Chin Wey Xuan 我也是這樣,身邊的人都不喜歡GEM說她耍大牌。我也很傷心,我也很想用行動來支持她,可惜不能違抗長輩。我們有很多漁民都支持她,所以希望她加油,我們都知道GEM是一個外表樂觀但會一個人傷心流淚的人。沒有關係,可以把自己的感受表達出來。偶像也是人啊!你們以為她真的一點牽掛也沒有嗎?希望外界不認識她的人不要盲目跟著負聞,我們就是支持她你沒我辨法,支持她的人一定比不喜歡她的多!
I am not chinese, nor do I speak chinese. But I watched this beautiful girls rendition of if I were a boy and was blown away. Since then I've watched many of her songs in Chinese. My take is this woman is an extraordinary singing sensation. If she did more of her music in English, I could see her filling an 80,000 seat stadium in the United States. And I would be first in line to watch her exceptional talent. Love your music G.E.M.