Rewatching this series and I’m thinking “wow, I miss legion”
@nathanrudd23274 жыл бұрын
Same man, being a fury warrior it was the smoothest, funnest, best time i've ever had playing a class in antorus. I miss these days, maybe shadowlands will bring back some of that fun
@jw_3d8384 жыл бұрын
@@nathanrudd2327 LONG LIVE ODYN'S FURY
@Selentium4 жыл бұрын
Rewatching this right now and I miss Titanforging.
@ordinaryquest4 жыл бұрын
i still feel that way with MoP
@maxw5654 жыл бұрын
so much! I miss it so fucking much. i cant wait for legion classic lol
@Vatrellette6 жыл бұрын
"waiting list, what the f*** is that" THANK YOU, SOMEONE FINALLY SAYS IT!
@MrOPD6 жыл бұрын
Pretty much everyone is saying that.
@gavinhislop6 жыл бұрын
I honestly have no idea and have wondered for months...
@Kim-tr5op6 жыл бұрын
U know when u Q ur group up and u have this list of peoples name and their ilvl next to them. What the raidleader can do when someone leaves is just have it up all the time, instead of reQuing the group all the time when someone leaves.
@Outwardpd6 жыл бұрын
You just queue and if they want more people at some point (people leaving, or getting past a boss where too many people makes it annoying) they will then choose from the list of people.
@Nojasification6 жыл бұрын
Waiting lists are very usefull when you wipe and half of the raid leave.
@Soz1opath6 жыл бұрын
'You must not play a hybrid class. Female blood elf is unfair advantage. Warlocks are taken anyway because of raid utility. Ranged are always taken over Melees. Your name sounds like a girl name, unfair advantage'. Guess you have to restart the challenge with a female tauren survival hunter with the manliest name of all times.
@_reenzane6 жыл бұрын
Soz1opath he shall be named Survivabull so people don't accidentally invite him thinking he is ranged.
@kloaf11316 жыл бұрын
He needs to be an outlaw rogue named OUTLAW4LYFE
@Amehdion6 жыл бұрын
Tauren arms warrior named "MaximumWIS" so there is no doubt.
@brianarnold11706 жыл бұрын
Current player: hey come play you can be an upright orc New player: I don’t know what orcs look like why would I care if you can make them upright now???
@konacakes6 жыл бұрын
haha i've been waiting for an upright orc. i hate the slouch but i love orcs.
@Leraiton6 жыл бұрын
This is probably among the best pieces of original content you made so far! keep it up!
@DonaldTurner6 жыл бұрын
totally agree. this is fabulous stuff. thx again Preach!
@Alex9010286 жыл бұрын
Worst part of legendaries, it´s usually replaces your higest item level you got.
@schniiger95086 жыл бұрын
What's the problem with that?
@barisalexanderakan6 жыл бұрын
bullshit :)
@resention82306 жыл бұрын
He means that instead of getting it in a slot that you really need, like some shitty 920 boots, you replace your 950+ helm with a 1000 legendary. Would've been better to replace the boots.
@sykick6 жыл бұрын
His point is that it would be better to upgrade a slot that you currently have a lower item level in. I.e replacing a 900 with a 1000 Lego Vs replacing a 930 for example
@Sweggabeg6 жыл бұрын
Literally replaced 970, perfect itemized shoulders last week for Master Assasins... it just didnt feel good despite it still being better
@eXileLies6 жыл бұрын
My main is a 975 Prot paladin - when i'm bored & want to do something stupid, i queue up for low m+. This is probably the only place where you find genuine gratitude in WoW, mostly from newbies & alts. And also it gives me some quick Enchanting mats.
@aussie_boosh6 жыл бұрын
Same. I am only 955 (healer/tank)... but I still do this. It is better than standing around Dalaran bored. Also when I am boosting guildies, I always set the barrier to entry as low as possible.
@E1YK0016 жыл бұрын
I'll do the same from time to time, plus it is always fun just crushing content sometimes.
@ZrodyApo6 жыл бұрын
It reminds me of a war a couple days ago, around 950-960 in mm+0 EoA that died on WQ mob + several trash mobs as well before we could reach him, he jokingly said "don't tell my guildmates that I died in a mm+0" :D I agree that on most lower keys is where the fun is when you don't know what to do in game and it helps gearing up for new players and alts
@blake64026 жыл бұрын
Shari K. If more people did the same, then the game would be so much different, I hope to meet more people like you, because what you do is wonderfull and kind❤ peace^^
@1Atheeleyah6 жыл бұрын
I legit do this all the time hahaha makes you feel like a bad ass
@Nagoto19926 жыл бұрын
One thing FFXIV does is it has various UI markers next to players names in game. Two that I think WoW could benifit from are * "Sprout" - This is a new player or character. One that is less than some arbitrary allotted amount of time. * "Returner" - An existing character that hasn't been logged on to in X amount of time (2 months+ maybe?) I've noticed players actually enjoy helping sprouts. Give them advice on their class, offer to help with gil (gold) and just generally cut them more slack. I think that's one aspect WoW has trouble showing - outside of checking achievement scores it's very rare to find and identify a truly "new" player. We for the most part just assume it's someones fresh alt, and they will.. you know.. put in effort. Read a guide, already know the current content. Not saying toxicity should be acceptable but it will always be there.
