Wirklich ein ehrliches und respektvolles Interview! Und Freddie lebt weiter! Ich gehöre zu der Generation, die nie die Ehre hatte, Freddie Life sehen zu können, denn bei seinem letzen öffentlichen Auftritt war ich erst wenige Wochen alt, und trotzdem hat er mich gefangen! Was er für eine Seele hat, kann man in jedem seiner Lieder hören! Und der Grund warum Queen ohne Freddie so viel leiser ist liegt daran, das Freddie Queen WAR! Seine Bandkollegen sind alle sehr talentierte Musiker, aber Freddie hatte eine ganz andere Seele zur Musik! Er lebt in und für die Musik! Die anderen hatten noch ein anderes Leben, neben der Musik, aber Freddies Leben war die Musik!
@angelarichly43424 ай бұрын
Rudi du bist einfach Klasse. Danke
@speedygonzales2786 Жыл бұрын
Also ein ganz tolles Interview…Freddie war so ein toller Künstler und Mensch! Er ist viel zu früh gestorben… Er lebt in unseren Herzen weiter.
@brevman712 жыл бұрын
super, lieber Rudi, vielen Dank für die vielen, vielen Eindrücke über das Wirken und Leben von Freddie! Freddie wird immer in meinem Herzen bleiben, grossartige Musik, grossartiger Mensch…
@kellerchen723 жыл бұрын
Freddie war ein wunderbarer Mensch und ich bekomme es hier wieder bestätigt.❤
@AriaMohtadiHaghighi3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely loved to watch these two legends talk about another legend. Cheers from Iran
@cindygipple55713 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing with us the man that he was. Freddie was a caring soul with a heart of gold. As you said there will never be another Freddie. Much love to you Rudi and Peter! ❤️❤️❤️
@annamariacorabi71972 жыл бұрын
What a great interview! I truly could feel the love and respect that you had for each other as well as for Freddie. Peter is such a wonderful person and has a beautiful heart. Btw, when you were discussing Freddie 's creativeness, guess what came on my radio? Bohemian Rhapsody!😄🎶❤️
@simonegabriel69293 жыл бұрын
Danke Peter ,wundervoll wie du über freddie👨 erzählst😘🤩🙏👌🤗
@tinajordan69203 жыл бұрын
Fantastic made my day you talking about him miss him so much Txx
@ingaskaara69583 жыл бұрын
I think the essence and really outstanding fact about Freddie Mercury is he was a loving person, a sweet guy, making people happy was what his life was about... almost everybody is talking about him like this. ...and ONLY about Freddie Mercury have I heard so many positive comments. That is absolutely extraordinary, I even dare say unique.
@josefasherrick1053 жыл бұрын
Do more of these interviews Rudi,I always enjoy Peter's stories.Thank you❤️
@TSOE-JustGoodMusic2 жыл бұрын
Seems like Freddie and Elvis were very much alike. Pure souls
@Santeria783 жыл бұрын
Schönes Interview, Peter Freestone ist wirklich immer sympathisch. Gibt immer wieder neue Dinge, die man über Freddie erfährt. Und Dolezal hat gut interviewt. Super! Freddie rules, und das fast 30 Jahre nach seinem frühen Tod!
@thedesertroseband3 жыл бұрын
Good to see these old pals together
@davidwalker89553 жыл бұрын
Love this Interview Peter Freestone is Genuine a True Loyal Friend of Freddie Mercury. I found this Interview Touching Gosh what a great Loss Freddie Mercury is Gosh I miss him in Queen. But his Music is still here and I am grateful for that. Rest In Love Freddie .
@mariateresahumphreys3493 жыл бұрын
So touching interview! I love it ! Thank you for sharing this !❤️
@lynnlorenz55482 жыл бұрын
This is the second interview I’ve listened to with Rudi and Peter! God love you both for sharing with those of us who adore Freddie!! Thank you!! Loved hearing your memories of Freddie! Didn’t think I could love him more and after listening to this video I do love him more!!! A very inspiring man❤️💛
@gudrunfridolson96923 жыл бұрын
ich finde den Moderator unerträglich selbstverliebt ... interessant sind die Geschichten dennoch ..
