How Black Adam Destroyed Shazam!

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@jamesrosengrant8675 Жыл бұрын
I think the BIGGEST problem with this movie is we haven't had mainstream superheroes who don't kill. Black Adam doesn't feel like a bad guy when he kills because this still feels like the snyderverse. We haven't seen DC heroes doing everything they can to save people, so black Adam casually killing doesn't feel special
@MachineCode0 Жыл бұрын
If Black Adam felt like the 'Snyderverse' to you I need to get your connection and start smoking what you are smoking, because it must be really great. I enjoyed Black Adam but it was essentially an MCU movie in terms of its tone.
@jamesrosengrant8675 Жыл бұрын
@MachineCode0 I misspoke. This movie itself doesn't feel like the snyderverse. But it feels like it takes place in the synderverse. The hyper-violence, waller and superman cameos, costume design, and the fact we haven't started a new universe yet make this movie appear as something that takes place right after justice league. That means we're in a universe where batman uses guns and was literally branding people in prison. And superman has killed a few people. This in no way feels like a Zack Snyder film, but it does feel like a snyderverse film. In the same way both suicide squads, peacemaker, birds of prey, and Shazam are all synderverse films too. More accurately I should be calling it DCEU film, but the Snyder half of that universe is the defining stuff so I use that term instead.
@MachineCode0 Жыл бұрын
@@jamesrosengrant8675 It didn't feel that way to me at all. Nor did most of the other movies you cite. Yes the same actors are appearing in the same roles but that doesn't really mean anything. I think you are hung up on largely meaningless trappings of 'connection' rather than anything actually concrete. Just because a person (or torso) appears at the end of Shazam that seems to be wearing the same (or close but not identical variant) of the costume that a character was wearing in another movie, means absolutely nothing. Good worldbuilding, thematic and tonal connection that makes different parts of story feel like they are components of a whole requires much more than that. This is why I don't think Black Adam felt like it existed in the Snyder universe at all. Absolutely nothing of the way the world feels, nothing about the way it's presented or the history that is implied, gels at all with what we have seen in any of the previous movies. It feels like jumping into a totally different world with a different history to the Snyder movies and is presented with a completely different tone to the way his movies were. I don't think I will be able to convince you in this short comment exchange, but I invite you to just pause and consider what exactly it is that makes parts of a story seem coherent and part of a whole, and consider my argument that having somewhat similar costumes and the same actors or names appear isn't even nearly enough when compared to an actually coherent story planned a written by a single (or small set) of authors. I hope you have a nice day and consider my comments here in a friendly discursive manner, part of a friendly healthy debate and not as an attack or insult.
@MicoDossun Жыл бұрын
Exactly my issue. In the landscape of modern superhero movies it is not assumed that killing villains is a evil. The MCU does it, the certainly DC movies do it. The only universe that’s had slightly consistent morality about killing is Sony and even there hilariously in Morbius, the movie where no one would be upset if he was completely evil, the cops say “we aren’t mad you killed those guys on the boat because we wanted them dead”
@MachineCode0 Жыл бұрын
@@MicoDossun Well in the MCU there is still Spiderman. He's maintained a strict no kill policy and it was a major plot point in his movies. Other than that yeah, general audiences don't seem concerned with it so it's not been an issue. The general audience seems basically only concerned with how serious or light the violence is or seems rather than who kills who or why.
@IcyDiamond Жыл бұрын
Honestly I was always confused about everyone’s obsession with Black Adam fighting Superman yet barely anyone mentions him fighting Shazam, that’s like if they made a Lex Luthor movie and everyone really wanted him to fight Batman Now don’t get me wrong, a Black Adam and Superman fight does sound sick, I just hope it doesn’t come at the cost of a Black Adam and Shazam fight
@zsmoove3108 Жыл бұрын
I also made the analogy of Green Goblin vs Captain America. Or Red Skull vs Spiderman.
@AnAnimatorsWorld Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure everyone wants Shazam vs Black Adam more than with Superman???
@MachineCode0 Жыл бұрын
It's because in the comics Superman has fought both (Captain Marvel/)Shazam and Black Adam many times, as have the other Kryptonians really. It's a matchup that is gone back to a lot because of the frequent use of the idea that Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic, but it doesn't completely counter them. So I think they might also fight frequently because Superman doesn't have many other foes he can go up against of similar power who are not either intimately connected with him or Krypton in some way or have a basis in a some hard counter to him that prevents a long back and forth fight (Parasite, Metallo etc).
@MrCarpediem6 Жыл бұрын
In the most recent Comics I believe it takes the whole Shazam family to fight off Black Adam it seems as if lately they're making Black Adam more of a heavyweight, and in Superman's league.. though I would have put Shazam in that category too at one point
@Kajitora Жыл бұрын
Because there are a group of fans who read the comics and in those comics that is a big deal.
@theamazingmarlbito6293 Жыл бұрын
The Rock's ego is not going to be able to handle James Gunn's knowledge and love of comics
@PhantomLantern2814 Жыл бұрын
Idk, it’s pretty interesting. Like, I thought that with his ego being what it is that the JSA would be goodie good pushovers that are behind the times, but they actually are integral to the story. In fact, Adam is gone for half of the third act and it gives them time to shine. So maybe it’ll be okay.
@theamazingmarlbito6293 Жыл бұрын
The reason he keeps saying that the hierarchy of power has changed is because he wants to be at the top of it. And his contracts always say he can never lose a fight. I don't think that's gonna mesh well with something like Darkside or Superman. Or anything in the same tone a suicide squad or peacemaker. It's too limiting. And he limits them by design
@michaelsayles33 Жыл бұрын
@@theamazingmarlbito6293 he lost to Dom in the fast and furious movies
@theamazingmarlbito6293 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelsayles33 It's not letting me paste the link, but you can Google for it. There's a screen rant article all about it
@kiriavatar123 Жыл бұрын
"love of comics" lol
@themadhatter9509 Жыл бұрын
Idk this one’s weird. Black Adam and Shazam are undoubtedly linked and they’re connected at the hip. But also Black Adam isn’t really a hero or villain and he’s not really an anti hero either, his main goal is Kahndaq, it’s his main drive and why he picks sides as he sees fit so idk
@brucebanner3566 Жыл бұрын
condark? really dude? did the man in black hit you on the head or is that the name of your favorite ice cream bar?
@themadhatter9509 Жыл бұрын
@@brucebanner3566 Kahndaq* whatever dude don’t be an ass
@emperorsean1 Жыл бұрын
@@brucebanner3566 that's what his country is called in the movie and the comics
@MicoDossun Жыл бұрын
The issue to me is the movie had no idea how to write him morally gray except for having the JSA tell you over and over that heroes don’t kill evil people. In the MCU they guilt free kill villains all the time so it’s not like it’s automatically assumed that killing a bad guy is supposed to be a villain attribute. For all intents and purposes Black Adam is only not a hero because he keeps telling you he isn’t. His character just isn’t written that was
@Batcow7735 Жыл бұрын
@@emperorsean1 umm, what? 'Kahndaq' is the way it's spelled in the comics, always was always will be.
@zoeibbotson4064 Жыл бұрын
I think a bigger problem to take away from Black Adam is that characters like Dr Fate are too powerful for DC and will either be nerfed of fridged for plot.
@cavemanbuddyolpal Жыл бұрын
I don’t know if I’d call it fridging when zatara’s doctor fate can be established as a later plot point
@zoeibbotson4064 Жыл бұрын
@@cavemanbuddyolpal Fair, I'm just miffed we didn't get to see Dr Fate done justice
@jhonandrews2674 Жыл бұрын
As probably the only person whose favorite hero is Shazam/CM, I was super excited for the Black Adam movie, and among a host of issues I had, the changes this film adaptation made to his story kind of irked me. I didn’t like that there was literally no mention of Billy and virtually no connection either. Part of what makes Adam and Marvel such an interesting duo, at least to me, is the fact that Adam was the chosen champion before, and he let that power corrupt him. This version of Adam technically has no connection with the same powers that chose Billy. Black Adam is supposed to be everything that could be wrong with Billy, if the power got to Adam’s head, could it get to his? If the wizard chose wrong once, could he have done so again? These are interesting ideas of contention for Billy, but making him another champion’s proxy removes that potential depth. The fact that Adam was champion before Billy also means he knows more about it. Adam is supposed to be the better versed Champion, yes Billy will win because good beats evil but he still has a lot to learn, and Adam is proof of that. It’s also interesting to have a villain who knows more than the hero. Of course that is naturally the case and what makes villains so intriguing, but with Adam, he doesn’t just know more about what ever the situation may be, he knows more about the very powers and structures that make both him and Marvel. This, I think, had always been another really cool aspect of their rivalry, Shazam is often seen as pretty much Superman with lightning power and often at the beginning of his journey operates as such but Adam can show that is not the case as a character who has had the powers for years and had that relationship with the entire council of eternity he can personally sort of teach Billy how to be a better champion inadvertently just by technically being better at it and Billy seeing that. I don’t mean literally mentoring him I mean like cool scenes of Adam explaining exposition about the wizard that Billy never knew or showing a new application of their power in a fight that Billy didn’t know he could do. Anyway, that would have been cool, but this black Adam, in addition to not having been chosen by the wizards so not getting any information out of them initially, he didn’t seem to learn anything from his son because he gave him the power then died immediately, but after he did like the one and only thing he did with his powers, kill the king, he was immediately sealed away, so he had no real time as “champion”. As such, this Black Adam knows as much about this shit as Billy does, and that shit is wack.
@TheDelinear Жыл бұрын
As someone who isn't overly familiar with the source material, it honestly feels like DC currently just have big movie properties for essentially three versions of Superman on the go.
@indian_horse Жыл бұрын
yeah pretty much. superman with lasers and two supermen with lightning. what's cavils superman got that BA and shazam dont aside from eye lasers?
@baligong3592 Жыл бұрын
They could've gone for the theme of the movie being: "are single rulers better than rules by the people?" Like that they can show both sides of what they believe and have them fight.
Haven't seen Black Adam but its a shame that the JSA don't seem to have been represented well. Would like to see a proper JSA movie.
@williamspellman856 Жыл бұрын
In the movie Dr Fate and Hawkman are basically inferred to be the only heavy hitting members to answer this specific “call”. The other two heroes are really just support. For this movie it doesn’t make sense to have Black Adam fighting bigger/more prestigious members of the JSA. It’s by no means a perfect movie but was a lot of fun and sets up more to come. James Gunn has done great with Peacemaker and the second Suicide Squad.
@PhantomLantern2814 Жыл бұрын
As a diehard JSA fan, I actually thought they were done justice.
@docsavage-8616 Жыл бұрын
The JSA Was Completely Wasted In This Movie.
@kirstyholmes9318 Жыл бұрын
Completely off topic, finally watched Bullet Train this weekend (instead of going out to watch Black Adam) and it was as awesome as your review said it was. Weirdly your new look is giving me Aaron Taylor-Johnson vibes, and that’s not a bad thing. He had so much swag in Bullet Train.
@bwalsh5377 Жыл бұрын
I watched an interview where he did say Shazam Will eventually crossover but he wanted then separte first to build up to it.
@theantone7476 Жыл бұрын
I've actually just not long finished watching Black Adam and I'll admit I barely knew who he was to begin with other than him having beef or some sort of history with Shazam. With that said, I really loved this movie. It defied my expectations as I really didn't think this movie would be special or anything above average when seeing the trailers. But man the plot was solid, it was refreshing to see a movie in DC take place somewhere different entirely and showcase the Justice Society. It was kind of confusing to tell if Black Adam is a hero or villain. So I guess he's an anti-hero? Regardless love his character so far The Superman return of Henry Cavill was cool but I really hate how they leaked it weeks before the movie was to be released. You just don't do that but I guess they really had little faith in Black Adam doing well at the box office
@jovilla2161 Жыл бұрын
Imagine the Rock being considered the current biggest box office star and yet, there’s still little faith in the movie doing well. That’s pretty telling. Is the Rock really a Hollywood draw? Or was the marketing/audience for this film there to begin with?
@demonteprice5870 Жыл бұрын
Can we squash the recent rumor that The Rock has a “thinly veiled disdain" for Shazam? That's not true, like at all, dude literally was a producer on Shazam and congratulated the film for doing well with the critics and at the box office when it first came out and had nothing but kind words for the film and was proud of it (as he was attached to star in that film for quite some time, and really worked hard himself to make sure that film got made, even though he ended up not being in it). I have no clue why The Rock wants to fight Superman more, it could be he might be uncomfortable with Black Adam having a rivalry with someone's who's technically a child, and might want Billy to be at least 18 when they first clash cause he doesn't want Adam to be seen as “evil" or cruel to children or some shit (I feel like Johnson believes badass anti-heroes don't fight little kids, villains do), maybe he thinks Superman will draw in the box office, maybe he wants all three of them in the same movie together, I don't know, but I do know that it has nothing to do with him disliking the film or character of Shazam. Please let's stop saying this.
@noakai Жыл бұрын
Shallow PR statements are utterly meaningless, especially when one stands to make money off the back end of a movie . What matters are his words in interviews with his actions when he has the power to shape a story, and his actions make his feelings about Shazam crystal clear. Also, I want to be clear that I don't even care about Shazam or him fighting Black Adam, it's just very clear what Dwayne Johnson's feelings are on the whole thing.
@demonteprice5870 Жыл бұрын
@@noakai it's clear Dwayne is the one with the power to make it happen, that's not up for debate, and it's not up for debate that he's not allowing it to happen because of his own opinions on the characters either (both things are obviously fucking true) I just don't think it has anything to do with disliking the character or movie Shazam (especially when Shazam! the film is a win for Dwayne's career as he was a PRODUCER of the film and it was relatively successfully and did well with critics).
@amorfatikhb Жыл бұрын
5:26 as someone who had little to no knowledge of their comics origins (and then struggled to find comics with maxine in them), i just took them all at face value. i didn't even expect black adam to have the same powers as billy batson despite knowing they're both shazam! champions. there just wasn't enough data to go off on from the film itself. but dc movies really enjoy doing this anyway. they'll place a new character in film with familiar characters and then explore them further later. it's like we're working a group project with a new classmate and we can choose whether or not to get to know them more after the project is done.
@mattcalloway6254 Жыл бұрын
I get they want to do Superman vs Black Adam. But Shazam and Black Adam have always been rivals until recently. They should be the ones going head to head. I also get they were trying to make Black Adam relatable, but his origin contradicts what was said in the first Shazam movie. In Shazam the Wizard said they chose recklessly. They chose someone who had good intentions at first, but lost sight of them when he got his powers. In Black Adam his son was chosen by the Wizards and then his son gave him his powers. So the Wizards didn’t choose recklessly… A Black Adam vs Shazam & Superman movie would work.
@anthonyvillanueva5226 Жыл бұрын
"They punch for a bit and then they're mates" EEEYYYYYY
@CobaltMagmaStudios Жыл бұрын
CGI and action and music was amazing! However story was soo shaky. Great watch though!
@smallow4559 Жыл бұрын
According to a interview with the rock he talked about why he wanted black adam and shazam to be separate and said that a crossover between the two will happen.
@sanddagger36 Жыл бұрын
The movie was great compared to a lot of the recent flops, things they could've done better would be to make Black Adam more villainous by killing indiscreetly. The ending fight between zombies and citizens should have been intergang getting killed by the citizens as they finally rise up from oppression. Obviously the justice society could've used some improvement too, but I don't know where to start as I know very little about any of those 4 characters. However, Amanda could've just sent suicide squad instead and then Black Adam could've killed a couple of them.
@powerhardy1 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree. Instead of the useless JS, they should've sent some of the lesser suicide squad members
@aymanriki1018 Жыл бұрын
I've been wanting to see Shazam vs Black Adam since Shazam was announced. Superman has his own entire gallery of amazing villains, I'll be pissed if his second movie or Black Adam sequel is just him fighting Black Adam unless it was Shazam with him. I hope Shazam 2 teases Black Adam confrontation.
@jackmarshall3255 Жыл бұрын
Don’t get why they needed black Adam to take down the villain if they have Superman and can call him up at will.
