Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 9 Reaction | Created Feelings | DUB

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@BJRecio 3 ай бұрын
"I'm gonna watch another episode here" Oh god I'm so sorry
@Sataandagi96 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, that did not end well :'D
@BetaBlue42 3 ай бұрын
No kidding
@ch33les99 3 ай бұрын
*grabs popcorn*
@tadcooper9733 3 ай бұрын
for some reason I had it in my head that this was gonna be that episode
@Crazy5711 3 ай бұрын
Thst was my first thought too. I wish I could have told her not to watch another. At least not that day.
@springdeerling7866 3 ай бұрын
The winry screaming at Ed is what Ed imagined she would do lol. She actually didnt yell at him that time
@rickymoranjr9609 3 ай бұрын
@springdeerling7866 have you met Ed? all he does is mess up his automail arm and constantly worry Winry to no end!
@kevinkijowski5980 3 ай бұрын
@rickymoranjr9609 There is the bottom of a thought bubble when the camera pans down, so she doesn't yell at him. Him constantly making her worry does not change that.
@rickymoranjr9609 3 ай бұрын
@@kevinkijowski5980 true
@TheInsaneTeddy 3 ай бұрын
Hughes is such a good guy, 100% probably the best character that isn't a protag
Ah... subtle... good work!
@t.c.thompson2359 3 ай бұрын
Reminder that Al is 14 right now. 14 year olds are easy to manipulate.
@claudiosanchez764 3 ай бұрын
Specially a 14 year old so kind hearted and innocent as Alphonse
@emkalina 3 ай бұрын
al is 12. he hasn't grown in 2 years
@GodBear97 3 ай бұрын
@@emkalina Mentally/emotionally he has
@emkalina 3 ай бұрын
@@GodBear97 it's an interesting topic. i don't think it would be possible for him to get emotionally more mature without the hardware that allows that and he is clearly portrayed as much more childish than ed despite their original age difference being not that significant. ed is a moody teenage but al is still a kid with no any other explanation really
@GodBear97 3 ай бұрын
@@emkalina I'd argue that Al is more emotionally mature than Ed in a lot of cases. Besides, he clearly has the capacity for feelings, thoughts and memories - I'd say he has what's necessary for emotional growth
@Clownbaby985 3 ай бұрын
Scar actually only went for ed cause he's a state alchemist he didn't know he had done human transmutation. Scar just thinks all alchemy is wrong
@danielsubelka4275 3 ай бұрын
Likewise, he agreed not to go after Al because Al is not state alchemist
@SnowyWolborg 3 ай бұрын
Exactly. From his POV, he is basically removing Amestris' ability to use weapons of mass destruction, which is exactly what the combat alchemists were in the war.
@Clownbaby985 3 ай бұрын
@@SnowyWolborg yep. His horrific experience of how the state alchemist used alchemy in the war on top of his religious beliefs already not reslly condoning alchemy. Just fueling his hatred and holy mission even more
@k00la1d 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for letting us into your life today and let us know about your sister. You didn’t have to share that deep personal thought with us but you trusted us enough to be vulnerable for a moment. Sorry for your loss ❤️🙏
@firefun85 3 ай бұрын
fun fact, the author of fullmetal Alchemist grew up on a dairy farm. hence the "you got to drink your milk" scenes.
@kaybadberg534 3 ай бұрын
Isn’t her name also Hiromu? I distinctly remember her drawing herself as a cow in the author’s page of the manga Edit: Yep. Just looked at my copy of the manga. She drew herself as a cow in glasses and panties and wrote fighting panties at the top.
@borjankosarac3645 3 ай бұрын
Her legal name is *actually* Hiromi Arakawa; she uses a traditionally-male given name to attract the young male audience. So… Japan’s equivalent to JK Rowling. Except you know, hopefully-*probably* not a complete garbage human being especially given her deeper story themes.
@critica77y77 3 ай бұрын
@borjankosarac3645 That’s not a fair comparison. JK Rowling is a talentless hack writer who makes her characters act in nonsensical ways to forcibly make the plot work, and the worldbuilding is legitimately awful.
