Fred and Mary's message for Donald

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Maighstir Tarot

Maighstir Tarot

29 күн бұрын

*entertainment and spiritual purposes only*
Love and hugs
Intuitive/Storytelling Cards:

Пікірлер: 255
@spence8056 27 күн бұрын
Dr. Mary Trump, Psychologist, is Donald's niece who is named after her Grandmother, Mary. According to Dr. Mary Trump's book, her grandfather, Fred put all his attention to Donald to hurt Dr. Mary's father because he wanted to become a pilot for commercial planes. The father was angry he didn't want to go into the family business so he destroyed his life. Mary's father died young because of his father's abuse. After her grandfather passed away, Donald stole his niece's inheritance and she sued her Uncle Donald for her fair share. Years ago a psychic friend of Linda G connected with Donald's deceased brother who was abused. He told the psychic he was going to make sure his brother Donald and his children were going to be penniless because they stole his daughter Mary's inheritance. He also said he didn't want to reincarnate with this family ever again. Dr. Mary Trump has a podcast online. She speaks truthfully about her uncle, Donald. She said Donald has never won anything in his life and cheats. She also said he "was the most dangerous man in the world." Donald's grandfather was a German draft dodger during. He fled to the Northwest of the United States and ran a brothel. Dr. Mary Trump wrote a book on her family and Donald is written about a lot. She's very nice and well respected by us Democrats. She voted for Hillary Clinton. Thank you, Libby. 🕊️
@maighstirtarot5385 27 күн бұрын
Great summary - thanks - and I know I got the cousin/niece thing wrong ... xx
@carolsaia7401 27 күн бұрын
She also listens to Dr Lena Rodriquez, Tarot Down Under!!
@carolsaia7401 27 күн бұрын
Family abuse is very devastating to humanity. I married a man sex abused by his 1/2 uncle, and even though his potential was great, the abuse and his lack of therapy to heal, fked him up. He divorced me suddenly, had a "career woman" in the wings and took custody of our two children via dirty tricks and family law. I still try to be happy knowing my spiritual things but, my happy life was close to ruined. I didn't listen to my intuition. Angels and Guides are with me. Our wounded parts collided and the children pay the price.
@lisaashton1124 26 күн бұрын
@@maighstirtarot5385 I had to think about it!
@maighstirtarot5385 26 күн бұрын
Oh - Carol - huge hugs to you and I hope you've managed to connect and heal with your children ... xx
@pennibrockett6558 23 күн бұрын
He is just like his Dad ! He has never learned kindness or humility and many virtues. He is evil as far as I'm concerned.
@PetiteEnchantments-ik2xp 27 күн бұрын
It's hard for me to feel compassion in this. His parents created the perfect environment for their narcissistic, distorted spawn to evolve into what he is today. If they are sitting back horrified at what they are witnessing, I hope it includes acceptance of responsibility for their own part in cultivating it. Their hands are as dirty as his. The lies and deception being exposed are likely going to serve as a wake up call for other family members who are closest to him too. The undeniable evidence puts them at a painful crossroad. This is what karma looks like in real time. And no doubt there's much more to come. In fact, he continues to create it with his choices and actions. An amazing display of self-destruction. Thanks, Libby, for another great reading.
@gointothedogs4634 26 күн бұрын
According to mediums who've heard from them, and Libby's reading here, they are. That's why his mother is trying to send him guidance. I question if the psychic friend of Linda G. who supposedly heard from Donald's brother really spoke with him. Once they cross into the light, are they really that vindictive?
@annew.9244 23 күн бұрын
DJT is a case of arrested development. His mother went into the hospital for a couple of months when he was two. A missing mother and a father who is a sociopath himself makes a man-toddler which is stuck in the me-me-me stage, throwing tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. He has done so much damage to the US, and is the cause of many people losing their lives due to the bumbling of the pandemic, and his leaking of state secrets. No sympathy here.
@annew.9244 23 күн бұрын
@@gointothedogs4634 his father just stated the fact that Donald will end up in jail. It wasn’t a hateful communication. He’s probably never going into the slammer, the jail is in his own mind or hopefully held in a facility with no access to internet, nor phone. 27 күн бұрын
Prayers going out for your father in laws wellbeing. 🙏❤
@WritingWizard 27 күн бұрын
God bless you and your father-in-law
@ravenscry048 27 күн бұрын
I think that Donald Trump is incapable ( in this lifetime) of understanding the spiritual realm and that he must repent or own up to his actions which have harmed others, etc. I'm sure he is frustrated & frightened of what is befalling him now--being held accountable for his actions/behaviors. I don't think he knows he must surrender to Spirit and willingly choose healing and goodness. As much as I despise his life and actions/behaviors, it is sad to watch his public undoing. Hopefully his true nature will be evident to many American voters who think he should be President again. God save us from that horror again!
@victoriablue665 27 күн бұрын
I'm glad you asked this question of Fred and Mary, Libby.
@lindalb9519 27 күн бұрын
GOOD! I'll be dead before he comes back - he has tested my patience and gotten on my LAST nerve!
@TheresaH-ht4gi 27 күн бұрын
Lol !
@melissanorth7076 27 күн бұрын
Fascinating 🧐 ❤❤ thank you Libby and boys ❤❤❤ Medias’ Ben Meiselas showed us an email from Trump …. Do you love me. I love you. I hope you love me.. give me money… please love me…. Waa it’s pathetic really.
@SylviaD1223 27 күн бұрын
Prayers for your father in law. Really amazing video Libby.
@marthaspillman9988 27 күн бұрын
His childhood must have been void of love and affection for him to be so needy and insecure! It is really very sad. He is unable to be happy or relaxed. What an awful way to live!
@penelopesimpsonadams624 23 күн бұрын
Yes! And his learning disabilities did not help at all which made him feel inferior to others. That is how bullies can be born along with poor parenting and role modeling.
@carilariviere505 21 күн бұрын
A lot of people have been parented much worse than he; and they managed to live empathetic lives. The man is seriously mentally ill., THAT is why he is who/what he is. He is no more capable of changing his way of being, than a zebra is of changing it's stipes. It's sad, yes. But in his particular sociopathy, it makes him extremely dangerous. A number of other tarot readers say his health will fail before the election; that would be best all round I think.
@Joelle287 27 күн бұрын
Sending love and strength to your father in law,your husband and yourself.❤
@AuntieVonn 27 күн бұрын
Oooh! How interesting! Thank you, Libby ❤❤❤❤❤
@Lflower1Stars 27 күн бұрын
He can set himself free by telling the whole truth.
@sjg4967 27 күн бұрын
He can set them free also.. They are trapped by their own mistakes because he is repeating them. He has everything he could want o break the cycle but he chooses to repeat it..
@rebeccaskawinski9841 26 күн бұрын
The problem is Trump doesn’t know what the truth is. He’s lied, all his life. When his mouth is moving he’s lying. You must be😢 miserable man.😂
@penelopesimpsonadams624 23 күн бұрын
@@sjg4967 I am not so sure he is choosing, it appears that the script for his life and all those who support his corruption is so strong that he might just have been born to wake us up but in such crude, low-level ways we cannot help but have to pay attention. I cannot imagine what our history books will look like from the period of time.
@sjg4967 22 күн бұрын
@@penelopesimpsonadams624 Hmm.. Interesting, I agree that the collective refuses to see the light until we have scrapped through the bottom of the barrel. So we needed Trump in the US, Johnson in the UK, Bolsonaro etc to just keep digging until there was clearly no where else to dig. But I do believe that we always have the choice to break the wheel of fortune or to allow it to break us. So on balance I can see that he was not expecting to win the first term, and he was prey to a group of people who could manipulate him. But this second term, is his choice, he could have walked away, admitted he lost, returned the docs, apologised to E Jean, admitted his event with Stormy and most of his problems would have vanished. Instead he is drawing every drop of blood out of the RNC to keep his run afloat and it's still not enough. And I suspect that that is what his Mum and Dad will be saying - that it's never too late, like Marley to Scrooge. As for what our history books will look like, we have to keep praying till November that there will be any history books... Thank you and Blessings.
@thegreengoddess8850 27 күн бұрын
I have a horrible sister that was afraid she wouldn’t get much inheritance from my mom. I told her millions of times that caring about my Mom and helping her out and being normal will work. She can’t figure out how to do those things. When you said Trump never was good enough, it sounded the same as my sister. Just being a good person is all people want from you and that is the thing they don’t know how to do.
@SpiritAnimal1212 27 күн бұрын
This was a good reading. I wonder if the parents see their role in how Donald turned out. They were enablers. @Libby - can you do a reading on what messages Ivana and Trump’s brother Fred have for Donald?
@spence8056 27 күн бұрын
I just left a message that will answer part of your question. I'm Spence who shared much info just now. Check out comments here. Hope it helps.
@BusterTucker 27 күн бұрын
Mary Anne is his mother, Mary Trump is his niece!
@debpabetz9730 27 күн бұрын
And he also has a deceased sister named Mary.
@maighstirtarot5385 27 күн бұрын
Goodness - Mary's everywhere!
@candicek.4659 26 күн бұрын
Thank you for this compassionate and sensitive reading, Libby. I do feel that he’s closed/scared of the message. He’s likely never been engaged with his emotions and unlikely to start now. I also believe he was meant to become president to expose corruption, racism, hatred, greed, the two tiered justice system, uncover loopholes or weaknesses in our laws and the dangers of being complacent about our government and leaders. For not only the US but the world since it’s happening everywhere. Much love to you and the boys. ❤️💝❤️
@maighstirtarot5385 26 күн бұрын
Absolutely - the corruption would've simply continued without the Trump presidency exposing it all ... as awful as it's been, his time was necessary
@gointothedogs4634 26 күн бұрын
Last night I finished reading a highly spiritual book from the '50's in which a channeled message from Jesus spoke of how much of this would come to pass as we leave the Piscean age to enter the Age of Aquarius, because old systems that are no longer working must be torn down and corrected, for us to take on the higher evolving Aquarian energies. Well here we are. I've long felt that tRump's soul agreed to play this part, but he went too far with it.
@maighstirtarot5385 25 күн бұрын
Sounds like a fabulous book ... and ... yep ... xx
@penelopesimpsonadams624 23 күн бұрын
@@maighstirtarot5385 Absolutely! This is exactly what I believe is happening as well. The very dark shadows of America have have risen above to the surface and light. It is our responsibility to right many wrongs, close all the loopholes for the racists, misogynists, rich and powerful who we are maniplating our world and lives. We must strengthen our Constitution, rmental, ethical and educational equirements for leaders, as well as protections against any party having any control over judicial appointments and NO Lifetime appointments. We see how power attracts corruption. Anyone is susceptible. We need a counsel who are experts in our Constitution and laws that oversee any potential corruptions and root them out. We must re-visit our 1st Amendment so that lies, gaslighting and propaganda are not allowed to brainwash vulnerable to create cults. FACTS must be the key. Critical thinking skills need to be taught from kindergarten on up. That makes one less susceptible to lies and manipulation by bullies and fascists and hostile cyberwarfare-which also needs to have major protections and blocks).
@Seekingtheshift 27 күн бұрын
Such an interesting reading that is giving me lots to ponder. It is thought that we choose our life path prior to birth. Parents, siblings, what we aim for in life and whether we follow through on said plan.
@penelopesimpsonadams624 23 күн бұрын
Astrologers say his chart was a total set-up. He could not have changed his course, most likely, even if he wanted to. It does seem like such a strange script that someone has been writing. All the characters he draws to himself are just the worst of a Grade Z movie. I have been summoning Bat Man to please come any moment and save Gotham from these creatures. But, I think WE are the ones to have to save it by voting and standing up to bullies and propaganda and gaslighiting projections. We have to educate our children from kindergarten up what a democracy is and how they must participate in it if it is to thrive.
