGaming i played cyperpunk and absolutely hate the end would never replay game as far as I'm concerned the best end is to shoot v in the head and don't go on because your dead anyway your choices have no meaning at all or it feels like that because after end credits you go back in game to point of no return like nothing happened don't like when it feels like I've wasted my time
@spacejesus6581 Жыл бұрын
A simple note when it comes to the origins of Humans: Humans and Elves can have children together, and as far as we know these children are fertile. Fun note, the child will ALWAYS be human, making humanity a dominant trait to elven. Using real life anatomy, that means they have a very close common ancestor (a donkey and horse are close enough to produce a mule but that mule can’t produce itself). In other words, there’s no way that humans just show up one day, they have to be related to Elves in some capacity Of course there’s always the chance that the devs didn’t even consider common ancestry when writing the backstory for Alistair, but that’s no fun
@adamjenkins7653 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the loss of the elves to humanity. There is the information that the humans attacked the second Elvhanan (empire) after the veil came down and around the time the elves began to realise their youngest were growing old. And put the blame on humans.
@user-ue4cp3yh2x Жыл бұрын
This in generally vaguely accurate and about mysteries discussed a lot in the fandom, but there's a few things that sound very odd like the "mixing elven and dragon blood can create elven gods like Flemeth" which sounds like the Evanuris were just elves that one day injected themselves with dragon blood and then reached godhood and it could even turn out to be true, but I don't really get where this is taken from. Maybe it's just the way some sentences in the video are said and actually you meant something else, but there are many "little" details that seem mixed up scattered in the video, like saying that Dragon Age II is set primary in Ferelden.
@MikeVonwolkenstein Жыл бұрын
Awesome lengthy video with heavy theories and ideas. Your iceberg videos keep getting better and better. 🔥🔥🔥
@chefdontrun7436 Жыл бұрын
I always assumed Sandal was another child of the ritual Morrigan does in DAO. That works with him being a "reborn" Old God.
@j0nnyism 6 ай бұрын
The forgotten realms has so much untapped potential. Baldurs gate and dragon age only touch on the possibilities explored in dnd
@HelenHunt69 Жыл бұрын
29:10 Wait wait wait... Flemmeth is the amalgam of Dragon and Elf blood? I thought the whole dragon thing was a type of magic shapeshifting. Does anyone have a source?
@adamjenkins7653 Жыл бұрын
Flemmeth was shape-shifting into a dragon. Flemmeth herself is human; potentially of Andraste's bloodline given that it is a female only line and at no point is it even hinted that Flemeth ever bore a son. The original Flemmeth was married to Lord Connobar of highever, prior to becoming the body hopping Mythal-Flemeth soul entity.
@HelenHunt69 4 ай бұрын
I don't need to know Flemmeth's backstory, I know it well which is why I am questioning where dragon blood got mixed into her line, she is an abomination not half dragon.
@JoshSweetvale Жыл бұрын
33:45 That would be hilarious. It'd mean that both the Archictect and Corypheus just *happened* to stumble across their peer-and-colleague's project, and exploit it for their own needs. "Yoink" indeed.
@ahem.choice.spirit Жыл бұрын
Since you mentioned sentient foxes, it is said that Dirthamen gave a secret to each creature but only the bears kept it and were favored by him; foxes traded their secret for wings. Makes me think of bats, and maybe bat-winged people? That would be fun in the deep cavern biosphere.
@EmoBearRights Жыл бұрын
You're missing a bit chuck of lore - it wasn't just the eleven panthean of Gods who were cut off in the Fade but the Forgotten Ones were also part of elven mythology. I don't think the Old Gods are the Elvenaris - I think they're the Forgotten Ones.
@Spiketrooper Жыл бұрын
We will be a lot closer to Weisshaupt in Dreadwolf, so it would be cool if we could actually get to see it in its full glory.
@Caiyde Жыл бұрын
The "I have seen the throne of the gods... and it was empty!" line from Corypheus always made me laugh, because I'm just like "...Yeah, but thrones don't naturally evolve, do they? Someone fuckin' made it. You've just confirmed the dominant religion in Thedas, you mug."
