Can’t believe I got scammed by a 'dropshipping mentorship' when there’s someone giving all the valuable info for free! Thank you Henrik for sharing high quality content!!!!
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Sorry to hear bro, who did you work with?
@VideossLifestyle27 күн бұрын
@@henrikwold1630 ever since I created my shop, I receive TONS of emails of drop shipping mentors and "partners" that want to work with me but in reality it's all a scam and it's very common
@buldaaleАй бұрын
High value video 🔥🔥🔥 Guys , Its time to lock in Winners win
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Glad you like it! Good luck on the journey man!
@elmehdirahim8090Ай бұрын
Keep up the great work !!
@michaelmaams7103Ай бұрын
Great bro! But when you’re starting off, are you making your own video ads when it comes to testing? Would love some brief info on this, and a video completely covering creatives would be amazing
@Arpan-zp9ioАй бұрын
one more masterpiece G!
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@TradelikeaceАй бұрын
Thanks for this makes me want to try using Facebook ads again but better understanding
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
You can do it bro, just follow this guide!
@TradelikeaceАй бұрын
@ thanks :)
@SimonEcom-t1n15 күн бұрын
great video fella!
@abdelrhmanessam-m5oАй бұрын
my bro always on ❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Thanks brother!
@arhamshahzad94918 күн бұрын
Loved the strategy. I have a question. How long should I test the ads for?
@Eon1.0Ай бұрын
nice strategy, thank you😁😁
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Glad you liked it bro!
@FollowLiquidity6 күн бұрын
Do you tailor your ads to each placement (in terms of aspect ratio etc)? If not do you use an existing post or create a new ad?
@abdelrhmanessam-m5oАй бұрын
thank u bro for all this value ❤🔥
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Glad you like it!
@jeremyfelixcharles8727Ай бұрын
Good video. I learned a lot
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Glad to hear that!
@eristaringАй бұрын
Hey Henrik. Super interesting strategy! One question: What about Cost Per Purchase? Should we care about that? I'm asking because I tend to always look at my Cost Per Purchase when deciding whether to shut-down a campaign or not. So I'm curious about your take on that. Thanks!
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Yes you should watch that but ROAS will tell you everything you need
@cheatelite4805Ай бұрын
legenda brate
@UCN6opcyfgM7EmCXNW1oqr6wАй бұрын
Thank you for the vid!
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Glad it helped you!
@manuelherk3236Ай бұрын
awesome video again. can you also do those things when you sell multiple completely unrelated products on the same pixel?
@henrikwold163023 күн бұрын
Yes you can, thanks for the support!
@manuelherk3236Күн бұрын
@@henrikwold1630 ok cool, thanks buddy. Weiter so;)
@akin6525 күн бұрын
hey henrik tyvm for this video! what if 1 out of 4 ads performs really bad like cpc >2.50$ ? is it fine just to cut that ad off? because you are only talking about turning the whole ad set off
@IvzVNАй бұрын
how long do we test the ads for? 3 days?
@Dinodaily1234Ай бұрын
Hi I have little budget like 79 usd. Its good for start this fb ad method???
@nounounoradin23646 сағат бұрын
How much need to spend on testing product at least on fb ads thx
@TeodorTepicАй бұрын
henrik, I'm interested in when dropshipping starts in America, etc., do I have to open a company right away, if so, how much does it cost
@DesignTreasureChestАй бұрын
Great video Henrik! What if you are selling women's clothes? Do you still test with broad or should you select "women"?
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
I select women, thanks!
@DesignTreasureChestАй бұрын
@@henrikwold1630 OK. Thanks
@hirammendoza69826 күн бұрын
How many days must pass before killing the campaign? And another more important: Will the ad set that we duplicate stay with the same interest or should it be changed for a new interest?
@nocconocco6928 күн бұрын
Hey man, I have a question about the creatives. How do you make 9 creatives on a product? If im dropshipping then i have the products from aliexpress. Do you recommend that i order the product home, wait 20+ days for shipping to get the product home to me and then make 9 different creatives with it? How do you make your creatives?
