Fun with Arduino 17 Railway Crossing, State Transition Diagram, switch()

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Rudy's Hobby Channel

Rudy's Hobby Channel

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@modelrailwaytheeasyway9743 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video explanation was great and the code does what I want. Keep up the great work.
@cadillacescalade5428 3 жыл бұрын
Hi There, I came across your videos, and loving what I see I am working on this same question is I'm new to doing stuff like thus I'm following your video's how do I get the same information come up on my dialog?
@rudyshobbychannel 3 жыл бұрын
Open the Serial Monitor in your Arduini IDE. If you copy paste the code from the blog (link is in the video description) it should word fine.
@cadillacescalade5428 3 жыл бұрын
@@rudyshobbychannel Okay Awesome, I'll give it a try Thank you for the reply back. This is some amazing information I'm glad that I had come across it.
@cadillacescalade5428 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, Rudy Question on just the leds can you show me how to add fade in & fade out for the main and blink for the gates on the same flash time ?
@klaasmastenbroek773 Жыл бұрын
Je Video is wel goed en ik heb de code gedaan maar ik heb geen idee over de wiring daigram ,is dit ook beschikbaar?
@rudyshobbychannel Жыл бұрын
Geen diagram nodig, in de code staat aan welke pinnen de servos en de LEDs aangesloten worden. Meer dan dat is er niet. Ja, een weerstand in serie met de LEDs.
@redwoodcityintheuknscalera7179 3 жыл бұрын
Yeap ok but what if you have two tracks and trains moving in opposite directions?
@barrywalker2713 5 жыл бұрын
Hi I have being following your series of videos on both train controller and now your arduino projects with great interest. I am sure like many other model enthusiasts The learning of the coding for the arduino quite a steep learning curve. Despite this I have been looking at using arduino's for a number of projects and have been looking for an alternative way of programming the arduino. I have come across a graphical method of programming for the arduino called XOD.IDE where the flowchart, you showed for the operation of the level crossing actually becomes the program itself. Personally I found this to be a more straightforward way of programming for the arduino. I have put the link for the website for the free download, and would be interested to see your thoughts. I appreciate for people like yourself who clearly understands C++ programming that using the standard arduino IDE is OK but for those others like myself who have not got the knowledge it is an extremely steep initial learning curve. I do appreciate that you are with your series of videos on the arduino are doing a great job of showing us how to construct the code. But I must admit I found the graphical way XOD IDE works is far more intuitive for those of us who have not got the experience of C++. I encourage you to take a look at this method of programming it is certainly something I personally intend to pursue because I feel the learning curve is much more easily achieved but at the same time I do intend to continue trying to learn the standard C++ for the standard arduino IDE as I have no doubt that may be useful as well like the arduino and it's IDE. This is a free open source program Please carry on the great work many thanks Barry Walker
@surod10 5 жыл бұрын
@sumankarmakar7498 5 жыл бұрын
Sir ful diagram please
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