@FullFatVideos Жыл бұрын
Good point lmao
@uuuudddiit Жыл бұрын
now that you've mentioned it... i like shazam's superman scene more because showing up in a school for a kid, is what superman would do... following orders of amanda waller. superman is NOT Homelander. how hard is it for DCEU to understand that? wtf? in the WHOLE OF DCEU there are ONLY two scenes (1 each) that represent batman and superman the way they are. (Superman showing up in the school for Billy. Bruce Wayne running into the falling buildings to help people.)
@petermj1098 Жыл бұрын
I agree. Amanda Waller is a villian not a hero or ally to superheroes. She is like a totally evil Nick Fury who will do ANY dirty work for the government
@elcidgaming Жыл бұрын
Really facepalmed when it was not Billy Batson on the Black Adam post credits. goddammit
@Slimshadow457 Жыл бұрын
I want Superman and BA to fight in a Justice League sequel where the Injustice League/Legion of Doom attack the heroes and they all end up having to face off against different villains that can actually best them. Superman vs BA, Wonder Woman vs Deathstroke, … Could be loads of fun. I DON’T want a movie where it’s ‘Superman and Shazam VS Black Adam - The Movie!’ It’s fine for animation but for film it seems reductive. Also yes I thought it was insanely weird that BA had this fixation with Superman but little to no reference to Shazam despite having the literal exact same wizard character featured. Pretty flimsy connection to two characters who are so intrinsically linked. (Wouldn’t Waller or someone connect Black Adam to Shazam even just by the motif on their suits as well as the fact he literally cries out Shazam’s name to transform with near identical power sets? Surely people know of Shazam so that seemed so weird to me)
@chriswilliams7358 Жыл бұрын
Black Adam needs to fight Shazam. That’s non-negotiable.
@DrOD-zx1yb Жыл бұрын
11:21 Aaauuuuggghhhh!
@bmvthemoviefanatic7282 Жыл бұрын
Been saying this for ages! He's a Shazam villain! All DC and SPUMC's "villain" movies are taking away what we like about these characters: THAT THEY'RE VILLAINS!!! (Except Joker)
@pcharl01 Жыл бұрын
It’s not a surprise..Anyone with half a brain knew The Rock being Black Adam would distort the franchises. He doesn’t like to play second fiddle to anyone. He won’t be willing to lose to Shazam! let alone be in a Shazam only movie. He’ll only be in a Justice League movie.
@mickeymouse7726 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't stand the stupid rivalry between black adam and hawkman
@TheBabyhuewy Жыл бұрын
This aged well
@jackhamilton9604 Жыл бұрын
Funny you mentioning this feels like a Suicide Squad Film as I remember hearing a rumour years ago that Black Adam would b the villain of Suicide Squad 2
@FullFatVideos Жыл бұрын
I wonder if that was the case at some point in development
@jackhamilton9604 Жыл бұрын
@@FullFatVideos we could find out if someone asked, but who truly knows?
@theBabyDead Жыл бұрын
When the CW did the DCU better on just smallville and just the arrowverse than they can do with the high-budget movies...
@JCOdrjones Жыл бұрын
I will say, the only time Superman acted like Superman was at the cameo in Shazam in all of the DCEU/Just U/Detective Comics Cinematic Universe (if the D in DCU is short for DC and C is for Cinematic and U for Universe). Save for maybe him trying to be chill with Adam at the end of Black Adam
@MachineCode0 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately for me Gunn's style for Superhero stuff seems pretty strongly comedy orientated e.g. Guardians 1 & 2; movies which I didn't really like. I didn't bother watching The Suicide Squad. So while I think from a WB/DC business perspective Gunn is probably a good hire for them as he seems to be able to deliver on the highly comedic, not too dark, pseudo action movie style that seems to be a big crowd pleaser in general, it won't be for me. Ah well. Black Adam specifically: it was at least two movies (maybe three) mashed together, it was unfocused and it wouldn't commit to any real world building at all. Instead hedging its bets for the future of the shared universe, not locking anything in. Tonally, it was pure Marvel. I enjoyed it well enough but it didn't really do much for me and I probably won't watch it again any time soon. As an aside I didn't like Bodhi Sabongui's performance at all. Bad child actors really drag a movie down, I'm sure he did his best but just didn't work for me.
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
I was hesitant on seeing The Suicide Squad too but I liked it more than Gunn's Guardians films. It didn't adhere too much to the sterilized Marvel formula.
@powerhardy1 Жыл бұрын
DC is putting a bandaid on broken leg. They need a director with a serious tone and completely change their movies to something a tad bit serious. Marvel owns the friendly/popcorn movies. Needs to go the route of the Joker and The Batman. Something a bit heavier and start from there, anything else is just spinning wheels
@docsavage-8616 Жыл бұрын
They want to Hire anyone who's ever Worked for Marvel. That's Their Winning Strategy.
@powerhardy1 Жыл бұрын
@@docsavage-8616 Nothing but a cheap imitation. I'm not even a big fan of James Gunn, I feel they're going the wrong route again. They should just let Matt Reeves helm honestly or give Christopher Nolan a blank check
@transformerstuff7029 Жыл бұрын
I liked it. Liked it more than all the disney+ marvel series, shang shi, wakanda forever, eternals. Lmao even forgot the black widow movie.
@TheZanzibarMan Жыл бұрын
DCU sounds weird.