@lyrebirb83 3 ай бұрын
​@@critica77y77what? You're not a fan of "the slaves like it actually" being a joke by everyone?
@Yayi-ko8fc 3 ай бұрын
You’re comment about your sisters takes heart to admit. I appreciate you letting us in. Your gonna love this show as it progresses
@flatcat6676 3 ай бұрын
Hughes foreshadows a lot in this episode - both the future plot and some of the backstory. If you're interested in Hughes as a character, this episode is a good one to pin in your memory to reference as the series progresses. As far as Al being "easily" swayed by Berry, you have to remember that at this point he's been trapped in the armor - which is complete sensory deprivation except for sight and sound - for four years at this point. Not only that, he and Ed have lived a very active life during that time, and he was having trouble remembering kids who he used to play with when he and Ed went back home in the prior episodes. Consider how much we clearly remember about our lives when we were ten years old. Consider how it must be to find yourself with an artificial body yet having memories of being a live, flesh and blood human boy. Consider that Ed is shown throughout the series to be impulsive and a bit selfish, so it's not out of bounds for Al to wonder if maybe Ed created himself a loyal little brother as a companion and ally in his quest to restore his body. Trauma can turn our minds into nightmare playgrounds, and I always thought Al was the strongest character in this series just for the fact that he didn't fall into to sheer madness.
@ripleyjlawman.3162 3 ай бұрын
I can’t really determine, what would be a more distressing truth to find out or rather lie to be gaslighted into believing if I were in Al’s position, because both scenarios that come to mind are pretty bleak. For example the idea of merely being an artificially constructed conscious bound to a suit of armour and given memories of events that never happened so that I would assist my creator/so-called sibling in achieving whatever task I was created for without question, that idea is distressing on multiple levels, whether it be the truth or a horrid lie, if it were the truth that would mean everyone I thought loved me was in on this deception, and leaves open the possibility of being destroyed and replaced, with this new artificial life being unaware of the horrifying truth, and potentially subject to the same horrible fate if the truth were to be revealed to them, on the other hand if that were a lie as it was in Al’s case, I don’t think an apology and a brief fight with everyone who loved me would undo the burning of the bridges between us like it did when Al did it. The alternate scenario is based around the idea of not actually being my soul bonded to a suit of armour by an older sibling but instead unbeknownst to the pair of us, I would be an artificial construct, unintentionally created and operating as a stand-in for my original self, with my sibling’s memories being the basis for my recreated personality and voice, presumably the recreation though unintentional was meticulous given that neither of us noticed a difference until fairly recently. Now assuming we’re operating in a version of the scenario where it turns out to be the truth, if we had our little falling out, fight and reconciliation and came out of it believing the idea to be nothing more than a cruel lie to throw us off our game and turn us into easy prey, only to discover that Barry stand-in was unintentionally right about my status as a recreation of myself, it’s distressing and disturbing imagining the results of said revelation, assuming that the original soul became part of the universe/world/God/Truth and was irretrievable would my sibling fall to despair? Or in the case that it were a lie, but I was operating under the assumption that it was the truth then the idea of not in a sense being me would be unbearable, even if we proved said idea was nothing more than a fabrication, that sort of thought tends to linger and lead to far worse thoughts.
@camronk1356 3 ай бұрын
I lost 3 brothers and 3 sisters before any of them turned 36. I'm the baby brother of my biological family. I haven't come to grips over them. Bless you and your sister. Your fans love you very much ❤
@Sirxeko 3 ай бұрын
Just as a brief correction. The slicer brothers werent treated as animals jusy as the armor suit. They were treated as animals their entire lives. Kinda goes with the whole mass murderer thing. Thats why they were so shocked by Ed treating them with any level of humanity.
@MrAlyxandyr 3 ай бұрын
We all love and adore Hughes, you are not alone there!
@druciferDMA 3 ай бұрын
Sorry for your loss funnylilgal- sending you all the supportive vibes during the tough time.