@flora31773 жыл бұрын
Freddie Mercury war viel mehr als ein Rockstar Er war ein Genie. Großes musikalisches Talent. Hochinteressante besondere charismatische Individualität. Er war gebildet, vielseitig. Freddies Freunde; sie waren Künstler und Theaterleute, Schriftsteller, Dichter Sein Haus war voller wunderbarer Kunstschätze. Er war ein großzügiger, freundlicher Mann. Freddie war der Motor und der Kleber, das Herz der Band. Starker, mutiger Mann - der Musik und dem Orchester verpflichtet. Es war ein großer Fehler, Jim Beach sowie Brian und Roger den Film (BR) anzuvertrauen. Natürlich war der Film ein Erfolg, weil jeder diesen erstaunlichen Mann, Freddie Mercury und die echte alte Königin, vermisst. Der künstlerische Wert des Films ist null. Schrecklich, Rami Maleks Make-up und seelenloser Sprung. Es ist fast grotesk. Der Film ist Hollywood, das Geld verdient, mehr nicht. Das ist eine böse Sache. Freddie Mercury war kein unglücklicher hysterischer kleiner Schwuler, sondern ein riesiges Talent. Der Film lügt, demütigt Freddie; Freddy, ich könnte dich nie aus einer Tür schicken ... und mich entschuldigen!!? !!! ?? Er war extrem abscheulich von der Regie! Die Königin begann und endete mit Freddie! Freddie spricht in die gesamte Musik der Queen! Malek, Clown. Blauäugiger Affe Schreckliche Täuschung während des gesamten Films. Der Film war gut, um die Bankkonten von Jim Beach, Brian und Roger aufzustocken. Böse Sache! Nur Deaky verhielt sich fair. Er war weit entfernt von diesem abstoßenden, abscheulichen Zirkus. Der Film hat nichts mit der wahren Königin und dem Talent von Freddie Mercury zu tun Müll!
@user-jc6vh8ck1f3 жыл бұрын
Ich kann die Abscheu zwar nicht ganz so sehr teilen, aber gefallen hat mir der Film auch nicht. Gerade das Feine, die Wärme, der Esprit von Freddie kamen nicht rüber. Viele Teile der Bandszenen wirkten irgendwie lächerlich. Und die Intellektualität und Suche Freddies kamen ebenfalls nicht heraus. Rein äußerlich hat Freddie für mich etwas sehr männliches (blödes Wort und vllt auch stereotyp), also von Körperbau und Körpersprache her, das dann mit der androgynen Kleidung kombiniert einfach Freddie ergibt. Der Schauspieler hat für mich nicht gepasst. Und ich meine nicht dass jemand in Gesicht etc. genauso wie Freddie hätte aussehen müssen, aber vom "Typ" her halt schon. Naja.
@richlisola12 жыл бұрын
I agree somewhat-The film was amateur. I suspect that had something to do with Brett Ratner being fired as the director. Dexter Fletcher was a poor choice to replace him, and the casting was awful. Except for the ones who played Brian and John Deacon. Rami is a good actor, but not suited for Freddie. He lacked the manliness and intensity Freddie possessed. And Ben Hardy…just a random pretty boy. He has none of Roger’s wit and humor. His bitting sarcasm. Sacha Baron Cohen quit years ago from the biopic because he saw where the movie was going creatively-Into the gutter. The movie made Freddie look like the cause of all the band’s problems, not a driving creative force!
@RobertDumas-l3hАй бұрын
Je vous dédie l’oscar du commentaire ! D’accord avec vous à 💯 %! Freddie et John ❤❤
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
Rudi as a friend and proffessionaly i wish you and Freddie had met much earlier You friendship and respect for him seems very genuine
@winni2233 жыл бұрын
Such nice people brought together by Freddie.
@meenakshighosh85843 жыл бұрын
Lovely conversation and re al people who have been with Freddie
@bucho448 Жыл бұрын
Freddie help us even now, from Haven...Thank's God for this!
@vaclavakarbanova14693 жыл бұрын
Great interview! I can listen to you both again and again, I am never bored. Can't wait to see you in the Czech Republic.
@IbindaMaerchenprinz2 жыл бұрын
Ich denke das freddy trotz seiner Größe als Künstler u seines Genies einfach ein sehr liebenswerter u bodenständigen Mensch geblieben ist. Ich kannte ohm ja logischerweise nicht persönlich aber das Filmmaterial das es von ihm gibt u all seine Interviews haben mich schon sehr früh davon überzeugt das er ein guter Mensch war ,u ich finde es einen tragischen Verlust das wir so einen Menschen so früh auf diese tragische Weise verloren haben. Als ich mir dies Video angesehen habe kamen mir manchmal die Tränen, u das obwohl freddy ja eigentlich ein komplett fremder Mensch für mich ist,doch mit deiner Art u seiner Musik berührte er einfach mein Herz u ließ mich ihm nicht mehr nur als den unantastbaren Star sehen ,sondern als einen Menschen der wie jeder von uns einfach geliebt u gebraucht werden wollte!!! Ich für meinen Teil vermisse ihm !!!!! R.i.p
@pepesemmel22823 жыл бұрын
Junge Junge, ist der Moderator unangenehm ! Ein selbstdarsteller vom Feinsten !