@jackcarrington1913 Жыл бұрын
1 love the stache 2 please get some new background music All the best
@OpEditorial Жыл бұрын
Dwayne Johnson looks the part sure (though why his version of Black Adam didn't get his iconic pointy ears is anyone's guess) but his range is extremely limited as an actor; he's just incapable of playing a bad guy, at best he can do a moustache twirling paragon of virtue.
@paoloochangco6072 Жыл бұрын
adam shazam is a buddy cop type movie
@wofomofo1636 Жыл бұрын
"In Spite Of Everything You’ve Done For Them, Eventually They Will Hate You."
@isaiahbridges7442 Жыл бұрын
Oh man what a stache!
@FullFatVideos Жыл бұрын
@betterlatethannever4529 Жыл бұрын
The film should have been rated R, Dwayne's character should have been the uncle instead of the father, and he should have been the one to kill the boy. However that twist could have been saved for the Shazam vs. Black Adam film
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
It's pretty nonsensical in the comic so it's a good change if Black Adam becomes a hero later in the DCEU.
@christianemden7637 Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure why people want to see a return of Zack Snyder, I seriously don’t want to see him ever come close to a property i care about again.
@tonyt1308 Жыл бұрын
Wasn’t meant to be a villain to Superman or Shazam…..
@tylerbarnhill6742 Жыл бұрын
the sad thing is that I guess the animated Shazam movie will be the best one of all time
@derrellevans1092 Жыл бұрын
Zack Schneider will be the next director for Black Adam 2
@agrumpymonkey5800 Жыл бұрын
I swear to God that if James Gunn does another story where the villain is an alien hive mind that tries to take over the minds of the victims I’m going to boycott him forever. He has done three times already, I hope he comes up with something new
@jakubrejak1114 Жыл бұрын
Ego wasn't an alien hive mind, he was a singular entity. And he didn't want to brainwash his victims, he wanted them to be incorporated into his molecules.
@carlospointofview Жыл бұрын
This movie is the living embodiment of all the superhero stereotypes. Storyline? Plot? Who cares?!?! We have the Rock kicking everyone’s asses and a lot of explosions! Yay!
@Devdev009 Жыл бұрын
Wait, Shazam/Captain Marvel is the Big Cheese! Literally he's The Big Red Cheese
@TheJanissary90 Жыл бұрын
Its really sad when starpower controls entire cinematic universe.Legit I give 0 shit to actor who played to character.Im going to movie for how the actor portrayed to character.When in this state Dceu so desperate they land their future who ever can bring butts on seats.Black Adam would be a good villian for Shazam 2 but nope we need to make what Sony doing.
@cassiedevereaux-smith3890 Жыл бұрын
.....why is the final scene of Shazam! infamous? Just because they didn't show Superman's face? I like it better that way. It lends mystique. But yeah..... Black Adam heading toward a Superman showdown rather than as Captain Mar.... sorry, 'Shazam's' arch nemesis is such a waste.
@montenegroafro4454 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes I don’t understand why it’s soo hard to make an outright super villain movie! Joker was exceptional and financially successful by taking that risk. It gave the audience something new and fresh to see that wasn’t a standard superhero-comedic type movie, it was sad and tragic, and the villain was empathetic NOT likeable!! On another note, according to the comics and animated tv series, Black Adam IS Shazam’s arch nemesis..NO OTHER villain is qualified to take on Shazam as much as Black Adam it’s like they were always destined to fight each other. So, if the writers and the directors come together to create a cohesive story where Shazam ends up facing Black Adam i’m all for it, but Superman has to be a third wheel he CAN’T be the main contender to fight Black Adam. From Shazam 2’s trailer, i can tell it’s going to be a growth arc for Billy as he gets more mature and starts seeing the world in a new light, he’ll be carrying that growth into his next encounter with Black Adam. Crossing my fingers and hope they’ll deliver a great Shazam vs. Black Adam story..🤞🤞
@connorwood9211 Жыл бұрын
Rewatched BA on Christmas for a 2nd viewing. And pretty much the same a my 1st. Meh. 4 possibly 5 out of 10. I was more invested in Dr Fate than the entire rest of the cast This franchise is in need of a reboot. Honestly they should just ditch the extended universe and stick to stand alone movies like Joker and The Batman.
@alexdagrate1927 Жыл бұрын
The movie was a fine popcorn flick nothing groundbreaking. Superman getting in the way of Shazam again just like when he was Captain Marvel 🤣
@pdycougars5508 Жыл бұрын
Ironic you called Superman the big cheese
@jakubchalupa8510 Жыл бұрын
This movie has one of the worst villains I've ever seen in a superhero movie, like wtf was that
@brandonmuse5532 Жыл бұрын
I loved Black Adam
@markmolino679 Жыл бұрын
Hey, the movie has it's problems like any other superhero movie. But with all the woke crap Marvel been pumping of late. Black Adam was a breath of fresh air.
@docsavage-8616 Жыл бұрын
Black Adam Was Woke. They Race Swapped Hawkman and Cyclone.
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
@@docsavage-8616 And the white patriarch hero died.
@rambhaskar6728 Жыл бұрын
People who don't know the comic characters shouldn't be making reviews of comic movies. Imagine not knowing about hawkman or dr. Fate.
@RedHood4751 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed Black Adam , it was better than I expected. I do think Shazam or Superman Vs Black Adam won't work that well. But Supes Vs Adam probably would be a fun fight with a lot of filler around it
@HepCatJack Жыл бұрын
Shamwow vs Shazam...