@Witheringdawn2 Жыл бұрын
Gods plural. I don't recall the dominant religion mentioning multiple gods.
@ladyjay74 Жыл бұрын
The dwarven phrase "You'll fall into the sky" has new meaning to me now.
@MaryDunford Жыл бұрын
I always loved that line. Lol
@DSzaks Жыл бұрын
Been a while since I played through the series, but I was under the impression that the "old gods" and the Elvhen Pantheon where one in the same. That is the 7 old gods are what became of the members of the pantheon after The Solas did the whole creating the veil thing. After all there are 9 members of each group... kinda. That is 7 Old gods + Mythal aka Flemeth + The Dread Wolf aka Solas = 9 gods. Also Flemeth is kind of a dragon, like the other old gods. And we know she had a vested interest in saving the old gods souls, and directed Morrigan on how to save Uthemeal (or w/e). Also Also The Tevinter mages worshipped the old gods, and were trying to get to the center of the fade. What exactly happened isn't clear only that whatever was backfired horribly and corrupted them and led to the Darkspawn. Perhaps, they were acting at the behest of the old gods in an attempt undo the separation between physical world and the Fade that had been created by Silas, in order for the Old gods to regain their previous elvhen divinity. Also Also Also tearing down the veil is kinda what corypheus is trying to do in inquisition. Also x4 we know the old gods taught the Tevinter magic, which comes from the fade, which the old elvhen gods were master of both. Finally Also, David Gaider the lead writer on the series, kinda hinted this might be the case. Side note, where is it stated that the Elvhen Gods were constantly at war w/ one another, I haven't read every line of text in every game or side content but I don't remember anything indicating as such. From what I do remember from the games they were always presented to be mostly unified, except Solas who didn't like them "pretending" to be gods doing that whole betrayal thing. I mean it's framed as a betrayal, which is something you can only do to friends or allies, not to people who are already your enemies.
@JoshSweetvale Жыл бұрын
The Blight is draconic. The Old Gods are draconic. _Mythal_ is Draconic. - The Old Gods are the Elvhen gods (like Mythal). The Blight is ""of"" the Elvhen/Old gods. Their tool?
@DSzaks Жыл бұрын
@@JoshSweetvale hmm could be, but if that was the case why would they infect themselves with it? At least Mythal seems pretty dead set in opposition of the blight, I suppose it could be something that Solas set up though. A booby trap in the fade perhaps.
@tuikku8645 Жыл бұрын
It's Solas, not Silas 😐
@DSzaks Жыл бұрын
@@tuikku8645 :P Fixed
@Kikoou Жыл бұрын
It isn't exactly rumoured to be in Tevinter, it's already been shown. At the end of the Trespasser DLC in DA: Inquisition, the Inquisitior is shown talking to their comrades about where they'll go next, and they lodge a knife at Tevinter on a map to mark it.
@nickrispoli2532 Жыл бұрын
Great timing with this video. Just started a new DA:I playthrough this weekend so this is just perfect to get me in the right headspace
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Hope you enjoy! And thanks for watching
@skyman322 Жыл бұрын
some of your early iceberg vids i had issues with but this one is probably the best iceberg vid ive ever seen!
@scifriskyxy583 Жыл бұрын
1:09:58 The dwarves could have figured out how the grey wardens become grey wardens on their own and most likely it's how they survived many probably died but also many probably survived too, but they probably fear that the grey wardens will kill them all if they figure out they figured out their secret on how they fight the dark spawn,it would be logical,I'd be scared if I figured out on my own a warden secret out of desperation ans survival and I would do anything to keep it a secret
@timetraveltylerpsna Ай бұрын
For all that was said no mention of the altar to Dumat present within the deep roads of The Descent. The altar room matches up quite well with the letter from an elf slave found in the raw fade during Here Lies the Abyss. The Claw of Dumat statue was allegedly unveiled only shortly before the attempted breach of the fade by “Corypheus” and yet it exists in a long forgotten thaig that predates that event. You even have footage of the other room @1:09:00 that shows the Claw of Dumat statues facing the bird like statues (Razikale?) but neglect to mention it. Another often overlooked detail is the artwork on the walls in the room with the long pools of blood.