@psykovideos6 жыл бұрын
played ffxiv for 3-4 months hit the cap as bard and still had the sprout and holyshit it was hard to get in public groups as sprout , ended up quitting after 3 weeks of level cap playing and being unable to do any of the progress stuff because i have a green tiny leaf on my nameplate lol
@marcie151.6 жыл бұрын
Hyper Fan Taim you do know you can get rid of it, right?
@naywils6 жыл бұрын
I started playing last year and didn't have this problem at all XD! I actually liked having my leaf, pretty much everyone is nice to you :P, I did join a guild though.
@sarielheavensborne99216 жыл бұрын
You don't get into endgame as a sprout...
@Xcitng19886 жыл бұрын
as someone who has recently started playing, this idea is great, ff seems to have way less toxicity even when your a noob doing trials and so on that end gamers have to do for dailys ect.... they shouldn't take the idea your forced to do 2.15 to 2.55 worth of patch story though lol
@benderbg6 жыл бұрын
Helping others in game is what always makes greatest memories. I still remember getting boosted by a lvl 52 Rogue in Deadmines 12 years ago!
@benc34816 жыл бұрын
Oh the good old days of boosting. So many charged but the rest did it as a friendly service. I boosted some guys through dungeons on my DK who was only lvl 60 and it got me into a guild that I went on to be in for 9 years.
@max8m13 жыл бұрын
Nowadays in Shadowlands I quite enjoy boosting people through Torghast or lower keys for free. You pretty much annihilate everything as a 215+ ilvl Boomkin, and you're having fun while helping newer players or alts out
@pavelbe236 жыл бұрын
There are 2 things about pugging: 1) u dont need ilvl set as it shows your highest and not equiped ilvl there 2) never pug m+ on reset day, it is by far the worst day. I would like to say, that what you are doing is new player experince only from point of not having gear and achievements, but you are utilizing all the end game knowledge which can take long time to obtain. I came back around start of nighthold (last played tbc). there are some of the things that take me some time to catch up: 1) i did not know that mythic dungeons existed and after i found out it sounded pretty intimidating to try them at start. i got my first key and thought that it will stay with me forever and was confused when it dissapeared. and again i was aftraid to try it 2) connected with that was that i did not know how premade group finder works and again, it sounded intimidating as hell. noob into premade group? 3) again it took me quite a while to find out that these things can be used for world bosses. i usually just went there and waited in case some1 else will come. up to this day i send messages to people spamming in chat "come help me kill this" to let them know that they can use group finder 4) prob no fresh player uses wqgf (as great tool as it is). that saves extreme amount of time 5) as many sources of leggos there are now, i'm not sure how intuitive they are. "i want leggo, i should spam invasions" is not thought that would came into my mind in case i would not watch wow youtubers it is extremelly easy to get to 930+ nowadays (i did it several times, because i want to finish my mage tower collection), but honestly it is like that only because i have the knowledge. i know how easy first few m+ are and how to make my group, i know how to maximalize my leggo chance and i make my own wa's so that i do not comepletelly suck at any spec. it is difficult to imagine how it would be without this up to date knowledge that game does not provide you with, you need to use outside sources a lot of times
@kallmannkallmann6 жыл бұрын
gratiam i totaly agree. If you got The info on stuff it changes The playfield. One big problem for returning players is they not comfy / know all The tricks for m+ and raids. Witch woud add atleast 3 Times The time he used.
@fatmamacow84556 жыл бұрын
Since legos do not effect in bag ilvl unless they are equipped, you can actually raise it by equipping legos in your lowest ilvl slots. For example I’m 978 in bags but can get up to 980 if I put on some shit legendaries because I have really high item lvl pieces I can replace my bis legendaries with
@cEighteen6 жыл бұрын
I mean this whole video is about an experienced player using his knowledge to show how a fresh 110 would gear up & progress
@SimonCantSkate696 жыл бұрын
Isn’t the whole point of the video is to show what you should be doing. Also to see if getting into groups is really as bad as people say it is
@pavelbe236 жыл бұрын
sure, i just wanted to point out some struggles new players can have, as they can bw difficult to image for someone playing for so long
@Spinexus6 жыл бұрын
It would be nice if you could show your ilvl and gear at the start of each video so we can see the progress!^^
@ryangorgoni76026 жыл бұрын
this is a great series preach! love it so far. One thing that may have been brought up already is that BRAND new players with a fresh 110 arent going to have their ui's dialed in the way you do. and we all know how hindering the default ui is compared to a properly modded one. just a thought.
@KevsShwaShwa2 жыл бұрын
Mike, preach, your videos have helped me so much through this last month. I’ve had a terrible back pain and haven’t been able to live normally and your videos have been there every night. They’ve helped me relax and put me to sleep. I can’t thank you and your team enough for the content you put out.
@briancates35766 жыл бұрын
I've been in enough pugs to know that just about any group will GLADLY carry a warlock no matter what his ilvl might be.
@jakel22176 жыл бұрын
Heroic groups decline me constantly on my 950 affliction warlock.
@briancates35766 жыл бұрын
Jake L can’t imagine 925 lock gets into groups easier than my 975 spriest
@elisabethkrenn62186 жыл бұрын
The overall idea behind this video series is great, and I'm really glad that you, as one of the big KZbinrs for WoW-content, got out of your comfort zone to see how life is for us puggers. BUT: no newbie that hasn't a metric fuckton of MMO-XP in any way, shape or form will be able to handle his first boosted char as well as you were able to do. You stand out because you know Affliction very well- but there are many out there who haven't the experience or let alone the (theoretical) knowledge.
@dijigo15876 жыл бұрын
Great videos Preach, and some really interesting insights for someone like me that quit Legion only a couple of months in, and just returned. More importantly, thank you so much for going to the trouble, and providing a unique and fascinating viewpoint on the game. Can't say I've seen anyone else approach it from quite this angle. Kudos!
@Blankace.6 жыл бұрын
The thing about pugs is that they always need a warlock so they are more willing to invited an undergeared one because they can still summon and give healthstones. I got my ilvl 904 warlock into a heroic pug because it's a warlock
@gausssto5706 жыл бұрын
Vanilla: I've heard tale of a player on another server who found a legendary item. I tell you, they do exist! Legion-Preach: It's my second day and I haven't found a leggy yet, fml
@BearsDenGaming6 жыл бұрын
19:53 is one reason why I'm glad I main a warlock. Everyone needs a summon, Everyone wants cookies.
@DonaldTurner6 жыл бұрын
Mike.. I just want to say a sincere Thank you to you and Ghosty. I so appreciate your insights and commentary. spot on, as I see it. brilliant mate. thank you for this.
@TicTocRobotSnot6 жыл бұрын
Game knowledge > Gear ... As someone who leveled a char to 110 then had to quit and just returned to Legion this week, I hear you on the non-flying and time gating. Your boosted gear and weapon started out much higher than some returning players char would have. Watching this experiment is helpful, Preach. Fascinating even.
@MattAintAwesome6 жыл бұрын
I sort of did something similar with my originally 858 DK. I followed the previous episode and ground out Argus and got my Frost leggo bracers and currently sat at 903. As someone with quite a lot of alts, I never really knew how to get them to a comfortable 900 but thanks to this, I now do :) My guild is sort of dead so I can't really do anything there but having someone help break down the way to run through after having taken a couple months away from WoW is so useful - so thank you, Preach ^^ Oh, also, side note - first boss on my first M+ on my warlock - I got the leggo helm XD
@kimaclaret6 жыл бұрын
Hold up, has Emma gotten her legendary yet? 😲
@jaceborg6 жыл бұрын
Whilst I love watching all your content this series is somewhat flawed. I'm not so sure that a new player will know about Mythic+, affixes, normal raids etc, the game certainly does nothing to introduce them. I also can't help but feel a new player won't be playing their class particularly well and will likely face higher levels of being kicked and general arseholery. Group play requires a totally different approach and again the game does nothing to teach this. We are, after all, talking about someone brand new to the game who's trying it out for the first time to see if they like it. This isn't necessarily the sort of person who will go to the trouble of looking outside of the game for tips to improve their gameplay. Keep up the good work regardless, I still enjoy watching it :)
@royalkicks62836 жыл бұрын
Have you ever once used the Adventure Guide?
@Nudu6 жыл бұрын
he mentions a lot of those issues. he wanted to examine the new player experience and talk about pros and cons. So many negative comments about his current knowledge of the game are pointless , what did you guys expect a memory wipe?
@moyga6 жыл бұрын
They probably also would't have or know about addons.
@jarlhenrik6 жыл бұрын
11:40 What is it about that ring? I did the timewalking thing on 5 characters, got that spesific ring on 3 of them, one char already had it from another timewalking week -.-
@serendipitygaming67856 жыл бұрын
The absolute best way to gear up in Any mmo is to do stuff your self. I have raided in every single mmo from the oddities of The secret world to SWTOR and as well i got 10 years of gametime in WoW with 500 days played on my warrior and achieved high parses etc. You can get to 930+ ilvl in a week in WoW if you do everything your self. Create groups, in a day you can get at least what ever normal mythics will give you... Just create a group name it "Gearing up" for halls of valor etc you will usually have to wait a little extra... But you will get people who are Willing to help you and most of them are friendly. Also in the first week of being 110 You can also clear Argus normal by creating the group your self, there will be players who join who do not mind carrying you for the chance of them getting an upgrade... In the second week i would repeat the steps above, but instead of only normal argus, i would do heroic... Aim to try to clear argus heroic in 2 weeks (due to being so low gear you cant guarantee that players stay) I was 960 in week 3 on my enhancement shaman, but i was lucky with drops and legos and i did not despite having access to Boosts through heroic argus through friends i did not accept that. Boost your own mythic+ key by making the group your self and say "For completing" and usually people will join, not the best mind you, but you will get it done, usually up to +12 the first week. This usually stays true in ANY mmo... If you are new, Aslong as you have done your research and you at least got an idea of what is happening you can get to high end raiding extremely quickly if you do stuff your self... And another tip is, You are new... so you need to accept other people who are new... Otherwise you are going to end up on the wrong end of the "Bad mouthing" wich means that it will be that much harder for you to get into groups if you think you already are a pro. So accept you are bad, and Play with other badies at times and you will meet friends and you will learn from it. And other times you will stumble across bored method players or something that totally smash you through that dungeon... Dont expect them to do it more then that once tho, as they most likely wont.
@blackbeard1906 жыл бұрын
I don't play but I just like for you to know how I appreciate your consideration on individuals such as I on creating your videos; advocating and expressing concerns one should consider on the point of view of a "noob". Thank you and I wish you the best on your endeavors.
@J.P.G.6 жыл бұрын
Preach, you are an absolute fountain of knowledge on WoW. Was watching the gameplay and understood nothing lol. Haven't played since Pandaria. Nice project keep the vids coming.
@TheFirstWinnerN16 жыл бұрын
Feel you on the norgs, was my first one on my lock aswell, keep it up !
@mk_gamíng06096 жыл бұрын
The thing with toxicity is that is really a individual experience for everyone, back in WOLTK when I started, I encountered a lot of toxicity on my way to 80 and at 80, I remember doing a Forge of souls run and getting harrassed about my dps by a fully geared ICC raider, but I also met a lot of nice people. TBH I rarely raid I mainly pvp mostly because of the severe confidnece knock I recieved back then due to a lot of my PVE experiences being toxic. Ive nearly got over it in legion. My legion experience has been great barely any toxicity, but my freind who recently got into WOW she personally received a lot of toxicity towards her. ANother diffrence between your experience is well you know what you are doing a brand new player might not.
@carbon61116 жыл бұрын
"Maw of souls" XD
@mk_gamíng06096 жыл бұрын
Ty I corrected my mistake, its been a while since WOLTK
@Rykurex6 жыл бұрын
Man... I've still got my 880 ilvl priest from Emerald Nightmare on which I did Mythic +10 for the highest tier chests, I can't imagine being denied from any Mythic + group having over 900 ilvl, this sort of level inflation has always been so toxic to the game :/
@ninjaman00036 жыл бұрын
anyone else notice that preaches first fresh account lego was the same first lego he got on his mage?
@knigthofthesky6 жыл бұрын
Preach, inspired by the Holy Priest that you showed in the video, I did the same thing yesterday, I queue up for some low lvl m+, and it was realy fun. It felt good to help people and usualy these people are nicer than the ones at higher keys
@quennedr16 жыл бұрын
Preach, I am a brand new player. I chose not to boost my character until I understood the game mechanics a bit more. I’ve been leveling a monk (currently lvl 68). For the most part when I go into dungeons I’ve been using WW (dps is easy) It recently I’ve tried both BM and MW. Tanking was rough. I mostly attributed it to being at such low level and of course being new. Healing was pretty challenging too but I felt I was doing decent. That was until tonight, where I was kicked twice. I felt I was doing everything I could but for some reason I still got the boot. I should also point out that I didn’t just walk into these dungeons blind. I have read/watched several guides so I at least have some knowledge of how the different specs work. I fully understand that in order to learn how healing/tanking works you have to play those roles, however it is pretty discouraging to know that if I perform poorly (which just learning, how could I not) that I’m going to get kicked. Just thought I’d share my experience as a newbie. While this is mostly negative I overall am enjoying the game and really look forward to reaching end game where the real game begins.