@peterkarner-ps6wz Жыл бұрын
Hab mir nun fast alles von dir angeschaut, Respekt Rudi...
@sandrahoefner Жыл бұрын
Ich hätte mir mehr Redezeit für Peter gewünscht und dass er mal was ganz ausführen kann.
@BH-qy7mc2 жыл бұрын
Hearing Rudi in this interview, I don’t know what part of his upcoming book I can believe. Rudi was clearly not there when Elton, Rod & Freddie joked about hair nose & teeth band. Rod told the story; Freddie told the story & it was long before Rudi was friendly with Freddie (after the One Vision video). I also doubt Rudi was there at Live Aid to hear Elton John’s comments about Queen or see Freddie come off stage. Freddie was a beautiful soul. I don’t know why people need to exaggerate their relationship. There were nice Freddie stories shared in this interview.❤
@user-jc6vh8ck1f3 жыл бұрын
@Bodo M ich habe gerade eine Arte-Doku über Freddie gesehen und mich hat dieser Peter (?) mehrfach unangenehm berührt, mit seinem seltsamen Lachen, selbst wenn er über Freddies Leiden und Sterben spricht. Vllt nur eine Angewohnheit aber mir ist er dadurch irgendwie unsympathisch und unheimlich gewesen. Ist es nicht irgendwie auch komisch diese ganzen kleinen Details in einem so wenig "gebetteten" Rahmen herauszuholen? Ich breche das Video jetzt jedenfalls mal ab.
@fatym53542 жыл бұрын
Peter is a very good and nice personne.
@flora31773 жыл бұрын
Freddie Mercury was a genius. His amazing voice and stage appearance are inimitable! It's magical. He was a kind, humble generous man! It’s great to see authentic information about Freddy because the movie (BR) is liar and mean. Freddie Mercury was not an unfortunate hysterical little gay - as the terrible Malek shows the clown actor - but a huge talent. It’s sad that the film (BR) rumbles tastelessly in Freddie’s private life and doesn’t talk about his talent and genius personality as well as his music. so thanks for the book ....
@lizosborne96233 жыл бұрын
U hope one day i can personally get to hear peter f. Tell stories..ty for this ..
@AmnesicAphasia3 жыл бұрын
Normally I don't get carried away with such comments, but this arrogance of Dolezal is unbearable for me. This wannabe guy is terrible. Look at the reverence Peter has for Freddie. And Dolezal acts like he was Freddie's best and only true friend. This "darling act" gets on my nerves so much. Freddie was like that, but Dolezal thinks he has to do the same now. And the way he once attacked Peter, because Peter mentioned the name of the champagne. Terrible!!! Very unpleasant person!
@rosalielibario97813 жыл бұрын
Loved this video
@andiamo242 жыл бұрын
Es gab 2021 eine Doku über Mercury, in der Rudi und Freestone in der Discothek waren, in der das legendäre Video aufgnommen wurde (living on my own), als er seinen Geburtstag feierte. Kann diese leider nirgends finden. Kann mir jemand helfen?
@lyousiaermakova37723 жыл бұрын
Bravo! Thanc,s!
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
do you have any idea what his first language was I find it very odd that no one asked his family and they didnt say I know he was taught in English so maybe they mainly spoke english at school but it would be interesting to know
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
I find it difficult to beleive Peter is genuine when he quite happily sat through the making of the film Bohemian rhapsody and was fine with how he was portrayed
@KreativeSpinnerin3 жыл бұрын
Peter Freestone had already said in an interview before, that only about 50% of Freddies true Character, was shown in the Film, and that a few other Things, had been made up to serve the Story behind it. I cant imagine, a more loyal and really true Friend besides Mr. Freestone, especially the one he was for Freddie. He would never permit, anything that would make Freddie look bad in the Public, or he would feel uncomfortable with. He had been a Consultant during the making of the Film, and if there would have been any Difficulties, he would have already stepped in himself.
@dixienormous24403 жыл бұрын
Rudi is all about himself.