@downeastbeast6448 3 ай бұрын
Hughes has a point. Even me, when people ask me if something's up, or how I'm doing, my go-to response is "haha yeah, i'm good, just a little tired" I don't think I'll ever not fall back on that response as a defense mechanism.
@hannahawson2002 3 ай бұрын
"I'm gonna watch another episode here..." Me: NO DON'T DO IT!!!!! Bless this woman's heart, sending you so much love 💙💙💙
@BeeWhistler 3 ай бұрын
I may have said this before, but the non-spoiler promise I can make you is that any question you’re left with about this show will be answered. It’s a great quality in a show. The first TV series didn’t manage that but the author of the manga had it planned out much better. And there will be more sibling relationship stuff in this, so saddle up for that.
@keyblader1985 3 ай бұрын
There are a few questions that I've never figured out throughout any of the continuities, but overall FMA was definitely a very thoroughly detailed and cohesive work.
@elvwood 3 ай бұрын
Sorry for your loss - sometimes 21 years is no time at all. Hope you made it through the rest of the day OK.
@MidwinterKnight 3 ай бұрын
Oh god were already at this episode? My heart can't handle. btw now that you're at this episode Hughes is now your anime dad. I don't make the rules. He's everybody's anime dad. Hughes is the best
@pathikpatel7076 3 ай бұрын
I'm very sorry about your sister. That is a loss I cannot imagine. Sending the best of wishes on a difficult day. I very much like your channel and wish you all the best!
@_toph_ 3 ай бұрын
there are two types of people in this world. those that love when armstrong takes off his shirt and those that... actually... there's only one type of people in this world. 😂
@rocketmanart7964 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad that Scar is a very complex character. He's not bad, he just wants revenge for his people.
@ShyyGaladriel 2 ай бұрын
My most sincere condolences for your sister.
@hunterackerman1697 3 ай бұрын
She just keeps going on about how comforting Hughes and his family is. Oh, this is going to be sad.
@TheJokerAkaCirque 3 ай бұрын
Good manga moments not featured in show: When Winry arrives, Ed is downright *mummified* in bandages. She's horrified, and he explains that his actual injuries weren't *this* bad until... (cuts to flashback of Armtsrong tearfully giving him a hug)
@darthroden Ай бұрын
18:02 "Hughes is a little dark sometimes." Yeah, there's a reason for that. He's a war veteran who has seen and done some shit, so he can shift from being the guy who gets all cute about his daughter's birthday and loves his wife, the compassionate man who looks out for the brothers.....to a guy who would put a bullet between your eyes in a moment if any of those things were threatened and lose no sleep over it.
@davek7702 3 ай бұрын
My brother too passed away 21 years ago. Sorry for your loss.
@Matuse 3 ай бұрын
You can watch some videos from the Dadvocate - she goes into these topics about men and the expression of feelings a lot. She's dead-on basically all the time. Ironically, Dadvocate mostly makes her videos for women, but her audience is composed primarily of men who just love the fact that somewhere out there is a woman who really understands.
@BleydTorvall 3 ай бұрын
I'm so glad they didn't drag out the drama between the brothers for more than just an episode. Despite Al's youth, I always felt like it was such a forced plot point to make Al even consider the possibility that Barry was telling the truth. It would be so irritating if they'd instead tried to drag it out for maybe half a season like so many other anime series would have...
@blueor 3 ай бұрын
If I remembered correctly, they dragged Al's doubt in the 2008 version. Because show runners had so little manga materials to work with, so they prolonged every plot point they could find. Even Tucker was alive, and grew donkey ears (I'm not kidding)...that's why I can never take the 2008 FMA seriously.
@LordBaktor 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's my least favorite plot point but it resolves quickly and the resolution brings with it a wise message so I'm willing to forgive that the instigation feels ham fisted.