@Seekingtheshift 22 күн бұрын
@@penelopesimpsonadams624 I had a good chuckle about the Grade Z movie. Mainly because I get a kick out the old B monster movies. Love it! And yes, Trump has been as teacher for us. The kind of teacher we can not stand but teaches us a lot.
@marylouise2169 27 күн бұрын
I am so happy you read on Fred and Mary. I hoped they would have tried to steer him on a better path after they had passed, but like all humans, 45 has free will and made his own choices. This read was very interesting. So sorry about your father-in-law’s health concerns.
@TeresaDragstrem-ts9rq 27 күн бұрын
Thanks, Libby and The Guys.
@sandyd3686 27 күн бұрын
👋 Libby, this will be very interesting and revealing message 👍 thank you and always appreciated 🎉🧡🥰❤️❤
@theresadiamond3651 22 күн бұрын
I hope you father in law has a positive outcome and if he doesn’t, I’m grateful you will be with him❤
@AgapeSpiritFlow-vv5fx 27 күн бұрын
I think trump is doing exactly what he came here to do and when he gets home he'll be told "good job". I'm an American and I think we needed him to expose many of our issues. I don't like it. But I think it's true.
@maureenwolford5869 25 күн бұрын
I agree that he is fulfilling his purpose. I think he chose to do it negatively instead of positively. That's the free choice part.
@sheiladavidson7475 23 күн бұрын
​@@maureenwolford5869I think he became President to destroy this country no matter who gets in the way and still trying! And expect his kids and grand kids to live in it. He hates America!
@willchristie2650 22 күн бұрын
This brings up a huge spiritual metaphysical question. Do some souls incarnate to intentionally do evil? I think there is the Christian original sin concept but modern metaphysical systems teach that some souls do indeed choose a negative path and incarnate to advance on this negative path. In the RA Law of One material, a soul can repeatedly incarnate on the negative path and evolve on this path to having more and more power until finally reaching a level (6th dimension) where to proceed further the person must set aside the negative path and embrace the positive path that the rest of us accepted upfront long ago.
@nldias5234 27 күн бұрын
Thank you so very much for sharing with us. I'm wishing the best outcome for your Father-in-law. Sending prayers and blessings 🙏❤️ ~ Nancy
@yawada1 27 күн бұрын
His mind don't function the RIGHT way,
@sunnyvibes8528 23 күн бұрын
let's just collectively send him to the light - reunite with Mother & Dad
@HeirOfNothingInParticular 16 күн бұрын
@kerrycusack9262 27 күн бұрын
i hope your father in law is okay, take good care!
@seachangemix6702 27 күн бұрын
He made no personal sacrifice to help any other living soul. Just selfish to the core with no humanity for others. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes next lifetime. Thanks Libby and sending comfort to your father-in-law x
@debbiewells684 20 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your fascinating readings, with your Spirit Guides. I always look forward to hearing every word you "each" share. You give us all so much helpful information & you certainly make things feel safer & better with your Divine Wisdom & your extraordinary talents..what a Gift you each are to this World. dw
@FC-rg1vk 27 күн бұрын
@FC-rg1vk 27 күн бұрын
The are the failures of the world!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤨🤨
@Songshare 27 күн бұрын
Trump needs a psychiatrist. He needs to understand that he is a self destructive person and a destroyer of other people’s careers. I don’t know why Donald is trapped in this horrible mental loop, but I wish he could let go of his grudge against everyone in his life.
@penelopesimpsonadams624 23 күн бұрын
He is a sociopathic narcissist and is incapable of self-control. He is only caps-be of anger and revenge because he is so stuck in his psychopathy. .
@annew.9244 23 күн бұрын
Narcissists don’t think they need any therapy. DJT is doomed.
@theresadiamond3651 22 күн бұрын
He is a danger to our country & the world. His narcissistic & sociopathic tendencies prevent him from feeling anything except for himself. He should be in a facility for the rest of his life so he can do more harm!
@willchristie2650 22 күн бұрын
A narcissist is incapable of therapy because this kind of person refuses to face himself.