@TheSirtempest6 жыл бұрын
people vote to kick in dungeons a lot because there is no punishment for doing so, try not to take it to heart
@quennedr16 жыл бұрын
ater sol I figured that was the case. Didn’t take it heart. Just annoying because I am trying to learn the game.
@Fuelsterister6 жыл бұрын
This is really great, love the series preach
@E1YK0016 жыл бұрын
13:53 Cue Kurt Angle theme song
@erthan61616 жыл бұрын
Also when you said that you were hiding while your raid was forming I felt actual anxiety when that party member was riding around near you :P
@harrodharrod52396 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I've had very different experience with gearing up in LFR. If you get the addon that tells you when people can trade stuff to you (and set it up so that it doesn't actually spam it to raid chat), I've had pretty moderate success in getting an item on about every other boss on my fresh characters.
@hory1216 жыл бұрын
Hello Mike, There is this guy called SoupaSoka here on youtube and he has only played vanilla servers ever since vanilla was released and he decided to try Legion (or rather any expansion at all) for his first time ever a couple of months ago. First he leveled to like level 15 and then he boosted his character to 100, leveled to 110 and then he made a video comparing it to vanilla. He is also leveling a character from scratch (currently level 70 something and doing wrath content) It's very interesting to see how a ''new'' old school player thinks about everything we have now in the game and some things he finds very interesting that I have just taken for granted or forgotten that it wasnt like that back in vanilla. Anyway, I just wanted to share this as its pretty interesting and I thought you would like to take a look at it. :)
@Kela10316 жыл бұрын
I watch that guy too. His warlock let's play is very addicting :)
@Magicmano1236 жыл бұрын
I love him but my god he makes me angry with how oblivious he is.
@mrhartmann38996 жыл бұрын
Paralyzed I still like unchanged Vanilla better then Legion by far.
@goran77ish6 жыл бұрын
geezy1776 he has a vide where he compares two by points. Some things he likes in vanilla and some in Legion. He is chill and level headed person. Not some hothead "vanilla is the best and Legion sucks".
@DrinkingMud6 жыл бұрын
geezy1776 well if he did say that they are 2 completely different games he would be correct
@Drgall126 жыл бұрын
LMAO.. "Would you like me to clean ya boots sir?" So funny but sooo true. Catch more bees with honey they say!
@trollfiddler6 жыл бұрын
Why do you think a noob would push their own m+ key when you don't think they'd start a raid group? You still haven't got your head in scared noobie mode!
@Athlaz6 жыл бұрын
I do my own keys from time to time, but would never make a raid group. M+ doesn't req you to explain tactics or put markers etc unlike raids
@1Atheeleyah6 жыл бұрын
I never run my own keys unless it’s MoS
@ianhorne95946 жыл бұрын
Lol all you do is invite people and don't have explain anything for M+
@DannyTheConsumer6 жыл бұрын
I love this. This is great. Wonderful experiment.
@MARK0V6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Preach, great video and great idea for a series. Looking forward to seeing the progress towards aotc. Also would love to see another one where Ghosty plays a healer!
@WraghEU6 жыл бұрын
Quick tip. When you que for groups system as i assume shows max ilvl what you can have from your bags - not based what you are wearing at the time. So basicly you dont have to do whole scamaz with changing gear at starting m+ :)
@ZeroiusProduction6 жыл бұрын
It's fun, whenever me a couple of guys are leveling, and if one of us are getting geared up and the others are falling behind, we always help eachother, even if I for example is 100 and when I actually ding 110, while they're at the 950-960 ish if not more, they're always up for helping, either boosting me in a HC Argus or a +15 dungeon with our other friends. It really helps a lot and we ain't afraid to boost people if they're new to the game.
@AndrewO836 жыл бұрын
Another great video Preach. Thanks for more enjoyment! Grats on the Legendary Hood!
@jig-ga6 жыл бұрын
I actually get nervous doing raid bosses for the first time, reading up the fights but most of the time they are easier then I make it out to be in my head. I only do up to hero, got myself aotc nighthold. first time really raiding in legion but I still pvp
@onixmortes6 жыл бұрын
I've been playing WoW for 9+ years now. I don't have a guild I stay in, only a few of my friends are in it with me. So I tend to PuG most of my raid content. I would have to say I run into toxic people 5% of the time. I think the people claiming to constantly run into toxic people are toxic themselves. But, who knows, maybe I've just been lucky. Nice video Preach.
@SampoPaalanen6 жыл бұрын
Funny things about mythic or mythic+ is that I've never had any major toxicity in mythic(5 man) and my only mythic+ run was "accidental" as in a group doing mythic runs and the leader desided to do keystone and when my first reaction was "whoa wait a moment I'm I belive I'm not geared for this" the reaction from everyone else was "don't sweat it". For massive toxicity you need to go to LFR and queued heroics, there you got the guys who think they're "God's gift to the world" and if you don't match their unrealistic standards they scream insults at you.