@xero2135 3 ай бұрын
@shirokage2182 3 ай бұрын
Hi! I just want to say, I'm so sorry for your loss. Especially considering the next episode you watched right after. I really appreciate you sharing yourself so openly with people on the internet. Much love and strength to you! ❤
@TheShardFenix 3 ай бұрын
Sorry about your sister...I know the feeling, mine passed away in 2022 and yesterday was her Birthday. But I'm loving your X-Men and FMA: B reactions
@andrewmarks2636 3 ай бұрын
I always thought that Barry the Chopper wasn't smart, but being the same kind of person and a prisoner, he's had all this time to think and wonder on his existence. That is why he can weaponize all those doubts, and his insanity becomes his rock that gives his existence meaning. Al isn't insane but he also has the long night to dwell.
@davidedwards1705 3 ай бұрын
20:13 **hug**
@saiyasha848 3 ай бұрын
I jut read that you reacted to EP 10 right after and... I'm really sorry. I hope your okay. I know your Sisters passing is quite a few years back now, but I still wanna give you condolences and hope that With every year, the pain gets a little less and the good memories get a little stronger
@KaylaHigbeeVO 2 ай бұрын
Sending you lots of love for your sister, I hope this show can provide you some catharsis. ♥Ed and Al's sibling relationship is so beautifully written.
@wildbronco038 3 ай бұрын
Re: how easy Al was to manipulate. Remember, he was very young when his mother died and not much older (a few years) when Ed and he attempted the Human Transmutation. At the time of the "current events," he would only be 14. So you're talking about a 14 year old (which as somebody already mentioned is already very impressionable under normal circumstances). Add in the fact that he's lived a very traumatized life from a young age and the fact that he hasn't really gotten to experience a normal childhood or adolescent years. Plus the fact that he's so pure hearted and naive. You have the perfectr recipe for a "easy mark."
@thebeardedbrony9586 3 ай бұрын
The agony of not spoiling things is...GAH!!!
@Ansible1000 3 ай бұрын
If you wanna get an idea of what the Ishvalans represent, look up the Ainu people.
@silvsevie Ай бұрын
she didn't scream, Edward was imagining that reaction, she was just silent and sad.
@TheFireMonkey 3 ай бұрын
I understand the kind of thing you are going through [the anniversary of your sister's passing] - since the experience is different for each person and each time, I don't feel I can say I know what you feel, but I have a lot of experience with that kind of feeling, for me I'm a few weeks past one anniversary and a while before the next - I have several. Not much one can say other than it's sad - and I hear you and I care.
@oq1106 3 ай бұрын
Holy... I've watched this show so many times and just am I realising that at 14:14 Izumis husband (who we haven't met at this point) walks past the camera.
@keyblader1985 3 ай бұрын
And Izumi herself
@accaraway 3 ай бұрын
My condolences for your sister. I lost my older brother when I was 17, and this being one of my favorite animes, there were a lot of moments that hit me in the same way. Edit: I also know which Who ep you're talking about. The church one, right? Yeah, that one got me too and made me ask myself the same sort of questions. Thank you for being open about these kind of things on your channel. It's validating to hear other ppl with similar experiences.
@camronk1356 3 ай бұрын
I had a moment when my beloved sister died and the anime I was watching had a huge moment of pain but turned to massive joy and it lifted me. You bring happiness to your fans and your sister probably sees that. I love how you share your pain and happiness with us. It's great to pierce the veil between media and humanity. Thank you so much
@Kleed44 3 ай бұрын
I'm thinking about the next episode and already tearing up 😭
@SapphireDragon357 3 ай бұрын
Brotherhood indeed....
@thelordoftheweebs9501 3 ай бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing that. There's some things I relate to as well when I watch this anime. Since I have siblings. I look forward to the next episode!
@SuperLegendOf364 3 ай бұрын
22:16 Her: Somehow I like him?! (Scar) Me: Oh my gosh, it's happening.