@digenesakritas1107 Жыл бұрын
I have a totally different opinion than you although I liked Thor Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy and Shazam it's starting to get tiresome to see Superheroes becoming comedies. Batman(Nolanverse) Man of Steel, Wonder Woman and Black Adam is the way DCU should continue.
@secondwaveprod Жыл бұрын
Well that was a bs film
@SimpleGeekReviews Жыл бұрын
Dude, you got the Joker movie wrong. Its not part of the DCEU. Its just a standalone movie, another universe. I love your analyzing but that throws it off. Its like saying The Batman is part of DCEU, when its not - only Batfleck is part of it. So unless somehow the Joker movie ties in with The Batman, its just a separate universe; much like the Nolan Batman movies.
@FullFatVideos Жыл бұрын
I didn’t say it was part of the dceu? I said it wasn’t
@kiksgreebo147 Жыл бұрын
Why is the flash ducked? And what happened with Ezra Miller?
@medi0cre_pr0ducti0ns6 Жыл бұрын
I hate how in general Black Adam is being portrayed across all media, they're making it seem like he's his own entity that predated Shazam as a character, instead of being his dark reflection.
@superkid801 Жыл бұрын
For me, the film is fine. I’m happy for Gunn and to have Henry back as Superman. I’m a bit fixed on DC and will see what happens down the road!
@patrickwillis13 Жыл бұрын
I'm happy for Gunn but worried for the dcu. I'm worried it'll devolve in to the phase 4 route and be all jokes no substance.
@liamdallimore807 Жыл бұрын
The fact that The Rock apparently said when asked that he “doesn’t want Black Adam to fight any of his C-tier villains” says it all and shows there’s a highly unlikely chance that he’s ever even looked at a comic-book, let alone picked one up in his life.
@incognitofool6516 Жыл бұрын
This is why you dont let an actor dictate an entire film. Rock really took ownership of this film and franchise, and has been very vocal about how he is more interested in fighting Superman than Shazam who is supposed to be his main nemisis this is a problem. This is also the problem with him being an Ex Wrestler. Everything has to be a mainevent for him
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
He got them to bring back Henry Cavill, The Rock is more powerful than you think.
@incognitofool6516 Жыл бұрын
@@virgogaming6488 Did you actually read my comment? Thats the problem, he has too much leverage
@uchihabomber1296 Жыл бұрын
I agree he seems to forget who black Adam even is and how he’s literally usually a Shazam villian
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
@@incognitofool6516 Black Adam's character is obviously tweaked for the DCEU but the film turned out great.
@wendell.dacosta Жыл бұрын
@Pear_chan Жыл бұрын
I do want to see Shazam and Black Adam fight, but I need to see what the situation after Shazam 2 is first. After the first Shazam, I don't think Billy is strong enough to justify the spectacular showdown we need between the two.
@powerhardy1 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. The first Shazam was solid but the second will really tell if it has legs
@rcbmmines4579 Жыл бұрын
For some reason, Billy didn’t seem to have all his powers immediately or at least didn’t know how to use them in the first movie. His siblings each had their different talents as well. He could still be growing now. Trouble is though it’s canonical that Champions of Shazam (Black Adam included) actually weaken themselves when they share their power with others. It’s possible that his family would need to give up their powers for Billy to be as strong as Adam.
@jesusolguin5896 Жыл бұрын
That's the whole point of Black Adam is to be a foil to Billy where he can't just use his power to defeat him he has to use his head. Since Black Adam has mastered his power s better than shazam
@rcbmmines4579 Жыл бұрын
@@jesusolguin5896 not necessarily true actually. Depending on continuity, Billy could be Captain Marvel longer than the amount of time between when Black Adam gained his powers and when he was banished/imprisoned by Shazam. Plenty of times they’re on equal ground, or Billy/CM/Shazam is actually more powerful. When Adam is stronger though, it’s usually because Adam’s fighting dirty or Billy’s sharing his powers with others. It’s been a factor for a long time now that both Billy and Teth actually lose some power when they divide it with their family. Billy does it more but Adam in comics would share it with Amon (Osiris).
@ThePonderer Жыл бұрын
I had a blast with Black Adam, and I’m into the *idea* of James Gunn running things at DC, but frankly neither of those things are enough to make me feel that the DCU will be pulling out of its years-long death spiral anytime soon.
@gamblertoguru382 Жыл бұрын
We were really close to resetting this whole thing. Then The Rock decided to go convince them to bring Henry Cavill back smh.
@CalvinChikelue Жыл бұрын
Thank you for pointing out what has bothered me so much about these films since Venom. These villains are indeed irreconcilably tied to their hero. Both Venom & Black Adam have gained some time as antiheroes (hell recently Black Adam has been on the Justice League in the comics sans Shazam) but their origins & existences are always based upon their relationship to the hero. The entire point of BA is to be a counterpoint to Billy’s youthful optimism & subsequent fueling the use of his powers opposed by Teth’s cold ruthless desire for control & adherence to might makes right with powers from the same/similar source. To try so desperately to keep them separate reeks of a fundamental fault in the foundation of this whole BA project. Other than that I am actually interested in the Gunn-coled future of the DCU.
@sidthesquid4206 Жыл бұрын
If I were to sum up my feelings it'd be: good action, bad to mediocre everything else
@markmolino679 Жыл бұрын
You basically described the MCU right there.
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
@@markmolino679 MCU doesn't even have that good of action.
@docsavage-8616 Жыл бұрын
It Was Another DC Disaster. Almost Worse Than Wonder Woman 84.