@slicknicke7940Ай бұрын
Do you use the same 3 videos in all 3 adsets or it 9 completely different videos? Adset 1 with creatives focusing on 1 audience Adset 2 with creatives targeting another audience Adset 3 with creatives targeting another one?
@HunezaaKhaan8 күн бұрын
How can we join his course community??
@redtaylorsversion8492Ай бұрын
is it true that we shouldnt scale our campaigns too hard and shouldnt raise the budget by more than 20%
@Metsavana7Ай бұрын
On fb 100%
@melvinabraham7861Ай бұрын
Hey henrik, what if I have an adset that follows low Cpc and high CTR but no purchase? Should I continue to run the ad?
@beingcrazy1322Ай бұрын
Bro what niche are you selling to make 800k
@IvzVNАй бұрын
Does duplicating adsets in the same campaign cause audience fragmentation?
@pancakevanvliet2520Ай бұрын
Is it possible to only work with product pictures? Because finding video’s for my product is not possible. Only brand videos
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Yes it is but not always ideal, depends
@chocolaterocket2333Ай бұрын
When duplicating ad sets, are you running the same ads in all three ad sets?
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Yes, otherwise I'd test creatives in a new campaign
@zaksilihАй бұрын
@@henrikwold1630 but on the video you are saying that each ad set must have three different ad creatives, which means 3 ad sets and 9 ad creatives in total. What is correct approach?
@Dangvjpro6969Ай бұрын
how long should i wait b4 shutting an adsets off if it doesnt make any sales?
@henrikwold163023 күн бұрын
Around half a day
@asheeashee996024 күн бұрын
My CPC always 2-6$ why ?
@kristynakaraskova7236Ай бұрын
How long to test? 1 day or 2 days?
@4litdragzo945Ай бұрын
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Let’s go!!
@DanielBaynesFitnessАй бұрын
If i only have one amazing clip, would it be possible to get a sale ?
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Yes it is
@DanielBaynesFitnessАй бұрын
@henrikwold1630 Thank you
@georgeeeeeeeee8110Ай бұрын
Why don’t you target the UK?
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Taxes & competition
@tinhlukАй бұрын
How to find winning products?
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
This is a Facebook ads course bro, check my channel for videos on finding products
@peter-zc6gwАй бұрын
Why 3 adsets, cant we put all 9 clips in one adset?
@chocolaterocket2333Ай бұрын
I was wondering the same thing
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Each adset reaches different audiences
@peter-zc6gwАй бұрын
@@henrikwold1630 didnt we say we go broad :/
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Yeh but no targeting is still broad
@peter-zc6gwАй бұрын
@@henrikwold1630 yeah but how do you choose the audiences...does each adset have a different marketing angle?
@Wagwanman1Ай бұрын
Don’t the campaigns and the adsets fall back to the learning phase when the budget is being adjusted? Isn’t that something we want to prevent?
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Trust me bro, this is have you make millions
@damoviciousАй бұрын
@philgambeckАй бұрын
What if the ad account is limited in ad spend
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
They'll increase it within 1-2 weeks
@user-kk7gz7xs5lАй бұрын
My account got banned twice, what should I do to create a new FB account and not get it suspended ?
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Purchase an ad account from agency
@CeeTee469Ай бұрын
@henrikwold1630 this is K1ra. Send them your agency aff link.
@LifeHacker8Ай бұрын
Activate windows bruh :)
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
Maybe one day I will bother to do it
@LifeHacker8Ай бұрын
@henrikwold1630 😂😂 okay
I like your content, but didn't you post a same kind of video? It's like seeing numerous fb ad videos idk
@henrikwold1630Ай бұрын
No this is brand new & a full course
@Flubber198415 күн бұрын
average 30 USD per purchase is INSANE!!!!! Why do you teach??? Laughable
@henrikwold163015 күн бұрын
Did you not get the point of the video? It's a realistic demo account, that account clearly doesn't add up to my results