Those who value and love Wilderness should be aware that the Montana Wilderness Association is part of the Whitefish Range Partnership, which is an invite-only, exclusive, non-transparent 'collaborative' group trying to influence the management of the Flathead National Forest. As a member of the WRP, the Montana Wilderness Association is supporting a forest plan that would increase logging in grizzly bear and lynx habitat through a combination of de-listing and relaxed management standards! Instead of following MWA's recommendation, I'd suggest folks let the Flathead National Forest know that you support Alternative C's new wilderness recommendations and prohibiting mechanized vehicles in those 507,000 acres/all roadless lands! The Flathead finds "this alternative would provide the highest habitat security and connectivity for species that may be sensitive to higher levels of human disturbance." (DEIS Vol. 1, p. 27) But be sure to add that you want the reclamation of grizzly bear habitat security in roaded lands, as promised in the current Forest Plan's Amendment 19, carried forward in Alt. C! You can find more information at: