@@funtv8964 聯合國大會的決議,有沒有法律權威呢?爲什麽不問問聯合國本身呢?????爲什麽要問羅森博格呢?(2758 是聯合國大會的決議,不是聯合國安理會的決議)。 聯合國有一篇官方文章 “HOW DECISIONS ARE MADE AT THE UN”----大家可以自己搜來好好讀一讀。 According to Article 10 of the UN Charter, which defines the functions and powers of the GA, “The General Assembly may discuss any questions or any matters within the scope of the present Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any organs provided for in the present Charter, and … may make recommendations to the Members of the United Nations or the SC or to both on any such questions or matters.” In other words, resolutions adopted by the GA on agenda items are considered to be recommendations. They are not legally binding on the Member States. The only resolutions that have the potential to be legally binding are those adopted by the SC. 最重要的一段,我也給你點明了。 resolutions adopted by the GA on agenda items are considered to be recommendations. They are not legally binding on the Member States. resolutions adopted by the GA on agenda items are considered to be recommendations. They are not legally binding on the Member States. resolutions adopted by the GA on agenda items are considered to be recommendations. They are not legally binding on the Member States. 我還給你重複了三次。