My husband witnessed on hospital 3rd child...his 1st...and he said never again...the rest will be at my surprise and fulfilling my desire. We then had 4 children at home. A family of 7 children and he proudly tells "everyone"(sometimes to my dismay-sharing the birth exp. for me is a little over the top in mixed company) that we had 4 home births. So much for dignity...hahha. Whole-heartedly support this movement of childbirth in the home and full of peace.
@susyohare12 жыл бұрын
As a mother of two, having one daughter in hospital and one daughter at home, the difference in our experience was unbelievable. Thanks to HypnoBirthing, Ina May's books, a wonderful, supportive midwife and partner, I had the most AMAZING experience of my life. My birth was incredible and it should be like that for every woman. Woman should take back their birthing rights!
@ToniHarmanfilms12 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your point of view. As the whole film explains, the point is that sadly some babies (and mothers) do die in hospitals in childbirth, but doctors aren't criminally prosecuted or jailed for their actions. Criminal prosecution of home birth midwives is happening in many countries around the world, not just with Agnes Gereb in Hungary.
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
According to the movie trailer, the movie is about having the choice available to women if they want to birth at home.... the movie is not all about the midwife in Hungary.... I can say in the area in which I live in, the women are looked down on delivering at home, and their Health Care Providers discourage them in this decision.... even if they are LOW risk. I am glad they are making this video!!!! good for them!
@Devaraje12 жыл бұрын
Amazing, truly amazing work, thank you, we mothers needed this video. Its time to make a difference to birthing women and babies and move away from the industrialized birth and claim back our natural right to birth at home. Thank you for all the people who are involved in this mission. video well made. xx
@ElijahsLittleGirl12 жыл бұрын
Oh I bet it was! I hear stories from my sister and other family about their hospital births vs all I've heard from home births and family who have had home births. Big difference. A friend of mine had a C Section with her first, meds with the 2nd though it was a VBAC, then hospital natural birth with this newest one. If she has another, I'm going to really encourage her to have that one at home. Each experience was better and better for her, so I think she'd love it at home.
@ToniHarmanfilms12 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your comments but as the whole film explains, the story is about Human rights abuses happening around the world right now, and criminal prosecution of home birth midwives that happens in many countries around the world (and no criminal prosecution if the same situation happens in hospitals) means that home birth is not a supported choice, which is a violation of Human Rights (as articulated in the European Court of Human Rights holding in the ECHR Ternovszsky vs Hungary 2010 case).
@dikolavos12 жыл бұрын
1)The verb cause refers to a relationship of casuality or causation.This relationship is between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first. 2)Doctors,as everybody,of course are prosecuted when causing death(causing with the above meaning).Proof is the special law sector called medical law.The compensations that they are often forced to pay.The criminal reports which refer to acts of medical negligence.
@babycatcherglr12 жыл бұрын
This film will be seen in La Jolla, Ca, September 20th at Landmark Theater. Please join us from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. This will be a fundraiser for the scholarship fund of Nizhoni Institute of Midwifery, where birth matters.
@FreeTruthShow12 жыл бұрын
My friend says: Thank you . Spread the word and allow more choice for home births.
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
I would have to agree with this perception of birthing...I read a book that said there are 40,000 woman a year in the US who report to have painless births!!! (from the book painless childbirth)... and I have seen and heard of many woman who do not report pain during labor/birth..... and this is without medication!
@SusanRossBirthRight12 жыл бұрын
We need to get this out to the general public because it is they who will change the system. Having worked in the 'system' for over 35 yrs. it is the reason I started Birth Right, and wrote 2 books, the latest, 'Doulas', is about the beauty of birthing with a doula. I could not change the system, even though I tried, very hard, but consumers can. Fears for pregnant women are at an all time high resulting in many traumatic birth experiences. I have great results using hypnosis for birthing
@ElijahsLittleGirl12 жыл бұрын
We're planning our first home water birth in November.: )
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
This choice should be supported by every single woman who is in a low risk category... which is about 90%+ woman many countries home birth is covered for low risk women by their insurance and the use of Midwifery is advocated.... OB/GYNs are only used when referred by the Midwife for a woman who becomes a high-risk patient.