@GraceDaschund 27 күн бұрын
I could feel the energies of my ex’s grandparents around him all the time trying to give him similar guidance. He didn’t allow himself to be open like me. When he did pick up on things it made him even more paranoid, drink more to cope with old childhood wounds, exacerbated sense of shame etc. It freaked him out when I would talk openly about the afterlife and so I know any hint of a sign affirming its existence absolutely scared him. Sounds very similar to how you’re describing TFG’s reaction. That really resonated. Ultimately they both just entrench further in the negative feelings instead of tuning in to beauty and wisdom of the messages.
@ggbythesea9231 27 күн бұрын
Thank YOU, Libby & Guys.. I have a LOT of Feelings about this Reading, will just "sit" with them for now. Blessings on You & Yours, & this Community. Will be sending Positive Energy on Wed/Your Thursday, for Your Father in Law🕊🤲🏼 YOU are a Blessing.
@willchristie2650 22 күн бұрын
According to the metaphysical teachings from the RA Law of One channelings, there are 2 paths: Service to Self (Donald) and Service to Others (the majority of humans who choose consciously). The point is that the choice of Service to Self (the negative path) can continue from incarnation to incarnation. So Donald may have a incarnation history on the negative path. A soul can evolve on the negative path from incarnation to incarnation in power, but ultimately the negative path is a dead end.
@Veronica-I 27 күн бұрын
Thank you Libby. That a really a great messaging from Mary. She is definitely calling on him to do what is right. Donald might not make before she comes to get him.
@graceleal3910 27 күн бұрын
You're the best ! He was probably never given a spiritual education either thru religion, or prayer. Will he ever reach a "come to Jesus moment"? in jail? when there aren't any distractions, just his thoughts? 27 күн бұрын
He was a personal acolyte of Norman Vincent Peal for years; and later had several other spiritual advisers. He choses the Darkside.
@knbsd3876 27 күн бұрын
Oh, this is a great post, with a very good questions posed! This guy needs to be alone for an extended period with his thoughts. They would definitely overwhelm (and perhaps, terrify) him!
@lindamccormack9862 26 күн бұрын
Just heard that Judge Cannon delayed the documents case indefinitely. Can you look at what Jack Smith will do now.
@lindalb9519 27 күн бұрын
I am sure his father told him to "sit down and shut the "heck" up!!! His mother probably says nothing and gets very annoyed. She actually said, something was wrong with him when he was young. / Thank Libby.
@lindaaragon5477 27 күн бұрын
Well his father did put the bowl of mashed potatoes on his head once…
@sueferguson7288 27 күн бұрын
😮😮Libby: just wondering if his cognitive decline may be interfering with whatever message she would be sending. Also, he doesn't have much respect for women!!! From what I have heard about his father he wasn't a very nice man!!!
@geralyn-mm 27 күн бұрын
He *needs* women. The problem is he has never examined his inner life - so I think *he abuses them as much as he needs them* to feel good about himself, then hates them if they do not hold him in high esteem. A constant battle within.
@SPerryfevr 27 күн бұрын
Wow! Very powerful message today. He is definitely doubling down on lies! Very 😔. Thanks Libby❤❤
@geralyn-mm 27 күн бұрын
Libby, your mediumship and card reading skills are deepening in leaps and bounds! This is a deep reading! Thank you and your boys !!!
@user-oc7gm2ns8b 27 күн бұрын
Libby thank you. You're giving us hope about Trump...God Bless us all if Trump wins..This is a scary thought...Libby you look pretty today.🌞
@alicetelford9027 27 күн бұрын
I was born in the same Jamaica, Queens neighborhood as trump. Then I was raised in Manhasset, New York, where trump’s paternal grandmother Elizabeth Christ Trump lived and died in 1966. Who knew? 🤷‍♀️
@jilly1362 27 күн бұрын
Libby you look lovely 🌹, lovely blouse.❤ You've also inspired me when I watch you I thank your guides my guides the worimi and the indigenous that lived here on this land that I live on now
@gointothedogs4634 26 күн бұрын
Libby, I absolutely love your compassion when you read on these tough scenarios. How beautiful that Donald's mother is trying to help him. It's part of her healing also. Lynn of Intuitiview heard from TFG's father several years ago, who said he IS meant to go to jail as part of his lessons. Prayers for your FIL's health. 💕
@maighstirtarot5385 25 күн бұрын
Thanks - I do love these "connecting" episodes, and the spirit world is always compassion in it's message ... it'll be a difficult day for my FIL but he is 91 and had a very full life - hopefully a few years to go ... xx
@laurasait3788 27 күн бұрын
Best wishes to you and your father in law. Kia Kaha (stay strong) from me in New Zealand.