@Tewlipz Жыл бұрын
at 1:01:40 on the black city. This explanation also perfectly aligns with what Corypheus states when you first release him from the prison in Dragon Age 2. He's clearly reminiscing about the events and goes "The city! It was supposed to be golden! It was supposed to be ours!" clearly indicating that whatever they found was not the golden city, as the Chantry helpfully says as well.
@plasticsamalt6633 2 ай бұрын
This is one of the best lore videos I have watched, thanks so much! The ME crossover theory is so cool, when you think about it, there are SO many parallels in the universes that make them seem logically canon. Multiple intelligent social species', Lyrium is Element Zero, Reapers are viewed as gods, you even got that Ogre statue in ME2. It seems to make sense that Thedas's world is a random planet in the galaxy living between the Reaper's "resets", and have not yet discovered technology that would allow them to know more. EDIT: holy shit I just googled and found out that the moon in DA looks literally identical to planet Presrop in ME universe. This either is a nod to lore nerds or a downright confirmation.
@AndyJP Жыл бұрын
I wonder if Dreadwolf will give us a lot of good lore on ancient humans
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
I feel like 100% it will since Tevinter, I have a feeling it could be really awesome. And thank you so much for watching!
@endergamer7483 4 ай бұрын
Quick correction: Maferath was Andraste’s earth husband and he betrayed her to Tevinter. It was the Archon Hessarian that stabbed her through the heart because according to him he felt pity that she was suffering.
@TheMimiSard Жыл бұрын
The problem with the Maferath point is Maferath was Andraste's husband, who betrayed her to the Magisters. The story of Andraste and Maferath is close to my heart because I conflated it with an RP character of mine (a storyline that is now different to DA canon as I was working on pre-Inquisition lore, and can handwave as my RP character is an alternate timeline where an outsider took over the role of Andraste and the soul intended to be Andraste if she was not there... was right there, as her younger sister).
@elfbotanist 3 ай бұрын
I recently got into dragon age. This is a great video!
@Zachthe504 Жыл бұрын
Dragon Age lore >Elder Skrolls lore
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Both have really great stuff but I think I might just like dragon age more too
@fenharel2137 Жыл бұрын
Love them both, but TES lore seems like it was made for some crazy stoner nerds if you dive deep into it lmao, while DA lore is still really complex but a bit more grounded and has much more interesting characters in general
@MI982 Жыл бұрын
Heh. I always thought that the humans are kossith, The Forgotten ones are the Magisters, The Old Gods are Evanuris, Andraste is Mythal, Dread Wolf is the Maker and that the titans are Thedas. It kinda all makes sense. Oh, and the Golden City is an orbital space station - that is my hill.
@bettschwere Жыл бұрын
very proud of myself for knowing most of this stuff. guess my lore obsession paid off, lol.
@buuam7555 Жыл бұрын
Just finished the Prey iceberg subbed and came straight here 😂 imma just binge all your icebergs real quick 😂😂
@abnnizzy Жыл бұрын
The only disturbing fact about Dragon Age is how Bioware/EA created the perfect dark fantasy universe just to destroy it completely with just 2 games. Thats something I'll never understand.
@JoseRodriguez-xu1jz Жыл бұрын
This is an interesting video into the inside of some of the less known lore of Dragon Age but it's not an iceberg
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Ya that’s why I put the disclaimer at the start kinda my own spin on it I guess, thanks for watching!
@JoseRodriguez-xu1jz Жыл бұрын
@@FranklyGaming Fair. Good content keep it up!
@Artemisthemp 2 ай бұрын
I look up races of Dragon Age a couple of days ago and saw Lizardman, which confused me as I never heard of them and now I know why.
