Frequently asked questions - Part 2

  Рет қаралды 513

Office of the Public Guardian

Office of the Public Guardian

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@stevenmurray5715 Ай бұрын
Hi my brother had a cardiac arrest 8 weeks ago and although he is now recovering in hospital he has memory loss and confusion issues,his workplace has paid him in full whilst he was in the intensive care unit he is now receiving ssp only,he has a mortgage payment along with you on his car coming out of his bank monthly,myself and my elderly mother also reside at the property,he has unemployment cover on his mortgage but as he is not technically out of work until ssp ceases,I am trying to lot into his current account to check he has enough funds to cover the monthly outgoings but am having trouble accessing,he is in no mental state to help at the moment,am I required to inform his car financers,bank and mortgage lenders of the situation?.Any advice would be welcomed.
@radish550 Ай бұрын
I would inform all parties regarding the situation, so that none issues late penalty charges if the funds in his bank account are insufficient.
@stevenmurray5715 Ай бұрын
Yes,,all done now. Thanks
Codes and reference numbers for your LPA
Office of the Public Guardian
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Lasting power of attorney - where to start
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小丑女COCO的审判。#天使 #小丑 #超人不会飞
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Правильный подход к детям
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Martin Lewis on Wills & Lasting Power of Attorney
Will Power Worthing Ltd
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Lasting power of attorney - where to start (BSL - British Sign Language)
Office of the Public Guardian
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Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017
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Atwrneiaeth arhosol - ble i ddechrau (Cymraeg)
Office of the Public Guardian
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Who can be my certificate provider?
Office of the Public Guardian
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How do I get a copy of my lasting/enduring power of attorney?
Office of the Public Guardian
Рет қаралды 2,7 М.
Can I change details in my LPA?
Office of the Public Guardian
Рет қаралды 274
When should I register an Enduring Power of Attorney?
Office of the Public Guardian
Рет қаралды 629
Lasting power of attorney - where to start (short)
Office of the Public Guardian
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I've changed my name/address. What do I do?
Office of the Public Guardian
Рет қаралды 171
小丑女COCO的审判。#天使 #小丑 #超人不会飞
Рет қаралды 16 МЛН