@MrReZx6 жыл бұрын
One thing that you guys did not think of when doing all this is how much help you get from your addons. A new player wouldn't have any idea of addons and how to set them up. Maybe someone would tell them about DBM or simular addons in an early dung or something, but for the most part I think you should have done this on the standard UI.
@astrealove16 жыл бұрын
Everything I do in the game is something I do on my own conditions, for instance I would never let myself get carried, if I can't do it on my own accord, then I won't do it until I'm feeling ready to take the next step. I think; and you can't change my mind on this, that it's of greater importance to learn at your own pace, regardless if you've played this game for 14 years or just a month, there's always something that you can learn, or improve on, learn > adapt > improve is something I like to say, and don't be afraid of making mistakes, that a key to improvement.
@BogzySama6 жыл бұрын
A big tip i can give is to advertise that you are a new player. Especially if you are one, people will notice your lack of achiv points and tmog. A lot of players will invite you to help you out or join your group. Say in your group description that you are new or whisper the leader when you apply. People will help a new player but will likely ignore a random silent noob with no ilvl.
@vintagetimmy18936 жыл бұрын
I love this series and grats on the bis helm!
@byShinzoh6 жыл бұрын
Preach, if you find someone mailing you gold because of who your are, accept it, then trade it to some random in dalaran. Then mention it in the next video. It'll surely deter future senders.
@oneseventytwo32606 жыл бұрын
or just send it back
@byShinzoh6 жыл бұрын
Then they could just keep sending it. If he accepts it and gives it away, they'll just stop sending it since they're intending for preach to use it, not a random.
@onepiecefanboy176 жыл бұрын
sounds more like you hope to be that random on the recieving end, cause he can just have the mail in his mailbox and do nothing with it
@nhagan0016 жыл бұрын
I found he part about mythic plus and raiding tips to be the most useful. Sometimes patience is the biggest virtue you can have.
@poll88106 жыл бұрын
haha "clean your boots sir?" Lost it.
@Breatheable6 жыл бұрын
This is AWESOME thank you Preach!
@BruteButter6 жыл бұрын
Just started watching this series and I'm loving it.
@lewismason37436 жыл бұрын
Speaking about being lost as a new player, for the longest time I was playing a ret paladin with a one handed sword and shield... When I got asked by randoms In a dungeon to as why I was using a sword and shield I replied saying ‘more protection’ which resulted in me getting torn apart by the group and kicked
@ottovonbismarck50676 жыл бұрын
I've done a lot of M+'s with my Holy Paladin and I have to say, it was mostly very nice. There was of course the occasional shitty run, where a DD would pull half the dungeon and then leave because everyone is a noob - except him, of course. Or a run with 65 deaths (10+ Upper-Karazhan). But during PvP for the Wakening Essence, I noticed that even the worst offenders in PvE pale in comparison to PvP. I've actually done a lot of PvP on all my characters, but never much PvE, so I just got used to this toxicity. But now the contrast of a really nice guild and overall good experiences with the PvE-community lead me to really notice it. I don't even do the daily PvP-stuff anymore, because it's so bad.
@catgirllover69186 жыл бұрын
Your highest equipped ilvl is shown when signing up for group finder. The leader could inspect you regardless of where you were hiding (i do this when i make groups for alts) Helm isn't necessarily BiS, affliction legendarys are within 2-3% of each other. The only legendary you can really call BiS is Sephuz if you can get the proc it is by far the best otherwise you equip what sims best with current gear. (I have all leggos i'm 970 and Sephuz/Prydaz sim highest)
@Maragaoc6 жыл бұрын
Great series. I know that Legion endgame has its uniqueness with Titanforged, legos, etc, but I really would enjoy if you did a new one each raid tier from Battle. Maybe nothing as hardcore as buying a new account, but maybe how to get up speed when someone returns to the game. How to get enough from the current tier so you should be able to ready for the next one in a more confortable way and possibly in a raid group
@jessejackson6776 жыл бұрын
@22:40 admitting to account sharing... this project is now illegal and you will present in front of the tribunal at Blizzard for misconduct...
@dagowow6 жыл бұрын
it's a business account ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@bubblelesss6 жыл бұрын
This is so good to watch when you're hungover
@Whackjood6 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I've played a lot of Legion. But I still haven't been able to bring myself to try and join any mythic 5-mans at all or even consider trying to join a normal difficulty raid. It's spooky to me :V But hearing you do that on a fresh character is neat, I'm at 940 with just world content + LFR so I shouldn't have too much trouble I guess given your experiences, so I might actually try and get into some groups.