@ZalkarGorm Жыл бұрын
I'd be curious to know where the term 'Archdemon' for a corrupted Old god actually came from, as it would imply that the old gods are in fact spirits in the same way corrupted spirits of the fade become demons. Which would totally line up with the whole overarching thing of the fade and physical world were once one with the dragons being the prime beings of that combined realm, so essentially dragons ARE spirits. But that ebgs the question of who make that connection and dubbed the corrupted ones 'archdemons'.
@Heidiwastaken Жыл бұрын
50:54 OMG They're Canadians
@AC-hj9tv Жыл бұрын
@emmijadeshow Жыл бұрын
Video is interesting. Love to see people talking about the Grim Anatomy. A note though - almost none of Dragon Age 2 takes place in Ferelden. While Hawke is from Ferelden, you maybe spend half an hour there before moving on to Kirkwall for the rest of the game, which is in the Free Marches.
@dominiclaurence7879 Жыл бұрын
I wish I could put David Gaider and Patrick Weekes in a room and watch them watch this.
@catelyntully9494 Жыл бұрын
Great video thanks for sharing it with us. Do you happen to have the original image of the Iceberg? Or a link to it?
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching and for the support! And ya here it is:
@ForbiddenSlurp Жыл бұрын
I think Leliana is closer to Solas and Flemeth. Dirthamen fits her very well being the elven god of secrets and knowledge, and master of the ravens Fear and Deceit. Inquisitions main focus seemed to be the revelation that the gods are very much alive.
@snyperwulffgaming9575 Жыл бұрын
I... I took a good thirty seconds to be able to verbally say "Dragon age Iceberg" For that thirty seconds I kept repeating "Iceage dragonberg" And I couldn't stop myself.
@taysou47291 Жыл бұрын
So glad you made this!
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Hope you enjoy thanks Taylor!
@Mr7Voices 11 ай бұрын
The way the manuscript is written sounds like how the dwarves in The Deep Roads were speaking in Origins. The descent of a madman gave birth to the idea of the brood mothers... and let's not forget the creepy song Hespith sang...
@nobilisvaga5267 2 ай бұрын
Player: *goes to abandoned city stands infront of strange giant big massive metal boat "What the hell is a Normandy?"
@macacogermanicopseudo-suli6758 Жыл бұрын
God tier video,congrats
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the kind words!
@H.P.93 2 ай бұрын
I always thought the blight came from mythal and the evanuris killing a titan, and therefore that area we reach at the end of the deep roads dlc in inquisition was the abyss. I also considered Sandal to be tied to the titans after that dlc when we meet the servants of the titans who seem to be able to use what seems like magic
@baddragonite Жыл бұрын
I just remembered the Sir Isaac armor in Origins and the superman kid dropping from a meteor and think "yeah aliens make more sense now"
@Dan-zc3ou Жыл бұрын
I'm just in it for the slash fanfics but this is cool
@federicogou Жыл бұрын
This video is so well done. Didn't know most of these.
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Really appreciate the support!
@julianjames2899 3 ай бұрын
Hey man i love this video! Stellar content. Weirdly enough I wanted to make a comment about what you said about mass effect 3 and how it would put humanity back to the stonenage after the destruction of the relays. This is nit-picking lvl 9000 but wouldnt humanity's tech only revert back to where we were right before we found the ruins on mars?
@arkosilaura Жыл бұрын
You totally lost me with the Mass Effect tie-in, lol. If that ever becomes true, i will actually hate everything Mass Effect and Dragon Age. I want these two games to be their own thing.
@NekoDavid 8 күн бұрын
Damn, this video goes hard. Impressive
@FranklyGaming 8 күн бұрын
Appreciate that!
@zaltaristhedragongod911 7 ай бұрын
The most logical theory on who the maker is would be Solas, he did make the Veil and fought against his own people when they enslaved fellow Elves. So I think Solas is the “Maker”
@averycheesypotato Жыл бұрын
Scaled ones… Think they could be related to the Kossith? The Qunari don’t want to speak of their ancestors much, but The Iron Bull states “they didn’t look like us.” Both races seem to have dragon-like qualities (horns & metallic skin for Qunari, scales & fire breath for scaled ones)
@JulianSandz Жыл бұрын
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching Julian!