@WalterLoggetti 3 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss... the 2 of august this year it will be 26 year that my cousin died in an motor crash... sometimes it seems yesterday... Hugs
@kennethmorgan8795 3 ай бұрын
Well... Amestrians are commonly Blonde and blue eyed for a reason. Armstrong is very much a good example of non-toxic masculinity. He is very 'manly' but he's not afraid to show emotions and he encourages everyone to examine/face their own. Hughes is 100% dad goals... well 90% of the time. Oh shit, this episode is always a little rough... have a cyber-hug. Scar is, at his worst, interesting. It's easy to see things at least partially from his side but because of his extremism it's easy to think "he's going a little far". Honestly, and in some ways you brought it up yourself but not quite, he's got soo many similarities to Magneto. And evil or not Magneto is an amazing character. So without spoiling things I'll say this about Kimblee/state alchemists: They're a part of the military... kinda like Green Beret as compared to the Army (not the best analogy but). They are not a *separate* organization or group, they answer directly to the government and Bradley. That's why Ross and Brosch were kind of afraid of reprimanding Ed, he is a higher rank than they are so it was (at best) insubordination. Luckily Ed has his mature moments and doesn't really think of himself as part of the military... like he knows he is but the number of shits he gives couldn't be lower.
@MrCOLBSTAH 3 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure that the anger and violence thing is not necessarily something that's like actually happening. It's more of a ultimate expression of their internal State.. really kind of hard to explain but all emotions in anime are turned up to 11.
@Lngbrdninjamasta 3 ай бұрын
Thank u for sharing with us how difficult today is for u. It means a lot ❤
@DaDunge 3 ай бұрын
19:30 Yes, it's an anime-ism, violence is not treated as serious when it's done by a girl in Shonen Anime. But it is somewhat justified when it comes to Al, he can't feel pain, all Windy striking him has is shock value.
@rac_coun 3 ай бұрын
I'm just silently nodding at the end there. Yeah Hughes is nice.
@mchawk315 3 ай бұрын
Oh man I cant wait for her to get to the next episode so I can see how she deals with Fullmetal Alchemist gut punch #2.
@keyblademasterclark 3 ай бұрын
So you just watched Father's Day, huh? God that episode is intense at the end
@muhammadnazrin3390 3 ай бұрын
I like to use these couple of episodes to gauge how much I'm gonna enjoy the rest of the reaction to this series
@rickymoranjr9609 3 ай бұрын
the original version of this episode was much more heartbreaking especially when Al confronts Ed about what Barry said to him. plus it shattered my heart when Al ran away from Ed
@thejasontoddtodd6768 3 ай бұрын
Once you finish this series, give it a shot to the 2003 full metal Alchemist, that would be awesome.
@lothsper 3 ай бұрын
Your sister would be proud of you
@DoomyRei 3 ай бұрын
I believe Winry's role in the story is to ground everything. In a show full of nigh superhuman alchemist a "normal" character is important. If nothing the very least, a "normal" character establishes a baseline of what is normal. Yes, she's a talented automail mechanic with probably a bright future in front of her. However, as far as the plot goes, she's a normie. But it's more than that. Winry is the foundation, the very bedrock, of the Elric brothers. You'd think the brothers support each other like the walls of a house and you'd be right. But, Winry is the one who keeps the house on stable earth. She's like a tether that keeps the kites from flying off. A homing beacon in case they get lost. A solid rock in the sea. Without Winry, it would be very easy for the Elric brothers to lose themselves in their quest. Maybe they wouldn't fall to the dark side (they've already made that mistake) but their singular obsession to their quest can have consequences just as bad. For example, they could have just wandered the world endlessly and aimlessly, FMA. For example, they could have simply given in to despair at any point, given the futility of their quest, FMA. Winry's also one of the few characters whose relationship with the Elrics isn't founded on some working relationship (as amiable as many of those are) but on simple friendship. No conditions, no extenuating circumstances. Simple Friendship.
@chrishunn3872 3 ай бұрын
FYI, another great anime that explores what it is to be human is "To Your Eternity" and I would love to see what your reaction to it. Be forewarned, I shed many tears on that show.
@nicholaswilkerson4394 3 ай бұрын
I dont have a sister to lose. But i do have a younger brother. Even though he gets on every nerve i have, I'd be devastated if something happened to him. You have my deepest and most sincere condolences for your loss, and be you religious or spiritual or not, i still firmly believe we'll see our lost again. I know you will. We all love you ❤
@Khay-77 3 ай бұрын
Hughes is such a good dude.