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this movie and trying to promote the Humans rights issue... I wish it wasn't that big of a problem in the US....
@silveriasantos283312 жыл бұрын
Muito bom esse documentário!! Precisamos socializar com mulheres e órgãos formadores e assistenciais da saúde. Este é um exemplo e estímulo à mudança de modelo obstétrico. Parabéns às (aos) autoras(es) desse trabalho!!
@ToniHarmanfilms12 жыл бұрын
Yes, every woman should have the choice to decide where and how she gives birth - and the denial of that choice is a violation of the woman's Human Rights. I agree that their needs to be a balance with full back-up emergency care available to all mothers, whether she decides to give birth at home or in hospital, so a home birth mother and midwife should be fully supported by a back-up emergency transport system and caring Ob/GYNs in the event if the mother needs to be transported to hospital.
@georgebistolas1112 жыл бұрын
"And what about the "having another more child issue "? Is that so expensive to have one more child in your family? Ok you decided at the very beginning to have one or two kids.But when you started to accept they`r affection and love why do you think that bringing to life another sister or brother to them is so economically painfull? was it really for the first one or two of them? Or it`s the cruel world you don`t want another kid to live in ( although you have brought into it one or two).LOVE"
@banditina1312 жыл бұрын
and honestly: you can have a birth wherever you want. you don't call the ambulance or ride to the hospital and that's it. so you have rights to have a home birth. Agnes Vereb doesn't have rights to make mistakes and leave death babies behind, just because even if she knows it's time to call ambulance, she doesn't do it, because afraid of consequences of her acts. Really, really sad story. and one more thing. to have a home birth, you have to be prepared. not just physically, but with your soul
@mumumoore12 жыл бұрын
I am sending my love thoughts, and manifestations for woman and men around the world to be given the opportunity to home birth.
@ElijahsLittleGirl12 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Would you please clarify?
@ToniHarmanfilms12 жыл бұрын
This is discussed in the full film.
@DannyTheHun12 жыл бұрын
Actually she was not prosecuted because of promoting homebirth as one of the interviewees said, but because more than one baby died during her midwife practice. Just for the record! (Anyway, I support secure homebirth.)
@SajiSNairNair-tu9dk Жыл бұрын
Old age and their distresses and can enjoy nectar even in this life😋🥰😂
@camillajordao84718 жыл бұрын
Has the movie been released?
@TheKissesfromme12 жыл бұрын
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
The right to chose where to give BIRTH is just as big of a right as where to DIE.... can they dictate if you want to die in your home?......or should everyone be forced to die in the hospital... sometimes you cannot predict where you give birth just as much as you cannot predict where you die....
@banditina1312 жыл бұрын
and mind. And no one can tell that you are prepared. You know it, not anyone else. So for these home births the mothers are responsible, but who is responsible to say this woman knows what she is doing... Really hard to say it's going to be like this or that and make a law for home birth. If you want to have a home birth, don't go the hospital, do it at home, it means you are prepared. but if you need a help, that means you are not prepared, so go to the hospital if you don't want to go to your
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
I think that this film gets the idea out of the closet, and out on the table. Even if this film attracts negative attention, it is still attention and women might take another look at what options they are missing out on.... I still believe women will, take all things into consideration and make the right choices for themselves.
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
Do you think that OBs don't have any neonatal or infant deaths? If they do, then yes it is inspected however, they are not sent to jail because of this... no, they are given a fair trial before sentenced to arrest. That option should be given to this woman, and convicted with a non-partial jury... (meaning not all male OB doctors), don't you think this would be only fair?