@Zathurious Жыл бұрын
I like the theory that the old gods are the current form of the elvenuris. And when (if) Solus completes his ritual to destroy the veil, their original power will be restored. The result will be no more blights but instead, war between living gods. I also like how the theories around the moon men suggests that Mass Effect and Dragon Age are actually part of the same universe.
@albertswisher8874 Жыл бұрын
To be honest I really hope they don’t make the Old Gods connected to the Elven gods. It feels like it would be shrinking the world and making even more things just “Oh yeah the old Elves did it.”
@kixi8033 Жыл бұрын
I'm convinced that the darkspawn rape the women they turn into broodmothers after listening to that creepy poem.
@karefalk4119 3 ай бұрын
Sandal being an old god something akin to it makes sense, since Flemmeth seems to be interesting in him, and we learn she wants an old gods soul for some reason.
@Strait7050 2 ай бұрын
@UmbraDiSol Жыл бұрын
On the note about the Maker and the Fade being the same thing- I believe that's right. The fade is a Noosphere, a realm of pure thought. Ideas prey upon one another, and grow. It is the coklective unconsciousness of all beings, a realm which turns thought real etc
@theshadowblade6dg340 Жыл бұрын
I mean a theory I held since Inquisition was that the blight was originally a deterent by Solas to prevent any who may arrive and somehow free the gods. Also that the golden city in the fade is actually a prison to hold the elven gods. So when the magisters arrived the "failsafe" of the blight hit them like a truck and sent them back to thedas.
@JoshSweetvale Жыл бұрын
The Blight is inherently draconic. It's a Dragonization disease.
@Amdor Жыл бұрын
1:25:00 - Ah so now we begin watching Ancient Aliens :P
@matthewmoser1284 7 ай бұрын
Demons are actually Elves who were trapped in the Fade whem Solas made the Veil. Or theyre the Fade equivalent of the Blight. But their "Maker" (Solas) has abandoned them. And thus the Makers throne is empty.
@AwsmNix Жыл бұрын
That scaled cult thing had me CONFUSED lol I was like wtf how was this not major news lol
@Dexieboi2013 11 ай бұрын
the part about the scaled ones and a bioware employee being apart of a cult, honestly I paused the video just to see if that shit was real because it would of been the most insane shit to have ever been said 💀💀
@FranklyGaming 11 ай бұрын
@gamerhex7335 3 ай бұрын
1:20:08 I honestly don't think Solus LITERALLY turned into a monster wolf thing. I think maybe his magic is just so great, that's what it looks like to "lesser" beings.
@Kdawn1995 Ай бұрын
It's funny to see this comment after the release date trailer LOL😂
@420nerdgirl Жыл бұрын
i imagine dying from the joining is basically like, your entire body liquifying from the inside out. the most horrific way to go.
@BrotherMag Жыл бұрын
Awesomeness iceberg! It was great to listen to while working out!
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the support!
@AC-hj9tv Жыл бұрын
Are you ripped now
@minibees9837 Жыл бұрын
The titans couldve inhabited the chair, once overthrown they created the city on the back of it, as symbol of victory or for its properties or some shit as well. Solas also may have had the aid of the titans in some way to contain his people and it might've been him who was betrayed or deemed such an atrocity necessary. The sky under the ground could be an example of what the fade was supposed look like when near these titans. Theyre planar properties distorting and returning to a void form because of the absence of said titan or titans.
@Sparten7F4 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps the Scaled Ones are just isolated deep under ground, where the Darkspawn keep them and the Dwarves divided by virtue of just... You know, being Darkspawn, lmao?