@omgheisniar6 жыл бұрын
"Want me to clean your boots Sir?" Dying over here :D
@Pimula.Tsuchimi6 жыл бұрын
"Clean your boots, sir?" Preach March 2018
@jakob84086 жыл бұрын
Love the series. Been thinking about getting back into the game, but since I havn't been playing since Nighthold I've been put off by the idea of catching up.
@vd18626 жыл бұрын
"I got Norganon's Forsight for fuck's sake man!" :D I almost fell off the bloody chair when you said that! :D
@trmooreztube6 жыл бұрын
I feel like this challenge is good to see faults in the game and stuff, but even though you don't have physical amenties you have a very high knowledge of the game. A fresh person into the game wouldn't know the process to gear up or anything at all. Or to go get leggos, how to use group finder.
@Zerotar-Gamimg6 жыл бұрын
I can't wait for him to go into Hc thats where he will see the real shit starts happening in terms of elitism, rage, stupid ilvl requirements and so many wipes. Love this series mate keep it up.
@OtakuWrath6 жыл бұрын
Yeah i don't even know half of what you're talking about. I boosted to 100 back when flying first came out for legion and i played through the legion story stuff and liked it. Haven't bothered to learn or watch videos on raid content. Mythic looks insanely intimidating. I'm ilevel 918, I have 2 legendary items i got from emissary dailies and most of the 910 gear from Argus. I plan to do raid finder Antorus soon once my friends get time off work just to finish the story progression. I'd consider myself fairly new. I did boost to 110 on another character but i started that character as a 100 trial character first which guided me through starting legion, Up to my first artifact then i boosted that character which helped definitely should play the 100 trial if you're new.
@leorictristram48946 жыл бұрын
When you queue for things it shows your highest possible ilvl, not your equiped ilvl so having better itemized loot on and crap high lvl stuff in your bags works fine.
@psihopats6666 жыл бұрын
Nope, he actually increased his bag ilvl by swapping leggos around.
@kloaf11316 жыл бұрын
I don't get what you mean psi. Your highest possible ilvl(even if it's counting legendarieS you can't equip) is a constant that doesn't change without new gear. If you had a bag with a leggo for every slot you would show up as 1000 ilvl.
@leorictristram48946 жыл бұрын
when you have multiple leggos it wigs out a bit and wont count extra leggos cos you can't equip them.
@senjohime16 жыл бұрын
FYI, even though he doesn't take any real damage, you can maintain agony stacks during intermission on Aggramar so you don't start from scratch each phase. Same with Kingaroth.
@Careless24455 жыл бұрын
just found this video courtesy of Taliesin but loved this positivity and the mindset definately sticking around👌
@WhyTrollSoMuch6 жыл бұрын
With an eye on the original goal of the serie, I haven't played retail since the end of Cataclysm after a 7 day free trial for MoP failed to meet my requirements for a fun game. For a lot of the things you mention, or do, I have no idea what is going on while I'm very experienced with WoW in general. Meaning that a noob will not be able to get through dungeons like you did unless he or she already heard of the game or gets helped through.
@darthruneis6 жыл бұрын
You've referenced time a few times here, in regards to 'when people get home' or something like that, and when that happens, your ability to get into groups has diminished greatly. While I think this series has potential, I think you should take into account that most people aren't in the position where they can play wow all day on a weekday, and thus can't necessarily make use of the 'off-peak' times to get into groups when the pickings are slim.
@EdyGlockenspiel6 жыл бұрын
22:22 You actually can clean someones boots now with the shoe shine kit. Should do that too after you summon them.
@TehFiishy6 жыл бұрын
Holla Ballers!
@nicwin40066 жыл бұрын
I think this series would be much more interesting if you observed a player who has never played legion. How fast can a mythic raider who has already played through legion, gear a character - is not what your typical returning player or especially a new player with a boost will experience. YOU know how to play your class, you know how to que for things, you know what important gearing opportunities will be available (world bosses, greater invasions etc.) you know how to set up your addons - hell, you HAVE addons - which most new players don't even figure out for a few weeks into the game. I'm not sure I understand the point of this experiment. Sure the account is not attached to you, your guild, or your friends; however just by being you, you have a huge head start on anyone just logging in or back in from a break, regardless of whether the account is connected to your other assets or not. It is interesting for sure however I think it would be much more interesting - and accurate - if you observed and recorded a complete noob with a boost, and/or a returning player doing this.
@Leesy16965 жыл бұрын
Helping lowbies when you're getting nothing out of it is some of the funnest times in WoW, imo. Do that healing thing all the time. Love.
@TheSoonnyy6 жыл бұрын
Another thing i think all the haters is gonna mention is the time you spend compared to them on playing and gearing. How much more time do you think that you are spending doing it this way insteed of just beeing in a guild and have friends with the same goals as you? Really loving this series and all your other vids keep up the good work!