@silentassason 3 ай бұрын
If you like the intro songs, Caleb Hyles has done amazing covers of the songs in English. Worth checking out on your own time. I have some of them in my Playlist
@jonahcraven8669 3 ай бұрын
Yep, I love those! I'd also recommend AmaLee, she's done some great covers too.
@silbury2325 23 күн бұрын
The reason Japanese people "speak fast" is because spoken Japanese has "low information density". It's a linguistics concept that measures how much information is conveyed per "sound" or "phoneme". It's been observed that languages with low information density are spoken "faster" to compensate. Averaging the majority of languages out, regardless of information density, all people convey roughly the same amount of information per minute. It's not uncommon for English speakers to interpret Japanese speaking or singing as "rap" even when it isn't, precisely because of this phenomenon.
@captainz9 3 ай бұрын
Not to worry, not particularly a spoiler but obviously the story of what happened with Ishval gets developed far more as time goes on, and you certainly will understand Scar's anger. The war also relates to what happened to Winry's parents (they were doctors during the war).(
@Bondrewd_The_Based 3 ай бұрын
Im not sure how far you are into this show, so consider spoilers with this comment until at least after the halfway point in the series: I like the use of the term "Fuhrer" in the show. By itself it just means "leader," so it should be fine, but with our own historical context to it with Hitler, it gives us a sense of unease with Amestris before we find out the truth about the country, its government, and its historical atrocities in service to the grand conspiracy behind everything. It makes us automatically suspicious of Bradley, especially when we hear about the extermination in Ishval.
@LifeStoneLive 3 ай бұрын
I love this show, and I love enjoying you experiencing it. I truly hope you get to enjoy it to the end ... That having been said, it's definitely pulling your strings and pressing your buttons. Maybe take a bit of time of before the next episode. Treat yourself, go to the spa... Get back to good head space.
@Brimmy21 3 ай бұрын
4:46 - 5:03 Yes hi hello that's the point welcome i'm sure ur patrons have already explained this to u :3
@Pandaemoni 3 ай бұрын
I always assumed that some people's life forces were sacrificed to make the stones and others were bonded to armor to serve as unpaid, sleepless security guards. As if their "souls" (so to speak, I am not sure if the manfaga creatior was using that Judeo-Christian concept or not) are what go into the stones.
@samsalin 3 ай бұрын
You can only say "all genocide is wrong" until you find out why they have been genocided.
@meewec2091 3 ай бұрын
the only time genocide wouldn't be wrong would be if the people that end up genocided literally do not stop trying to kill you to the point that they throw themselves against your defenses(actual defenses, not occupied territory) to the last man, woman and child.
@samsalin 3 ай бұрын
@meewec2091 so pretty much the reason every time a people has been genocided? Oh, those native American will kill us all - genocided. America Oh, those christains will kill us all - genocided. UssR Oh, those jews are trying to kill us all - genocided. Everywhere Oh, those weegers won't obey, creating mistrust in government, so attempting to kill us all. -genocided. China Oh, those palestinians want to kill us all by having access to trade we don't control. - genocided. Syria palestiniana
@springdeerling7866 3 ай бұрын
Im loving the speculation and i promise you, all your questions will be answered
@OfficialMageHD 3 ай бұрын
I still want a live action version with Hughes played by Markiplier
@springdeerling7866 3 ай бұрын
I think you said you already watched 10? We're getting closer to some of my favorite episodes. Gosh, theres so many good ones but as far as early ones 12+13 are so good
@kcha237 3 ай бұрын
Thank goodness all this heavy emotional stuff has been resolved. I guess its all uphill from here!
@funnylilgalreacts 3 ай бұрын
Sunshine and rainbows….
@StephenRansom47 3 ай бұрын
🤦 24:06 why is this happening?! Good Grief Girl! It’s the anniversary (at time of filming) … … we conjure things to us, and your subconscious was more than aware of the date. So the combination brings these things to you. OR! and more importantly, you see them as such. I live a life of Total Responsibility: My world, for good or bad; is entirely my fault … this gives all events the power to inform me of my most reluctant thoughts. Even now, this reaction is what I need to hear. Be at Peace, and God Bless.