@xilefregnu95423 жыл бұрын
Dear Peter (Phoebe), and Rudi, Thank You, Thank You so much for a magnificent interview. I didn't think I could care, admire, or love Freddie any more than I do, You have given me another insight to do so. You've just "gime, gime, gime, Fried Chicken!!!!!!!!!!!
@samcapper37502 жыл бұрын
I love all of you I used to be Freddie’s neighbour Unfortunately, I moved to Kensington and Chelsea borough in early 1992 Freddie Mercury had died in 24.11.1991
@dixienormous24403 жыл бұрын
29:36 Who are they talking about?
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
not sure how to take thinhgs jim has said or some of his actions but there was a story I think it was his driver? someone freddie had known was in difficulty and he told the story that jim came up to him with a cheque and he thanked jim who said dont thank me and pointed up thank him he wouldnt want to see you struggling,i think he was loosing his home I thought this was really nice of jim and it shows the person freddie was as well
@BlackShihan3 жыл бұрын
Sehr nettes Interview
@flora31772 жыл бұрын
... but I'm not sure; that Freddie wanted this rant... and that it's not fair to reveal the circumstances of Freddie's death. Freddie's true friend Dave Clark was there holding Freddie's hand But he doesn't chatter... very correct...
@DonFuegoTube3 жыл бұрын
Jim Hutton, der Partner von Fred, behauptet was anderes. Nur zur Info. Nachzulesen in seinem Buch "Freddie Mercury und ich".
@s.m.l.80403 жыл бұрын
@DonFuego wie meinst du das? In Bezug auf wen oder was, behauptet Jim Hutton etwas anderes? Please, let us know. Thanks.
@andreaheyers56059 ай бұрын
Jim hat mal erzählt, dass er mit Peter Freestone in Freddies Zimmer gegangen ist, um nach ihm zu sehen und da stellten sie fest, dass Freddie aufgehört hatte, zu atmen.
@christinanicholls98663 жыл бұрын
Thanks guys for a wonderful hour of entertainment - I haven't heard the story of you lying on the floor rising from the dead before
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
Peter also said on his chanel about most of his friends being actors who were they? Brians wife was an actress they met 86 but I dont know if she would have come round regularly Barbara was as well but she popped round from munich for lunch? I havent seen any pictures or articles about 'close'actor friends
@daysiestange97383 жыл бұрын
Peter Straker was a Musical-performer, an actor And a Close Friend of Freddies. He acted as one of the Chorus-girls in the Great Pretender Video I Love to watch Peter Freestone talking about Freddie, He has so much beautiful Memories of him And i am very thankfull that he still Likes to Tell US. His Work to keep AIDS in Focus For US all ist great And Something that was very Importamt For Freddie; He wanted the Awareness of AIDS And the HIV kept Alive in the world, so that LEDs people geht infected.
@flora31772 жыл бұрын
... aber ich bin mir nicht sicher; dass Freddie diese Tirade wollte ... und dass es nicht fair ist, die Umstände von Freddies Tod offenzulegen. Freddies echter Freund Dave Clark war da und hielt Freddies Hand Aber er spricht nicht ... sehr richtig ...
@annabelej8021 Жыл бұрын
He died not long after Freddie.
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
I wish people would stop making assumptions and repeating as fact to be seen as in the know his family weren't from Gujarat they were from the city of Bombay/mumbai which wasnt in the state of gujarat i think people confused between the city and the states and the changes at some point his family who first went to India may have as their surname is Bulsara which has since been re named but his parents and grand parents are from the city of Bombay to say from gujarat you might as well say his family are from persia he is a direct descendant of persians who went to India
@bohemianrhapsody_freddie3 жыл бұрын
According to Mary his grandparents fled from Persia to India, Bulsar, Gujarat. Later on moved to Mumbai located in the state Maharashtra, where his parents were born (according to his sister Kashmira) and yes he's a direct descendant from Persian refugees which makes him Persian. Parsis /Zoroastrians are actually a endogamous community.
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
@@bohemianrhapsody_freddie His grandparents must have been pretty old then! There are no clear records but its beleived different groups arrived in india between the 8th and 10th centuary I dont remember mary saying that Both his parents families were in city of Bombay(mumbai) Hus sister or mother have ever mentioned gujarat or Bulsar Though initially his family who first went to india probably arrived in that area But i wouldn't say 'from' there when his direct family grandparents and probably their parents were from there
@bohemianrhapsody_freddie3 жыл бұрын
@@bluebell3720 hey there many people think assume his Forefathers came to India when it fact it was his grandparents (Meaning their family history in India is rather young) I got this from an article when they interviewed Mary in the early 70s when she was still working for BIBA. His parents' birthplace was Mumbai, according to his sister Kashmira. I got this from a documentary which is to be found on KZbin where she discusses his Persian roots and his Zoroastrian religion which he was very proud of. I'll Link the documentary here once I find it ok?