@Omkay-zx3zo Жыл бұрын
I always liked the idea that the old gods were great dragons that had their own sentience and worked this Solas to fight the elven gods, but were betrayed by solas and used there blood and souls to trap the elevn gods. And traped their souls in the fade This drove them madness, so when humans got to thedas, thay gave them power to open the fade for them to escape. But the old gods saw this, and cursed the magisters with the blight to seek the old gods, to bind them and open the gate they trapped behind. With the first blight the one of the old gods gave the first wardens the ability to kill one of their sisters. One of the simple theories i have is that a titan cursed their blood as a last screw you to the elves that killed it for the lyrium in its body, cursing the elves with the blight,and everyone else who craved power
@quinnmartensbobbitt3704 Жыл бұрын
So, a few things I like ❤to prod at here. The Evanuris and their multitude of connections. For one, Sera. In-game, she is often pointed out as the odd elf, with the strange accent and mannerisms, the odd affiliation with a bow, her nickname of Red Jenny, the mysterious past and strong dislike of all things “elvish”. More than that, when she visits the Fade, she has a dialogue piece that remarks on it being uncomfortably familiar. Given how the two Evanuris we have met in-game react to the Fade and the Dalish as a whole, it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise if Sera turns out to be Andruil. Andruil was seen as a bit of a rebel in the first place, and yet the most sensible of the Elvhen, since she not only had a sense of honor but of honesty to herself. She protected Fen’Harel and made a deal with Ghilan’nain, before going mad whilst traversing the Abyss- where Solas supposedly imprisoned some of the more prejudicial and dangerous Evanuris- the Forgotten Ones, who may be tied to the Old Gods in some way. All these facts combined lends some credence to the idea that she’s either Andruil reincarnated (like Flemeth is the host/reformation of Mythal) or a woman blessed by Andruil. If the former, her madness may have caused her to lose her memories and fabricate new ones inside this mortal host, reaffirming herself to take part in mortal affairs again. If the latter, she might have been born to be a vessel or avatar of sorts. The Red Huntress. As for their connection to the Old Gods, the Forgotten Ones are said to be Evanuris who were sealed away for bringing death, disease, famine and war. They were the antithesis of the Creators, and sapped the Elvhen rather than helping their society. A clear number of how many there were is never given, but 7 seems to be the consistent number for many of the game’s major themes. Given that the Old Gods slumber beneath the Earth and take on warped forms after being plagued, and seem to have powers not seen by other beings, it could very well be that the Old Gods or the Archdemons, are agents of, or avatars for, the Forgotten Ones- their slumber affording them access to the Abyss/Void, where Elvhen Gods reach out past their ethereal prison to influence them. As for Leliana, after playing Inquisition so many times, I got one of two feelings about her ending. The first being that she is a golem of sorts, a physical presence consisting of lyrium and magic, constructed by some otherworldly force, maybe even one tied to Andraste (like the Guardian in DAO), and given a prerogative- to aid in the closing of upcoming conflicts. She might very well have been constructed before we find her in the tavern in Lothering (sometime after Marjolaine’s betrayal) or after the Andraste’s Temple event. The second idea being that she’s like Dorothea (Divine Justinia)- a spectre or remnant of someone who came before, given flesh. This might be why she constantly has such an identity crisis- she’s a spirit of compassion, changed into a spirit of justice or vengeance. By the time we meet her in Inquisition, she’s lost the calm and compassionate demeanor we knew her for in Origins, replaced by a cold, bitter tone and persona that often spouts about assassination and spycraft. She has a longing, like something is missing, but feels drawn to spirits, hostile to any demons of any kind. As for the Titans and the things lurking in the Deep Roads, I’d like to prescribe to the idea that the Dwarves are actually a rather recent race. The Elves knew of them during the time of Arlathan, but had little to no love for them, and even waged war on their creators- the Titans. Since Dwarves are meant to come from the Stone, they might well have been stone constructs, like golems, for a long time before gaining flesh thanks to experimentation. The Hollow Earth locale, while Dwarven in construction, was likely inhabited by other things before the Lyrium Warriors took their place there. The space might even act as a sort of staging ground, a conduit to waken the Titans, who slumber far below, beneath the clouds. And since the Titans are so massive, it stands to reason that they may well have shaped the surface world, as well as the caverns, which could be part of why the Elves hate them- they existed during a time when creation itself was unfinished, and these lumbering demigods strode the land, forging valleys and mountains and endless hills.