@Jcewazhere 3 ай бұрын
Yep, sacrifice a million Nina and Alexander hybrids and you'll get a 'good' stone. A million Kings will get you a 'bad' stone. I don't actually know that's the case, just jumping off what she said and commenting for Al Gore's Rhythm.
@SamIzzo 3 ай бұрын
Equivalent exchange
@ronaldcanedo2809 3 ай бұрын
Es increíble que este volviendo a ver mi anime favorito después de 6 años , ( la razón hicieron un nuevo doblaje al latino pero no me gusta faltan muchas voces del primer doblaje que le daban más sentimientos a su interpretación.) y aunque no soy el mejor el inglés me acuerdo de los diálogos a la perfección.
@riduckulus1574 3 ай бұрын
17:50 let this be known mess with Hughes family and he will teach Liam Neeson a thing or two.
@gilberth8944 3 ай бұрын
16:26 😢
@trapbuilder2283 2 ай бұрын
**SPOILER** This is the first time we see the Curtis couple outside of a memory, walking passed Winry in the station
@deadman8428 3 ай бұрын
You have just scratch the top layer of what's going on
@adambulmash6880 3 ай бұрын
Anniversaries suck. Mine’s in September and it makes the entire month suck. Real sorry yours was today. Sending love from CT ❤❤❤
@TheGelatinousSnake 3 ай бұрын
@lukiatulambert4396 3 ай бұрын
14:15 #IYKYK #spoiler
@rocketmanart7964 3 ай бұрын
Give Dragon Ball franchise a try. Mob psycho 100 is good too. Maybe do that one first. It's shorter.
@mrmv42 3 ай бұрын
You gonna be okay?
@wilgarcia1 3 ай бұрын
huuugs sorry about your sis.
@zzxp1 3 ай бұрын
Is being against genocide even political? That feels more like a moral stance.
@Alkaris 3 ай бұрын
Glad you pointed that out with the similarities to Nazi Germany stuff, because it is closely similar to that in a different setting. Even the buildings themselves a re very European looking when you look at the architecture of streets and office buildings.
@honkenbonker 3 ай бұрын
Ed's phone call with Winfrey is a bit confusing. He is actually imagining her yelling at him, because he doesn't know about the missing screw and she is unexpectedly nice because she feels guilty. Her yelling is in a thought balloon coming from Ed, but it's easy to miss.
@funnylilgalreacts 3 ай бұрын
It took me a good chunk of episodes to realize that anime isn’t really showing violence, they’re showing feelings and insecurities in those moments.
@smith22041 3 ай бұрын
TIL, all the times I've watched this and never noticed, damn.
@ChespinCraft 3 ай бұрын
@@funnylilgalreacts it’s basically the equivalent of toph in ATLA punching people in the arm to show affection. Winry yelling and hitting them with the wrench is an act of love lol
@DaDunge 3 ай бұрын
@@funnylilgalreacts It's an anime-ism, shonen anime does it's own type of cartoon violence that shouldn't exactly be treated as part of the narrative. Especially when it's a female character doing the hitting. It's somewhat justified when she hits Al though since he can't feel pain. But if she really brained Ed with a wrench as often as she does he'd be dead or braindead.
@roaaoife8186 3 ай бұрын
"Am I attracted to this animated character?" Welcome to being an Anime fan.
@JohnSirrine1987 3 ай бұрын
Am I a bad person for laughing so hard when she said “don’t turn into you dog” to the little girl in the hospital? 😂😂😂
@mranima748 3 ай бұрын
No, without context it is quite a funny response to seeing a child
@ssjgoku276 3 ай бұрын
Isn't that a little boy or am I seeing things wrong?
@somecallmetim2112 3 ай бұрын
A couple of points of clarification: 1. There are no police, really, just the military. The military uniforms are blue, but they are not police. :) 2. Many state alchemists (as well as scads of normal soldiers) were sent to Ishval during the Extermination. Mustang, Armstrong, and Kimblee were just a few. 3. State alchemists automatically hold the rank of Major. Ed (officially Major Elric) actually outranks Sergeant Brosh and Lieutenant Ross, which is why they apologized in advance before slapping him. :)
@SnowyWolborg 3 ай бұрын
They don't show up frequently or have any real role in the series, but there are military police, they are the ones who are in the black uniforms. But, considering that this entire country is a military state, there is effectively no real difference, to be honest.