@bohemianrhapsody_freddie3 жыл бұрын
@@bluebell3720 here's the link 🤗 kzbin.info/www/bejne/hHe1lohsqsZqa6s
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
@@bohemianrhapsody_freddie yes i know their parents are from bombay! but there's nothing to suggest his grandparents who came to India why would they at that point? to be refered to as parsi you have to belong to be desendants of the 8th/10th century zorioastrians who fled to India I cant find an article about mary maybe she miss explained the story Bombay state (most part) became Maharatra state in 1956 after Freddie was born in zanzibar Africa in 1946 his parents were born in the city of Bombay which was renamed officially in 1995 Mumbai (known as mumbai from 1960 thats how it's explained I dont understand the why)
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
did Freddie say Peter bought things from sothebys or is it just Peter saying it mary is on video saying she went to the auctions for him and was talking about a clock she bought why would he start asking peter to do it?
@davidwalker89553 жыл бұрын
Freddie asked Peter to go to Sotherby's to bid on Auctions as Peter was unknown and if Freddie went the prices would go up. Iv'e read that in a few Books. Never read Mary went!
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
@@davidwalker8955 Has anyone other than peter said it though Mary said in a documentary she went to auctions for him and told a story about buying a clock
@davidwalker89553 жыл бұрын
@@bluebell3720 I read it in Jim Hutton's book about Peter going to Southerby's for Freddie.
@monikafuchs58963 жыл бұрын
Oh my God 🤦. Maybe sometimes Mary went and sometimes Peter. Why trying to find someone telling lies?
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
@@monikafuchs5896 he keeps implying he was he main person that freddie trusted and relied on
@janechivers99283 жыл бұрын
Rudi needing validation again
@dixienormous24403 жыл бұрын
When these guys are gone, they won't be remembered by many people. Freddie will.
@monikafuchs58963 жыл бұрын
What's your problem with Rudi?
@donnamariepassaro79913 жыл бұрын
What book? We all pre paid over a year ago and still no book! You won’t return our money either! I’m tired of people making money off of Freddie! These guys make a living off of Freddie! This is very sad. Get a real job, it’s been 40 years.
@yvonnejohnson32323 жыл бұрын
Same with me. I pre-paid in June, 2020. Still haven't had an answer when it will be published.
@donnamariepassaro79913 жыл бұрын
You need to report it to your credit card company. Mine told me he can charge what he wants for the book and shipping! They said this is not business like at all. He won’t even state what he is charging for the book!
@yvonnejohnson32323 жыл бұрын
@@donnamariepassaro7991 What I thought was strange the amount that I left for a deposit in 2020 still hasn't been deducted from my bank account.
@donnamariepassaro79913 жыл бұрын
I reported him to my credit card company. Had to canceled my card because I was told that since he did not give a specific price for the book he can charge whatever he wants!
@yvonnejohnson32323 жыл бұрын
@@donnamariepassaro7991 The specific credit card that I use has got a credit limit.
@paulakinzer39172 жыл бұрын
I cant understand rudi
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
I don't agree he 'joined smile' smile was a very different band Roger said when Tim left that was the end of it but freddie encouraged them to start again with him everything about the band had a very different vision moving forward yes he met them when they were smile but that ended they started a new band
@daysiestange97383 жыл бұрын
Ist's funny how You understood what was Said about Freddie there was no disrespect in any spoken Word, maybe ist was Just in your Mind.
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
@@daysiestange9738 wth!? where in my comment do I imply I thought there was disrespect? it's an hour video,I write comments when something is mentioned,I have no idea where they say it in the video to re check they must have said 'joined smile' a lot of people explain it this way neither of them knew Freddie in 1970 so they may well except things that have been repeated wrongly I was simply explaining how Tim,Brian and Roger have explained it am i supposed to show respect by pretending something wrong is right!?
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
Mainly accept what Roger says With Brian I double check if its likely he tends not to explain clearly or gets things wrong Tim seems reliable
@dmer-zy3rb3 ай бұрын
Rudi Dolezal literally looks like the twin brother of the late Roy Horn.