@fleck36 27 күн бұрын
Heard the voices early on😊 thank you for the reading
@jenniferparr1284 27 күн бұрын
Telling him choose a better path for his soul's sake
@deborahhovan6464 27 күн бұрын
Hi Libby and all! ❤❤❤! Great reading as usual! ❤❤❤
@jenniferparr1284 27 күн бұрын
Mercy and mother's teaching coming thru but being blatantly ignored
@justjoy4239 27 күн бұрын
It’s probably going to be we won’t be here when you get here we’ve decided to reincarnate! 🤣🤣
@Barb-el4mb 27 күн бұрын
He didn't have it as a child that's why he didn't know how to be better as a father
@maighstirtarot5385 26 күн бұрын
True - but there are people who don't receive love/acceptance as a child who go on to be wonderful parents, through their own determination not to repeat the past ... it's a life lesson that Donald choose not to learn
@candidaprout560 27 күн бұрын
Thanks very much ❤ thanks from Europe 🇪🇺. He is a psycho path narcissistic personality. For him he's always right. He lies to himself before lying to others. If I understood well what his niece Mary said his father taught him to profit and his mother never gave him importance. He didn't go to the sister funeral. He didn't help the Mary s father and it looks like the other brother was friendly. He is a lost case. Have no shame 😡. The best to you and family and dogs 🐶🐶❤ and kitty 🐈❤️. And the best possible for your father in law 🙏
@jbsfkoolbrit5359 27 күн бұрын
He was also strongly influenced by Roy Cohn, a nasty piece of work who taught the orange one never to back down.
@adub3168 27 күн бұрын
@NanaOneAZ 27 күн бұрын
I read a little about Trump's childhood. His father was very stern and I'm guessing he ruled with an iron fist. His brother, Fred Jr., was viewed by his father as weak because he favored kindness and the arts. DJT saw how his father treated Fred Jr. and vowed to be "strong" to survive. Very sad. I remember DJT saying about his mother, "She was an amazing woman." No sign of tenderness or caring, much less the concept of love.
@candicek.4659 26 күн бұрын
Prayers and light for your Father-in-law. Xo
@HEllis-qu5nn 27 күн бұрын
Where do you think he got all his organized crime connections from???? HIS FATHER. That family helped create enormous wealth by stealing tax payer dollars and corruption. I feel they are facing consequences on the other side. .i just don't see these energies as evolved. I don't feel them as nurturing either.
@mmsapollo 27 күн бұрын
At some point, people lose the thread of their soul. Down in quicksand of his own making; he can't get out any more except to cross thru the veil. Of course, his parents want the best for him NOW, but their parenting skills were lacking.
@RZ-eu2rl 27 күн бұрын
HI Libby can you do a reading on jan 6, on why Homeland Security stood by and let it happen.
@maighstirtarot5385 27 күн бұрын
They needed authorisation from the Prez to move in - and he didn't give it
@Oldleftiehere 27 күн бұрын
Interesting reading. I wonder if they were shown where they fell short in his spiritual/emotional earthly education. They did a fine job with his brother who drank himself to death but somehow Donald either ran roughshod over his parents or they just gave up and let him have his head.
@timothyryan1173 27 күн бұрын
When he did a couple of rallies a while back he was pretending to lift something heavy struggling and saying I'm sorry mama I just can't do it..I felt then he was thinking about her.