@eydie__ 3 ай бұрын
5:28 It's sad and wild that saying "I'm against genocide" is political nowadays. It's why we need stories like this to remind people exactly what war is.
@blueocean3024 3 ай бұрын
but still, the blood is still spilling all the time
@tadcooper9733 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I don't care who you are, I don't want you and your ilk to be exterminated. Thats not a hard thing to say for decent folk.
@RoyalistKev 3 ай бұрын
It became "political" when wars are mislabled as such by the losing party, even when it initiated it. What's happening in Darfur is a genocide, yet no one knows about it. Why? Because genocide is being used as a rhetorical weapon against a state that can't be defeated militarily by the weaker aggresor. But it can be defamed.
@davidtucker9498 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's absolutely insane to see violent protests on college campuses in America calling for the extermination of the Jews... And yet while they stand with an openly genocidal terrorist group that killed over a thousand innocent people, they have the unmitigated GALL to call Israel's retaliation a "genocide..." Absolutely insane that we have somehow allowed colleges to indoctrinate an entire generation of Nazis right here in America...
@RoyalistKev 3 ай бұрын
May your sister's memory be a blessing.
@Sheriff6170 3 ай бұрын
Angela really watched episode 10 right after that… I know you had no way of knowing what’s in store for 10, but putting yourself through this must have been rough. Can’t wait to see the reaction.
@Sheriff6170 3 ай бұрын
Also, what a waste to reapply makeup 😂
@toddmaliepaard9777 3 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this show, but it is going to be brutal on Angela throughout. The story is absolutely worth it though.
@funnylilgalreacts 3 ай бұрын
It was a terrible day for rain
@codybarnes1531 3 ай бұрын
Oh no, so that happened.
@t.c.thompson2359 3 ай бұрын
​@@funnylilgalreactsYou still get to look forward to Ed and AL finding out. Lucky...
@El-Toro-Nica 3 ай бұрын
My heart goes out to you Angela! It’s been 25 years since my wife lost her brother, and the anniversary of his death still brings pain to her. Thank you for all you do on your channel, but I hope you find time for yourself today!
@springdeerling7866 3 ай бұрын
Girl yes i love hughs. Him in civilian clothing! I think youre lucky not to have watched other anime, cause when people meet hughs theyre soooo suspicious of him and think he's got nefarious motives because of how sweet he is. So it makes alot of people distrust/dislike him. And then they watch episode 10 and feel so bad
@t.c.thompson2359 3 ай бұрын
I don't remember being suspicious of Hughes in the 2003 anime. The art in that is better in some ways nd I like the yellow transmutations over the blue of Brotherhood, wasn't that fond of the ending of the original series though. You build up alot more affection for Maes in the old anime too, I watched the Shamballa movie only because his counterpart was in it.
@Sinnathan 3 ай бұрын
Poor Morgan never lived that down lmao😅
@kristofferremmell 3 ай бұрын
Armstrong is very non-toxic masculinity. He’s strong and massively built, but he’s compassionate, openly affectionate, and not afraid to show his feelings. There’s a reason why the series gives a WWII vibe. The series was intentionally set in a Eurocentric fantasy world, and a lot of the characters’ surnames are based on military vehicles.😊
@DaDunge 3 ай бұрын
More ww1, in fact I seem to recall the year their mother died was given as 1914 on the tombstone.
@lyrebirb83 3 ай бұрын
​@@DaDungea lot of people forget that more people died of disease and pandemics, from non combat causes, than died from murder or combat related infection like trench foot. As brutal as the war was, or was only about half as bad as the diseases that ravaged the world's right then.
@AlexanderForsman 3 ай бұрын
Toxic masculinity is not a real thing XD It was just invented as a term for prison inmates.
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