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
I thought Peter was giving talks about Aids in general not in depth personal talk about freddies illness directly he doesnt want to livee in the uk so he isnt reminded of places where freddie 'lived' but wants to keep discussing his death? wth but its not even and educational talk as such?
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
he was 25% queen so why is everyone claiming they were ok with the film that portrayed him as an ah who said queen is what I say it is
@sevi2305Ай бұрын
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
Peter I've seen you make these comments before 'he moved something so he could say he laid the table' you sound very petty did he actually say he laid the table and tried to take credit for it Mike Moran said he was at the house and was coming back later for a meal with his wife that Freddie had a nervous energy and wound start checking and moving things on the table,mike was there he knew freddie hadn't laid the table he wasnt doing it to take credit mike said freddie its fine,whos coming tonight and is was just them so mike didnt think it mattered (cant remember his exact words) is obvious he wanted everything to be right regardless of who it was cared the same and mike liked that peter makes it sound like Freddie wanted credit for everything mike saw him do it and it didnt seem that way to him freddie said himself he had a nervous energy so tweaking things when someone was coming round makes sense but peter takes it as personaal that he should have seen what he had done was perfect and not touched it! it wasn't a resteraunt it was freddies home! Peter has also said on his chanel he didnt like it that Freddie said he had closer friends assuming he was refering to Mary Freddie said he was closest to her again Peter is taking it personally he knew mary from 69/70? they were in a serious relationship and lived together for years went through a lot,trusted and supported each other completly and had been best friends for years before he met Peter so of course he is going to be closer to mary Peter didnt even respect Freddie saying he was persian/parsi he and Pater S kept telling him he was Indian completly not understanding or being respectful when Peter was saying Freddie said he was persian but they had been in india for generations he was rolling his eyes and shaking his head I wish freddie had got rid of Peter but Im hoping he hadnt because peter made some effort not to be disrespectful to him but it doesnt seem to have been genuine but he's writting book discussing freddie on you tube other media shows tours etc saying how much he cared about him im not convinced I think hes just an opportunist
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
About the table settings,Mike explained he had fresh flowers on the tabble etc so assumed he had other guests coming and is not that Freddie had changed anything that had been done or said it was wrong
@dixienormous24403 жыл бұрын
Perhaps Peter had an unrequited love for Freddie?
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
Rudi I saw something but cant refind it radio ga ga video was freddie involved with the idea of the video claps and so on and using film footage metropolis? Freddie also re arranged Rogers kind of magic Rogers version was in the film when he was on holiday Freddie re arranged it and that was the album/single version
@etenden99143 жыл бұрын
@bluebell37203 жыл бұрын
I hope they are his and not joes! joe was his chef! he said he did the cooking before Freddie made friends with Joe again but he does imply he was the one cookiing for him for years
@KreativeSpinnerin3 жыл бұрын
I think, it was what they both had created for Freddie. It didnt come out in the Interview very well, but when Joe came to Garden Lodge, I think they complemented each other very well.
@janechivers99283 жыл бұрын
Omg iTs all you you you rudi 🤣🤣🤣 you think your so dam special -
@dixienormous24403 жыл бұрын
When these guys are gone, they won't be remembered by many people. Freddie will.
@nordica7438 Жыл бұрын
Schade, ich kann kein englisch, in meiner Generation war das noch kein Pflichtfach in der Schule. Hätte man das ganze für uns ältere nicht synchronisieren können ? Mich hätte der Inhalt wirklich intererssiert ..................................
@patriciaschmid16124 ай бұрын
Rudi mad money with Freddie 😢 He is a very unlikable person.
@donnamariepassaro79913 жыл бұрын
Too bad you two can only make money off of Freddie! Get a job!
@KreativeSpinnerin3 жыл бұрын
Too bad, you think to know better. The Reason they do this, is because People want to know , and are interested in Freddie as a Person. As Peter Freestone said, he answers Questions, because so many People want to know, and that he also wants to raise awareness. I´m glad its both of them, who are talking about Freddie, and not some stupid Journalist.
@donnamariepassaro79913 жыл бұрын
Yes, but people want the truth!
@KreativeSpinnerin3 жыл бұрын
@@donnamariepassaro7991 People only get to know those Things, that they are allowed to know. That's called Respecting the Privacy. Freddie was a public Person, but that doesn't mean, that anybody earned the Right, to know every Detail of his private Life. Grow up and get some education.
@donnamariepassaro79913 жыл бұрын
Freddie has a public persona but he kept his life private and anybody that knows anything knows this. So don’t be rude, because you’re the one that is not educated on the matter.