@maureencoyle666 27 күн бұрын
Libby, you think up the most creative questions to investigate…and choose great follower’s questions!!! I always love your videos. Prayers and white healing light to your Dad-in-law!! I pray is way forwatd is easy and pain free! 💚💚💚🙏🏻🌎☮️
@jenniferparr1284 27 күн бұрын
Literally again the very same words came to mind guides are channeling strong this reading.
@michelleboldan5 27 күн бұрын
I fell asleep and missed this one , now I will listen, excited
@mariamilo1 27 күн бұрын
Wishing the best outcome for your father in law. Sending love and light.
@luannabailey9598 27 күн бұрын
Ty, Libby ❤
@Crub837 27 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@friedaferrick7059 27 күн бұрын
I was so curious when I saw the title of your reading. T hank you, Libby.
@debbiestokes2310 27 күн бұрын
Hi Libby, I was taught that there is a term .Label for his kind They're Ego Maniacs with Inferiority Complexes =Cowardly Narcissists🤕Thank you Libby for being here for us ,I hope you know how much you are needed for the goodness you bring💖💖💖💖💖😘
@XiaoGuanYin104 23 күн бұрын
Malignant narcissist.
@olivebinger9293 27 күн бұрын
So very fascinating. I understand just a little bit more.
@robinfoster1332 27 күн бұрын
Thank you Libby. Very interesting. ❤
@deborahwebb1589 27 күн бұрын
That's an interesting approach!
@lisastrozzieri9043 27 күн бұрын
Best wishes for your father in law.
@kimberleykanous5610 27 күн бұрын
Im feared to hear this msg
@eileenkotkin1889 27 күн бұрын
I so understand what you are reading.
@marciamarill2370 27 күн бұрын
Love and light to you and your father in law and your husband. It is a tough season when are parents get older and sicker. I feel for you. Thank you for this reading. As one of your followers wrote regarding the life of DJT in Mary Trump’s book, his parents did not really show their children love. I am sad to hear his parents have chosen to help DJT to make better life decisions after their passing and DJT has not chosen to take the right path. So sad DJT so far has stayed in the dark . 😢
@Rowan2314 27 күн бұрын
Mary is Trump's niece.
@maighstirtarot5385 27 күн бұрын
Yep - was simply trying to remember the mother's name ... xx
@niccielders3471 27 күн бұрын
It is so interesting in how your own evil can destroy yourself. Loved this, thank you 😘 ❤
@jenniferparr1284 27 күн бұрын
Choose a better path. Very same energy I got
@lynettewilliams2540 27 күн бұрын
😂When I saw the title of this video I immediately thought of 'Our Mary' Queen of Denmark and her husband King Fredrick. Why are they giving us a msg?😂😂Duh
@jude6169 27 күн бұрын
Me too.
@dee003 27 күн бұрын
Same here 😅
@sheilar8263 27 күн бұрын
Not surprised rump doesn’t want to listen. He’s gonna have a lot of work to do once he gets there.17:16 you say he’s not looking he’s not engaging and they say “yeah” referring to his mother trying to reach him with healing messages. I wouldn’t expect her to be aggressive, I just don’t think they work that way over there. It would be interesting to ask him about his dreams but, I would never want to speak to him……ever!❤❤❤❤❤❤
@pamroberts340 27 күн бұрын
Yes I heard that too. 😊
@joandarrah478 22 күн бұрын
How can he receive messages when he is so busy making a lot of noise?
@user-zr1cj8iq3x 27 күн бұрын
As in spirit it must be heart breaking for Mary as a mother to see the path her son has chosen. Thank you for that reading. Hard for me to have compassion, but is we are to stay in the light, that what me must do.
@highpriestess4455 27 күн бұрын
Is anyone else getting that his parents are visiting him now and he thinks he is hallucinating the visits. He is haunted.
@sallymorgan6453 27 күн бұрын
Would love to hear a reading on Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche!