@callmev3531 Жыл бұрын
I came out of this film finding Doctor Fate to be the stand out character. While he may be an archetypal veteran superhero and wizard with decades of experience and is therefore a degree wiser than his colleagues, it provides a decent contrast to those around him who feel like immature and overly confrontational children by comparison. He already knows the situation is stupid and needless, going from trying to reason with and contain Adam to simply getting out of the way in resignation as Hawkman and Adam waste time in their dick measuring contest, letting everyone get to the point where they realize its time to actually get something done. I especially liked his arc of finally being freed of his precognition in death, which while offering insight into future events, has also burdened with him having to be the sole witness to many horrors that to everyone else never came to pass, from his friends dying to the world ending. Aside Adam being able to put aside his survivor’s guilt over the loss of his family, Kent was arguably the only other character to give this movie a genuine heart and soul.
@zserbs2326 Жыл бұрын
Dwayne Johnson is the issue, his casting is fine. He wanted to change a character and their mythos for his vehicle. Half the Black Adam movie is establishing this alternative version of the character when there’s no reason we couldn’t have gotten a comic accurate one.
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
I felt it worked for the movie as it was a better version of what Sony has been trying and failing to do with their Spidey villain verse.
@zserbs2326 Жыл бұрын
@@virgogaming6488 I guess being the better take on what the Sony movies try is enough of a win for some lol but kinda cheap praise imo.
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
@@zserbs2326 If they took notes from Black Adam they'd have a great popcorn movie. Amp up the action and keeps things simple.
@JcgLounge Жыл бұрын
I want Shazam and Black Adam to cross paths and fight. They’re rivals. They have to fight eventually. I also want Superman to throw hands with Black Adam too. Basically, I would love it if they just adapted the animated Superman and Shazam Vs Black Adam film
@uchihabomber1296 Жыл бұрын
Yeah the Rock seems to be forgetting that he’s Shazam’s literal archnemisis like they next literally NEEDS to be them fighting. I also agree that it seems like these studios are just afraid to make REAL villian movies where they actually do bad things. Joker did do it pretty well tho.
@BingBangPoe Жыл бұрын
I'm perfectly fine with James Gunn being a part of major player in the DCUE. The second Suicide Squad film was much better than the first one, and the Peacemaker series was a pleasant surprise. Can't wait to see what he can cook up with WB's blessing to go crazy.
@D3ADP00LWAD3 Жыл бұрын
“They punch for a bit and then they’re mates”. Spoken like a true Weekly Wackadadoo
@localyocal498 Жыл бұрын
Looked too far for this comment
@powerhardy1 Жыл бұрын
And for the record, I think the writers are lazy trying to "bake in" the universe in movies. Make good movies then you find ways to connect them NOT the other way round
@Jay-ate-a-bug Жыл бұрын
The DCU has an issue they are refusing to address; it's the reason I have not liked any o f the movies very much. They assume you know who all of the characters are because you have followed the comic books. I was not a comic book reader as a kid. If I had been I would have been overjoyed at Black Adam. That being said, I have no investment in these DC characters thrown into movies. I had this issue with Justice league (Both versions), even though the Snyder Cut took a few moments to waste time with very brief character development in the midst of bad villain arcs. I grew up watching Christopher Reeves and Michael Keaton. I loved the first seasons of the CWs Arrow and Flash, and had an investment in those characters. Why didn't DC build on that? I even liked the Supergirl show for the first season. DC continues to disappoint and they really need to slow down and build their universe and characters the right way. I get it... they don't want to copy the MCU, but they really need to take some lessons.
@Warcus861 Жыл бұрын
DCU should just reboot their entire universe. Scrap it all and do it properly this time
@mcurran6505 Жыл бұрын
The film should have let Adam just remain as the villian and true main antagonist of the movie because the whole anti hero thing has done so many times. Plus I get he is suppose to appear in a future Shazam sequel so it begs the question of how DC is gonna fix that.
@PhantomLantern2814 Жыл бұрын
Ok but that’s how it is in the comics. He’s not a hero, it’s just a matter of who’s standing in his way. He’s like Namor but if he was done well. Read 52
@richardcoffer4758 Жыл бұрын
It was an average film and the Rock just seemed to play it half arsed or to up his own arse to give a shit. There seemed to be a lot of fighting without reason and no real story.
@EGGPLAYUH420j9 Жыл бұрын
I’m glad James has got control of the dcu bc his suicide squad is The best film in the series
@MrNamesNoMore Жыл бұрын
Rock is too obsessed with fighting Superman. And he is too obsessed with being a hero in Black Adam. Black Adam should have been walking the line of Anti Hero and should be more focused about showing up in a crossover with Shazam first. Afterall they both share the same powerbase, surely they should at least meet once before focusing on the big S crossover right? It would have been real neat if Shazam 2 was developed with Black Adam, what a waste of potential. And F the Synder Fans, people need to learn that change sometimes need to happen for better things to come along.
@reyluna0 Жыл бұрын
I just want DC movies that are good and enjoyable I wanna see the lanterns, i wanna see flash i wanna see more DC in the big screen
@AncestorEmpire1 Жыл бұрын
I like DC when it decides to go in the opposite direction of the MCU. Being the same is boring, being creatively different is fine.
@sidecharacter3193 Жыл бұрын
I definitely agree but I wouldn’t say this is different If anything this felt like the most marvel thing dc tried since justice league 2017
@AncestorEmpire1 Жыл бұрын
@@sidecharacter3193 phase 4 Marvel or other?
