They tried to cancel him and couldn't do it. Thankfully he never gave up. He is one of the best artists out there. We love you Morgan.
@asmilefromellen14 сағат бұрын
As a black woman I listen to Morgan daily. Hopefully, he will continue to embrace equality.
@MichelleRussell-ej8ht8 ай бұрын
So proud of this artists accomplishments he deserves everything coming his way all his hard work is paying off ❤❤❤❤❤
Durk did a couple songs with him and approved him, he not racist.
@debraconner24933 ай бұрын
The Bible says not to throw stones……there is not a person on this earth that hasn’t said something they shouldn’t have said……or been a DA and threw something they shouldn’t have…..give it a rest people & get on with your life!!! Have a nice day ☮️
@carolrowe2597 Жыл бұрын
I think he,’s phenomenal
@teresa72955Ай бұрын
What an awesome person and singer! Love me some Morgan Wallen!!! Go Wallen!
@lisasummers28068 ай бұрын
I still love ❤️ you MORGAN WALLEN That Just Prove’s Just what a great man you are. Lots of love ❤️ my sweet friend.😎
@joannsmith412119 күн бұрын
Same here but his neighbor is the one who got him into trouble is what I heard but I believe the neighbor is the one who got Morgan Wallen into trouble
@GODS_216 ай бұрын
When cancelling someone backfires
@karinmorris66022 ай бұрын
Racism isn't part of the cancel culture. It shouldn't be practiced PERIOD> but I'm a liberal and I felt what they did to Morgan was over the top. If he has screamed this at an African American then I could see it, but just a young guy saying a dumb thing is not the reason to destroy him
@lisaarbaugh11897 ай бұрын
Morgan this world is the most judgmental place. All the people that judge you is like they have never done anything wrong. I believe in you, I believe that you have talent that people haven't seen since George Jones and Johnny Cash. I know that you will figure your life out!! I believe in your talents. I was coming home one day and I heard your song "Last Night" I never had a song that moved me like that. God Bless you Morgan!! You got this!!!!!!
@jeffwhite82823 ай бұрын
Proof that over the top woke nonsense is just that. You can't stop talent like this. Period.
@KaciePepera6 ай бұрын
Morgan Wallen is literally the best artist ever! His ability to sing is way better than I could ever do!
@chrismackey2832 Жыл бұрын
Much less racist than every rap song
@lebogangboya24376 ай бұрын
One of my dreams would be to come to the State just to watch this guy perform his a superstar i just want more and more of his Sound thought you should know.
@saraland14062 ай бұрын
I saw him in Knoxville Friday night at Neyland. Good night!
@FC_Dobbs486 ай бұрын
This "Documentary" sure does jumped around in time a lot. Could have actually been chronological, particularly the years 2018-2021. Dangerous is a phenomenally good country album. My favorite by a long shot. It is my most played CD. I have purchased all his albums because I wanted to contribute to him with financial support because his music moves me.
@brettv042 ай бұрын
Seems like an AI made it.
@elianaskaugstadАй бұрын
I even bought his vinyl record as well and then I bought a record player and speakers for it. hahah
@uschibluethner2095 ай бұрын
Okay , wenn ihr in Armerica Morgan Wallen nicht mehr möchtet schickt ihn nach Europa , hier brauchen wir solche gute Sänger....unser Land freut sich auf MW ❤❤❤
@elianaskaugstadАй бұрын
You can borrow him for a little bit but you can't have him :P
@laurenlobjorklund4 ай бұрын
he didn't owe anybody anything,, it's in his yard his home and he called his white friend the N word.. it was the nosy neighbour filming him and sent it to TmZ that caused the stir.. absolute nonsense.. and I felt horrible when he went on TV to apologize and give 300.000 to black music cause or something > he didn't NEED to do that. I am thrilled he has gone on to be a mega star I am so in love with this guy.. i Love all his songs his style musicality, he is fantastic and went from nothing to major stardom NOT by selling out NOT by making deals with the D.. but from his own talent and hard work. His band also deserves credit all of them are super talented on their own.. and he is lucky to have such great artists musicians backing him. Team Morgan all the way!
@chrissy13104 ай бұрын
Was that $300,000 to black music?? Crazy. See equality is not desired. Because with equality, we would hold each other to the same standard. And for sure, black people are definitely not canceling the "N" word. Lead by example I say. Morgan had probably watched some movie or something. Or been hanging out with black friends.
@deearchangeloracle21544 ай бұрын
Totally agree love him too ♥️
@kellygirl49965 ай бұрын
Love how it’s always the jealous men on posts of him putting him down
@s.nguyen59618 күн бұрын
@deborahhughes69237 ай бұрын
F___the CMA awards show. He didnt need them!!! Who needs the stupid CMA awards!!!
@jennyrunyan63685 ай бұрын
Amen to that I agree he is phenomenal ❤
@soglossytv97944 ай бұрын
Morgan we love you.
@KarenLittle-h3fАй бұрын
He’s still a good guy love 💕 mw and his music ❤
@jessicacarter44452 ай бұрын
We love Morgan! ❤
@elianaskaugstadАй бұрын
Morgan is legendary. Huge fan of his incredible talent and I think his team is amazing as well and have done a lot to help him. And speaking of that, I love that Dom has been with him from the beginning. Their voices sound great together.