@ElijahsLittleGirl12 жыл бұрын
Okay, I got ya. Thanks. You're right, but seriously, it's a SAD state we're in. : (
@abradu12 жыл бұрын
que injusto lo que sucedio pero es una gran puerta para que las mujeres tomen conciencia de las deciciones y acciones al rededor de lo que quieren pero seria fantastico que pasaran el video completo que esta muy pero muy bien realizado yo tube la oportunidad de verlo en la comision de derechos humanos por un enlace de la maestra enfermera obstetra partera etc guadalupe landarreche y sus colaboradores espero pueda ser mas difundido y replicado
@Ninitschga12 жыл бұрын
of course home-births are not for everyone. there are always "high risk"-pregnancies and i´ve never met a midwife who would support (for example) a triplet mom to have a homebirth. but for everyone else it should be a choice. and they should be able to make that choice without fearing the judgement of anyone.
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
This is true there are some caring and wonderful doctors out there... but when certain medical journals (ACOG to be exact) attack home birth on unfounded statistics and warped interpretations of home birth studies across the world (in the book Birth Matters) it does make you wonder if MOST of them don't like home birth as an option...
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
again, I would say look at the medical documents. If she really didn't cause the deaths of these babies... then why would you call the ambulance... Also, these woman inherently know what they are getting into...(say if their baby died) if the law in Hungary says that you cannot practice home births and the women still choose this option then it should be their choice to do so...
@georgebistolas1112 жыл бұрын
"There is a certain issue about caesarian and "natural births " in hospitals.The issue is about money that come out of public funds and get into institutional or medical pockets.A caesarian one is presented as non-painfull for the woman,(although she has to suffer postoperative pains and needs to be hospitalized several days after) and a natural birth as really painfull, dangerous and prohibitive for a great percentage of women (although it`s a lie for more than half in my opinion)"
@dikolavos12 жыл бұрын
Thank you.You would be right if doctor's weren't criminally prosecuted.But this is not true.Doctors who showed negligence(in simple words,they made an error which caused the death,not because of a random fact) during their duties face the law.Proof of that is the law sector called medical law,the term crimes by 'medical malpractice',the law conferancesces with subject 'medical negligence',the law books for the same subject,the accused doctors,the court cases,the compensations imposed to doctors.
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
would they have sent this lady to jail if she had not killed any babies...... and the answer would be yes... because it said that it became AGAINST the law to deliver at home... that is why this film is not telling lies!...
@dikolavos12 жыл бұрын
what is going on with you people?as somebody else already mentioned,she is not prosecuted for her ideas or whatever,BUT for causing death,by negligence of course.In every west country,anyone causing death faces the law.What exactly do you want?a unique exception across Europe for that lady?
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
also, since I know many women in the US are so apt to support a woman's right to abort their babies..... why on earth would those same women not support the RIGHT to HAVE their babies where they want??? Doesn't anyone else think this is weird?
@naturalchildbirthing12 жыл бұрын
I would say, what is the evidence that is convicting this woman? have you read the medical documents of these baby deaths?... if not, then I do not think you are an accurate judge to say that she (this midwife from Hungary) CAUSED the infant deaths.
@banditina1312 жыл бұрын
it's ok, it's not my problem, just my opinion. I'll give a birth wherever I want, just hope she won't leave more death babies behind. Or anyone else.
@ElijahsLittleGirl12 жыл бұрын
So wait. I have the right to abort my child almost everywhere, but I don't have the right to give birth in my own home if I so choose in many places. That's stupid.
@banditina1312 жыл бұрын
I'm with you. support homebirth, but right, this is the story. Dead babies. And I don't like when a story starts with lies... Unfortunately.
@banditina1312 жыл бұрын
child's funeral... Please. I saw dozens of movies about home birth and think this is amazing and beautiful. Am I prepared to do it? Not. Not yet, let's see how I feel when time is coming. For sure I'm not going to risk my child's and my life for a theory. Have to do what you feel. If I feel it, I won't need a midwife. I never so a lion to have a midwife next to her. So do it alone or do it with full help. This is my opinion.