When I close my eyes (the video's distracting I think) the song is pretty fucking sweet. don't take it wrong, but is it a demo? only because i'm sure you agree on some level that Britney is more important than any of us, or if her story is understood, she could be. Obviously, as the biggest pop star probably ever, but even though to me that is enough, now it's not just britney, bitch. Her story has this wroldwide gravitas many may have not believed before. The perez hilton generation hopefully now are at least in some way sympathizing or recognizing there is more at stake than meets the public eye at play. Britney may represent a LOT to the world and be the biggest STAR ever, but she's also just one girl in pain and feeling alone. She was ridiculed before as though she wasn't actually REAL if you will. People sort of laughed, how could this celebrity, this avatar, this symbol have feelings? If she would have feelings, we thought they were a world away from what we'd ever felt. A bunch of us humans stripped her of her humanity even though that very thing is what's made her light shine even still for all this time for all of us. Hopefully, the blinders are off and we will be engaged collectively and more compassionate toward all human experiences, even those of the rich and famous. None of us are exactly innocent regarding what has happened to Britney Spears. What we could potentially collectively learn and how we act differently and more helpfully in the future as a result of this story and her life will certainly be vast and also, hopefully, be positive. 'Freeing' Britney will have a worldwide and unknown ripple effect. This is already the largest group discussion around topics of mental health ever seen. Even those of us who think humanity is not impacted as a whole by what happens to each individual on some small level seem to be aware of the impact this woman's life is having on the world. You know the saying/joke, 'sometimes a cigar is just a cigar? Britney conversely is never, JUST Britney. She's burdened with being representative of all of us. And this song, while I like it, think it can speak more about our core universal and collective humanity and how we can relate to and embrace everyone and anyone. This song can be important and huge; as its subject warrants, I think. She's more than just a SLOGAN. Boy, I think you may be the perfect person to really, really write the fuck out of this song for her, for you, and for all of us. I love it so far. It just isn't done, it's not big enough. Please consider taking the ideas further and making this song pull all of its emotional weight She deserves it, God knows you deserve this moment too and if anyone's going to be able to find clarity for the rest of us through a song like this old queen hopes, babe, it's you. I believe in you. (And that Scissor sisters kylie song apparently). Your voice can lodge this story directly into our hearts. I think of you and Antony singing 'You Are My Sister' and I get chills. I hear it and I cry without fail. Tears of joy. That's what this can be. Even more. You've never let me down. Not bad for someone I don't even know. I'm not a big believer in God and stuff, and I guess celebrity has played that role for me. Your voice is the right one to do this. No one else's. I don't know why I felt the need to write all this, but you've been such a positive and important part of my life for years. Thank you for everything you are. LOVE.