@maighstirtarot5385 26 күн бұрын
Oh - he is full of regret - I did a reading last week on Trump lying to Blanche, let me know if you want me to delve further
@knbsd3876 25 күн бұрын
@@maighstirtarot5385Yes, please🙏
@js.neveragain367 27 күн бұрын
Mary is Trump niece 😊
@margueritehann-syme5137 27 күн бұрын
A flash thought libby, wouldn't it be intriguing if, rather than Donald, the parents are experiencing a higher realm of consequences, the higher trial of justice maybe, of their appalling parental roles. That they're having to witness the consequences of their actions, experiencing the full whammy and are powerless to interfere. Hmmm.... What say you?
@maighstirtarot5385 27 күн бұрын
I feel I've got very ringing ears atm - with my thoughts that they have gone through their own life appraisal, and his mother is now trying to help him ... I feel she was very broken by her relationship with her own father and husband, and she was here to break that cycle, but failed ... xx
@margueritehann-syme5137 27 күн бұрын
@@maighstirtarot5385 yeah she did! And she's having to watch her son aptly personifying the DTs! Karma's an interesting thing isn't it!? I'm still hovering over completing a book i started some years ago on shadow psychic inheritance. Trump sadly is an impenetrable specimen. His mum orta try harder! She helped create the monster! 😄😎
@maighstirtarot5385 26 күн бұрын
Would - your book sounds like it would be fascinating, and of it's time ... xx
@chrisqueen3118 9 күн бұрын
Fred was just as bigoted as Donald but maybe a more honorable businessman. I don't really know much about that side of Fred. I really can't picture Donald listening to spirit.
@margueritehann-syme5137 27 күн бұрын
Welllll... very charitable of you Libby and though I know almost zero of the T parents it seems a tad hypocritical they're offering opportunities to take the higher ground. I'm surprised they know what that means even if it hit them in the face!
@maighstirtarot5385 27 күн бұрын
Remembering that they're in the spiritual realm now - things are very different when in that position
@margueritehann-syme5137 27 күн бұрын
@@maighstirtarot5385 yeah but I can fantasise 😎
@joannecleve4718 22 күн бұрын
They probably wishing condoms had been more accessible years ago.
@noreenalberts4252 13 күн бұрын
You're so talented at weaving a story from the cards. As for Big D...After given every advantage a person can receive on this planet he has created his own quagmire. Well, he could have had more loving parents, but he got everything else. He has shown us the swamp in technicolor. It is up to us to correct decades of corruption. I read Mary Trump's book. I had to throw it away when I finished it. It painted a very ugly portrait of a completely joyless family. Bless Mary and her efforts to make truth known.
@maighstirtarot5385 12 күн бұрын
Absolutely ... xx
@Songshare 27 күн бұрын
Donald would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. Who knows why? It may be that he cannot come to terms with his shadow - he’s too afraid to look at his shadow.
@user-xf1je9nz7u 27 күн бұрын
Mary is his niece 💜💜💜
@hazellove2144 27 күн бұрын
@shielanunn3484 27 күн бұрын
Frankly i dont CARE about dumpts childhood...Only that He GETS his just desserts
@HeirOfNothingInParticular 16 күн бұрын
@Humphreedee 27 күн бұрын
Mary Trump is Trump's niece, the daughter of his brother, Fred. She's not Trump's cousin--just FYI.
@maighstirtarot5385 27 күн бұрын
Yep - I wasn't trying to hard to place her in the family tree - just wanted to check the mother's name
@gointothedogs4634 26 күн бұрын
She knows that, she misspoke.
@chrystya 24 күн бұрын
Oh please, if anyone here has any connections that Trump can see this posting, PLEASE. That would finally put him over the top.
@XiaoGuanYin104 23 күн бұрын
He would not listen.
@RememberMeYeah 27 күн бұрын
The other Mary Trump is his niece not his cousin. She is 45’s brother, Fred Jr’s daughter.
@maighstirtarot5385 27 күн бұрын
Yep - thanks for that - his mother was also called Mary, which the the Mary I wanted to clarify
@deemerrill7375 23 күн бұрын
His parents are just like him! Why bother to ask them anything
@maighstirtarot5385 23 күн бұрын
Was still an interesting delve ... xx
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