@Gredran4 жыл бұрын
I’d love to see this updates for Shadowlands with its new player systems and preventing newbies into certain things. Same caveats too if you maybe changing your name so you aren’t sent anything. This was a good experiment and I wonder with the new directors it’s a lot better
@Kruegh6 жыл бұрын
I just wanna mention this. As long as he is a warlock, doing sum stones and healthstones when needed.. I wont kick him, too damn useful :D
@slackerhobo6 жыл бұрын
I do the same thing as that priest I love joining lower groups, after raid I often wind down finding someone who has been posted the longest in a
@runeaon46346 жыл бұрын
2 4 14 is considered standard by the pug world just beacuse they hear that mythic is 20 people so they assume that 20 is optimal in all setups. the other thing you do need to consider is that its okay for you to wait 15 mins for a group to form by sitting with just one other guy but newer players will find that boring and wont want to do it which will push them towards just trying to join mostly full groups or getting bored and logging off
@Rale8816 жыл бұрын
Preach, can you try to do the artefact challenge for affliction too? Just to give your opinion on how easy it is to overcome them. Since you don't have the slow ring, it's supposed to be very, very difficult, and I'm very interested in hearing about whether going for all 36 challenges before 8-0 can be overcome pretty easily from now.
@edbrooke756 жыл бұрын
I really like these videos. It's interesting to see this point of view.
@robotninja2066 жыл бұрын
1 quick tip, you dont need to have highest equiped, it just shows your highest equipable ilvl not what your current equiped is btw
@addisonratliff66936 жыл бұрын
yo preach something to consider is when I'm making a PUG I always invite at least 2 warlocks. having the ability to summon will save pugs more than having good dps. So you being a Warlock may have played some in you not getting kicked.
@kloaf11316 жыл бұрын
I recommended rogue. it's the only undervalued dps only class. And its 100% melee which doesn't help it.
@matthewswanson84296 жыл бұрын
So I wasn't sure where to ask this question so I figured I would ask it on the newest video. With the Azerite armor and neckless replacing the artifact weapon my question is in your opinion preach couldn't we just keep the artifact weapons and the armor just improve upon the artifact weapon buffs. That way we as players build off legion characters we love so much at least the ones that do love our legion characters. And we still continue to grow in battle for Azeroth? Just food for thought.
@splinte1116 жыл бұрын
I cannot count on 2 hands how many mythic groups are up for another mythic if you loot a keystone as long as you just did well in the first one. It's the quickest way to gear up.
@foureyeddragon006 жыл бұрын
Curious what your overall thoughts on warlock are? I am thinking about using my boost on a warlock. It's the only class that I haven't ever really enjoyed leveling. It would between boosting a warlock and boosting a priest.
@jevgenkova6 жыл бұрын
I stopped playing at the start of Warlords. Love this experiment. Too bad that I have no clue what Preach was talking about half the time :)
@Tier5396 жыл бұрын
I always thought the premade group finder displayed your bag ilvl and not your equipped ilvl. Did they change that?
@tbuksuperfly6 жыл бұрын
FU preach!! still don't have the bloody helm!! Think I have every other one in existence though... #triggeredwarlock
@MEDOBOLT6 жыл бұрын
soon (tm)
@bexa90116 жыл бұрын
Next Video he gets Aman'Thul's Vision..
@Outwardpd6 жыл бұрын
My warlock will be my 3rd toon in a row that gets its bis lego as its last one. Genuinely, my resto didn't get velens till we were at M KJ prog as its last lego, my monk got helm after obtaining every lego for WW, and my warlock just obtained its 2nd to last lego last night and its last one is helm. My hatred for the legendary system is real.
@_reenzane6 жыл бұрын
My warlock alt dropped 4 legos so far. In order Sacrolash, Soul, and than dropped Belt and got Helm from essences the same day. On other chars I waited ages to get some useful legos.
@backbewbz57086 жыл бұрын
The helm was my first and I only played it for tmog runs xd
@fithliaf68236 жыл бұрын
Haven't played since kicking Garrosh in the teeth, haven't seriously raided since Firelands. Still love watching your content, keep up the good work Preach, this serious is awesome.
@zhaltia18586 жыл бұрын
I really fucking like this series! Keep it going!
@snigeling6 жыл бұрын
About the M+ situation, on my alts when i was gearing them i did a few normal mythics and then i made my own group using my own key. You can bring along lowish ilvl people just fine in the lower keys atleast in my experience. And almost none of them have been toxic.
@erthan61616 жыл бұрын
Problem with alts and lfr is the tier bonuses are often very powerful. You are absolutely correct that pluses get you better ilvl gear but getting a 2/4 pc can be a big boost to your damage.