@taylorodell7444 Жыл бұрын
Want to add to the Kossith mixed with dragon blood theory, during party banter with Cole and Iron Bull, Cole asks why he calls himself The Iron Bull when his horns aren’t bull horns, they’re dragon horns.
@taylorodell7444 Жыл бұрын
Then proceeds to say “you should be called ‘The Iron Dragon.” And Iron Bull goes “damn, that would’ve been cooler” (or ‘better’, I can’t quite remember what Bulls response is
@dyar648 Жыл бұрын
Have they ever hinted in Dragon Age on whether the races of Thedas have a common evolutionary ancestor recent enough for all of then to be able to have kids with each other who are then still able to reproduce? I remember a conversation with Shale and Sten where they discuss the similarities between Humans and Monkeys, but has there been anything since then? It has to be one of the only explanations as to why everyone is able to have kids with each other.
@Catapilamila Жыл бұрын
5:50 Yea ? Good to know they might be Krogan
@amampathak Жыл бұрын
Truly astounding work brother
@blakec8549 Жыл бұрын
Sara as the best DAI companion is my favorite theory
@jariekyyo Жыл бұрын
However Dreadwolf comes we need to have the writers check review and repeat the storyline as written to make sense and any artistic license taken then can not be called an arse pull of bs that just seems forced and heavily critical or we’re going to hear about how bad it does “For a decade or two”.
@pokefan213 Жыл бұрын
Antiva = Ativa Par Vollen = Par vellen ......dude. there's an N in Antiva. and Par Vollen is pronounced like the 'Voll' in Volley. Just an FYI the names of people and places ARE PRONOUNCED. IN THE GAMES. if you've ever actually played them and listened.
@AC-hj9tv Жыл бұрын
@BraveAbandon Жыл бұрын
Great video
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@indiana_holmes Жыл бұрын
Based on all the errors, inaccuracies, and mispronunciations, it's pretty clear you are not as familiar with the Dragon Age series as you claim. In all honesty, it seems as though you haven't even played the games and that you're just reading a script that others who have a vague understanding of DA lore have prepared.
@FranklyGaming Жыл бұрын
I never claimed that haha, only played inquisition, I just do icebergs in lore that interests me!
@AC-hj9tv Жыл бұрын
@MortSalazar Жыл бұрын
As for the Grey Warden theories and the thought they might make a comeback in the 4th game They ARE making a comeback There were leaks with shots and footage from the game - whatever was happening it was happening at Weisshaupt Still waiting for a bombshell to drop on the chantry that Andraste was a mage Or elf That'd cause a fun religious outrage xD Kinda like first inquisitor being elf or (potential) qunari modern inquisitor
@texx8205 Жыл бұрын
18:18 Ancient humans migrating to Tevinter didn't worship the Maker back then though. It's not even clear they worshiped the Old Gods back then (which only happened around 2800 Ancient, three hundred years after their arrival to Thedas). Thoughout several texts in DA:I and even during conversation with Tevinter magister Alexius during In Hushed Whispers quest, it become obvious the Maker only revealed himself to Andraste (similiar to how God revealed himself to Joan of Arc or before through his messenger Jesus, both of those things are clear inspiration). And in the same way, Tevinter Imperium didn't wanted this new religion to take a root and that's why they took her down. Even Dorian (Tevinter mage) confirms some misbeliefs between what people in the Orlais/Ferelden think about Tevinter and how their own myths are completely different. The Maker's cult is probably nonexistent in Tevinter and I'm also very doubtful he existed before Andraste. There is even one down to earth research text debating all discrepancies between Chantry teached version and Tevinter belief.
@Marryjanesbud Жыл бұрын
Lyrium being alive is definitely somehow connected to Lelianna I just don’t know how yet
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