@NickyLKing Жыл бұрын
He is not a racist!!!! Wow!!! People talk the way they talk. How would you like to be judged on everything you said???
@philipschifano58764 ай бұрын
@joannsmith412119 күн бұрын
It was Morgan Wallen neighborhood that got him into trouble
@joannsmith412119 күн бұрын
It was Morgan Wallen neighbor that got him into trouble is what I heard
@joannsmith412119 күн бұрын
No Ma'am he's not
@tracifoster6146 ай бұрын
He is not racist, he just heard alot of rappers use hey N, My N, alot of singers are saying N, N, my N
@WorksopGimp18 күн бұрын
Dave Chaple has made a career out of using the word, would his jokes be as funny if he didn't use it
@standiferx4 ай бұрын
Love love love thisicon
@hubhub12546 ай бұрын
i'm super fan of this guy - i'm not even american
@robynbeach31986 ай бұрын
Where are you from? I didn't know country music was even listened to anywhere else.
@hubhub12546 ай бұрын
@@robynbeach3198 from Switzerland
@robynbeach31986 ай бұрын
@hubhub1254 oh cool! I've heard Switzerland is beautiful!
@hubhub12546 ай бұрын
@@robynbeach3198 it is really
@TheAndy33337 ай бұрын
Love him ❤️
@deborahhughes69237 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness... how silly. What do they call each other???? Nothing was meant by that! Its obvious!!❤❤❤❤
@Holywood864 Жыл бұрын
Everybody has a opinion and regardless his music is great! Do one on Whoopi Goldberg 🤣
@deborahhughes69237 ай бұрын
Yes do her Whoopi Goldberg ( no eyebrows)
@susanlyons26935 ай бұрын
But rap songs can have such words!! But all good fr .. he’s been climbing to the top ever since then🎶💅✅🙏
@karinmorris66022 ай бұрын
I always found it ridiculous that they pulled Morgans music because a young guy says the "N" word to his friends, not directed at anyone. Yes this word should be struck from our vocabulary and it's great that people take it seroiusly. But young guys are stupid and they don't watch this mouths. Im glad Morgan was able to rise above it cause his talent is really thru the roof and his new song Lies, Lies, Lies strikes a deep chord in me.
@philipschifano58764 ай бұрын
Jordan. Woods. Mahomes. Brady. WALLEN
@DanaH-k9g4 ай бұрын
3:58 it is a very important thing to remember is how much time and energy and dedication it takes to make a successful business career happen for a person who wants to succeed or wants to make a difference in the world . I think it is very valuable to do the best for yourself and others and to help others to make a positive impact on the world around you and be yourself as well as be happy with the job that you are doing every day to make a difference and enjoy life with your family and friends that support your own happiness and dreams that you are proud of doing for others too ! Love this man and his dedication to his passion for life and the way his work has shaped overall and he will continue to grow as he continues making great contributions and writing more meaningful content and he gives to charities around the world. 😊❤️💕🎶☀️💝 10:52
@dondon982 ай бұрын
I know HOW it is to be LIED ON..... PORTRAYED AS A VILLAIN... When Ive tried to HELP Most everybody I've came in contact with... Me & Morgan are so much alike... I was musicalliy but a very good BASEBALL player....
@rgbjojozahau6 ай бұрын
If you find MORGAN WALLEN'S comment on one of Breaking Benjamin's Song. I'd give 100 dollars.
@RANAE-s6e3 ай бұрын
He's a superdrunk!!!
@NormaMonday4 ай бұрын
Yes he will ❤
@katp411396 ай бұрын
He is not a racist!
@MisterBeatsOfficial Жыл бұрын
Im more racist than wallen ever thought about being, and I’m not sorry for it 😂😂😂😂
@joannsmith412119 күн бұрын
Morgan Wallen neighbor is the one that got Morgan Wallen into trouble
@s.nguyen59618 күн бұрын
@beverlyelsberry39397 ай бұрын
How much money did the nosey neighbor get for selling her ring cam video? Probably not near as much as it made Morgan! Love you MW and your music. Please define racial slang…. I hear Morgan’s so called racial slang in almost every rap song. Let’s talk about truth..
@AnthonyCortez-m7m9 ай бұрын
He was a kid who used an hard R who hasn't we grow n realize reality n change .
@kellygirl49965 ай бұрын
Definitely didn’t use hard r, he called his friend his n/$$a when he was drunk and apologized to even the NAACP. Might want to get story straight. He did not say it as a racial slur
@WorksopGimp18 күн бұрын
Mulet hair cut is from a DIY haircut, as in when you don't have any money to get a professional to cut your hair so you have a go yourself
@nikkigstyle40715 ай бұрын
@peggymicsky860727 күн бұрын
Much Ado about nothing! Morgan is great singer/entertainer and should be about that, not political correctness! Its just a word, a word that blacks use all the time. A word commonly used in the South. Its about behavior, not people!
@minicoop2015 Жыл бұрын
This is ridiculously outdated
@chrisdoden1327 ай бұрын
Super star?? Get real.
@susanlyons26935 ай бұрын
@lithiumrocksmysocks8 ай бұрын
How stupid. Can we just get on with it and listen to music.
@WorksopGimp18 күн бұрын
Words aren't racest actions are
@acorbs7 ай бұрын
Way to abruptly end the video. Still some ways from being a doco with that editing