@NeroPiroman Жыл бұрын
i liked it more than any mcu movie beside the spiderman ones since endgame
@zsmoove3108 Жыл бұрын
Them building towards a Superman vs Black Adam fight would be like if Green Goblin fought Captain America instead of Spiderman. Like what? Or Red Skull vs Spiderman. Doesn't make any sense.
@docsavage-8616 Жыл бұрын
The Rock Doesn't Want To Lose To A Clown Like Shazam. That's What's Happening.
@virgogaming6488 Жыл бұрын
Red Skull and Spider-Man have fought before in the comics.
@donatodiniccolodibettobardi842 Жыл бұрын
I liked Black Adam, questionable message, great action, simple story. Don't know anything about Shazam comics. Great Dr. Fate.
@cthellis Жыл бұрын
Well, I guess what I can answer is “what does this look like from the outside” Even when I was huge into comics, it was Marvel all the way and little to no interest in DC, so I only picked up surface-level things through osmosis, or occasional odd character runs like Swamp Thing or Adam Strange. Heck, due to personal distaste with Batman, I haven’t even watched more than a few episodes of hugely formative things like the animated series of the 90’s. SO! What does that mean? Well, indeed with Hawkman and Dr. Fate, they do come across as low-rent versions of Tony Stark and Dr. Strange. Fate especially hampered since Strange did the whole “scanning the future” thing in IW/Endgame (Even if it sucked), and having no exploration of alien origin/artifact that could function as a unique differentiator. Since I don’t know his origins, I don’t know how it factors in. I generally enjoyed Brosnan’s and Hodge’s performances in this, but indeed playing as “long long friends” interaction doesn’t work too well when this is our first time meeting all of them. This would be somewhere that assumingly comic lore would help. Hawkman I primarily know from the old JL cartoon, so…. That’s not a point in his favor. 😝 But the bigger issue is, unlike Iron Man, his design doesn’t speak “power armor” it speaks “guy wearing armor” and so from the first tussle with Black Adam, I just can’t believe him standing up. Atom Smasher they really should have avoided since they only thing he could offer was “exactly what the MCU did, but worse.” Should have pulled from the B/C-tier roster of unique/unused. Cyclone at least succeeds better here since we haven’t seen Storm in a while, and she’s neither in the MCU nor used in the same way. So she gets off as more interesting by a technicality, but also underused. Don’t announce her they way you do if you’re just going to use her as a CGI throw-things-fest. So that’s pretty much how they come across.
@powerhardy1 Жыл бұрын
yeah atom guy and fake storm just wasted screen time, nothing else, didn't add to the story at all
@markmolino679 Жыл бұрын
Bro, for you to say that Hawkman and Dr Fate is just a low rent Tony and Dr Strange is just a disrespect. Especially seeing that Dr Fate and Hawkman came way before them in the comics.
@cthellis Жыл бұрын
@@markmolino679 You do remember that the focus of this reply was “how do they come across to non-DC-comic readers who do not already know their lore?” So it is “how do they come across in the movie Black Adam” and the inevitable comparisons to the MCU.
@enthnd03 Жыл бұрын
Shazam 3 needs to be black Adam vs Shazam and Superman, that way everyone is happy.
@r.h.6249 Жыл бұрын
Honestly Dwayne Johnson was terrible in this role...there wasnt even any "acting"...he just looked cool..and moreover he made Black Adam not a villain and i love Black Adam's villainy and temper and was so disappointing
@FlameG102 Жыл бұрын
yeah sounds about what i thought. the moment I saw the first black adam trailer my heart sank. because i realized it was shit. they didnt trust black adam to carry his own movie, so they crammed it full of other superheroes, and it just became another dc cgifest of empty character. what a waste of the long awaited rock black adam.
@OverandOutChief1 Жыл бұрын
This is good strategy if you are going to do a Superman showdown at any time in the future. There is more buy in and fanfare with Cavil as Superman than some other proven actor in the future. Get the Cavil Superman now while you can. Levi doesn't appear to be going anywhere and can be done later.
@RichBandzMf Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one that absolutely despises the Amanda Waller character? Every time she shows up on the screen it just instantly kicks me out of the story
@mettatonex7221 Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna be honest: I don't think Dwayne Johnson was right for this role. Sure, he's a peak specimen of a man which helped sell the power of Black Adam. But first off, it felt extremely wrong to have someone with an American accent play the role of a Khandaq champion, it would have been more appropriate to get a hold of an Egyptian actor for the role, but second off, Dwayne didn't successfully sell me on the pain and anger of Black Adam. The character felt like the smolder gag from Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle attempted to be played straight, and this is the last character you should be telling jokes with, so I think the worst move of the movie was to have him play into the running joke of mastering a catchphrase. This is a broken man whose last memory before waking up to a country he doesn't recognize was getting revenge on the tyranical figures who took his family from him and then getting punished by the wizards for it; why would this character entertain the ramblings of a kid trying to get him to act more like a superhero? I don't know who would have been the perfect fit, it may have honestly been a smart move to get a more relatively unknown actor to play the role, but the fact that Dwayne Johnson is who they landed on feels to me like they didn't understand what this character needed.
@MrTwille Жыл бұрын
Sheesh I agree , and they could’ve at least made Dwayne’s ears pointy and give him some hair
@LuziFearon Жыл бұрын
Couldn't care less abt Shazam, Black Adam or Man of Steel tbh.
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