For new fans, 3:49, from right to left: Changbaby (Yellow) Can GP Maika (Orange) Coco Partin Coco (Red) Yumeno Yua (Pink) Kila May (Light pink) Tsukino Usagi (Light blue) Ca Non (Blue) Ainastar (Eggplant purple) Yui Ga Dockson (White) Yamamachi Miki (Green) Naruhaworld (Light green)
English Translation / 英訳 By Ganba Renai CLAP CLAP with rusty rock ’n roll The steam whistle echoes into the hazy future CLAP CLAP in this tumultuous era Only one truth remains the same CLAP CLAP the one way ticket towards my dream Has faded, but even so, I won’t throw it away Incomplete and awkward, but that’s exactly what makes life so lovely Running with broken wheels down the rail tracks someone else has built Screaming, I set sparks flying Convincing myself that “pain serves as proof” is the right answer Then my youth runs at full speed Until the day I can laugh about “today” not going well by ordinary methods GOOD LUCK MY FUTURE The world I ran through may be cruel, but it’s dear to me anyway No matter what, my feelings continue uninterrupted The train shakes and sways, bringing us with it Your profile wavers in the setting sun. Even though we had the same beginning You’re gazing at a different tomorrow Wondering where I might’ve messed up I put every emotion I can’t turn into words in my bag and run for it GOOD LUCK YOUR FUTURE You grow further and further away. I pray you’ll be happy and not look back Little by little, while leaving it all behind Tears tremble, unstable, putting everything into the past Hey~ CLAP CLAP with rusty rock’n roll The steam whistle echoes into the hazy future CLAP CLAP in this tumultuous,era Only one truth remains the same CLAP CLAP the one way ticket towards my dream has faded, but even so I won’t throw it away Incomplete and awkward, but that’s exactly what makes life so lovely GOOD LUCK MY FUTURE The world I ran through may be cruel, but it’s dear to me anyway No matter what, without my hopes falling apart The train shakes and sways, bringing us with it GOOD LUCK YOUR FUTURE The past growing further and further away, our dispersed dreams, the promise we made from that day Little by little, as we forget, lose them Life goes on, and on and we sing a song